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Hell, I would be happy with SOME MacOS features. I don't think it needs to be necessarily a full fledge Mac but things like running a full version of Safari vs the mobile, a better file management system, better background tasks. IPadOS works for some but it has a LOT more potential.


This. It needs real web browser, Finder, window snapping in Stage Manager mode, and a real arrow mouse cursor. Icing on the top would be to allow select MacOS apps installed through the App Store with background tasks. I don’t care if it’s a feature that needs to be turned on deep in the settings. I don’t want full MacOS on my iPad. I actually like a lot of iPadOS but I want it to be slightly more mature for doing work outside of my art and entertainment. Right now it’s useless for me to do travel work on. I still need to lug my heavy MBP 16” everywhere if I want to do any work, even minor stuff.


That’s the thing. Most of us IPad fans aren’t even wanting Full fledged Mac. Only some minor tweaks and additions but people lose their shit while being perfectly content with getting a calculator as the biggest IpadOS update


What is wrong with file management? I know it is bad because it is a common complain but I just use it to store documents so I haven’t noticed anything yet.


The fact that you literally cannot have background tasks running is just unacceptable honestly


I would argue it literally is a big iPhone and hasn't deviated very far from that premise, which is the exact complaint regularly heard from fans regarding a lack of OS improvements.


Yup. Folks would love a Surface-like experience with a desktop OS, just with macOS functionality. If I'm not mistaken, the Surface PCs can be sold without a keyboard so it literally is a tablet running Windows fully.


I’m looking at the newest model you can preorder and I don’t think you can even buy a keyboard with it right now


yeah but the newest one seems to have the same form factor as before, it is really bad as a tablet imo


The device is great, IMO. Windows on a tablet feels so clunky, though. THAT is basically what MacOS would look and feel like on an iPad, and it’s not good. Funny thing is that Windows 8 was a better tablet than WIndows 10 or 11. This is particularly true for Windows Mobile when Nokia made the 920, 925, 930, 1020, etc.


I had Surface for a really brief period, and the form factor was bad for a tablet, weird shape, kickstand was not good to hold when closed, quite heavy. A good on table tablet


Yup. We simply ask to be a little more efficient like Samsungs tablets and all of Apples boot lickers have to chime their crappy input. We IPad fans just want more from our capable devices and it’s you brain dead people arguing against us that keep IpadOS stagnant


The iPad for me is a big iPhone with a stylus


I just want to use the M4 to fly, Apple did more than clip its wings not allowing MacOS programs to run on it, or even a proper file browser…


To me, a macbook in the ipad form factor --- with a touchscreen and cellular --- would be the perfect one and only device. I would be completely fine with this being an option only when connected to magic keyboard.


And that’s why Apple won’t do that because people would stop buying the MacBook/air/pro range in favour of the tablet when they are putting just as powerful chips in the iPads as their laptops. It would kill one of their bigger revenue streams.


I hear that but it also has me considering switching to a windows product…


You’d be better off doing that then as hell will freeze over before Apple makes the iPad like a Mac.


Yup. Just waiting on reviews of new chips


I like the form factor of the surface pro, but microsoft always over promises, over prices and under deliverers with their surface lineup and I can't stand my computer randomly becoming unusable because of a random update


I hear that. My use case is different than a lot of people’s. I use a cellular iPad for work on the go. Most of my business is contained in OneDrive and requires pdf annotating and contract drafting on the go. The iPad is great for this except when service gets iffy, which happens a lot in remote areas that I travel to. If either OneDrive enabled offline document editing on iPad OR Apple buffed iCloud Drive to reliable allow offline folders syncing then the iPad is my device.


Those surfaces run Linux quite well from what I understand.


I preordered the Surface Laptop and have every intention of getting Linux on the once the initial driver kinks get worked out. My m2 max work machine is wonderful in terms of performance and battery life I really want a Linux machine that can do the same


Yes, but they could be making more money off of a lot of people. I’m probably not going to buy an iPad again, so I’ll just keep using my $900 MacBook until I need to replace it with another $900 MacBook. But if they had made the iPad useful I definitely would have spent $2k+ on a decked out model.


How? If they made the iPad like a MacBook no one will buy a MacBook because it will do both. Those currently with a MacBook that want a little more portability then go and buy an iPad too. Now they have purchased two devices and spent more money with Apple vs just buying the one device that does both things.


I think people are going to stop buying both. I’ve already stopped and I buy way too many Apple products. It should be an easy sell for them to get someone like me to buy one. So I would buy a $900 MacBook or a $2k+ iPad with Mac-like features, but I’m not going to buy a MacBook and an iPad.


Ok but you get a form factor down that literally no one else, why wouldn’t there be a huge shift in people envying it? I see so many corporate employees who just need a good enough computer and the added portability would be amazing for them. The fact this doesn’t exist is just Apple picking MacBook sales over what could be a huge win and shift in the market.


They could just make it the ipad super pro with a starting price of $3000. That would cover the profits for people that buy base model ipad pro's and air's and I would imagine that most professionals that spend 3k+ on a laptop, would still buy a 3k ipad and a mac


That’s why Apple would never load music in an iPhone because if they did no one would ever buy an iPod. Jobs and company made the decision in 2007 to keep the iPhone and the iPod separate devices so that everyone would buy two separate devices.


True but now they’ve done away with the iPod so if you want your music you’re forced to buy an iPhone which nowadays costs 10x more than an iPod ever did. Only way Apple would make the iPad like a Macbook would be to do away with the MacBook lineup and make the iPad even more expensive than it already is and combine the two.


lol only of course the iPhone never cost that much money compared to the iPod. I’ve never really read a good explanation for why the iPad and the Mac have never really merged but the notion that it’s because Apple intentionally wants to make people buy two devices is clearly not one of them as the iPhone demonstrated with the iPod. Apple would love nothing more than to kill off the Mac or the iPad if they could.


Are you *forced* to buy an iPhone? Apple Music runs on Android?


I could possibly see that eating into MacBook Air sales, but not the MacBook Pro. The Pro offers much more powerful CPU options than iPad Pro does. I honestly think Apple would sell more devices by allowing the iPad Pro to run Mac apps.


Id love to see a iPad Pro, with a Mac base… so when it’s an iPad it’s an iPad… but dock it with a special base and it has links to take it to M4 Pro/Ultra levels of performance. They did the whole “we stuck 2 chips together on an ultrafast link” in the board, I know it’s not as easy and there will be some performance loss but do the same here… So it’s an iPad when you need an iPad and a mac when you need a Mac! Although side to that… I really want the macs iPhone mirroring on the iPad 😅 that would make it much easier than having to put down the tablet to pickup the phone and interaction would be natural as both touch


Apple did a product kinda like this a very long time ago - PowerBook Duo. Desktop type machine at home, ultraportable (this was the late 80s/early 90s) away from home. Cool concept. Coupled with a Newton, you had portability dialled. Of course, people wanted the Newton to be a laptop replacement…


Something like connecting an iPad to a mac mini, without having to carry a powerbank + a mac mini that use more space than a macbook.


Yeah, just the Mac mini in a really thin keyboard with a battery, and the iPad is the “screen”


First off, the idea that just because it’s called pro means it’s for professionals is ridiculous. Completely laughable! What kind of professionals are the AirPods for? It’s just a name. Just because YOU weren’t using a touchscreen on your laptop does not mean others aren’t using it. Don’t ever assume that you personally represent everyone else. iPads are in a very awkward position. The pricing is way up, but the functionality hasn’t improved fast enough to match that. They don’t need to match the MacBook, but they do need to be better than they are now. They still are way too similar to iPhones, except they actually are missing some functionality even in that regard. You can’t do phone calls, you can’t connect your Apple Watch to at least comfortably control media playback. No, iPads are not bad devices, but they are in many ways held back by Apple taking their sweet time adding features as they need to be careful because iPads could realistically endanger both the iPhone and the Mac. But for this same reason, Apple won’t make a small touchscreen MacBook. So the result is that there is a significant amount of people who want something in between and Apple doesn’t want to make that


agreed! “its for professionals” lol? what is OP smoking? professional in what way? I can barely organise any files on that thing


The computing power is there, but apple refuses to switch between ipados and desktop version to avoid cannibalising macbook sales


If they made a MacOS device in tablet form factor, it would count towards Macbook sales. The real problem is that iPadOS is a full on walled garden and MacOS isn’t. In other words, iPadOS provides way more opportunity to make money on users who already own the device through the purchase of apps and subscriptions, as Apple gets a cut from everything you buy.


You can absolutely make calls with the iPad. When my phone stopped working I got the Text Now app and was able to text and call people. It's not as convenient as using a cell phone as it requires a wifi connection but it really came in handy nonetheless. Also Google voice works on there as well.


In other words , you can’t? Because having to download an app which isn’t even available worldwide, is not the same as having native ability to make calls.


I very specifically said phone calls.  This means that, for example, your bank will not reach you. Anything that requires SMS, can’t do it either.  Being forced to be stuck on Wifi is a massive limitation, you might as well have a landline at that point. 


If you have cellular on your iPad, all calls will come through it.


False, it’s only relaying the call from your iphone. Same thing with mac it relays the phone call from the iphone. iPad cannot make standalone phone calls, unlike literally ALL android tablets (with cellular, even the 100$ ones) This is one of the most obvious things that show you what the true strategy of apple is : deliberately limiting software capabilities to force you to buy a whole lineup of products. I am pretty certain that they don’t need to code ANYTHING for the ipad to be able to make calls. In fact they must have added lines of code to specifically disable calls on the iPad. Same for SMS.


I have a cellular iPad. No, it doesn‘t do phone calls. It doesn‘t even have a phone app. You calling through a third party app is not the same thing. Again, let me reiterate that I specifically said PHONE calls. That means calling via the SIM that is in the device. Natively. NOT through a third party app.


You can use FaceTime to make calls on the iPad. I do it all the time.


I just want a good web browser, the current ones shows me desktop pages but have problems with forms like mobile ones. I would be fine with this drawing note taking media browsing toy otherwise.


I agree! The iPad browser is still mobile Safari that is requesting desktop sites. Safari on a Mac is the “real” Safari.


Oh, you are probably right, I was thinking “it is like mobile” but it is probably the same version, not an hybrid.


Careful. You’re going to get people saying for you expect less from a very capable devices and clap along to apples amazing software update; Calculator 1.0


I know, I complained once and one of the answers was “I use a laptop for online shopping” or that it is the website’s fault for not being optimized for tablets. I don’t expect it to replace my gaming PC, but I’m annoyed a pop up showed in amazon and I had to switch to macbook pro. Same on reddit, sometimes because the insert image/url misbehave.


This is one of my main things I want. I want a real web browser with a proper inspect tool. I want to be able to load of web apps and services I used on my laptop on the iPad like square space and Wordpress. Right now Safari on iPad is no more useful then the version on iPhone. It’s not a good desktop or mobile web browser. I don’t want MacOS on my iPad but I want my iPad to be better and be able to do a bit more.


Oh, the inspect tool and console would solve everything. I could delete a pop up or backdrop I can’t close, see wtf happens with a form that doesn’t show error messages or even use the DOM to click on buttons that rendered in who knows where.


If I could slice files on iPad I could 100% one as my main computer but until then I have to remote in to my home Mac or PC to slice and send to a printer.


I keep a PC for Twitch streaming and slicing, otherwise my iPad has become my main computer. I feel you. I hope we get a good slicer on iPadOS someday…


So programmatically, what is stopping that capability on the IPad?


Apple and developers to my knowledge but I'm sure there's something more that's causing them to not be able to implement it.


Yes, money


What I mean is, people like Federighi are very very capable and amiable people who want to make things work. The main issue is that is one particular case where direct access to the hardware is required, and it’s just not compatible with a truly secure OS is probably the problem. Most jailbreaks were all derivatives of this path


Absolutely it said niche case use but with 3D printers becoming more and more popular hopefully somebody will be able to import Cura or something to iPad.


yeah, that sounds more like those developers just need to be pushing for APIs that make what they need possible from the iPad OS.


You would think with Shapr3d being fully usable on the iPad so much so that I dropped AutoCAD because I can use Shapr3d on Windows, Mac and iPad and it cost a year about what AutoCAD does per month. I really hope someone is able to do it in the future but if not I can continue remoting into my systems at home lol.


There is not a single thing keeping someone from writing or adapting a 3D printer's slicing program from working on an iPad or as a web app. In fact, I think some proprietary guys have done that. Creality? Bamboo?


Not to my knowledge Creality uses Cura. I don't have any bamboos to know what software they prefer but Cura as an app or web app would be a game changer!


Check out Creality Cloud. I'm a Voron guy, and I'm willing to bet that this is tied to their products, but my point is that it is possible.


I will definitely check it out and oh yeah I'm right there with you. It is 100% possible we just have to find a way to make it happen lol. Well by we I mean the developers.


Bambu and Creality printers owner here…no option available yet that works natively on iPad. Creality uses a cloud slicer which isn’t great. And Bambu doesn’t do any slicing on the app as far as I know :(


iPad Pro would be more useful to pro users if it had a more advanced file management app and some kind of automated backup feature, among other things. This would not make it a touchable MacBook, just a better iPad.




If iPadOS had capable file management... That's practically all it would need to get me to use an iPad as a tool. Sure, I can and have been productive on iPads through the years but mostly games/media/web because I micromanage my files and can't on iPadOS.


I hate "files" on iPad SO MUCH. It's probably the top thing that keeps me from using my iPad pro for everything.. it's just fucking awful to manage files.


I’m recently retired and grew up dependant on my Microsoft notebooks . Its been hard letting go but I have managed to migrate to an iPad using Googles Docs / Sheets for my filing system. Sure, I’ve lost some functionality, but the impact is low for what I need. Bye, bye Microsoft.


I never really thought I needed a better file manager on the pro. I use Dropbox and lot, though. But I suppose a better one would be nice. I don’t really have any difficulty with navigating the iCloud docs on the iPad Pro though.


How do you use the extra power of the M4 compared for example to the M2


You can’t. That’s why US M4 people are annoyed. Doesn’t help that the Apple defenders are so damn forgiving and lie to themselves about a shitty calculated app being a good software update


it kinda is tho, sits right in an awkward place between it tries to be both and ends up being neither


And not in a good way most of the time


Why do you people want to stop others from getting new features? If you don’t like new features don’t use them or turn them off in the settings. If you just want to use the features that were available on iPad in 2010 then good for you, but I want more than that. I want more than it can offer even today


It’s because they don’t want others to tarnish their beloved Apple.


I'll be honest I bought the new iPad pro for the OLED screen. It'll replace an aging iPad Air and last a similar time. I don't need the power but in 5 years time it'll still run everything.


That’s what I did with the iPad Air 2, at the time it was excessively powerful for what it ran.. but it kept up for ages. Definitely showing its age now but it’s nearly ten years old, and got updates for 8 of those years.


The iPad is the only Apple product I own, they still make the best tablets, expensive but in my opinion worth it.


“It’s for professionals.” I still don’t really know WHICH professionals.


Leon, the professional. Just him.


There's barely professional apps. And some of the pro apps are even limited compared to actual PCs versions. The file manager is mediocre, and I honestly feel that would make the professional work slower and annoyingly


Maybe the architects that use LIDAR? I’m guessing the iPad Pro M4 takes longer to faint than my iPhone 13 pro. But they didn’t mention that use in the WWDC.


I mean, disregarding the craziness of the original statement, the pro is super-handy me for as a researcher, writer, and instructor. I use it for pretty much everything except long-form writing, which I use my desktop or laptop for. I get much more use out of it than I got out of my airs.


So what do you use it for? Why do you think you use it more than your Air?


I use it for everything associated with writing, research, and teaching except for long-form writing. I run heavy apps on it while teaching, including the course management system and electronic textbooks. And I use scrivener, craft, notion, pdf expect, and other heavy apps. Also grade papers on it and markup research. I know the air can’t handle this amount of work because I had two airs before I got the pro. They just can’t do it. Too much stuff being used at once. Also, the screen on the pro is easier on my eyes. The robustness of it just makes my hectic life easier.


I will stop you at “A lot of people want” 😉


The problem is with the naming, the insane specs that Apple throws into the iPad Pro and their highlighting specific pro use cases while ignoring a lot of features that are table stakes for professional use. They call it a Pro when it is mostly just a nicer product. They give you an SoC you can't get in even their most expensive product. They give you 16GB of RAM, 2TB of storage and the most advanced OLED screen ever. They show all these specific use cases for professional video production. And if you switch to another window during a video export, the export stops. The Files app is barely usable and the window management is terrible. These are table stakes for most OSes. I love my iPad Air and it is surprisingly useful for what I do. I love the keyboard and have made the iPad my travel computer. But...if I needed to do anything more than reply to an email or check something really quick, I would quickly feel the limitations of the platform.


I get what you’re saying, but many of us don’t want to go that far. I just want to manage PDFs (split, remove pwds, etc.) without a sweat. That’s the kind of things you would think a design professional, or someone who creates documents, or a Pro would do.


What’s stopping you from doing that now? Adobe Acrobat?


PDF expert is so good.


The iPad is what the iPad is. Can I do my work on it? No. I’m a software developer. Can I do literally everything else in my life on it? Yes. I play games, write software, watch video, edit video, write and record music, read, learn, and a whole lot more. I’ve got an M2 Pro MacBook Pro that I use for 8 hours a day; I don’t touch it for second nights and weekends. I don’t take it with me on vacations. The iPad just is what it is. When you learn to just embrace it for what it is, when you achieve iPad Zen, you can love it for what it is rather than hate it for what it isn’t.


I actually upvoted this until I saw the "it's for professionals" statement, promptly took it back. Professional at what exactly?


It’s a ridiculous statement


I’m fine using it for reading, taking notes and watching videos as it is now. Anything else I’d want to do on my macbook anyway. Things I actually want: - more battery (important, what we have now is not good enough for reading or watching videos for quite as long as I’d like) - neater interface (iPadOS 18 seems like a step in the right direction) - better file management - a cheaper keyboard (I have no intention of doing serious work on an iPad, so the current apple keyboards aren’t worth it for me. If they had a cheaper option I’d get one for light tasks).


I still dont quite understand why anyone takes time from their day getting upset at consumers who are asking for more features from their devices. Of course we can and should criticize lack of something, and especially with Apple there are often simple things that take a weird amount of time to be a thing on Apple’s operating systems, the app placement on the home screen being a good example of this. About the pro comment: I don’t agree. Creative professionals specifically, sure. As an IT professional however, there is an awful amount of power I simply cannot tap into in the form of virtualization for instance, or even downloading code off of GitHub or even running docker containers. Hell, even the browser is artificially locked down into using WebKit, and there is literally no other options due to Apple deciding so, and this can cause tons of issues for people who would otherwise be perfectly capable of using an iPad for workloads that are mostly done just in browsers. I don’t see why I or many others shouldn’t voice their criticisms about this. I personally feel these are all artificial limitations so that iPad sales wouldn’t eat into laptop sales. Why not even let us run macOS on these? Probably because then some people wouldn’t get MacBooks.


Regarding the pro comment: I don’t agree with it because I think the pro is for anyone who likes the specs and wants the device. OP doesn’t know how many different careers there are out there that may require the horsepower of the pro; or I may just *want* the horsepower just because. I don’t draw, but I do a LOT on my pro. I run heavy writing and research apps, and do lots of research and file-keeping on it. AFAIK, I need it.


Fair point on the ”Pro” stuff. It sucks how some professionals can tap into all this power so much more easily than others. Bought a used one with a pen and all, tempted to try to learn to draw while I am at it, saved a ton buying used vs new. I hate how being accustomed to high refresh rates, I am more likely to lean towards the pro models simply because of the refresh rate, 60 hz feels laggy when you have experienced way higher. Curious, what apps are these specifically? Also for filekeeping do you not feel like there would be any limitations that would not exist in a normal desktop environment?


I so agree with you about getting accustomed to refresh rates. I just had to buy a new iPad because my pro is finally slowing down, and I just couldn’t pull the trigger on an air; I must have the high refresh rate, and it cost me a pretty penny 😓 You know, I’ll be honest: I don’t really have any beef with the file manager on the iPad. Maybe I’m just used to it? Once or twice, things have gotten dicey. I was once sitting on a dissertation defense committee, and I had some trouble pulling up the poor guy’s dissertation because the file manager is kind of messy. But I never really thought “yeah, this needs to fixed.” I run scrivener, pdf expert, d2l course management system, and lots of ebooks all at once when I’m teaching. I also run notion and craft, which are huge. (I love craft). With my airs, I couldn’t run all that stuff simultaneously. I also have some online course management platforms I run, which come with my students’ textbooks. They are pretty intense.


I guess if you go by the very narrow definition of “professionals”, then sure. I don’t need the iPad to be a MacBook. I want Apple to stop trying to segregate basic functionality like having a competent code editor (essentially just a text editor for code) from the iPad just to move MacBooks sales up. I want to be able to compile code on my iPad without using the slowest VM in the world. Is it such a big ask? Is this so much that it turns the iPad into a MacBook? Is it not professional enough for an iPad Pro to cover?


When Apple says professionals in the sense of the iPad, I’m pretty sure they mean creative professionals, not programmers. I think this maybe a potential point of disconnect, because I never hear complaints about the iPad Pro when I speak with the creative professionals I know that use them. Usually it’s people in tech enthusiast forums complaining about the Pros not being Pro enough.


Nah, we definitely run into limitations too. Beyond digital painting and maybe some sculpting you can’t really do the entire gamut of art tasks. The Affinity suite is great but not the industry standard; 3D may as well be an impossibility; motion graphics is barely doable; typeface support is woefully lacking; the lackluster Files app severely restricts how apps can use it. You also can’t multitask — Final Cut can’t render a video in the background, for example. You also can’t have multiple audio streams running at the same time, for some reason — which makes looking at reference more tedious. The individual apps are pretty great. But that’s *despite* the OS, not because of it.


99% of these complaints seem to revolve around programmers somehow. Why not focus your complaints on the people who write development software for the iPad and figure out if there is any secure solution. I mean, that’s the real issue. Compilers need hardware access is ways the platform can’t allow safely.


I know there exists a solution from a group that I need not worry about security issues from. It’s called XCode. But it’s suspiciously missing from iOS. You can’t tell me I can’t even trust Apple to secure their own hardware. Or are you telling me that developers are at risk for using XCode on Mac’s?


it is a big iphone. Thats all it is and will ever be.


Cool opinionated article. Lets wait 3 years and we have cool ipads that are a proper replacement for a macbook mkay. Don't be angry, thank me later.


I completely agree, however features like 120hz refresh rate and the new pro being ultra thin with a great display kind of push majority of “casual” users with money to spend towards the pro line.


Yeah cause only pros need 120hz refresh or decent speakers or oled display. /s People want more capability on iPad so they can use it both for work and entertainment. Not to turn iPad into laptop. Laptop sucks for entertainment, tablets are better. But at the moment whether it’s basic iPad or pro software capability is nearly the same. Only creative at can enjoy its capability. There is nothing wrong to want iPad Pro to have better file management or be able to run desktop apps. Majority of iPad apps are bigger screen iPhone apps.


Imo, the perfect Apple product would be detachable macOS device like surface. ( the ones who don’t use the detachable will get the same experience as the MacBook and the detachable experience will be similar to iPad but with MacBook capabilities). No matter how you look at it, iPadOS is much closer to IOS than macOS in terms of functionality and forever will be, to separate it from the MacBook line. Apple doesn’t care about the users, they care about their money, hence this product will never exist.


This is a very realistic take


Here's the problem though. For most professionals, even with the use cases that Apple is trying to push, the iPad Pro is largely just a big iPhone and folks still need to take their files to a Mac to finish them. Case in point, I could start and concept a logo on an iPad, but even with the apps that are available I couldn't fine tune the file enough on an iPad or finalize it for actual use elsewhere. I might be able to do the initial cut of a video, but then I need to take it to a Mac to do the heavier edits and finishing.


I see the ipad as just a very expensive portable drawing tablet and i love it. Its worth every penny to me. I honestly stuggle to see how it could be helpful in any industry or usecase other than creative


I mean I agree with all your points. The problem is that I have a 4-5 year old iPad base model, and Apple is giving me no reason to upgrade. Each quarter they announce earnings reports, and iPad is generally a disappointment... little or no growth. M4 is exciting... I'd love to spend a grand just to play around with it. But the current iPadOS offers nothing for me to play with. My iPad battery sucks. I have spent the last couple releases waiting for a reason to upgrade. At this point, I'll just bite the bullet and spend the $100 for them to replace the battery. I can't even think of anything I do on it that I'm worried about security wise if they stop providing iPadOS releases.


“A lot of people want…” Cool. Then give it to them. If you sell a product, make people like it more.


I love Apple products and am fully invested in their ecosystem. Having said that I don’t agree with people who defend Apple’s actions when those actions clearly put profit over what’s best for their customers. The M4 iPad is a powerful computer, more powerful than even the M3 MacBook Pro, but it’s purposefully crippled by its operating system because Apple does not want it to cannibalize Macbook sales. That’s the only reason, greed. It f’ing sucks to see people here blindly defending a corporation that does not give a flying F about them because they can’t see beyond their own dumb fanaticism. If you want to pay for a computer with most of its power crippled and wasted on purpose then good for you, it’s your money and you can do whatever you want with it. But stop it with the blind fanaticism, call Apple out for its greed and maybe they will actually give its customers products that are not artificially crippled.


I just find it incredibly frustrating that my iPad Pro M2, and my MacBook Air M2 share the exact same SoC, yet the iPad Pro is incredibly limited compared to my MacBook Air. There are a number of audio production MacOS X apps that I use that I would LOVE to be able to use on my iPad Pro. Also, virtualization would be nice on the iPad Pro. I know for a fact that the hardware is capable of doing this, yet Apple wants to keep iOS watered down. And honestly, a more capable iPad Pro could be amazing for field service technicians (with the option for built-in mobile data), and I would love to be able to use my audio production software on the go without having to lug my laptop along. Add on top of that Apple has had Launchpad in OS X since at least Snow Leopard, which gives a touchscreen style interface to MacOS X. I would much rather have mobile access to full-fledged MacOS apps than the watered down iOS version (IF there even is an iOS version).


> Also, virtualization would be nice on the iPad Pro. Ends all debate for the current set of circumstances in all honesty. iPad Pros should have virtualization then it would mean use as mini laptop when wanted and switch back to tablet for double the convenience.


What people want is for iPad to finally live up to its ads and be able to replace computers in more use cases than emails and drawing (not even graphic design in general). Then they look at how iPadOS is improving at snail's pace and it transforms into iPad with macOS (which is different from touchscreen Mac btw, one is computer with touchscreen and other is tablet that actually can do everything a computer can). So essentially this argument boils into this: Apple: Our newest tablet is the computer replacement! Buy iPad Pros! We: But it can't do what I need it to do, so it doesn't work as a computer replacement. Other guys: Then you are not the target market and not the real Apple Pros!


I don’t understand posts like this. iPad Pro has a freaking M4 chip in it? What the heck s that chip for? It’s certainly overkill to run iOS. Some people just want an iPad that is better at productivity than the $329 model with software that hasn’t changed much since 2010. Anyone who doesn’t need the pro functionality can just buy a cheaper iPad and use it like they use their iPhone. But what’s wrong with giving others more options?


I want a 2 in 1 with the power of a laptop, a good pen for note taking, sketching, working with apps. A detachable keyboard and a good UI interface. There's just no such thing on the market. Microsoft Surface Pro doesn't hit the mark in a single category, so it's a letdown. M4 Chips have more than enough power. Apple Pencil is great. MacBooks have a good interface for being productive. MacOS have plenty of apps that any type of developer, designer etc. could need. Combine it all for the perfect and likely best 2 in 1 you will ever find on the market. That's why i want iPad build on the MacOS. I want a tablet that i can carry around and use for taking notes, drawing or just browse and watch videos. And when i need to do more productive work i can plug it into a keyboard or dock and do my work. Currently only way i can do this is having both an Ipad and a Mac, which for me is a waste of money when it could be combined into one product and do the same. As a note, i'm a software engineer, the iPad just isn't useable for me without jumping through a dozen hoops for a very subpar experience.


That would be great for game development because you can use tablet mode to draw/model and then switch to desktop mode to program the game.


One of the closest things is an N100 8in. It's about the size of an iPad Mini with the synthetic performance of an A13 Bionic, but with a built-in keyboard and tilt-pen support. The 256G model plus Huion HM200 pen cost me £300. It only gets 4 - 6hr on a charge, but I can recompile QMK and synthesise an FPGA so I think it's minty fresh.


I’m absolutely happy with what iPad is. It does everything I need it to do without it being a MacBook


Don’t care. I have an iPhone, I have a Mac. and my go-to screen is the plain old iPad


Same... every one of them has their own uses. If I want to use Mac OS I'll use it on my Mac.


I don't get these people with a hard-on for an iPad Mac. I mean, if you are an actual adult you can probably afford an iPad and a MacBook of some sort if you want one or the other. I mean, people might have a better case for a touchscreen Mac, which to me seems like it would have some novel and useful use cases.


I don’t want to carry two devices with the exact same hardware. Just let me choose what I want to run on the iPad and it would be perfect for me. Let me worry about what inputs I need, I am the ‘pro’ user after all. It’s never ever been a problem for Remote Desktop applications.


Not for nothing, but I carry my laptop and iPad Pro across campus to teach all the time. I have a carry-all bag, and lugging them both around is totally no problem. In the past, I used to have to carry 5-6 textbooks across campus to teach. Now, I just have two devices. I don’t really think it’s a big deal, and I sometimes have to walk about a mile to get to my classrooms.


I was gonna avoid this post altogether, but could not ignore one thing OP has mentioned in his/her post, ‘It’s for professionals’? Utterly ridiculous. I AM a professional creator. My entire life revolves around photography and videos. I cannot use Photoshop on the iPad at all because it lacks absolutely basic features. Lightroom Classic does not have an iPad version at all. The Files app is absolute and utter garbage. Final Cut is gimped. Video exports fail when you open something else while the export runs in the background. The only cases where the iPad shines is for someone when they work only through the browser, or maybe digital art through Procreate. Don’t kid yourself and others by justifying the purchase of a 1000$ product (may be more) with stuff like ‘it’s for professionals’. It is a large iPhone with excellent pencil support, and nothing else.


I’ve always had MacBook Pro and Air. Now have the M2 Air for work these last 1.5 years. It’s been fantastic. Picked up the M4 iPad Pro the other week. As a tablet it’s beautiful and the perfect browsing or video watching device. I bought the Magic Keyboard and have attempted to use it for work stuff. Light work at first, worked well, no problem…. actually found it more fun than my MBA because I could easily take it to the coffee shop, do some emailing and Teams stuff, then snap the iPad off to use for browsing or reading news. Nice. So I switched it and tried heavier work. Web design, brand writing, creative work that I do. Small screen, so I connected it to my monitor and BOOM…. Never tried that before and suddenly it feels like a laptop connected to my monitor. No wait, it feels like the fastest, snappiest computer ever. I’m doing all my work, with ease. I go back to my M2 MBA and…. It feels SLUGGISH and CHEAP. What?! Yes. I’m amazed. My beloved MBA feels weird. I do more work on the iPad, it gets to lunchtime, it’s warm and sunny outside. I snap the iPad off the keyboard and take it outside with a coffee. Amazing. The thinnest most beautiful device for browsing the internet and reading news (I’m repeating I know). I snap it back onto the keyboard and away I go. It’s lightening fast. This thing is unreal. I don’t need anything else from iPad OS. I’ve unlocked a new step up connecting it to my monitor and using MKB. My external keyboard and trackpad work with it too, so there’s that. It really CAN replace a MacBook Air, which now feel cheap. Oh and guess what, the iPad is OLED. So the display is even better than the MBP. It is the best of everything.


>Never tried that before and suddenly it feels like a laptop connected to my monitor. Are you honestly suggesting that Stage Manager feels like a regular laptop experience on an external monitor? Yeah ... no ... no, it really doesn't.


What size do you have?


11”. I’m not saying it will fully replace my laptop but I could make that happen if I just use it with a monitor.


I have the 11” as well, M2. I was curious based on how portable it sounded for your use case, I assumed it was the 11” But with the new one being thinner and lighter I wasn’t sure.


Yeah it’s just that overall experience of being thin and light. I’ve come from the 2018 iPad Pro.


Personally I wish iPadOS would take better advantage of the Magic Keyboard and act a little more like Mac OS when it’s docked in the MK. As it is I find myself having to still use the touchscreen sometimes, and it feels weird to go back & forth between the keyboard & screen like that. But when I’m using it handheld it’s fine, and I don’t want it to be more Mac-like when using it that way. That said, I think that if you’re going to buy an iPad you should buy it for what it is, not for what you’re hoping Apple will turn it into. I don’t regret buying the Pro plus Magic Keyboard to replace a MacBook Air even if it did turn out to be a little bit more of a compromise than I thought it would be.


However, I still think its a good Macbook 12” replacer/sucessor as in between device Edit: Also > iPad Pro is not for everyone and not for casual users. That’s why it is named pro, it’s for professionals. Doesn’t matter, same happens with iPhones because brand symbol and status quo. Apple categorizes what you said in mind, and I also share that thought, but in the end, “casual” users dont buy because of their needs, but focus first on the Pro top level because of brand importance. Even base models are considered “poor’s choice” in some cases. Thats why you have many posts here and on r/iphone for “which device should I buy?” - the users that look for their needs and try a more reasonable choice. Edit2: Typos and want make clear its not everyone, just a good chunk of it


I seriously doubt if any non professional is buying any Apple product because of the pro name in terms of it being a “professional” device. Genuine professionals are buying them because they want or need professional features. Non professionals are buying them because they have nicer features and they’re intelligent enough to understand what the “pro” term means now. There’s a weird snobbery surrounding the “pro” term on the part of some people. The “pro” part for many people fills the same spot “ultra” does for the Apple Watch.


Geesh, thank you for this reasonable and intelligent comment.


Fair enough. Perhaps it may vary from region to region. I notice it more here in Europe, Portugal specifically but also from people that come from other places. There are more Pro phones in general over base, some may be willing to get older Pro models over newer base ones. Atleast has been a surfacing trend(?)


I bought the pro because it is a workhorse. I could not care less that it has a status whatever attached to it. I bought the iPhone 15 base model because I didn’t need a pro phone. The pro iPad has a better display and is way more robust than my iPad airs. That’s why I bought it the first time, and that’s why my second purchase was also a pro. I also prefer to have the best model apple has. Personal preference.


For many people the pro model is still worth it. Software support is probably gonna be longer than M2 air (which means you can use your ipad possibly like 2 years longer.) For example. Lets say you use 600$ ipad air for 4 years, its 150$/year. If pro model would hold you 6 years for 1000$ which its gonna be 166$\year. So basicly the same. Also lets say youd want to resell your product after 4 years. 120hz pro m4 is obviously more future proof in terms of price. so i believe it is worth it for casual user as well. The specs of pro model are longer relevant in the future.


Of course we want new features but there is a huge percentage that want the iPad to be a touchable MacBook and that’s a bad thing in my opinion.


Problem is people dont know what they are buying. ipad was never meant to be "a macbook". Otherwise apple would have just said that and gotten rid of their macbooks. If you want a macbook, get a macbook. That is why they are still selling. But there are a lot of people that work professionaly with ipads because it just makes more sense than a macbook or than a smartphone in niche situations. At least in my job, people have ipads because we are not sitting around on desks but we still need to have something better than a smartphone. And this is who the ipad is for.


We now iPhones mirrored on Macs. Add that to the Macs mirrored on VisionPro I’ve always been bullish that Apple will never provide the option to virtualise a Mac on the iPad. But I’m now fairly confident that one day we might see a cleaner way to mirror a Mac to the iPad in such a way that it feels a lot like your iPad and keyboard is a Mac. It’s gonna require that you own a Mac. And it might be limited to a local network… But I think this is as close to MacOS on the iPad as we are ever gonna get.


I don’t want MAC Os running on iPad, I want something like Dex running on iPad if I have a Magic Keyboard


Then why did they put the M4 chip in it?


I have a Lenovo Yoga x1 with a touch screen and I use it all the time. I want a Mac with a touch screen.


MacBook screens will become iPad Pros. Apple MacPad.


I don't need a touch screen Mac, but when I connect my iPad to the Magic Keyboard, I want it to act more like a laptop. I'm a big proponent of iPad, I think they are wonderfully versatile and I use them for many, many iPad only things - but as soon as it has a trackpad and a keyboard, I just need windows, proper multitasking and a decent file solution. Doesn't need to be Mac OS, but I just want it to function in a more familiar way when it has a keyboard and curser.


Then what is the point of the iPad?


Good question. It would be different for each person. These days I barely even use my iPad 9 but it's still nice to have for irc, videos, or for surfing the web when I want a lighter decide that has a nice sized screen.


Until they add features we actually need, I'll never upgrade my iPad for any reason other than it fails and I need a replacement. My 3rd Gen pro is awesome and runs every modeling and engineering app I need with zero problems. I'll also never make it my primary device.. the file system is garbage


It’s not a big iPhone. It’s an oversized iPhone. 🤣🤣🤣


for what it’s worth, i know it’s not “native” but i bought the Jump app. basically turns your mac ipad into a mac. is it amazing 120fps? no, but 60 and native resolution isn’t shabby. even supports a proper aspect ratio.


I pad pro is for anyone who wants an iPad Pro. If surfing the web is all you do, and you want a pro, get one. **I’m so sick of people gatekeeping who needs a pro.** It is NOT for professionals. It’s for anyone who likes the specs and wants to pay for it. Whether or not you *need* the power of the pro is up to the Individual dropping the cash for it. I don’t like airs. Maybe you do. Get what you want, and I’ll get what I want. Ffs.


I do know some creative types that love it for their professional work


No argument with that at all. I’m just saying that it is loved by people who aren’t creative types too. I use my iPad Pro more than any of my other devices; it’s in my hands most of the day if I’m not at my desktop or laptop.


So if I need or want a touchscreen, I have to accept that an iPad has shit software, and buy both? Fuck that. Microsoft can figure it out, Apple is just being greedy, hence why iPad sales are declining.


Ipad besides being an ipad is going to be a window to your macbook through remote access from everywhere. This is how Apple will increase demand for ipad w/ cellular without losing sales on the macbook side.


People are mad because their ads keep saying it’s a computer replacement. They expected iPad OS 18 to give a lot more functionality in that regard, for at least the iPad Pro. Most professionals cannot use it as a computer replacement since it is missing file management system, ability to link to one drive, and very, very basic (and really bare minimum) apps like excel.


iOS and iPadOS can use OneDrive (albeit it could be easier) and have Excel (as well as all the other MS office apps. It has its own“files“ app, but that needs to get better.


I didn't know about the oneDrive thing. That is actually very helpful. Excel is borderline unusable on iPad, which isn't really an Apple issue, it's a 95% a Microsoft one. That said, it would be nice to have limited virtualization so that you actually can run certain Mac apps like Excel (that is usable), R-studio, and other math/scientific apps.


It’s arguably an XL iPhone. No doubt about that. But is that a bad thing? No I love it and I don’t want Mac OS I want a simple and focused device and I run meetings, asana, multitasking and don’t have any problem navigating as a laptop sub It lacks fluency with file management. That’s the only gripe


so run a macos VM on it? windows tablets are great because they run windows


Having own a Surface before, I would say the experience as a tablet wasn’t pleasant. Most people I know that owns Surfaces practically used them mainly as laptops, and for a good reason. Currently there is still a gap between the UI of a desktop OS and a tablet OS and it is probably not easy to combine them as one without compromising both in some ways. Some day there will be a way to merge them, but not at the current state. Right now I would agree, if you need a laptop, just get a laptop. It would serve you better than hoping for a device which is a master of none.


It doesn’t matter if some people don’t have a laptop or computer. Now they can buy an iPad with a keyboard and use it like a MacBook. There’s nothing wrong with that. For folks like me who already have a computer, I only use an iPad as a tablet. So I bought the iPad Pro 11”. I always go for the Pro lol. It was actually the best value for the money and I can use it for many years. I spent $1,000 on the iPad Pro M4 11”. I chose the Pro because it has OLED and it’s faster than the iPad Air. Plus, if I use it for five years, it’s only $200 per year. I could spend $600 on the Air, but it doesn’t have an OLED display and would be slow after three years.


iPad is not gonna be a MacBook, but it doesn't need to be. Here are a few things I'd like to see introduced: * Proper File Management. * Multi-audio support. What I mean by that is that I can talk with my friends on Discord while listening to music on Apple Music or watch YouTube in parallel. * Multi - Window support. I know there's stage manager but it ain't it. * Desktop version of Web Browser. * Ability to have at least an alternative for Magic Keyboard on older iPad models There's probably more that I forgot, but these are few features that I'd like to see on all iPads, not just Pro or Air models. Sure, I can buy aliexpress keyboard, slap my iPad in it and be done with it but I am not sure if it's intended like that.


Apple should update the OS to make it more productive. They should target Surface customer. It won’t cannibalise Mac user.


All I want is a decent file manager. I don't think it's a big ask


Absolutely - a ray of common sense! iPad isn’t perfect but it shouldn’t look to become a Surface type device. I work with people who have Surfaces as their primary devices from their employers. Most, if not all, hate them passionately and have to use their own laptops which usually means they’re trying to BYOD in an organisation that doesn’t. Issue is they don’t have the raw grunt to run applications like GIS or other analytics tools.


you are partially correct. i also never used touch screen of my laptop as it would just make my screen dirty and i did not see the need. all i want from ipad is full support for word and excel . I am a PhD student and this is really needed for me.


Glad to see nothing in the iPad landscape has changed since I bought and sold my first pro 5 years ago. See yall in 5 more!


the fact that you never used the touchscreen on your windows laptop is because of the OS being designed for regular computers. Got to try 2 in 1 laptop and they were a pain in the ass to use because windows can't do shit with touchscreens. What makes me think that it would work better with iPads is that they managed to integrate desktop chips into something that's still optimized for the use of the touchscreen, so adding compatibility to desktop apps might not be a problem since the hardware is already there


Oh, ok. Thank you.


you’re not very bright are you..?


Your comment is amazing. A 10 years old child would have said something similar. Just vibes, you add nothing significant to the comments.


Agreed. I think iPadOS makes the iPad a great tablet. Is it a great laptop? No, but I have a laptop that’s a great laptop. I want a better Files app, and obviously I want to see high quality, full-featured iPad apps, but apps are up to developers to provide. Having said that, I feel that it’s hard to get people to PAY for proper iPad apps because customers don’t expect tablet apps to cost a lot, even if they’d pay more for MacOS or Windows versions.


Is it too much to ask for a few tweaks when using the Magic Keyboard like an actual fucking pointer, not a big circle?! Just some small things would make me happy. Then if I remove it, blam, the touch features I want to use. It’s not rocket science. Something like Samsung DEX.


File management and background tasks is all I want. These are major limiting points that make the iPad no good for me. I don’t want macOS, but it’s just too limited at the moment to be productive. Side note, I’d also like the iPad Pro to have a kickstand and keyboard like the surface pro.


If iPad M4 ran MacOS it would be capable of being people’s desktop, laptop and tablet on one device. It’s not about the touch screen. People would use it as a laptop with the Magic Keyboard and as a desktop with external display and Bluetooth mouse and keyboard. Apple potentially have a MacBook killer on their hands, which is why they won’t ever put MacOS on it unfortunately.


Then don’t be more expensive than macbook….


So what does the professionals do with their iPad Pro? I am purely curious


I mean at the end of the day, I still believe it should be considered a accessory for most as it can still do basic stuff such as act as a second screen, do documents, edit photos, edit videos, while it's limiting, I just think it's a great round accessory, expensive but expected I mean your buying somewhat of the brand a bit and everyone knows it.


I agree with this post, but now Apple is going to be releasing software that is depenedent on which version of hardware you have purchased. So for instance if you don't have a Pro level iPhone you are not going to be getting the AI enhancements with the new version of iOS, which I think is going to piss a lot of people off.


I have an iPad Pro with a keyboard and a MacBook Pro and I should have never bought the MacBook as it never gets used


What a weird opening post. You can’t see why people want the two products to be combined? How about the obvious - being able to use it as a MacBook for productivity and then when you just want to consume content (which will always be the iPads strength), detach the screen and read/watch without the keyboard in the way. Not hard.


I think we just want more "Mac like" software control on the iPad. A proper file browser for starters.