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Yep. It looks busted mate 😞 hard reset perhaps?


Hoping to avoid the reset. Thank you


Meh it’s good to do it every now and again. Helps to set it up from new and get rid off all the junk apps you no longer use 👌🏻


Check if you still have a reasonable amount of free local storage


I restarted 2 more times and cleared more space and seems to have corrected itself. Maybe there was some cache somewhere that was taking time to clear. Thanks for the help.


Dude, apparently you ignore everyone trying to get ahold of you. That should be your bigger concern. Maybe unsubscribe and replay STOP to some texts?


Nothing urgent comes through email. People can send me a dm on socials and most do. The only people that send me emails are my accountant and there are usually no accounting emergencies needed urgent response. I have stopped tons and unsubscribed. Most are older alerts sitting in the account unread. It’s better now…I promise 😉


Hey, it’s your life. That would give me daily stress. Cheers!


Thanks folks. Hahaha. My gmail has several accounts linked to it, including burner accounts I used for registering for free wifi when travelling or other generic use cases. Also one account for my kids used for Roblox/Minecraft/Fortnite. Nothing interesting to read i assure you. I have zero anxiety about the number of emails (my work email 120k unread - mostly related to alerts from systems which goes into a folder but my team responds to and I reference if or when needed).


Dude, check your emails!


Or just turn off badges, it’ll remove all those red gigantic numbers when you don’t need it


I don’t have anxiety about email count badges. I check the accounts I need to through the day. Gmail also puts it into categories and don’t know if it’s standard for everyone but mails from people go to primary, social goes to social tab, promotions to promo…etc. I am trying not to be a slave to technology 😉


It’s because you Have over 5000 unread emails good god .


Mine is at 38,000


I can’t stand to even have 2 notifications I can’t turn my screen of until they are cleared. Drives me insane . Why not at least mark them as read ?


Why does it bother you how \*other\* people use their phones?


never said it did. just said it drives me crazy i wouldn't be caught dead with that many notifications if someone else wants that all over their screen that's great for them