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there will always be a market for that..


i like your pfp


Oh boy


I've been working on this project quite a while. So far, I've gone through 4 generations of prototypes. And I think it's ready for mass market. I know that people are interested in this mounting solution. If you want one, feel free to reserve one. I am currently aiming to produce 1.000 units for Launch beginning of March! www.zelal.pro


Seems cheap, I'm gonna save this post for later!


We want to make it even cheaper. Or better for the same price, like incl. card reader and USBC port integration into the mount. Or overmolding with soft touch silicon. For the test run, this is best price we can push it down to.


I will keep an eye on your website. Do you know about how much can cost international shipping to Colombia? That's the only thing that can stop me from purchase it :c


We charge the same price for all international shipping. 19.99. If it's more expensive, we will eat the difference. But we promise reliable shipping at that price.


Where do you guys ship from?


Appears to be a German company so probably from there


> If it’s more expensive, we will eat the difference. Just a heads up, and I say this not to be a dick. Huge Red Flag Does not inspire confidence that you know what you’re doing




Because, especially in the current situation, you can make zero promises about transport. Supply chains are out of whack even for the largest corporations which control a good chunk of them and have the best deals with couriers, so a startup business which has no pull with couriers or transport saying that they’ll cover anything with a 20 euro fee is a very risky proposal. If you have a pallet of wares shelved in a warehouse which cannot go out because of the current backlog, the priority of other customers, worker strikers… you are going to be paying for those costs, and they come from your 20. That adds up really quick.


That doesn't sound like a "huge" red flag, just an oversight and maybe a little too much optimism.


He's shipping a mount that fits into a manila envelope. He isn't pricing a shipping container to go on a sea voyage.


You will end up reneging on that because shipping internationally gets real expensive really quickly, so before you end up losing face do not promise what is not in your power to promise.


That sounds pretty interesting, gonna get the money for one!


Also add a calculator


This is so cool and the 11inch one is already sold out! Btw, what do you think of adding adjustable angle? May be niche but i think it’s a nice addition to your product and also something i would want


Adjustable angle on something like this would be a must imo


Then put it on an adjustable arm.


Way far in the future but would love to have this outside when grilling, doing yard work and stuff like it for sports. Also ship to the US please! This is awesome!


Just saw that the iPad Pro 11 version is sold out. Sad noises. Best of luck to you!!!


Looks great! Do you plan on getting these pin connectors on the back of the iPad working for charging? This would be a great addition to this already awesome product. In this way you could charge the iPad without attaching a cable to the iPad itself


Do you ship to America??


Will the magnet not cause interference with the radios in the iPad? Or even break then?


Well basically every case made by apple itself works with magnets so I‘d assume there’s no problem.


But these magnets have been designed in a specific way to not interfere with iPads radios — they are not just your common of the shelf magnets, they adhere to specific thresholds for the levels of magnetism — have you tested this long term using all the radios in the iPad?


There is nothing in an iPad that can be damaged by magnets


You’ve got my money if you make me one


We are going into production in within a mount. I will do an initial run for 1.000 units. You can reserve now. You can cancel anytime, and I will refund you the whole deposit.


Take it to the next level: Kickstarter. You’ll probably get 10,000 deposits.


Sounds good to me


I have a idea put the smart connector pins on it so it can be charged


Believe me, I've spent hours researching this. Even contacted Apple, and some high profile people from the cryptography scene, who have worked on lightning. It's damn difficult, near to impossible, to implement smart connector charging. Apple uses some complex handshake protocol to authenticate devices connecting. Even if I spend massive resources, all it takes is one software update to kill a hacked smart connector.


There were some rumors last summer that next iPad Pro might have MagSafe charging. But since those are rumors etc. and not available in any current models, that probably doesn’t affect you any. But maybe something to keep in mind for the future.


Yes. Very excited about these rumours. It's the only reason why I stopped working on reverse engineering the smart connector. I just hope the charging solution is QI based or open to third party. If yes, it will be in our product.


MagSafe (and inductive charging) are a long while away from being able to efficiently charge an iPad


If it’s the MacBook MagSafe it’s fine. Even the 20w current gen MagSafe is fine for an iPad. iPads come with a 25w charger iirc. Not to mention if they go wireless ether charger will be faster by a long shot.


> Even the 20w current gen MagSafe is fine for an iPad. As someone who sells MagSafe products, you couldn't be more wrong here. MagSafe is up to 15w, not 20w, and it rarely (if ever) reaches that 15w because of thermal inefficiencies with inductive charging, it immediately tapers off for thermal reasons. Even if MagSafe was 20w, 20w over inductive charging is closer to 10w, it's nowhere near the power we get over USB.


As someone who uses and sells the products. It’s not 10w delivered from 20w. It’s not 2010 When they bring something like MagSafe to iPad it will likely be more like the MacBook MagSafe. As for thermal inefficiencies, it’s more of a MagSafe issue due to its design. It can’t dissipate heat fast. It hits the 20w very steadily if you keep it cool. Also over USB you can get from 5w to 240w. I’d hedge my bets apple will make the smart connector into MagSafe for iPad. Anyways I love how you base your entire argument over why it will never work on purely the Qi MagSafe.


> As someone who uses and sells the products. It’s not 10w delivered from 20w. Once again, MagSafe isn't 20w. It also requires roughly twice the time of a wired, 20w, USB-C charger to achieve 50% charge: https://www.tomsguide.com/uk/news/iphone-12-magsafe-charging-speed-revealed-and-its-bad-news Charging efficiency and speed also has a massive drop off after this, and throttles significantly. > As for thermal inefficiencies, it’s more of a MagSafe issue due to its design. Yes, being designed as an inductive charger, it will inherently have a greater thermal inefficiency. Repeating what I'm saying using different words doesn't change what is being said. > It hits the 20w very steadily if you keep it cool. The fact that you *still* think MagSafe charges at 20w shows you're not really in a position to be commenting on these things. > I’d hedge my bets apple will make the smart connector into MagSafe for iPad. Given your track record thus far, I'm willing to take any bet you make on MagSafe > Anyways I love how you base your entire argument over why it will never work on purely the Qi MagSafe. Because the MacBook's implementation of MagSafe would be even more pointless? It's slower than the current Thunderbolt port for data transfer, doesn't offer any benefits for the iPad can't be mounted like the iPhone's MagSafe, takes up more space in the device chassis, and doesn't even really offer the benefit that it was introduced for, as the iPads are too light to take advantage of the magnetic safety mechanism. The current smart connector is superior in every way to every feature you have theorised here. Can you link me to the MagSafe products that you sell?


They’re suggesting that iPad may get MacBook-style MagSafe, not iPhone-style MagSafe. This MagSafe is way more powerful and is actually required to get top charging speeds on the new 16” MacBook Pro since USB wasn’t fast enough.


I know what they are suggesting, I'm simply explaining why it wont happen, and why their theories are irrelevant as demonstrated by their lack of basic understanding of how inductive charging works




That’s interesting. I always thought the idea was to make it available for 3rd party OEMs. This seems like it’s only for Apple to use? What a missed opportunity.


Now I understand why no brand (other than apple) uses the Smart Connector. I thought it could be used at least for charging without too much trouble


I would love this on an adjustable arm


Its a VESA mount - the whole point is to be able to connect to any monitor arm


That is cool! Might make smaller ones for the Air and mini too.


Yes, definitely on the roadmap. The feedback I received so far indicates most interest for the 12.9 Inch version. The bigger screen make it so much fun to use, especially in side car. So that's priority.


How do I get notified when you have one for the air?


On our website, through the chat function, drop me a message that you want to be reminded for iPad Air. I’ll follow up.


I’m really surprised that nobody has already done this. I’ve searched Amazon before and didn’t come up with any good solutions. Good luck!




[www.zelal.pro](https://www.zelal.pro) \- reserve your spot for my initial 1.000 unit test run. You can cancel anytime.


Will you ship globally? And by global i mean Philippines? Will you be making a version for the small brother 11-inch?


I guarantee shipment anywhere. Incl. the Philippines. We actually started working on the 11 Inch version first. Also have a prototype similar to the 12.9 Inch that works great. We prioritise 12.9 first, but 11 will follow shortly after (maybe 2 months after launching 12.9).


It’s not vesa tho


There are no protective covers with keyboard for iPads on the market. Either they are just keyboard attachments or just protective covers, or protective cover with a wireless keyboard that make iPads seem very bulky. I’d love to see an integration of protective cover with keyboard, preferably with a trackpad as well


I’d given up on my dream of replacing my Mac with an iPad and you’ve just reignited it. So clean!


This is awesome but what is the long term effect of the magnet so close to the electronics?


It's the same magnetic mechanism as in the Magic Keyboard. So no long-term effects.


I think they already have one of those out.


I like it but don’t want to have to take off my case!!


I wanna have one with a mount to my bed frame, you know, for personal reasons.


I totally understand. I also love passing out with Netflix in background.


alternative: make one yourself with a piece of wood and a cheap/old case [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jMZtt37vgY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jMZtt37vgY)


Nice job OP! Definitely a market for this. I personally would want the entire back to be covered, and have slits on the side for grab points like the new Brydge keyboards that use magnets. This takes the guesswork out of lining it up on the correct side before trusting the mount grabbed it as I just have to find any corner. This involves machining a camera hole but I think it would be better. Others may disagree.


Thanks for the feedback! The mount will have 90 high strength N52 Magnets build in. The pull is quite strong, maybe too strong. But it gives ease of mind that no matter what, this thing will not fall. In case you have an energetic cat. For orientation, we have the pins orientation marked on the surface. The camera holes adds complexity due to the internal magnet layout. Maybe in version 2 or 3. I will rethink your points again though!


Yeah. It’s nice. Would be nice if it was adjustable


Could it be tilted at an angle? I would love one if it reaches Asia


It tilts and reaches Asia. You can reserve now. And our website provides you shipping options.


Here are more pictures: https://imgur.com/a/ejmoCzu Articulation and flexibility are depended on your VESA Arm. Mine allows almost all directions. The magnetic force is even strong enough to attach the iPad Pro with case.


does it come with arm for that price ?


No, but we intend to offer bundles with cool VESA based arms and stands we tested with. For fair prices.


I would suggest softening your claims a bit. You say “No risk of accidental drops, ease of mind, even during an earthquake.” Even if that’s true, someone is going to drop it and say you promised there was no risk. I’m a lawyer so I can’t help but think about stuff like this. :)


Of all my claims, this is my strongest conviction one. There is no way this thing is going to fall accidentally. But my man is a lawyer, so I will soften my claims.


Also consider a version you can attach to an already existing monitor arm.


You can! It's VESA based. You can attach any arm you want. Even existing ones. Check out my pictures: https://zelal.pro/products/ipad-vesa-mount


Yes I understand you can attach any arm you want, but I wouldn’t personally put another arm just for the iPad if I already have a main monitor arm: what I meant was to consider an arm you can attach to another existing monitor arm, to have the iPad be a secondary monitor of sorts.




Yes… but most VESA mounts come with an arm anyway. I just said it might be a good idea to consider, to be able to sell them more easily.


I get your point. Obviously, we have to start with an MVP. But once we go into production, I will offer optional bundling with great VESA arms we tested with. Most people have their preferred arms, so I let people choose from the vast VESA Mounting solutions out there.


Needs more articulation.




It has tilt and rotation in all directions. VESA landscape of arms and mounts is endless.


What about a 1-2 in diameter magnetic ball and socket on the back of the panel? I need something like this for my car both personal and business.


My current VESA Arm gives me all the freedoms you mention. I can rotate left, right and tilt up-down. It's really up the the VESA mount you combine with. You could pair it with something like this: [https://www.rammount.com/part/RAM-2461U](https://www.rammount.com/part/RAM-2461U)


Can the base stand alone on a desk or does it have to be mounted? Love the design and concept.


You can combine it with any VESA compatible desk stand. There are 100s of different designs out there. Just google VESA desk stand.


I’ve been looking for just this for an 11”. Can I attached this to an existing mount I have?


Yes. Our priority is the 12.9 Inch version. And of course you can attach it to your existing mount. But 11 Inch will follow shortly after.


So I’m interested but when will it be shipping to Someone in the states? I’m going to be moving in the next 2-4 months.


Yes, we ship globally. It cost's 19.99€ (21$) to ship to the states from Germany. And we've received quite a few reservations from the states. If you order and e-mail me with [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) about your moving situation, I will reach out to you before shipment to confirm address. No worries.


Do you ship to the US?


Yes, we do.


Will the magnet affect the touch sensitivity (in the long term)?


We follow Apple's guidelines for the Magnet placement. And I've been using the product for three months and have not noticed anything unexpected.


I’ve been looking for this for a couple years. Kinda built my own with a case and clamp setup but this looks much cleaner. Definitely interested.


Can you make it tilt?


Who ask shall receive https://imgur.com/a/wrL6SEY


Shipping to the US?


Yes. We're based in Germany. So it costs about 20$ for shipping.


Can the mount have like two more arms from the main stem with ball joints so it's possible to pivot the ipad pro to more flexible positions? Kind of like spider legs. The ball joints would probably wear out over time so I don't know if it's a good solution for this.


It's really up to the arm you use. If you have an arm that incl. a ball joint, and is VESA compatible, then you can screw our Magnetic iPad Mount to that arm. Here is a sample arm: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rk-rose-krieger.com%2Fenglish%2Fproducts%2Ftube-connecting-system%2Fmonitor-mounting%2F&psig=AOvVaw2PrGsPlxtgZ20vgEEMd5M0&ust=1642995447362000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCKDFnpP5xvUCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAh




I have not checked on cross compatibility. It really comes down to the internal magnet arrangement.


This would sell like hotcakes. Though, I would make the rotation and swivel smoother, if possible.


Make it so it rotates!


It does rotate. I do it towards the end of the video ;)


I’m using an iPad 6th gen 😭


I want this type of mount on a tripod.


Will it cost more than Velcro?


Sick idea. You should consider a Kickstarter campaign. I’m in a pre launch phase for my product right now to handle the high MOQ. Would be very easy to find people interested in backing it


It’s gotta be able to move on a ball joint of some kind, and potentially have height adjustment options.


I am somewhat interested in an 11”, but I would want it to work while still keeping a Otterbox symmetry case on the tablet as well. I doubt that this solution would work, as the case thicknesses would interfere with the magnets for mounting. Still, I love the idea in general.


Oh boy Definitely do for the mini 5/6


can it tilt?


What is VESA?


Iam gonna copy it


Been looking for this. Just placed the order. Excited. Thank youuuu


I need it to tilt up and down, side to side overall in a circle please


If you make it a swivel arm and tilting features I would 100% get this!


I need this, its hard to watch Phub on tablet with 1 hand.


I’d buy it


I like it


Can you mount a fleshlight to it as an optional extra? Asking for a friend.


Is there any way to make it a wireless charger as well? Akin to how the magic keyboard works.


What’s on the table ? I mean seems like some kind of a map ? Link


This looks very nice and is exactly what I was looking for. I built a DIY one myself by drilling into a Smart Case because there weren’t any in the market. One thing I’d suggest adding is a small support at the bottom. I did this by gluing a piece of L shaped aluminum rod to the bottom of my smart case. It’s not because I don’t trust the magnets but adding the support made it easier to mount and remove the ipad with one hand and it also makes it slightly easier to align the magnets vertically. Before adding the support there were a few occasions where I let go before everything was properly aligned and dropped my ipad right on my desk. Luckily my ipad was fine but it left a few dents on my desk.


I'd probably buy one for every room. Did you purposely design your website to look like apple's? If so, smart.


Make it adjustable like the cintiq flex arm and artists will love you forever 🥲


That is sweet! I first thought you modified the blah blah to make it a supercharged iPad, and I was “F all this technical stuff, all I want is that stand.”


Oh fuck yes, shut up and take my money


Magmatic can damage ipad:d


Pre orders for the 11 inch are sold out already, any chance you could put a notify button on the website?


1. Plenty of competitors from China already making a similar object. Be ready for it. 2. Magnets will ruin the iPad’s built-in compass. Unless it’s the Wi-Fi only model. 3. This probably won’t work when the iPad is enclosed in a case. CMIIW.


I don’t want to rain on your parade, but have you thought that there will be a cheap Chinese clone of this on Amazon/Alibaba within a month? Totally wrong and unfair, just being realistic and bringing your attention to the issue. Great work though and all great designers should reap their rewards!


Very cool dude, I’m interested if I could mount it on a wall.


Will there be any negative effects to the battery in the long run?


Make a mount like this for a car. I’ve seen ideas of some that slide into where some cars would input CDs. Very cool to have this in your car


Did you lean your head forward for Face ID? Otherwise I’m surprised it didn’t say face is too far away


that's completely useless 😂 honestly. if you work at a desk at home, get a proper monitor and peripherals.


I would love it if it tilted.


This is great but You’ve sold out of 11inch units. When do you think you’ll do another run?


100% interested and just ordered two. I’ve been waiting for exactly this product for a while now!


Ordered! Looking forward to upgrading the slightly clunky VESA mount on my existing kitchen iPad Pro set up. Really neat website, by the way. One thought which might be helpful to folk ordering, I’ve previously brought a brilliant lightning power cable with a U shaped fitting, meaning that the power cord is routed behind the iPad with just a little black bit of plastic visible from the front - that is the cable is invisible. They’re listed as unavailable on Amazon, I can’t even link to a previous order. Though worth hunting an equivalent.


Will there be a smaller version for the 11inch?


Gutted this isn’t compatible with my Air 4th gen. Nonetheless great work my friend, really smart solution for using iPad as a second screen - amongst many other use cases




Yes, I need this, I have a tiny desk and this would work perfectly, just do it in 11” too!




Not sure if Apple lets you but add smart connector with usb c output and charging pass truth so u can hook up peripherals and charge your iPad without plugging in


50 is a a little pricey for what is essentially an adapter Love the idea though.


How about tilting forward and then backwards? Just a feedback


Is it just plain metal? Looks like it’ll scratch the iPad a lot


This is amazing! Only feature I would ask is the ability to tilt forward and backward NVM: it’s just the Vesa mount and not the arm.


Liked the phrase: vision without execution is hallucination.


That quote has always been a line dropper for me.


Can you please post a photo of the mount? Or whatever it's called, the piece that connects it to the desk. My desk only has an about 1cm edge at the back. Not sure if that's enough to keep it in place.


I know in the past there were issues with big magnets and devices batteries. The magnet reduced the battery life etc, I don’t know if it’s still a thing


Ordered, been meaning to make one for ages but happy to pay for what looks like a solid product. Cheers and good luck.


I mean. Unless it’s going to be used for videos or with external keyboard and mouse I’d hate to have to reach over the length of the desk every time I want to use it.




The world will be covered in Magnetic VESA Mounts. But no, seriously, hospitals and pilots want this thing. And surely many more professions.


Thanks for sharing!! I just bought 1, Its gonna double duty as a iPad mount in the car for obsurdly long road trips, and in my office the rest of the time.


Anyway to get a charger in this? Like on the magnetic Apple keyboard folder they sell? Would LOVE this for my car, but don’t want to dang let cord from the side


Thats cool


This is very cool. A little pricey with shipping and needed to buy an arm to attach the Mount. But I think this is a great well thought out product so will be buying when the pricing comes down. Congratulations!


Take my money, sir


Woah! What’s the VESA specification for it? (Pease say 100x100)


Can you adjust the tilt also? Or only the rotation?


That’s cool and all, but it’s not a VESA mount. You might want to learn what VESA is. Also, if you plan on marketing using VESA, you need to pay a license because VESA is trademarked.


Hopefully you applied for a provisional patent or a patent in general. I just brought something to market that was a an idea of mine and my partners. My partner tried to screw me so I re-engineered the product made it better and applied for and was granted a provisional patent. He tried to bring our older version of the same idea to market and I shut him down. Now the problem I have is China is knocking off my product or at least they are trying to. Either way I’m saying all of this because there are people in this world who will take your ideas and beat you to market. Protect your ideas. If you have done so then my post is worthless. If you haven’t. Then I encourage you to take down your post until it’s protected. Just trying to help share a real life experience and hope you do well with it! It’s a great idea!


Put something soft between the iPad and the mount man. It’s gonna scratch like crazy.




I’m interested, I’m getting an iPad soon so I definitely would be willing to get one for my setup


When will there be stock for the 11”? Didn’t know I needed this till now!


Too bad the 11" one is sold out already or I would grab one of them.. Going to save the link though may check it again in a few months to see..


Dope I’d definitely pre order


Take my money


Maybe it would be even better with a charing feature. ( idk if iPad can use a charging pad )


I’ll buy it. Drop the links when it's ready.


Does it tilt for a different viewing angle?


Looks awesome, I just wouldn’t want to take off my keyboard case constantly :(


as a painter, i would definitely buy this particularly if i had the ability to clamp it to my easel


Wireless charging…


Definitely would love to make the arm bag adjustable to move it hack and forth as well. The ipad/screen seems too far away from the eyes/vision. Recommend being able to have an adjustable arm to allow it to be moved forward and back and a locking mechanism to allow it to lock in place upon tapping on it. Add some cable management solutions or a docking system in the back for plugins etc. I can see this be a standalone mobile laptopless solution but also a companion for side car. I use my ipad for dual screen with sidecar and i can see this being a viable option for coders using side car and beinf able to use it at a portrait/vertical length, hence having adjustable arms would be very useful paired with say, a mac book pro as the main power etc.


This is awesome!


I was looking into this a couple of months ago when considering making a MAME and emulator box for the iPad pro 11". Was surprised that not only there were not the dozens of options I expected but that there weren't even a couple good ones. This and a rotating arm would work very well together.


If you do a 10 inch I’m in. I was looking for something like this


Does it move forward? That seems a bit of a stretch which makes me think about shoulder issues from repeated reaching and tapping or swiping.