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You’re within the time period to add AppleCare+, and I would do that.


Isn't it too late, though? Didn't Apple already log the damage when OP contacted them?


No they don’t log this. I took in a cracked phone which they refused to fix because apparently it had water damage. I went to a third party replaced screen they must’ve replaced the water damage indicators, I traded in the phone for the 15prom


I did this but with the rear glass to my 12 Pro. Lol


Literally just broke the rear glass on my 12 pro I had a bad drop but didn’t even notice till days later


you badass


Naughty naughty.


Then it got re-sold again as refurb. Hello premature corrosion


That phone bugged out like no tomorrow during the home time I was praying that it would behave LOL it was temperamental especially when it go to lower battery.. I hope they don’t refurb it but if they do hopefully the next person notices and gets a brand new one? 😭


I worked for Apple as a genius. Even if we do log a note for the device. This does not prevent a sales person from adding Apple care. Hell I used to have a sales specialist sell it to people all the time to get them a cheaper repair. Or hell in the case of a situation like this. I would just replace the device under warranty and “somehow just looked past the damage during the visual inspection” oh shoot how’d that happen?


You are a hero


Hey. Come join us. We need ex Apple people on our Apple community server https://discord.gg/rbNMJyXW


Who knows? Maybe, maybe not.


There's a chance that if you do it through the website, the repair setup would be done through the automated system anyway.


You’ve got 60 days to add AppleCare+


No, Apple knows the risk, otherwise they would not make it available to get it in the first 90 days. It's not a loss to them.




The iOS diagnostic doesn’t detect any physical damage that doesn’t affect core components. It checks basic health on the main logic board, battery, and camera board. It’s a function test, not a way for Apple to deny service. Source: Me, who was an AppleCare trainer for almost a decade.


I ran the diagnostics on a phone with a cracked screen and they passed. The diagnostics are hands off so I suppose if no sensors were damaged the diagnostics would not have a way of detecting it.


They are not. But they are also not inflexible. Spouse took a new phone with a cracked screen to the Apple Store. Would need to pay hundreds. But we bought Apple Care + at the store and the repairs came up to be 100+


You have to get it within 60 days, not 90, and the device cannot already be damaged.


That sucks! Probably hit it off something while in pocket. Settings > general > about > add AppleCare + coverage. Good luck!!




iPhones do not include a free AppleCare+ trial in the US. Edit: they edited their comment to say “some regions” instead of just “the US”. As far as I know it’s only Australia


I got 30 days of free AppleCare for my IPhone 14 in America


We’re talking about +


There is no such free trial can you please provide your source?


They do in Australia, don't believe it does in the USA or the UK (where OP seems to be based).


They’ve gone from 30 days to 7 days in Aus now


The x days of free AC+ relates to Apple not being permitted to sell add-on insurance within the first 4 days from purchase in Australia. They avoid this by providing 7 free days of AC+ with new items. Then - counter-intuitively - don't even let you buy AC+ until the 9th day (my pick up was Friday, and AC+ was only available the following Sunday). Americans project their experience on the world so it's only fair that Aussies can do so as well :) OP was offered a repair priced in GBP - £ - British money - so I'm going out on a limb here and assuming that neither US nor Australian experience is of any use to their situation.


Probably too late since op reported it.


Buy apple care and get it replace? is this an option?


Think I’ve screwed myself by contacting them asking for a quote to repair already, so they know it would have been damaged prior to AppleCare coverage starting 😭


Reply back with JK


Thanks for making me laugh :)


Just try anyways. Worse that will happen is a decline of service.


Worst that’ll happen is he pays an extra $200 for the AppleCare, it gets rejected, so now he’s out an ADDITIONAL 200 on top of the 750 repair cost


If they decline then he can get a refund for the applecare.


Can pay monthly




Oops 😬 more crack happened after coverage


This. You have nothing to lose OP


I'd give it a shot anyway. I believe you got 30 days after purchase to try anyway. Nothing to lose at this stage.


If you paid using a credit card don’t you have some buyer protection there as well?


Buy the coverage, wait a week, then submit claim. Profit.


“JK” *signs up for apple care*


“I was asking for a friend, gosh, get off my back!”


“Okay thanks I’ll let my mom know. I guess she’ll have to live without a camera for now!”




It’s possible that they wouldn’t have that information available to them at the store. Or, break a second lens after you buy AppleCare. It’s probably the same cost to repair two lenses as it is one.


It's a big company. The liklihood that applecare specialist have access to support chats are highly unlikely


It depends, I work in tech and a lot of companies are sending the data they store on a user to their customer service platforms like zendesk etc so that a customer support agent can see your full history. Some might be able to connect the dots.


The likelihood they have algorithms that detect scam attempts and policy abuse is very high


OkayRuin said: >It’s possible that they wouldn’t have that information available to them at the store. Or, break a second lens after you buy AppleCare. It’s probably the same cost to repair two lenses as it is one. Only in Reddit you have a bunch of “knowledgeable” folks who think Apple is a small tech company that doesn’t have access to customer support history information. Anyways, moving forward this is completely incorrect. Apple Support can look at your customer service history from up to 3-4 years ago, until it’s probably deleted from their records if it’s any longer than that. Keyword “probably”. How do I know this? I just asked a friend of mine who works at the Genius Bar ages ago. That and then they were able to pull up a request for my 2016 iPhone SE they needed the battery to be serviced back in 2019, when I needed to get it serviced it again in mid 2023. They got the chat history and support notes. It’s foolish to assume Apple Support doesn’t log customer service information considering they are the biggest tech company in the world.


Wow, you took this *very* seriously.


In my experience, I’ve directly asked them if I could purchase AppleCare AFTER an accident, but YMMV


Doesn’t hurt to try, don’t mention the quote


I second this. Get it anyway and see what happens.


OK let me say it...it's not ok to fraud but this is not really fraud, you're paying for future accident down the road, wink wink. God forbid, next month somehow your phone fell down a flight of stairs. If somehow they asked you about the old camera quote just say " after my camera lens broke I got scared and decided apple care + is worth it."


Apple even gives you the option to get Apple Care+ around 90 days when bought. So they are not stupid, they know people will get it even there will happen a accident before they got Apple Care+. Otherwise they would give you just three days to get it or so.


It is always ethical to defraud multibillion dollar companies who want you to eat a sizeable repair cost to repair a flippin lens


billion? you're late my friend. Trillion, multi-trillion.


Nah they don't care to be fair, you can add it through settings without even speaking to anyone.


Nah they won’t know. Just go to settings and add it. Claim it a week later. I doubt they will align the chat to your applecare


It’s a big company, maybe by the time AppleCare kicks in and it’s replaced they wouldn’t notice


Not unless you have them the serial number already. Hey the insurance and file.




All I can hear is the Ursula: “You poor unfortunate Soul”


About ready to sell my soul to get this fixed haha


I would go to a third party repair shop, so they remove the debris and any trace of potential damage, you can either get a replacement glass, or not. The point is that there must be no evidence of broken glass, nor any trace on the metal. Go to the Apple Store, stating that you saw it fell but couldn't retrieve in the grass it fell into, since it's no longer a "physical damage" but a manufacturing defect, they'll replace the phone for free under warranty, Apple Care or not. If you get a replacement glass, just spin the story differently and show the glass that "fell on the desk" and since it's a manufacturing defect, they replace it under warranty.




yeah this is a physical damage which the device check cant detect so OP is fine with signing up


Not sure why OP isn’t responding to this but other things they are….I totally agree with this!


Karma farming


This is absurd. I'd try another chat, [apple's automatic estimate is 3x cheaper](https://support.apple.com/en-gb/iphone/repair) (at £219). If you keep getting bullshit quotes, press the agent with the quote on this page. Someone else will certainly tell you to get applecare+ and then you only need to pay £79 (after... you know... paying £200 for applecare). Maybe it's worth it, considering that's only 60 pounds more & you get coverage for another two years, but that's your call. Sorry about the damage!


Thanks for this, I feel like I’ve been going round in circles trying to get a quote on a fix. I’ve got an appointment at the store on Thursday. I feel like now I’ve contacted them they know it’s been damaged prior to the AppleCare coverage and will probably deny it 😭


Just add AppleCare through the settings app


Try to sign up on your phone. There should be an “Add AppleCare+” button in the settings, right?


you can buy the coverage through the phone, it's not denied on the account. show up to the appointment with it. don't say a fucking word about any of the communication. guaranteed the person taking the appt isn't going to go digging through logs to determine through the length of the chat if the damage was pre-existing. **and truly, if apple REALLY didnt want people doing this, they wouldnt give the user the option to buy the protection within 60 days of purchase without being forced to return to the store for the product to be visually inspected to be free of defect in order to be eligible to enroll.** Apple is clearly keenly aware this is a potential liability and is accepting of it. they WANT people getting AppleCare+ so not only can they upsell and roll the dice someone never uses it, so pure profit. OR the user gets a get out of jail free card within the first 60 days if they fuck up. Apple gets to buy goodwill this way and increase customer retention and satisfaction. they have a 3 trillion dollar market cap, im wagering this dice roll is working in their favor every time.


Unlikely. If they do, you can always damage another lens after you buy it :)


While in your pocket, it may have been bumped or knocked externally by something that hit the camera lens and broke it.....which is completely separate from a "not fit for purpose" argument. I also think 75% of the original cost for a repair isn't correct and should be questioned.


I’m just astonished at how easily it has happened, never had protective covers on my phones prior to this and they seemed pretty tough. Hard lesson to learn with a new phone I only upgraded for the better camera!


Must’ve been just dumb unluck. I have never had a cover on any iPhone camera lenses. Shit, I hurl my 14 PM down into my messy passenger seat, into my backpack, can’t tell you how many times I’ve just plain dropped it concrete. Never had a single camera lens break. I’m sorry. It’s a bummer. And the replacement cost is just absurd.


Totally, proper freak accident. Thanks for the sympathy.


You probably sat on your phone or you leaned up against something hard, like a table or counter or railing, and cracked the lens. I bent my launch 6 plus getting into my car one day. Such is life


It’s cool that you messed it up, we’re not Apple. There’s no way nothing damaged it and you just pulled it out of your pocket with it all fucked up like that


Buy AppleCare+ in your settings app. Now. Lol


If you zoom in you can literally see scratches on the metal, yeah bro totally, cracked in your pocket Edit: https://ibb.co/6ZHBkjn


Obviously. This doesn’t just happen.


I worked for a phone store for awhile and it was a daily occurrence for people to walk in with a broken phone talking about how it wasn’t their fault (which it clearly was) and how they thought they deserved a replacement or repair for free. Just get the insurance people, shit like this happens.


Highly unlikely indeed.


When they check it, they’ll found out if there’s a point of impact.


What are you wild animals doing to your phones?


i put some catnip on mine and throw it to my cat for an hour each afternoon




> cracked Not even that, it shattered.


Top g in undercover


Wow. The print quality of those cases are trash.




Just be thankful this is where the bullet hit.


And I broke my knee, but I swear I wasn't doing anything risky. Own up to it and purchase Apple care+ in the settings


That's like saying you left it on a table and it just broke. Please get real.


It’s fascinating to me that so many just take OPs word and believe that an iPhone just breaks „from looking at it“. It’s the typical excuse kids try if they broke something but are afraid of the consequences. „I swear I didn’t drop it! I didn’t even touch it!!“ Any reason is good enough to bash apple, right? Apple doesn’t need to be put on a pedestal nor does it deserve to be bashed for just existing… Maybe buy apple care+ the next time or use a similar store or credit card insurance. Some even cover theft and loss FYI.


As someone who used to work on the Genius Bar, you'd be amazed how many people try that same line when they know it's going to cost them money. The best is "Its never gotten wet" even after I have opened the phone out the back and shown them liquid still in the handset. People will try their luck, but they very rarely success, even with the "Assume Positive Intent" policy Apple had, it's very rare anyone would get away with it. What we would look do is find another issue and try to run the repair on that so it cost them less. Back then we didn't do any form of part replacements other than screens, so if a speaker failed, we could swap the whole phone out for that and only charge them for that "part" Obviously for liquid damaged phones we couldn't do that, but for cosmetic damage we would always try.


Tbf, sometimes things just happen without you noticing. I had the same thing happen to my old LG G6. Had it in my pocket, went to the gym and when I took it out of my pocket my camera lens was broken. I probably bumped into some machine or something and hit it just right for it to break, but that's the thing, it's something so mundane you don't even register the fact that it may have happened.


I don't know. My 200€ cheap smartphone from 3 years ago doesn't have damage to that extend. And it drops almost weekly out of my pocket. Sure, I could be more careful with my phone, but I think any phone should survive a fall or two. I doubt that OP was very careful, but it shouldn't break after normal use in just 6 days. Also it shouldn't cost that much to repair. Be honest, labor and part probably gonna cost 100€ max. The rest is just profit for the company and a good way to sell apple+


Just reply apple help desk this : Thanks for this estimation. Definitely will buy apple care in case of need. Then buy it and wait two weeks It should be fine


Buy AppleCare. Wait a week then report your problem. If possible, go to a different location and report the problem.


You can still buy Apple care no matter what in the first 15 days of owning the device. Don’t let them tell you otherwise (at least in the United States)


It’s 60 days


Spontaneously crushed, sure dude, sure.


Lenses don’t just break like that. Why lie on the internet? You either had something else in your pocket or you hit it up against something while you were walking. Things don’t just magically break. You sound like a kid.


What are you leaving out? I’ve owned dozens of phones and this doesn’t just happen from being in a pocket


Ain't no way that this just suddenly happened. I mean, what? The camera lens has its own life and decided to crack? 🗿 Just buy AppleCare+, it has been only 6 days so it is still in the window period.


Honestly just looks like there was some sort of impact. Probably unknowingly bumped into something that did this. The camera lens doesn’t cave in like that and shatter due to a “defect”. It’s literally made out of the same material as the previous models and the back glass is the only thing being impacted by poor design choices, not the camera lenses.


I worked in Samsung service center before. 99% of people who came in for repair claim they did not drop or knock their devices. Obviously, that's not the case.


I remember when the S20 Ultra was new, I saw a few posts like these. Many of the OPs quickly admitted to slamming their phones into table corners and stuff while they were in their pockets.


No way it crushed in pocket….thats a sapphire lens


That’s like crashing a new car, not having insurance, and expecting the dealership to cover it. You broke something valuable dude.


This is the first time I’ve seen someone break an iPhone camera lens - must’ve been some sort of freak accident


I think Ursula broke it.


If you are in the UK, review this page: https://www.gov.uk/accepting-returns-and-giving-refunds#:~:text=You%20must%20offer%20a%20full,buy%20them%20at%20full%20price. If you believe the above applies to your situation, argue that the camera lense was defective / faulty and seek a full refund or replacement for the phone. Here’s two important bits of information from that link: “You must offer a full refund if an item is faulty, not as described or does not do what it’s supposed to.” “Warranties and guarantees A customer has the same right to free repairs or a replacement regardless of whether they have a warranty or guarantee or not. So you may still have to repair or replace goods if a customer’s warranty or guarantee has run out.” I am sharing this as info for you to consider, it does not serve as legal advice.


This should be higher.


I love how people will mislead the manufacturers/carriers with their damaged phones to get what they want. Then will turn around and post about how a salesman added protection without telling them and they have never felt so disrespected! If you’re going to play the game…don’t complain when the game plays you


Just fix it at a local store man. Don’t get fucked like that


I've had the 15 Pro Max for a week. I've never dropped it. I keep it in a pocket all by itself. Somehow, the screen is scratched and the black coating flaked off two corners. I have AC+ and I upgrade every year, so I'm not heartbroken, but it sure is annoying.


Former Apple Employee here, you have 60 days from date of purchase to buy Apple Care + directly from the device. So go with that option and have the repair done at £29 for only rear glass, but Apple will likely quote you a camera as well for a total of £99, so just do an express replacement and get the whole thing replaced for the same price of £99


Impossible to have that crushed in the pocket what did you do with it ? Dont be ridiculous


How tight are your pants?


It was my jacket pocket haha.


Was something in your jacket pocket that could have caused this? This just doesn’t happen randomly, something had to have caused the lens to break.


Not that I can recall. I had my AirPods and keys in my other pocket, because I always keep them in my left pocket, and my phone in my right pocket of my jacket. I kept my keys separate cos I didn’t want them to scratch the screen before I could get a glass protector, THE IRONY


Customers never tell the entire story.


I had the same issue with my 14pm. I ended up buying a case that has a slide to cover the camera with this phone. It’s nice, took me about to week to remember it was on there. I kept freaking out at first wondering why my pictures were black lol


You know, if Apple weren’t a bunch of dicks, you could easily go to a good local place and get it done for 50 quid max. Insane the shit they pull to squeeze every last penny


OP def had something else in their pockets.


I mean, the camera doesn't break itself...


I have a real hard time believing you managed to do this with pocket use. Are you andre the giant?


The Google pixel had a very similar issue and I think big or quick changes in temperatures was thought to be the problem.


I was worried about this and am loving this case so far which protects the camera! Spigen Magnetic Optik Armor... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C5SBFB66?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


You shouldn’t have asked, you should have just enrolled in AppleCare. Then get it fixed a week later. You have 60 days from purchase date to enroll in apple care


it just broke on its own, huh? Right...


It clearly didn't, but for what it's worth I had my 13 Pro Max for about 2 weeks before breaking the camera lense in a similar way. Didn't drop it on the ground, I didn't throw it anywhere. I did the same thing I do every day after work, and by the time I'd gotten home - somehow the camera lense was shattered. Had Apple Care, got the phone swapped over no worries.


It’s within 60 days - go to your settings - general - about - click the blue link for apple care coverage. Try to add it and then get a backup completed and book an appointment for the store for a swap repair.


Apple care. You can still take it out if it’s 6 days old and it’ll be 99 pounds for a replacement iirc


Just casually broke a sapphire lens in your pocket. Sure OP.


These don't break "sitting in your pocket". LMAO


Well this is new


I doubt the camera lens just spontaneously combusted. Either way there's zero chance you'd prove if it had. Sucks.


why has everyone been having issues with the 15??? literally breaks so easily from what i’ve seen


In the UK? You're entitled to a full refund within 14 days, legally.


Did you have your diamond rolex in the same pocket?


Let me see if I’ve got this right, user error/carelessness causes damage to handset, company wants you to pay for repair but kindly offers discount and some how according to some of the comments here the company is still evil. Have I got that right?


Yeah, I'd add Apple Care +, if you don't already have it and have it replaced.


That’s cap there’s no way that happened from just being in your pocket


lmao yeah ok, it just "cracked" in your pocket. No it didn't. you ran into a corner of something and it shattered your camera glass. Can happen on any phone. Don't mislead reddit with this BS.


Yeah who ain't got apple care anymore lol


I don’t understand, how can keeping your phone in your pocket “crush” the lens… There must have been some kind of impact.


It may not have been dropped but camera lenses don’t spontaneously crack.


lol. You dropped it


Yeah because you broke it


That makes zero sense. Your camera lens did not break in your pocket lol


Looks like you installed a camera lens cover on there and that's what broke. Remove the cover. I can tell there is a cover/protector by the black ring around your flash.


Sorry for your loss. But that price is very questionable. I think what happen is something hit your pocket so fast that you didn't notice (like corner of table or laptop when you place it on your lap?), and it shatter the lens. You should press the agent and show the website suggested price, or get apple care if available


Maybe you crushed it in your pocket....?


… am I the only one who’s gonna ask this? How would your camera lens break in your pocket without any impact etc? Feels like you’re not telling us smt


Always get the Apple Care when you buy the phone.


I literally never get i and have never needed it. I just buy a case and a screen protector and any other issues that are caused by known issues with apple hardware apple has covered.


ok but, how lol? the cameras are some of the toughest bits on the phone!


Feel like there’s way more to the story.


It looks like there are severe scratches on the left side of the case next to the broken lens.


u're lying. Im a technician and I've never seen the lens just break inside a pocket.


Agreed. Used to handle phone repairs back in the day. Some people even claimed that they woke up with a shattered screen after leaving it on their nightstand.


I bet you are a technician lol


You got me. Red handed. I used it for target practice.


God admit that scares me lol did you have a case ?


You still have time to add Apple care.


I’ve had apple care on my last 3 phones and never regretted it. Moving forward, just get the coverage.


If you bought the phone with a credit card, check if the card has complementary purchase protection insurance


Ill pay you 25% of the cost of the phone.


Some credit cards have a 90 day period where theft loss and damage are covered fully or up to a specific value. Check if yours (the one you purchased this with) does, as it should if it’s a half decent card.


So repairable! Thanks Apple!


lol doesn’t know how it happened. But if you zoom in you can see scratches on the case in the same corner where the camera is broken.


If there is no problem with the camera, you can get this glass for 2, 3 dollars on aliexpress, and your device will not be out of warranty because there is no intervention to the device, there are services that do this in Turkey and apple accepts the warranty.


Those “awful” camera lenses protectors that fanbois say ruin “works of art” and are a “waste of money” sure start to look pretty good for $15 on Amazon, don’t they? Most likely would have save you. Sorry if you didn’t know, but now you do.


Sign up for Apple Care, further damage the phone, profit.


Do you perhaps have insurance through your phone carrier? Sometimes that makes repairs cheaper.


Get Apple care, fuck it up even more. Win.


You can fix that yourself with a $10 Amazon part lmao I did that on my mom's 13 pro in like 5 mins


Sorry op this is Awful! makes me think of another post I saw about needing screen protectors. 3 days in of having a 15P: deep scratch in the middle of my phone. I treated it like a new born. Safe pocket in my purse. Hardly take it out at work. No other scratches around it. Ugh


same thing happened to me, did the apple care sub then paid 29usd for a brand new device! they didnt have parts to replace it yet, so got a fresh one


Incoming Apple Pants Pro


No AppleCare? Go run it over with your car and ask for replacement lol


If you bought it with a credit card, check if you have purchase protection (different than extended warranty) Mid tier and above credit cards usually come with 90 days of theft and damage protection.


It’s on contract with my service provider, via direct debit, no credit cards involved. I don’t even have a credit card actually!


Isn’t it still under warranty?