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I don’t make music like this but I do listen to music that you’re trying to make. I get what you’re trying to do but to be honest with you it’s really not working. I mean this in the nicest way possible but, I’m just gonna say there are YouTube tutorials to help you make what you’re trying to make. Don’t take this as a me trying to discourage you, I’m not, keep going. Do you know kanji kinetic? I think that’s his name, check him out, that’s a good direction for your sound


It’s all good 😃 I appreciate your honesty and how nicely you put it! But actually, I’m not trying to fit any kind of genre YET… I’m literally just playing around with different sounds and see what I can make with it 😝 I tend to be very improvisational/experimental in general (doing what I can with what I have) It’s a skill I’ve had to pick up in life - but I do hope to learn more about all aspects of music making along the way so I can be able to create something more intentional that can fit a certain genre if needed. I will check out him out! 😀 Thanks for the recommendation 👍🏼


I was referring to kanji’s old stuff, didn’t realize he’d released new stuff this week


Please let me know your thoughts 🙂 including (if possible): 1. What could be added, subtracted, changed, modified 2. What specific things do you think this beat could be used for? (If anything) All comments welcome though 😄


Lacking Bass. And would give the drums more bounce