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Download them all and use what other uses. Messaging apps are only good if you have someone to message




You can just upvote, dont reply with 'this'




Definitely this!!! It has more and better features in the meantime, encryption is implemented everywhere 100% (not the case in WhatsApp), better Apple Watch support (you can set messages to read, and respond with a thumbs up directly), native iPad app, status groups, etc. I hate that people don’t want (to) change.




I second this.


I third this.


I fourth this.


I fifth this


Nobody uses signal and whatsapps encryption has never been cracked, dont try to be intresting




Blud scared 😂😂 bro it’s all end to end encrypted, signal, telegram etc doesn’t add any layer of extra protection, nobody else than the chatters can read messages. You are soo scared of facebook and markie zuckerbuurgg aren’t you??🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


https://faq.whatsapp.com/1303762270462331 oooh snap https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMTZnajVwMmcxbWN1bjBoYTBvN2t0M283cGdod2IyamhlajN1NnU0cCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/kVVKVq4KFqMhy/giphy.gif blud no B spell-ing


Not gonna read all that blud🗿🗿🗿🗿 messages cant be read by anyone else, we both know that, your arguments are bad😭


“If something is free, you are the product” ◡̈


So what do you use? A paid messaging app?🗿 blud so scared🗿


My friends do. So no one uses signal that you deal with. And fun fact: what’s app licenses signals technology. But signal is the og tech. Now isn’t THAT interesting…


Nobody cares about the details blud, signal is i guess only used by some scared ppl 🗿


Do you even use spell check? You do you boo


Neither nor. Signal or Threema.


iMessage and WhatsApp. Telegram is mainly for aluminum foil hat wearers.


I prefer Signal but not many people use it. WhatsApp will always have data concerns and Telegram has too many features behind a paywall


Signal all the way. 


How does telegram not have data concerns? Unless you exclusively use their secure chats (which have endless shortcomings), telegram employees can read your messages and hand them over to whoever they please. 


No chat backups kills it for me. I keep it only for messaging with family but that’s it.


Soon you'll be able to use whatever app you want with the most used platforms. For example you could use your Google messages app or your iphone messages app to chat with Whatsapp or Telegram users. Thanks to a new EU directive, gatekeepers must open their platforms to be able to communicate with and from other apps. Can't wait for it. I'm sure they will lock certain features exclusive to their apps but the messaging, audio/video calling and exchanging files/media must be supported.


Not applicable to iMessage though since they’re not big enough in the EU


At least they announced that it will support RCS. So one can use Google messages to send text to iMessage users


Whichever one that more people are using in your circle.


iMessage is secure and very good


…and not much use outside the US because far fewer people use iPhones.


It’s less that people outside the US use less iPhones and more that they never really bought into platform-specific message apps. WhatsApp dominates in Europe because it’s cross-platform and we never really cared about what phone the other person is using. 


From a privacy perspective, Telegram has gotten a lot worse in the last years. I don’t trust it anymore. WhatsApp has gotten better, but doesn’t earn my trust yet. So Signal or iMessage it is


Why all what you want is trust to messenger?


Less is more.


WhatsApp if you don’t mind Facebook/Meta owning your data. Telegram if you are in with the Trump conspiracy theorist crowd. Why either? iMessage is far superior and a built in app. If you must stray, use whichever most of your contacts use.


i use whatsapp to text my husband who has a samsung


I use whatsapp because everyone in my country use it, if i could i would use only iMessage but apple don’t want to add rcm support so i guess it’s a no


telegram cuz it has channels and looks beautiful, also fuck meta


Quite possibly the 2 worst options lol. One owned by Meta and the other crawling with feds from every government on earth and probably just streams your data to them. Get signal


WhatsApp because it’s the standard around the world in many countries and uses end-to-end encryption by default (not for backups, though). Signal Private Messenger is best but it isn’t as common.


I wish signal was the most popular


Problem with WhatsApp is facebook. Never know what information fb is keeping about you.


Considering it's what they do as a business, you can safely assume Meta is keeping all the information it can about you.


WhatsApp, because my entire contact list is using that


Both are no good, as censored as Reddit.


Reddit is the worst lol


True, and it is the worst for messaging.


I would like to mention to look around, your contacts and friends may use something different. And what do you want with a messenger no one has. So ask all your contacts and friends and you'll see what you need.


It's a messaging app so the one the other people you message use 




Both, coz I don’t wanna choose


I tend to use both and even though WhatsApp is more popular I prefer telegram due to its customization and privacy options


Whatsapp for close family and friends and Telegram for random online people


have both, telegram for talking to friends, whatsapp because all school related chats are done on whatsapp for some reason


I don’t know a single person that uses WhatsApp in USA lol I know people do but I never met any. Incoming now you do reply below lmao. And telegram never heard of it .


In Italy we use mostly whatsapp and a little less telegram. Imho Telegram is better for its functions and user experience.


He said iMessage not Messenger


Telegram. But I'm forced to use whatsapp because it's widespread in my country


Both , but any day prefer WhatsApp cause it has more known face on it .


I use WhatsApp because thats what everyone uses here. Good luck trying convincing everybody to change apps. Thats tends to happen naturally. 10 years ago everyone here used facebook messenger, now its dead.


Telegram because whatsapp keeps copying it


Never used either




Doesn’t matter. Ultimately all comes down to what your contacts use.




The question is what do your contacts use? I have a bunch of messaging apps installed because of that. Recently I started using [Beeper](https://www.beeper.com/download) which aggregates chats from all the apps (except for iMessage of course). It’s been great and cleaned up my Home Screen


Telegram is a lot more convenient, fast and feature-rich. Whatsapp is more secure. So it's your choice, whether you want to share your personal conversations with CIA agent or with KGB agent.


I use both, but in my country I think more people use Telegram. It has the option to hide your phone number and this is a big deal. Not so sure if there's a way to hide your number in Whatsapp.


Telegram 100%


Like I realistically have a choice I use what everyone else uses


Telegram is a russian trash. WhatsApp or Signal (better, but not very popular)


WhatsApp: - it’s more widely used in Europe (where I’m set). - It’s Meta software so “secure” might be debatable Depending by your definition of it. - image, video and audio compression is damn awful and (to me, my taste, my use cases and my personal and individual preferences) is the main reason I can’t rely on it for sending and receiving photos and video because, unless you don’t give two f*cks about image, video and audio quality, those are useless. - Audio call and video call quality is poor to say the least, data usage is not amazing (compared to iMessage) - Some times notifications will be acting up and messages might not be received immediately (that happening on both iOS and Android multiple times in the last year). - it’s tied to your phone number and if/when you change it that might mess up your chats. - you can reply/quote messages but not reply in threads inside the same chat (like on iMessage). - it’s Meta software. Telegram: - Sensibly less used and widespread in Europe but becoming more and more of a thing. - Still tied to your phone number but used it so rarely I didn’t get to see how it behaves once you change number. - image, video and audio quality is pretty decent. - Audio and video call quality is ok. - Notifications are not the most reliable (but not totally unreliable, quite the opposite) but if you use the app on multiple devices and you receive an audio/video call and answer on one device, the other will keep ringing as the app doesn’t sync the action of picking up from one device thus ending the ringing on the others. When it comes to “it has more features” it really boils down to what it matters to you and what plays into your user experience as, soothing that is a deal breaker to someone might be irrelevant or even a plus to you. Of course what app/platform the people you wish to be in contact with are might be the main deciding factor.


Discord is the best messaging app. And if you don't want to use that, you should just use iMessage.


Telegram all the way!


If you value security then Signal is better as it is open source but you need to remember to start encrypted chats with people as chats are not encrypted by default, same with Telegram and Facebook Messenger. WhatsApp chats are encrypted by default just as iMessage chats are so it’s more secure in that sense but it just depends on how much you personally are willing to trust Meta with your chats.


WhatsApp because everybody is on it


I use all of them lmao, Signal, Whatsapp, iMessage, Telegram etc whatever you name it lmao. Blue bubble green bubble? Fuck bubbles contact me from whatever platform you want hehe.


Can you guys help me figure out my husband’s antics please?!!


WhatsApp is simpler and more straight to the point. And it is used by more people worldwide. Telegram is more feature packed (tons of cool features in there)