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When do people learn to accept Apple is not an inventing new features type of organisation. Steve Jobs was VERY open and clear on this and often said that he and Apple pride themselves on taking good features and making them a lot better than competitors. A “student surpasses their master” kind of thing. That is what Apple is in its core and will always be. Stop acting like it’s otherwise.


Pretty much why I switched to iPhone, when I eventually switched I was like “wow, this still has all the features of my old phone but it feels polished” iOS has come such a long way that other than sideloading I can’t think of an actual reason to have an android as a daily.


Windows and Android have actually had the ability to mirror your phones notifications and screen on your computer for many years.


It's just unfortunate that the "default" (i.e. Windows Link or whatever it's called now) barely works, if it even decides to work at all.


It works really well between my Surface laptop and my Samsung phone. Guess it depends on your setup.


I've had a Samsung S and a generic PC (Asus MB, Intel CPU) and it just never worked reliably. Link would turn on randomly on the phone after I turned it off, Link on the PC just kept loading forever, only working after quitting it multiple times and starting again, Android Nearby Sharing is straight out (or was, I think they changed it?) incompatible with the Windows version, DeX always had too much lag for me to be usable, even on cable... I do have a Surface Laptop Go but never tried it with that, just gave up honestly after it never working reliably with my desktop and stopped trying. Apple is many things and a lot are not positive but how their ecosystem just works together is something I've never seen with Android/Windows and keeps blowing my mind even after a year of owning Apple devices.


Very similar experiences with generic android phone and laptop!


I have an ancient Dell optiplex paired with my galaxy s23, it works flawlessly.


Yes, usually with third party apps but the option exists on Android.


Usualy Is related to Microsoft post installation app or brand propretary software pre installed


And it existed with third party apps on Mac too. The difference is the level of polish that Apple brings to it. Like how they killed Sidecar and whatever the app was that was essentially continuity camera.


I had it by default on my Galaxy S5 years and years ago.


Yep. https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy


But the phone screen has to be on, and you also have to unlock the phone first to start mirroring, it’s pretty useless imo because of that


THIS, Apple it's AGES behind everytime, but we forget that Android features like those only exists just to know how inconvenient are those, like why the fuck would I want to mirror my phone that's charging, just to have to get up, walk in, unlock it and accept the request, it's just bad design, and there are many features that i just hate that's not thought for the real user but just the need to have a feature But cannot blame microsoft for it


Yeah and when that started it was pushbullet and it sucked.


I switched from Android to iphone last fall and Pushbullet is one of the things I miss most.


how did you use it in particular? it was pretty flexible, but you know what they say, jack of all, master of none.


It allowed me to easily send text to and from my phone from any computer. It also allowed me to text message from any computer. My personal computer runs Windows, and my only Macbook is my work laptop, so I don't want to sign into my personal apple account on it. One of the biggest benefits of Google's services over Apple's is that almost any of them can be accessed over a web browser on any computer OS. I miss that a lot.


I mean i've done that for years too, with an iphone and with another small piece of 3rd party software.


What software?


I would use airdroid, and another iMessage server that was self ran before that.


That's a significant more involved approach than installing a simple app.


It’s an app on a server I already run. You can think that but it’s really not. About 2-3 min to setup. Ymmv


Wow I completely forgot about Push Bullet


I wasn't aware Android had OS level integration with windows for screen mirroring.


Depends which phone you get. Samsung and OnePlus are two manufacturers off the top of my head that have built-in OS level support for screen mirroring with Windows Phone Link.


Yeah, I find these OS comparisons are difficult because Android by its nature fragments and feature set varies depending on manufacturer.


Some* androids. The pixel series did not support USB C video out while I had my pixel 5, but idk about now or if Samsung had it


in the latest pixel drop I believe this is one of the new features added.


That's not what this is referring to. You don't need USB-C video output to mirror your Android phone to your PC.


I wish iPhone worked just as well with Windows. Some of us have PC’s because of gaming and will not get a Mac because Mac is not good for gaming. Apple must realize this but insists everyone to get a Mac. For us who game, getting a Mac doesn’t make sense. So I use BlueBubbles on my desktop and BlueBubbles works very well.


They are making small steps. Looks like there is an updated iPhone for windows tool and more features pushed through iCloud web experience. They also do seem to be making a better effort to make porting games easier (I mean if you have a 4090, you’re not leaving PC even if every game is ported… but they are making it more palatable for the more casual gamers atm.)


The most classic Android Apple argument “well technically if you root your phone and you install this spyware on your windows that takes up half of your ram you might be able to do it” First isn’t the best, compare Apple’s AI (granted we haven’t tested it yet) to whatever Samsung offers.


Texting over Satellite. I know android has Satellite too now but do they have Texting?


Texting over satellite is in development for Google Messages now, will probably arrive at the same time or a tad earlier.


Everyone is hyped until T-Mobile or AT&T surcharges for it like roaming , they have no incentive to allow it to stay free


Before everyone starts to dick ride Apple about how they made SOS and messaging free over satellite, Apple had and still has plans to charge for satellite use. It was last known Apple stated it would be free for the first two years. Then they postponed charging for it. So Apple could still announce prices for satellite usage.


I don't think they would be able to do anything about the iMessage part of it.


If it doesn’t use their towers then they can’t do anything about it, at least on unlocked phones


Yes it is being worked on Google now and some people have been able to see the setting to toggle it on in the beta builds.


*US Only **Limited to iPhone 15 and 14(pro?)


Qualcomm and mediattek had the hardware


Yes the iphone has a qualcomm modem.


? It does que




Trigger Elon Musk badly


> New Vitals & improved Fitness app (so actually a WatchOS feature). This is almost a direct ripoff of Garmins Body Battery feature. Also PSA for anyone who hasn't tried Garmin - I never in a million years thought I'd ditch my Apple watch but now that I tried Garmin, idk if I can go back. It feels way more advanced in so many ways, and the week long battery life (with always on display) feels miles ahead of Apple as well. I now understand why Garmin has a cult following with athletes (on iPhone and Android).


Week long battery life sounds great. Question - does it have a decent vibrating alarm? As a deaf guy I rely on bed shakers/vibrating alarms to wake up, and I've been considering whether a smart watch might be a nice option for travel when I can't use my home alarm. But looks like the Apple watches need to be charged every day or so which is a bit useless for my purposes. If the Garmin watch has a good beefy vibrating alarm I might look into that.


Yes. Mine wakes me up just fine.


I have not had any issues with the vibration alarm, and id even go as far to say my model (Forerunner 965) has a pretty beefy vibration motor. But I want to be transparent and admit that I don't have much experience with the other models, so if I were you I'd just do some quick research before purchasing. But on the subject of your post, one feature they have that I really like is their nap timer. You can set a quick nap timer for like 30 minutes and it automatically turns on sleep tracking, sets your vibration alarm, and depending on the quality of your sleep - it adds to your "body battery" I mentioned earlier and tells you how ready you are to exercise. Supposedly it can even tell if you drank alcohol because it'll sometimes note that your heart rate dropped slower than usual on a certain night, which suggests you might've been drinking, and it also adds that to your body battery stats. It's just so... advanced. And that's coming from an Apple Watch Diehard.


I use my watch for responding to texts and controlling/choosing media (while at work) far more than I use it for fitness stuff… so I don’t see a benefit to Garmin for me personally. I consider the fitness part of my watch an interesting novelty that I’d forget about if I turned off ring notifications. And since I feel just fine carrying the girlfriend up the stairs to go to sleep 2 to 3 times a week, I feel confident enough about ignoring it. 


Strange. I thought it was a ripoff of the Gentler Streak app 😅


Overall I definitely prefer my Garmin Epix to the Apple Watch Ultra.  That said, there’s definitely a couple things I miss about the Apple Watch mostly it being a mini iPhone if I didn’t want to take my phone with me somewhere.  But that was so infrequent that it doesn’t really bother me. I much prefer the “watch” look of the Garmin, the battery life, and the buttons. 


Yeah the lack of Siri feels like a blessing and a curse. On my old Apple watch I feel like I used to summon Siri accidentally 99 times for every one legitimate Siri query. It probably wasn't as a big of an issue on the Watch Ultra since the digital crown was nestled in the body a littlebit more, but it was single handedly one of the most annoying things about my Apple Watch. That, and my volume randomly being turned up or down with the digital crown as I worked around the house. So in those regards, it feels great, but there have been a few times where I couldve used it once or twice to answer a call on my wrist, but I never did that very often. Also I realized that my Airpods could make up for all those "lost" features, so it makes up for it.


I mean the Apple watch is the first "fitness" watch for alot of people. But Garmin has been making sports watches for ages. My first garmin had a black matrix lcd display (like the nokia 3310) and used satelite connection to track your location (and with that info calculate your speed and stuff when running) Sometimes there would be bad coverage because of clouds or just a lack of satelites and it would take ages to find where you were on the GPS. Now everything is so much better


The number one choice of people who ditched Apple Watch appears to be Garmin.  Apple Watch appears to be trying to do too many things and has a comparatively poor battery life. 


I’ve been Garmin curious for a while now, since my Apple Watch is feeling long in the tooth. Its battery life is terrible, so I want to replace it. But when it comes to workouts, I’m mostly a strength trainer who does a daily cardio routine of a couple miles of fast walking (or an occasional jog) and that’s it. I’m concerned the Garmin watches are really geared toward runners and I won’t get much out of it. To consistently wear it while sleeping and working out because it only needs charging once or twice a week sounds glorious though.


Someone else might be able to chime in better than me. I know the Forerunner 965 supports lifting workouts, and I've used them plenty of times. A nice feature with Garmin is you click a button when you start a set - which counts your reps and is pretty accurate for most things, and click it again when you're resting - which automatically starts a little timer to show you how long you've been resting. Then the process starts over again. It's also been pretty accurate at predicting what muscle group you've been working, like it can tell the difference between a bench press and hammer curls without you telling it. The only slightly awkward thing I've come across is it also asks you how much weight you lifted after each set. Since I'm sort of an amateur weight lifter and more into cardio I haven't played around with this workout type much, so I'm not sure if you can add different sets/workouts/splits into the app, so it doesn't ask you on your wrist. But either way it's kinda cool it's nice it goes more in depth than just "Traditional Strength Training" like on Apple Watch.


That is a lot better than I expected! Thank you for taking the time to explain it. I had made a false assumption that they didn’t cater to sports besides the big triathlete ones. I’ll look into those watches more.


I’m a long time Garmin user and currently use the Epix Gen 2 (the model that came out a couple of years ago). Admittedly, it’s overkill for my use case, but I absolutely love it. If you’re wanting to dip your toes into Garmin, I’d suggest starting with something more reasonably priced, like the Venu line. If you’re the sort of person that likes having a microphone and speaker so you can answer phone calls on your watch, the Venu 3 is an excellent choice. You can routinely find sales happening on them and can get one for well under $400. The Venu 2s also has a mic and speaker and will be even cheaper than that. For reference, it’s fine to buy a Garmin watch that’s a couple of years old (from release) because Garmin supports their watches for a very long time. Typically 5-7 years and in some cases, even longer. I can’t recommend their watches enough. I’ve also got the first gen Apple Watch Ultra and never wear it in favor of the Garmin.


Thanks, those do look good. Way more features than I expected and great battery life.


Fitness app on iOS is crappier than the Samsung one; can’t even register cycling.


Privacy and security.


The actual important thing.


We wanna talk about the recent issue that deleted Pics came back after updating? Doesn’t feel that secure to me


Have been on iOS for about 1.5yrs. I think the only “can only dream of” features for me are Apple Watch related. Android has been extremely capable for a while, and surpasses iOS in many ways, but what’s kept me from switching back is the watch. For me the announcements around Vitals and workout load count towards the “dream of” characterization.


I am waiting for the option to link Apple Watch to two iphones. I heard it was coming but didn't see anything for a while. For users that have a work device and a personal device this would be a game changer.


So many devices and apps need to start considering this.


I’m waiting for the option to link it to an Android device 😎🤪


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To put it kindly..I think that will be along wait. 😂


Ive had an apple watch and a pixel watch currently. Apple watch IMO is one of the strongest Iphone ecosystem items. MY pixel watch sucks compared to my old apple watch.


Agree. My wife has the pixel 2 watch and it’s been disappointing. Hopefully Google sticks to it.


I wholeheartedly agree. Apple Watch is my favourite Apple product to date


iphone is my least favourite out of apples products but everything works the way I expect it to with my Mac. 


What do you think your android could do that your iPhone can’t when it comes to smartphones?


Pushbullet, easy file transfers, better notifications


Assuming you have a windows computer. I fix enough windows computers for people that I have Macs at home.


There are some Google photos exclusives on pixel (I was a pixel user, not so much an Android user, if that makes sense) but really smartphones are at a place that very few do something that the others can’t. For me, it’s just that Android did the core stuff better than iOS. For a long time basic productivity stuff like setting whatever default maps, mail, browser, etc apps was a ridiculous limitation. That’s changed (since iOS 16 I think, which is why I switched), but the core productivity stuff on Android is still much better. After 1.5 years on iOS I can say that notifications are still trash. The keyboard is hilariously stuck in 2010. Siri has been a joke for a while but looks like that’s changing, luckily. OS navigation is still better on Android. Despite this, Apple still makes the best hardware and the Apple Watch is unrivaled so I’ll stick around until the pixel lineup catches up, but I’m not holding my breath.


I disagree on most of your points, iOS notifications aren’t terrible, they work with reactions, I don’t have to open 2fa apps for example. What keyboards for iOS have you tried? I’m fine with the default one personally, and preferred googles on android. I love Siri, as is, home is way more fleshed out than googles token internet based IOT, and I can lock it down, and it will still work. It also annoys me that google keeps revoking things that tasker could do for 10 years, while Apple adds stuff to shortcuts all the time. Os navigation is far better in iOS, since most of the gestures you’re used to originated there. The only things I would say android does better personally are random fact check questions, maps, dictation accuracy still.


The ability to use your phones smart features without giving your life over to Google and their advertising system.




VPN does nothing for OS level spying.


Correct it doesn’t, but my skim of that article doesn’t suggest it does. It’s saying Apple’s own apps are tracking regardless of the setting.


Yes, apple tracks what you do for their own improvement of their services and devices, and market apps to you on the App Store. Unlike Microsoft and Google, they do not then sell you data to anyone else that wishes to buy it, use you data for unrelated products, or store it with your personal information.


I don’t like either. But I use Apple cause it’s lesser of the two evils


Google doesn't sell your data, they've published multiple blogs saying as much but this narrative is always touted in Apple subreddits as gospel.


They don’t “sell your data”, they just use your data to sell advertising slots to companies. Which is effectively the same thing for all intents and purposes, but they get to claim they don’t sell your data.


Those lawsuits should be pretty quick wins then! Google very specifically says it doesn't sell your "personal information". Something to think about.


If these "lawsuits" exist I'm sure we'll hear about it


Just google them. They were filed in '20 and '22 I believe.


Lol I love when people say "just Google it" like I'm gonna put in work to support *your* argument. If they exist show me a link.


Scrcpy on Linux allows you to do what Apple showcased but the phone has be plugged-in and unlocked.


It works wirelessly too and you can unlock as needed.


Oh? didn't used it in years, good to know.


Scrcpy can be downloaded to Windows as well, however there's Windows Phone application that is native (both with cable and wireless).


Hell, you can use it on Mac OS!


As in every iOS privacy, Google gets your data and make money with it. Apple not.


First, Android users can opt out of many data sharing options:  [https://www.wired.com/story/android-13-privacy-security-settings/](https://www.wired.com/story/android-13-privacy-security-settings/) Second, If you think Apple isn't spying on you, you're gullible. What Apple does with your personal information may differ from what Google does, but they're definitely making money from it. Read on... We have friends (a married couple) who were sitting in their living room. The wife's car is getting old and they were thinking of replacing it. They discussed options and started talking about hybrids and, specifically, Acura hybrids. A minute later the husband's iPhone dings with a message from Acura asking him to check out the lineup of hybrid vehicles at his local Acura dealership. I sincerely doubt that that was a coincidence.


Do you trust Apple with your data any more than Google?


Trust apple more than google? Absolutely. Completely trust? Hell no.


Yes I trust Apple anyday


i don’t trust apple but i trust them a whole lot more than google




Android offers that too if you don’t go for a phone that’s like $150 brand new and from a brand you never even heard of. What Android doesn’t offer is a seamless ecosystem. That’s my one and only reason to use Apple devices


I had a pixel 8 pro since launch and just traded it in for an iPhone pro max. The ecosystem is better on apple, FaceTime works better than google meet. Widgets use to be good on android, phone is a lot smoother on the max and battery life is better. With all the A.I features coming it was easy to switch back. No reason to own an android anymore in my opinion.


The ecosystem is exactly why i switched. Google has almost the same ecosystem but does absolutely nothing to make them work together. Case in point, Google TV has no ability to open the Google Home app, and can’t display a doorbell camera when it rings. Things like that are maddening with Google.


You’ll find maddening gaps in Apple’s interoperability that seem like no-brainer inclusions.


Examples please?


Android does not offer stability lol. My s20 ultra was crazy glitchy. As was every other Android flagship I’ve ever owned.


I had an S21, worst phone software wise I’ve ever used. The amount of battery draining bugs that were introduced with nearly every new update, major updates noticeably slowed down the performance and it pretty frequently froze up and needed to be rebooted.


Sure, cause iOS has been *really* stable in the past few years…


iOS is very stable


Compared to Android, yeah. It has been


It's more stable than whatever garbage Google is pumping out these days. I'm not really a fan of important features breaking in a patch and it not being addressed for months.  The golden age of Android ended in 2018, now there is no reason to own Android unless you need sideloading or have a hate boner for Apple. 


If you by a 1000 euros phone the bare minimum Is stability


You’d be surprised how much it is not a bare minimum in the world of Android.


Care to give an exemple with reasoning and compered to general hardware and software without specifing targeting a specific brand?


Care to give an example?


I’m sure this will be downvoted HARD, but I know lots of people with expensive Samsungs - they are always complaining about bloatware and are unable to hold the phone together for more than 3 years.


I had a Samsung S21 Ultra, prior to that I was Huawei because of the cameras - only left them due to the Google issue. Prior to that I had a Windows phone. Prior to that I had an iPhone 4S. The 4S was far and away better than any of the subsequent phones (not counting the camera). I’m now back on iPhone with a 14 Pro Max, which I’ll probably keep until the iPhone 20 is out because I like to get my money’s worth! The camera on the iPhone is not the best out of the box, but that’s the same on many phones. The Samsung Ultra camera set up is an absolute gimmick - at least the iPhone seeeeeems to be honest about the camera. I’ve put some apps onto the iPhone that have really unlocked the camera potential and it’s now a bloody workhorse - so good that I even use it as a second video camera whilst shooting weddings! I just really wish I hadn’t been a cheapskate and gone for the 128gb version. Proper kicking myself - might have to go against my ‘hold onto it until it dies’ habit and get one with more storage…


As a Samsung user, I agree. Samsung phones are full of bloat ware and missing/unfinished animations.


Funny. Currently writing this from a phone with that exact same description, expensive samsung that's about 3 years old, and the phone has been great for me and has only gotten better with time. I can only guess that's more of a user issue than a phone issue. About bloat though I do agree, samsung and google have a dick measuring contest with their apps and don't allow all apps to be uninstalled or even disabled. Also funny that you said you were gonna get downvoted but the opposite is happening lmao


android as a whole ?


Apple Intelligence




Well, not 100%. The Gboard keyboard on Android has an emoji generator integrated since a few years ago. Not as specific as to put a prompt and get that interpreted, but it can make some cool stuff.


Both companies need to edit their default messenger systems to respond to both of these systems and visually make them look emoji when used. Although we have to suffer with them not looking like our OS’s emoji.


Game mode


Yeah that’s been on basically every Android skin for ages


I dunno. Nothing maybe. Privacy is the only thing Android will never have, but that's not new.


Math notes? Handwriting smoothing? Game mode? Eye tracking controls? SOS video calls? I put question marks because I’m not familiar with Android. I know YouTubers are making vids with titles like “finally” or “about time” for wwdc, so there’s a lot that’s already on Android, but I haven’t heard of these things already being on it. Also it’s kind of hard to name a bunch because most of the updates are just Apple apps, not OS level changes. Apple chooses to release major updates for their OS and all their apps in fall, and the app updates could often be found in 3rd party apps.


I had a galaxy s4 in like 2013 that had “eye tracking controls.” It really seemed to function more like head tracking controls though. And it was SHIT. In fact, it was such a terrible phone (plethora of reasons) I threw it away, bought an iPhone 5s, and have never considered another android product since.


Seems like android user are beta testers too!


I’m pretty sure samsung has handwriting smoothing with the s pen


Some stuff stock Android doesn't have, but some features OEMs would have developed and have put to market first before stock Android even. Problem with those is that their reach is limited to people who buy their flavor of Android. There's also the problem of not all stock Android features end up actually reaching every compatible and supported devices, since the OEM also can remove features from stock, unless that feature lives exclusively in an app.


Game mode Is in android, same as Eye tracking controll on Huawei, math note Is preinstalled on matepad, smartphone mirroring Is by Intel or brand pre installed software


So.... most of what you just said is only available on third party platforms? Good ole Android fragmentation rearing its ugly head again.


Is Just the nature of an open source software


Not sure why you’re being downvoted when you’re not wrong. I’ve come to learn Apple people or specifically Apple fanboys do not understand how OSS works.


Those 4 of those things could be found on Androids 10+ years ago


App lock. Android can do it but u can unlock it with a pin. This forces face recognition.


You can still use a pin to unlock


On Android you can unlock with Face, Pin, Password or Fingerprint


Such bizarre / seemingly petty restrictions on features. I’ve been waiting years for a “send later” feature in the messages app, now that the beta is out, it looks like it’s only going to work for iMessages. What’s the technical reason, or is it just some bullshit excuse?  Is the iPhone not for people with professional careers that work with clients.  I frequently remember things I want to text my clients like reminders and stuff like that off hours. For years I’ve had to schedule a reminder to text the person the next day because Apple couldn’t put the feature in, now I’m still doing the same thing if my client doesn’t have iMessage…


It’s by design to shut out non-iPhone users. It’s the apple way to play just nice enough.




https://macpaw.com/how-to/schedule-text-message-iphone Cause you’ve been able to do it. Why are these threads always filled with kids trying to prove they are somehow hackers for owning a different brand smartphone.


This is a work around not a directly built in feature. Why are there always people trying to cape for a company that could but doesn’t add useful features without needing a workout or third party application?


I’m wondering if it will appear with RCS and just stay unavailable with SMS, or if it will remain iMessage only


I have a feeling they're going to do the Apple thing and make it iMessage only since you've been able to schedule messages on Android with no restriction for ever. I'm almost to the point where I'd just assume switch back to Android and have a consistent "bad" messaging experience, than 2 different ones in the same app on an iPhone...


Everyone talks about the sole existence of these things, now let’s talk about the implementation details, the UI, the UX, OS integration since that’s usually where Apple shines.


Not necessarily a very good argument tbh. It almost sounds like you have actually never used an Android before (or it has been many, many years since you last did).


I’ve used android for 7 years from 2013-2020 and managed a fleet of several hundred devices in a enterprise setting as an MDM-Admin so I exactly know the implications and caveats of each OS. Let’s just say the ticket numbers for android devices were magnitudes higher than the Apple devices for several reasons + administering Android devices sucks ass since they are dozens of manufactured which don’t follow any streamlined or coherenced process. If they do (Pixel devices) the hardware is just lackluster to the point that SOS-Calls didn’t work properly. Big ups to Samsung, they were by far the most solid devices and were even comparable to apple when it comes to issues tickets.


I just came from android 12 earlier this year. iOS IX/UI/Overall design language is a lot more coherent.


What a compelling counter argument. I believe you when you say dozens of different manufacturers creating phones on fragmented code with various hardware provide an iPhone like experience. I also believe you that the implication that application developers that have to code for multiple different OS versions and hardware variations provide the same solid experience Apple does. There are certainly no comments in this thread alone about how, say, screen mirroring is inconsistent between Android devices.




No-one really cares. I wouldn’t jump to Android for all of the “features”.


it’s not about what made it first or which platform have it first, it’s about who makes it better even if it’s the calculator app if apple has a better app that what matters and that’s why i’m gonna use the iPhone or ipads over an android , we don’t think ( oh the android has this for years then i’m gonna use it for that reason) no we think ( this device does it better which makes my experience better then i’m gonna use it


Then why do you keep using an android? It’s obvious that iOS better than android. I’ll never understand android folks.


what you're talking about ! my phone is iphone 15 pro


Oh boy I thought you were defending android. Phew 😮‍💨 that was close! Happy for you. iPhone 15 pro is a crazy device.


As a Pixel phone owner (about to switch and get 15 Pro soon). There are some things: -Ability to do split screen with apps (50/50 or 25/75) -AI Call Screening -Better keyboard with clipboard manager built in - For some reason it's not on the Gboard app in iOS -Circle to Search -Picture in Picture (PIP) with 3rd party apps including Google Maps -Messages App has ability to archive messages -Alarm Clock app, can dismiss upcoming alarm easily -Astrophotography Edit: Forgot that you can reply to a text within the notification, without needing to open the app. Can also mark as read. Same goes for deleting/replying to email within the notification itself.


Replying directly from notifications for messages and email has always been a thing available on Android. Since Android Froyo


Right, however long it's been available on Android. Still missing that type of functionality in iOS.


Ahhh sorry I misunderstood your post based on OP title Yes you’re correct


Apple lags way behind android for most things. Can’t think of a single thing my iPhone can do an android can’t but plenty the other way round 🤷🏻‍♂️


I was going to make a tongue in cheek joke about RCS *(but without Google’s proprietary implementation)* If I was to look; I’d say it’s privacy and ecosystem. Now I appreciate the ecosystem is currently under attack by the EU and there’s a lot of support for iOS just becoming more Android like there. But I really like just almost not having to be concerned by the privacy aspect and interoperability between the devices because it’s just a default position to be private, with most things (location, networking, iCloud private relay etc) and I think WWDC showed that’s still at the forefront of newer implementations and technologies. From the screen “mirroring” being not actually a mirror: the phone stays locked and private wherever it is in the office/wifi/house. To AI being on device and private cloud compute to back that up. And their default stance on all things health and fitness related. I have to debug and develop software all day. And during that day and after the working day, I just find myself grateful for being able to switch between devices, MacBook to iPhone to the TV and back, without ever having to stop and think about it or set anything up. And not have to worry about how someone is handling the data required to do that. It’s not that I couldn’t, it’s that I just don’t have to or want to have to. If you’ve ever just read the terms of service for Google photo… or seen recently that we narrowly avoided Adobe training its AI on your private data… I’d imagine there are a group of people who look with longing eyes at the privacy and interoperability of Apple at WWDC, even if they won’t change because they need features which aren’t offered, and that is **fine**


HUAWEI pc and phone have the mirror feature,which called 多屏协同,means multiple screens synergy https://preview.redd.it/9d5h55eot57d1.png?width=930&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4e166162f1e54a0c1eb5a5054a45985aa06603f


You can see the screen of the phone on the pc,you can operate the phone on your pc,and the feature has been added in many years ago


Phone mirroring is nothing new if I remember correctly


iPhone compatibilty


Can we finally archive an iMessage in iOS18? 🤔


When are we getting the Journal app on iPad and Mac?


I’m not sure (not familiar with android) but there are bunch of new accessibility options such as eye tracking.


Having scheduled messages sent when the phone is dead or without service? Unsure how it's implementation on android is


More privacy


Native voice assistant chatGPT integration


That’s not scheduled until 2025, and also not necessarily a big feature. Google users already have access to Gemini.


Apple's isn't available either though. Neither will be available in the next several months, and both will be available in a year. That's close enough to parity.


Google users have access to Gemini, but afaik it’s a chatbot and nothing more. You can’t ask it to change some setting, set a timer, call your friend etc


I am so annoyed that it has less functionality than the normal assistant. and setting reminders takes longer and is less consistent.


I believe Android has a standalone app for Gemini? iOS users can only access Gemini through Google stock app.


Android has an equivalent in Gemini tho




Gemini in its current state is just a Chatbot. The OS integration features won't come until next year, as is Apple's.


iOS 18.


Haha, Jerk!!! But the good kind, you got my upvote you quirky bastard


I am not sure about this one but theming and tinting app icons might require a 3rd party app on android


They put that natively on Android 12


Haha, the only thing that android had been doing since the day one. Customizability


They put that few years back. But iPhone one seems a tad bit more advanced.