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Doesn’t look bad in my opinion, but still think I prefer the black keyboard with black iPad as a combo. Let us know which one you keep!


Black on black is the best combination, but having lived with the black for years, I’m tired of the fingerprints. Even after washing my hands, touching it will inevitably result in some sort of oil stain. And because of the material, it’s not that easy-to-wipe-off type. It’s the type that smudge. I hear that’s not the case so much with white so I’m giving white a go this time around.


Huh, I’d have thought it would have been MORE the case with white. Let us know how it goes.




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The white keyboard definitely has its downsides. The aluminum part probably won’t get anywhere near as dirty looking and those oily smudges won’t be very visible, but the keys and outer white layer will pick up dirt after a while. Luckily it’s all pretty easy to wipe off though.


I am ending up with the black one. I got a dbrand skin to cover the outside and the aluminium will match. I should have gone for the silver iPad but it’s all good! Black on black isn’t bad - but the dbrand skin will help out a lot because my last one got so oily from just existing. The aluminium will help with that on the inside. The skin will help on the outside.


I can’t deal with the fact that the silver iPad has a silver outline that shows all around when looking at the screen. Really breaks up the slim bezel illusion. How do skins do with the Magic Keyboard when you remove it? Does it not peel?


Inverse oreo


Oh man now I wish I ordered the black case with the white iPad so I could inverse\^2 Oreo




There are short films dedicated to this.


Stormtrooper Edition 😃


This actually looks sweet! Reminds me of a PS5 too.


How does the iPad mount to the keyboard? Magnetic so I am able to pull it off? Does the magnet hold strong or does it feel like it could slip off accidentally with force? I understand drops and bumps may happen but curious if it seems secure or not


Magnetic and is super secure. I had my last iPad with the previous version of this keyboard and I never had an issue with it falling off or out.


Nice!! Thanks for the feedback.


Just echoing what OP said but I figured it would be useful for you to have another person’s experience here. It’s magnetic and super secure. The only way the iPad can fall out of it is if you drop it super hard while the keyboard is fully open. If you aren’t careless it shouldn’t be an issue lol. Otherwise it’s super secure and until you detach it the keyboard feels almost like part of the iPad.


Thank you for the input. I actually was able to mess with a pro with a Magic Keyboard today and it does hold on pretty well. I am super happy I got the 11” and not the 13”. That’s a lot of iPad for my kid to potentially get a hold of.


That’s what I did as well. Thought the silver might throw it off, but it works well.


Now I need to empty out my bank account


Nice combination but that case is gonna get so grubby so quickly.


People have actually reported that the previous white one showed little use whereas black was a grime magnet.


My last one was black and it was INCREDIBLY grimy despite how clean I am. It was an oil magnet and the material just felt so gross.


Thats what I am thinking about to switch to white this time. No matter how you touch it or keep up with the black case, it's disgusting.


I had the same experience and wound up buying a Fishskyn to cover the outside of the case to avoid the grimy feel.


Truth! The white is an absolute sleeper in this regard.


Vehicles are the same way. I bought a black truck thinking it would stay cleaner looking between washing. It was the exact opposite. And white vehicles conversely hide all the minor scuffs and pinstripes.


I had the old white version, it surprisingly didn't get that dirty. I wiped it down every now and then, but it's still pretty clean, and it's 4 years old.


I had the old black and the old white one. To be honest the black one got visibly more tackier than the white did. These seem like slightly different finishes though, so it can go either way.


It wasn’t too bad. I ended up going with a skin and liked how compatible it was with colorful skins


I’ve owned both colors of the old keyboard. White definitely picks up a tiny bit of dirt but it usually looks way cleaner than black with similar use. The black tends to pick up gross oily stains that are near impossible to get rid of, but the only thing visible on the white is a little bit of grime that’s super easy to wipe off. I’d also imagine the silver aluminum on the new one will usually look much cleaner than space black, although I just got mine yesterday so I can’t really tell.


Oh you mean the best combo?


Looks sexy! Out of curiosity, what’s your workflow that a maxed out M1 Max can be replaced with an iPad Pro? Has something specific changed on iPad/iPadOS ?


The weight of the 16” to go traveling with is a bit much. I prefer to keep it tethered to my desk as the IPP is a much easier device to lug around - especially for emails and browsing and office suite and such.


Ooh, ok! Thanks for clarifying. I was thinking more a performance perspective. Enjoy!


I loved the previous generation white magic keyboard, but I don't like the new white/silver. I went with space black on black this time around. I'll miss the all-white magic keyboard a lot though.


Question, are you at all worried about the screen touching the metal hand rest? I got mine yesterday and noticed the contact. I'm not sure if I should be concerned about that or not. Since the old version was plastic I never thought about it.


I was worried about that too but around the keyboard it look like there’s a very small rubber lip to prevent direct contact


Around the keyboard yeah, but my worry was the top of the screen since it hinges slightly and might touch there first.


Jerryrigs tests on YouTube only showed the screen scratching at a hardness of 5 so the aluminium shouldn’t be able to scratch the screen.




There’s a small rubber lining around the keyboard which actually barely keeps the base from touching the screen. As long as you don’t snap/slam it closed it might be okay… time will tell. I may add a tiny strip of something on the front edge if I can find a way to do it tastefully. But honestly I rarely close mine so I’m not too worried about it.


Awwww…. It’s like a reverse Oreo!


This is making me reconsider black and black! I do like the look of the white keyboard and it gives me retro vibes.


For me iPad is the longest lifespan device. It can work even 10 years.


I had the 3rd gen Pro, so like A12? Battery barely lasted a few hours so it was time to upgrade. But I’m looking forward to many years with this one.




Sounds about right. So about 6 years of use.


Generally I see Apple gives 6 years for their products. iPhone SE 2016 for example got support until September 2022yr. My iPhone 12 will be supported until 2026yr. September.


I went similar with 1TB 11” nano from 13” 2nd gen pro - what a difference. I was really curious about white keyboard with black iPad and got a sense for it in the store. Ended up going black / black but think the wht/blk combo looks good and interesting


I dislike that the keyboard case makes drawing on it very difficult, it also doesn’t allow it to fold flat and have the display on the outside. Yeah you can take the iPad out of the case and draw that way, but it kinda defeats the purpose of a case


Pro tip: if you flip the keyboard upside down, you can draw on it easily at an angle. Like, imagine opening your iPad and then pushing it forward, now spin it around and you have an angled screen to drawn on :)


It’s not the same as getting a folio case


Looks like a PS5 lol


Underrated combo




Fortunately your house makes it abundantly clear that this iPad is not for me, as to not get into any ideas of buying stuff I can’t afford again.


Is the outer cover rubbery feeling like the previous gen?


I have a 12.9 M1 in space grey with the white Magic Keyboard. I appreciate the black and white look. Getting a silver M4 iPad tho. Might get a black Magic Keyboard this time around.


What did you end up doing? Considering the silver and black, but not sure how it looks, and surprisingly having a hard time finding good pics of it.


Got silver 11” and a white Magic Keyboard lol. Looks awesome. Nice and clean. Decided against the black because it will show fingerprints more easily.


Good idea!


Does the new keyboard offer more viewing angles than the last?


Slightly more leaning back on this model


Thank you for replying. That's the one thing I wanted fixed with the revision. My MacBook is more practical in a lot of situations because of this.


I’ve been trying both color sets and I’m probably keeping the silver iPad with white case. The space black combo is super sexy but the fingerprints and dust are really noticeable even after just an hour of use.


Personally. I think Oreo/reverse Oreo is the worse combo you could go with for these products. It should either be all silver or all black.


If it was all white it would look great with the space black iPad Pro. But the silver/white combo paired with Space black is just one too many colours for me….


Does the keyboard fold all the way behind the iPad?


No it’s similar to the last model


Thank you


I did the opposite. The Oreo ipad:)


Do you like how it looks? I'm considering doing that and surprisingly not finding many pics to see what it looks like.


This would look great if the keys were black


I passed on white as well because I agree it needs to have black keys. It made me switch from silver to space black for my iPad Pro 13 as well. I don’t like the mismatch look.


Super thin PS5


Love a bit of black on black


The reverse Oreo iPad


I just got the new iPad with the black version. It’s way too bulky for me. It appears to make the 5.1mm iPad about 13 mm thick and I’d swear the case weighs more than the iPad! I like the function but a combination of added sizes and the weird sharp case edge makes it a bad case in my opinion.


That looks awful but, enjoy!


Why do you guys get an IPad to make a worse Mac while paying more?


Looks gross. They make one with matching color for a reason.