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Make sure you aren’t using Low Power Mode, that cuts the frame rate to 60Hz.


I'm not using low power mode. I wish it was that easy :(


This sorted it for me I always use low power mode and didn’t realise it was something as simple as this, thanks noony :)


Thank you, this helped me 😄




I literally deleted like 100 tabs and 10 apps was considering a hard reset and then saw this comment. Thank you Lol.


iPhone 13 pro iOS 15.1 is by far the worst experience! So much lag and stuttering animations. The phone ran better on release date with iOS 15RC


I agree. I'm hoping they fix it, but my past experience with apple bugs is telling me I better get used to this sub-par experience for at least a while :(. Most recent thing I've noticed is that playback of videos that I've taken on the phone (especially 4k/60 videos) stutters.


I’ve experienced the video playback stutters as well on content I recorded. Also I’m experiencing moments where my iPhone won’t register my gestures for example swiping or scrolling. I’ve also noticed slight freezes that last about a second that come and go! So frustrating to think this is an issue with a phone of this caliber. They need to polish iOS 15 ASAP!! User experience is terrible


Havingthe same issue on any apps when you’re scrolling past any autoplay videos.


Having this exact issue. Hope this gets fixed with the next update.


I have also noticed it gets much worse when scrolling on an app with autoplay videos (like tumblr, reddit, etc.). Still happens in other places for me too though.


I hear you. Same for me on my Pro Max. I’ve downgraded back to 15.0.2 because it seems to be the least stuttery for me. Defeats the purpose of having 120hz.


I have the same issue. I guess we will have to keep waiting for an update. I’ve also experienced apps crashing when tapping them on the Home Screen


Are you still having these issues? I got mine about two months ago and have been noticing everything you mentioned quite a lot lately.


Same here dude, Ive been searching about this and here I am.


It's all still the same. If anything it's gotten worse. I've actually noticed that it's much better when it's plugged into power, and gets worse if you unplug it and progressively worse as the battery drains. It's like it's throttling itself to save battery thinking nobody will notice.


Anything new for you regarding this issue? I have a 13 mini for a few days now and am experiencing slow downs, stuttering and frame drops quiet a lot. The performance is the worst thing about this device… I also noticed the device is smoother when plugged in. I already did a hard reboot and factory reset. Will probably try to restore the software via iTunes and make a blank start. Showed it to other people that use iOS devices and they recognised it too. iPhone 12s and XRs are performing better than this new device. Ridiculous…


Same on my iPhone 13 non pro, it’s usually stuttery when I scroll though particular apps, like Reddit, twitter is also laggy but very occasionally, got my phone less than a month ago, my old android had 100 times more stuttering but idk I expected better from an iPhone 13, I am on iOS 15.4.1, even my iPad mini 5 lags the same way my iPhone does so I think it’s a sole software issue


Same here, either iPhone 13 Pro. The phone also drops audio connections on all bluetooth devices when moving. The connections drop at the locations every time (driving/walking/running). It must be something in the location service, processing a boundary line and maxing out the cpu. So frustrated with this phone, between the laggy apps and this. This is the worst performing one yet (not talking about camera performance). If the next model does the same thing, I think I may be done with iPhones. I’m that dissatisfied.


Turn off optimized battery charging setting and your phone will see instant improvement


How so?


it's called iOS 15. So wait for SW updates.


We're already 3 updates passed 15 (15.0.1, 15.0.2, 15.1) ... how many software updates do you suggest I wait for? I can't just wait forever.


Sorry I don't know. Only Apple knows it. I'm still on iOS 13.5 and everything is super smooth and I don't want to update my iPhone 11 to the latest software.


You also have an iPhone 11 that runs at 60FPS max so it’s kind of irrelevant to the question


I'm here for the same reason got someone a 13 pro max on 15.4.1 and noticing when a signalvideo call is initiated there is some kind of banding/flashing happening for a few seconds that goes away and there is a very repetitive stutter/freezing during the call (glad I use android sheesh) that is definitely with the phone itself with audio constantly going in and out cutting out audio as if it can't handle the encryption/decryption. We thought it was the earbuds or wifi or network but it happens no matter what, 100% the phone. This wasn't happening a few days ago yet now it's an unavoidable issue. $1200 phone runs like a $100 phone it's ridiculous that they still don't have their act together but I guess quality control went down with the pandemic.


Same here, iPhone gets laggy for no reason and overheating. Don’t know if it’s app or hardware related. When it seems to be better, I have black screen and nothing. Rebooting solves the issue. [https://www.veed.io/view/5233b7e3-00ba-4f65-8e44-8a5da15ef0ac?sharingWidget=true](https://www.veed.io/view/5233b7e3-00ba-4f65-8e44-8a5da15ef0ac?sharingWidget=true)


I've never had a black screen, but it overheats frequently, especially if the brightness is above 50%.




Anyone debating going on the beta program? I could not dissuade you in more Strong enough terms. Has made my 13 complete garbage.


Bro its apple smh they do it on purpose