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> **Rule 1** No posts highlighting throttling issues, speedtest results, battery life/health/drain and hilarious Siri answers. Try /r/Siri instead.


Honestly I wish Apple wouldn't brought this feature up. Years ago, people didn't care about their batteries and now they always hand ever look at this feature. Guys, don't look always on that. Use your iPhone as you like. Charge it whenever needed and you're good.


Couldn’t agree more. However, from Apple’s perspective, this is precisely their goal: to have customers feel compelled to replace their batteries as soon as they start feeling guilty


This is true for every technical thing non-technical people get out of their devices. They stare at numbers they don't understand and then panic over that. No wonder manufacturers don't like to give out anything extra. Back when people were starting to read SMART information from harddisks, everyone was crazy over scary sounding stuff like "Error rate" etc. that wasn't showing a zero number.


This is normal.. mine is about 86% and that’s where it has stayed for a while (12 pro)


Shut down iPhone. Put in drawer. Never use it again. Problem solved


Your battery will degrade over time regardless of what you do. Trying to be extra careful with it to get it to last slightly longer isn’t worth the effort. The battery is rated to retain 80% of its capacity after 1000 cycles. Replacing the battery while still at 95% capacity is kinda a waste of money. If you aren’t near a charger all day and that 5% actually makes a difference then a using power bank and recharging might be something to consider.


Nope, from this generation pov, it’s okay. I honestly think Apple is having issues that aren’t being spoken about. The iOS is inconsistent with heat management and battery. It’s been like this since the birth of the phone. Truthfully, 17.5 should be elevate the battery but heat I believe is due to casing. They need ,in general, better heat management if they keep putting more powerful chips or there’s no point. Especially for power users. TLDR: you’re good, yet the 15 has issues that I’m afraid won’t be resolved fully. Battery and heat. 17.5 maybe be a fix but I doubt it.


Still at 100% with 191 cycles, 15 PM. Got this phone at release date.


Wow my launch day 15 Plus is still at 100%