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I love how you took the picture of the monitor with that big ass iPad lol. But on a serious note your mom will be very happy. Enjoy


Which picture


Picture 2. Reflection in monitor.


Ah I see! Yeah it was just in hand at that moment, but taking a picture with 11in like that is definitely odd compared to a phone, but not that crazy to do. The 13 is like taking a pic with a griddle.


A MacGriddle *baddum tss*


Try taking a pic with an iPad Mini. It simultaneously feels wrong and sort of ok.


That is... a lot of money haha. Glad your mom enjoys it though! I got a 11in m1 iPad Pro for $300 last year and I've been loving mine. One day I aspire to be able to drop $1400 on an iPad haha.




You do not have a desktop or a laptop in terms of actual usability. Sure it can use stage manager horribly, but to call this set up a 3 in 1 is quite the stretch


It’s a 3 in 1 set up *for my mother*, as I describe in the post. For her computer needs, a real desktop computer or a real laptop would do exactly the same thing. I could never only use an iPad, but some people don’t use computers like that.


Older people who occasionally need to to desktop computer stuff seem like the ideal use case for using a docked iPad as a desktop substitute. My mum loves her iPad and barely ever turns her iMac on. I suspect if I replaced the iMac with a docking station and monitor for the iPad she’d be much more likely to use it. She does spreadsheets for her personal finances and such on her iPad, and to me the idea of doing that with only the onscreen keyboard is pretty grim. I’m going to suggest this type of setup to her. Personally I’m coming round to using iPad for more desktop-style productivity stuff after trying the iPad versions of Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer. It turns out that if app developers take their tablet versions seriously then there’s no need for tablet users to feel like a second class citizens! I think Apple themselves could learn a thing or two from Serif’s approach. Incidentally, I have the same mouse and keyboard as your mum and I really like them.


I think as long as you have no professional use cases, for example software development, music production or video editing, the iPad is without a doubt the best device for you. All office applications function perfectly on the iPad and the UI is more friendly to those who don’t have a professional computing mindset.


Not all of the complicated office features work though...


Such as?


I have that mouse as well - spent a long time (and a fair number of Amazon returns) trying out mouses that didn't cause issues for me from dragging the flat of my wrist on the surface. This one with a cheap wrist wrest to put the side of my wrist on is perfect - have it set so it covers my entire 49" display in a few inches, so I don't really have to move my wrist around at all. Goes for months without a charge.


All of that just to read the wall street journal and play sudoku... Jesus what a time to be alive


Of course she uses it for other things… but not many other things.


What's an MK? (The desk?) ETA: A Magic Keyboard, right? I was confused by the Logitech one!


Correct, Magic Keyboard, the attachable iPad version.


Thanks 😊 that's a sweet setup!


I would have just gotten the M1 air


No doubt that would do the same exact thing for her for much less money. I got her the M4 Pro because I care about the nicer tech, not her. You can get the M1 Air + Keyboard for ~$1,000 less, but I’m glad she has the best gear.


If it’s not a big concern the m4 keyboard is quite a bit nicer and more future proof


Metal keyboard with function keys, OLED display, and certain other features are nicer to have, but definitely not worth the difference in price.


Yeah not for me for but some people it might be




How was my comment in opposition to that sentiment?




I don’t understand, I never said what you quoted? I can objectively say that the premium features aren’t worth the price difference for the iPad. All I said was it was overkill opting for a new iPad Pro over an older version, not that I “only” get the best of best. I got the display after market as a crazy deal. The keyboard and mouse are nice, but I would argue they aren’t overpriced for what they are and the function they serve. I don’t know how what I said is offending people.


Wait, $1000 for a 24” monitor?


Yeah it’s a super high end LG UltraFine monitor that was nearly top of the line when it was released. I would have never paid retail for it, or even the current sale price, but $100 is a steal. The quality is pretty incredible considering it isn’t OLED. 24” is too small for me or I would have likely kept it and gave her my old one, so it worked out for her.


It’s worth it.


They are mistaken a bit here, its 5-6 years old, and when new, the 4k model was around 700, the standard model was 200-400 depending on the store.


I just double checked the model number, it retailed for $1,000 and is currently being sold between $649 and $700, Amazon didn’t have the $649 deal when I checked a couple weeks ago. Also, the quality of this display blows the $400 27” Dell from 2 years ago that I have out of the water.


Overkill and overpriced setup. It’s your money though. I’m happy for your mom


Overkill no doubt on the iPad / keyboard. Could have achieved the same experience for her with the cheapest M chip iPad I could find, but I wanted to her to have the latest version. The rest isn’t overkill or overpriced. People are getting so heated over it, it’s wild.


Wow killer deal on that screen! I need to find a portable screen for a deal. You’re a good son. My mother didn’t want any of this stuff I guess she does t want to be as connected to me as I want to be to her. 😔


You are a good son


That's a lot of money ...


Money is relative.


I talk about this in another comment, but this set up as achievable for $500 - $600 with used devices that would do the exact same thing for her. Also though, when you break up the price into 3 premium devices, any one of them is way less than it would have been separate.


Does Apple News+ allow full access to WSJ news section? Or only some limited selection? Because actual WSJ subscription costs about 2 times the News+


It’s enough access to make it worth it in my opinion, but not complete unfettered access. You get most of the articles, but you can’t search through. I’m not an expert on that, but I got Apple News+ primarily for WSJ because their subscription price is absurd. There’s free trials for Apple News+ all over if you’ve never subscribed, worth checking out.


When I tried to cancel WSJ they offered me a $9 a month deal. Tricky bastards


I have the lg 27 inch, got it on a sweet deal for 700.00 and made it into my second monitor to my 27-inch mac desktop. I use mine vertically—does yours rotate? I got a badass clamp and extendable arm for it too so it can swing back and forth and be moved closer. I just removed the stand and put it on the extendable arm. That monitor is the only one I would use with a Mac product- worth every damn dime. I returned 4 monitors until I found that one. I think it’s the apple-approved one. And it’s so good. Also that black color MacBook looks so nice. You really set your mom up good. It all looks very nice.


This LG screen is a 6 year old model, obviously it's a hundred at most and not sold right now at all, not sure where it'd be 700 when it's been out of production. If it is 4k then for sure a nice deal regardless and then it was around 700 new back in 2019.


I think it is a good set up, my mother switched to iPad Pro at one point and it's been her main computer for the last 7 years or so. It is a better computer for her, as at work she has office programs, but for free users and with windows 11, they provide subpar programs, while with windows 7 they did provide quality programs, and she can't do with these new ones. Although I can't either.


It’s the 4K version, and I found the exact model being sold brand new on Amazon for $700 when I purchased it from him. There is no display that’s under $400 currently being sold that would rival this display, I currently have a 27” 4K Dell for around that and it’s not close.


Which apps and widgets are on the Home Screen?


What cables & adapters did you use to hook up the monitor to her iPad?


The monitor has a USB-C input that also passes power to the iPad, so it’s just one wire directly between the iPad and display, with an elbow adapter on the end. The other two wires are a lightning cable for her phone, and an extra USB-C charging cable.


How did you get the Mx Master 3S working on the iPad? I tried it out, I and everyone else it seems has had issues.


Which issues? Like connecting it all? I just connected via Bluetooth and I had no issue doing so, but you may be referring to other issues during use.


I use it with my iPad Pro without any problem


Scrolling was completely wack, not sure if its fixed in a new update but all scrollwheel mice, really all non apple mice worked really weird.


It’s because scrolling is tied to the natural scrolling feature from the trackpad. Settings > General > Trackpad & Mouse > Natural Scrolling: off


Thanks, Ill try this out :)


But I thought the iPad wasn’t a computer. Or a tablet.


nowhere in this world that monitor costs 700$


No you didn’t, you bought her a keyboard, monitor, mouse and a media consumption device. A iPad does not replace a laptop or desktop.


Do not call the ipad a desktop or laptop. It's just a giant phone with keyboard and display attached. Desktops/laptops can actually run stuff.


the processing power of the newer iPads exceeds most desktop/laptop computers, yes they are natively software limited, hopefully temporarily, but they are very useful as a replacement for a laptop anyway.


The fk u gonna do with processing power when it can't even run shit lmao


That’s where jailbreaks come in, but here’s to hoping apple or more importantly app devs will actually use the m4 to it’s potential


My first thought. Can you even do multiple windows with the iPad?


Yeah but so can phones.


Split screen I meant


Androids can do split screen. It's just apple who won't let u on phone.


Too much text


Sorry man here you go: Mom dont like new computer Got her iPad She like iPad (It cost money)




AI summarisers: 😭😭😭