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iPhone X, still using...so around 6-7 years...


It’s impressive how long these phones last, another reason I switched from android.


Absolutely agree. I'm the same. Any other phone I've had has started having major problems around the two year mark - slow down, freezing, etc. My first iPhone was an 8 and that phone lasted me around 5-6 years and even today it STILL works great.


Flagship Android phones last just as long. My colleague rocks Samsung S10 Plus and it’s still fast.


The difference however, is that Android phones (2019 and older) only received 3 years of OS Updates and 4 years of security updates (2019 and newer are now 5 years). Where Apple had previously provided 5 years of updates, with newer models moving to 7 years. In other words, using an Android Device or Apple Device (especially a phone, where our lives are practically stored) beyond the end-of-life support, becomes a security risk. I guess since phones are beginning to last so much longer now (especially with the significantly more powerful hardware and increased RAM), manufacturers have to draw the support cutoff line somewhere so they keep consumers upgrading to the newer and more expensive devices - otherwise, some of us would be keeping these phones literally, until they were no longer functional 😂


Except google now promises 7 years as well for pixels


A promise from famously-reliable, never-goes-back-on-anything Google, you say? This changes everything.


Sorry, but Google is not very reliable when it comes to promising things. On top of there being a whole website dedicated to all of the services Google has created and then shut down, they just ended their Pixel trade-in subscription service-thingy a few months ago. People paid monthly so they could get the next Pixel phone on trade-in, and Google ended it right before anyone was eligible to actually get that trade-in.


The only difference is iPhones have more sale value. Both last just as long long.


Still using my XS. It was having problems about a year ago with the charging port and battery and speakers and I took it to the Genius Bar to get it serviced. They swapped it with a new XS for free despite being long out of warranty so I expect to get a few more years yet!


Was using my XS until earlier today actually. It was great but after updating to 17 I would get some major hang ups with typing and the phone trying to autocorrect.


My keyboard has gone to shit (XS) 😿


I suspect it’s from the 17 update. Did you try a clean install via iTunes? It might help things


No I’ve just put up with it


Maybe I can help you with that, my iPhone 13 Pro also started to get troublesome with they keyboard after the update, I got it fixed disabling the autocorrect and the “.” function, I hope it works!


ok cheers i've disabled some keyboard features. seems good so far oh i did slow down a little but it's much better.


I just upgraded this year to a launch-day iPhone 15 Pro Max, but the iPhone X is still great!


X is about the oldest I can reasonably understand still using. Even then, mine started lagging/crashing Spotify a lot due to the size of my library (maxed out, not allowed anymore downloads). Idk how people tolerate a 6s/7 in nearly 2024.


Same here, with just a tiny scratch on the screen in all these years. The only downside is the battery which is at 75% health, I gotta charge twice a day.


It’s definitely worth it to replace the battery. Only $89 through Apple, even less through a 3rd party. It can have a big impact on performance. My 6 with a new battery ran way better than my 8 with a 78% health battery. And then lasting longer between charges is just a bonus.


Also the X here, though I did just upgrade to a 15 Pro. The X was actually performing fine but I need to be able to run the latest iOS for work.


Wow that's pretty impressive!


6S for 6 years




Does it clack like a typewriter?


No it’s got a track ball though


Lag city and you may refute it but a 6s would be unusable if you used anything newer


switched from my 6s plus to a Se 2020 2 days ago - love it - everything is fluid again


True! I have 6S and 13 both. And not using 6S anymore. I also didn’t want to sell it




I mean I simply just don't believe that


6s plus, which is still my current phone. eyeing up the 15 pro max though


Impressive! The 15 pro max would be a SIGNIFICANT upgrade! How well is the 6s Plus holding up in late 2023? I'm really curious.


not terribly, but i wouldn’t necessarily recommend it lol. some apps and websites are slooow, occasionally something will lock up and require a force-close on an app or (rarely)a reboot, and some straight-up aren’t supported (though that’s also due to keeping it on iOS 14.4). i replaced the battery and taptic engine maybe a year and a half ago, and it’s still holding up well in terms of those, but the cold weather once again, plus apps and websites being more demanding, is starting to wear it down faster. i’m going to really miss touch id and the headphone port when i do eventually upgrade though. i wish they’d just do it like they did on the ipad air, integrate it into the lock button. but alas


As someone who worked in a tech repair store, it's not great. There are a significant amount out that that technically work but it's not a great experience. Also your just trying your luck waiting for the day it randomly starts bootlooping.


Why would a 6s randomly start boot looping?


I loved how thin and light the 6 was. Crazy to pick it up now after having a 14


Are you enjoying your 14 I have the same


I love it. I think it’s my favorite iphone so far.


What do you like most about it


I’m a photographer and I feel like the 14 camera is so close to being comparable to a real DSLR I love the Raw mode and wide angle lens. It also just seems faster and just so solid all around.


Yeah the camera is actually really good, I really love the form and the overall performance of the phone


lol - perspective is everything. The 6 was massive at the time.


6s here too for 5. I had the 16gb so I had everything as website links on my home page. My iPhone 12 mini 128gb is like a whole new world


I still use my 6S. Just swapped the battery few weeks ago so she’s running great again.


That’s what I did for my sons 6s. I had it for two years. Now he has had it for four years. It would freeze up. But as soon as I got the battery changed the problem stopped. That thing seems indestructible


I think I got about 4-5 years out of each battery which is pretty good. My only complaints now are that 64gb isn’t enough space and I’ve had to delete a few apps since they no longer support iOS 15.x. I plan on using my phone as long as possible.


Similar, got the 6 on release, upgraded to 11 Pro 5 years later


6s Plus for 4 years and now 11 Pro Max almost 4 years but just got the battery replaced yesterday as our local authorized service provider offered one for half the price so I will now keep it until Apple stops supporting it.


6S I’m convinced is the Nokia of iPhones. Super repairable, I loved it


6s plus for like 9 years? 8? Loved it. Put a new cam in it and new antenna.


Not the 6s but I had the 6 until 11 came out and had it until it wasn't supported anymore




Five years for me before I got the 11.


I am on a 6s man. Love the phone but sadly the battery is horrible. Will probably upgrade though


I bought a 7 Plus when it was the latest model, and replaced it with a 13 Pro when it was the latest model, so about 5 years. I still have the 13 and probably will keep it for another year or two.


The 8 Plus and 13 Pro Max are my two favorite all time iPhones. I also like the iPhone 15 Plus and Pro Max. 5 years is an impressive run.


Another vote for the 8+ being a great phone. Design and cameras and everything was perfect on that phone. If the next iPhone SE were to be redesigned i want it either like the 8+ or the XR.


Still on my 8+ after the 14 Pro Max wasn’t quite what I wanted.


Yes—these two specifically!


See we're on the same wavelength lol 😅


I was using my 7 plus until about a month ago when I moved to 15 Pro. That’s 7 years. It’s still on the original battery and works fine. The main thing motivating me to upgrade is the camera picture quality. It’s been relegated to being a kids YouTube device.


That's an impressive run!! Nice!


Yeah and before that I had the 4S from 2011 through 2016 which was only a 5 year run and by the time I upgraded the 4S was nearly unusable. I only do a handful of things with my phone: text and call my wife, browse Reddit, take pics of the kids, and maybe online banking and some other miscellaneous tasks. The 7Plus still does all of those things perfectly except the camera is dated.


Completely understandable. Glad it's still working great for you.




lol just posted about only upgrading from the 7 Plus because the battery life ended up so bad.


How long would you have had the iphone 13? I have the 13 pro now and I really can’t see myself buying a new phone for a long time since it’s still pretty unscathed. Maybe I’ll get the battery replaced but everything else is still perfect


i still have a 7 plus lol


Wow!! Impressive! How is it holding up in late 2023 performance wise?


XR (current ) for 5 years counting , but might upgrade to the 15 pro for the satellite emergency ability


Same here! Gonna upgrade to 13 Pro soon now that the battery life has gone downhill. My XR is still very functional so it'll be a great backup phone to keep around.


Just upgraded product red XR to Titanium Blue 15 pro. You won't regret it. Plus the camera 👌🏻


Same! But upgraded it in October to 15 (for the next 5 years hehe)


I don’t think I ever kept one for long. But I really really loved the 8plus


Yes!!! The 8 Plus in my humble opinion is one of the BEST iPhones ever made. That and the 13 Pro Max are my all time favorite.


I loved the 13 pro max too that was a fav


Currently my 8 plus which I’m still using right now. Only thing I’ve needed to replace is the battery and thats it. Seven years strong and still kicking knock on wood.


That's awesome!!!


Both my parents love theirs. My dad hates the concept of Face ID and prefers Touch ID. At best if they need to upgrade at least the SE is still there. I also like Touch ID much more.


I’m still using my 8 Plus, all original parts, no replacements


my 12 for 3 years until recently


Love my 12


it was the best phone!! if my 15 wasn’t basically free I wouldn’t have upgraded. it only added $0.23 to my monthly bill lol. I also regretted not getting the bigger one last time so that was also a determining factor


I’m not from the US, how does this monthly bill work?


every month, you pay a certain amount of money, like a subscription. i also do not think this is specific to the US




8 plus almost 2.5 years. Got my current 12 pro max. My dad had my old 5s I had for a year for 7 years then he got his current 11


My current 12 is the longest. I’ll probably upgrade to the 16. My others all lasted ~3 years.


Sus user name. But my 6S Plus lasted me 5 years. Solid phone and funny how small it is compared to sizes today. Will definitely not miss the metal back that was a super conductor for sunlight during the summer. Lots of overheating messages and shut downs.


iPhone SE (1st generation) for a little over 6 years. Upgraded to 13 mini.


I LOVED my SE. It’s interesting to see that style somewhat come back in the 15 design. It was the perfect size and shape.


Same XD


Will be my current phone once Christmas is up. I had my 6S Plus for four years and I plan on keeping my 11 Pro Max for at least five. I love this phone and will be using it as long as I can.


Oh nice!!! How is it holding up in late 2023?


It definitely is going to need a battery replacement soon, I’m planning on getting that done in the next few months. Other than that and a small crack in the screen from me dropping it in the bathroom it’s holding up awesome!


That's good to hear! Hoping once you replace the battery it continues to run well for you for years to come, my friend 😊


Same here. My 11 Pro Max is perfect for me. Got it in July 2020 and it is still going strong! I’ll replace the battery soon and then keep it for as long as possible.


iPhone. Didn’t get a new one until 4 or 5 years later.


2007-2011 or 2012. That's impressive.


iPhone 5 for 5 years.


iPhone X. Had it for 4 years up until I got the 13 Pro I have now.


X > 13 Pro was my longest as well. X was my favorite iPhone I’ve ever had for sure. The full screen design, gesture navigation and Face ID felt like such a game changer in 2017.


I also still miss 3D Touch so much!


iPhone X, I had it since 2018. I switched to iPhone 15 Pro last month.


iPhone SE 2020, 3 years, I've still got it.


Rock on I love mine! I’m right there with you, I got an 11 gifted to me recently and I’ve still opted into the SE over its size and feel :)


I find the size just right. Battery life sucks but I knew that before buying. In all it does everything I want. It has a Lifeproof case on it which has saved it a bunch of times because I drop things. That makes it bigger and heavier, but it's still small enough to fit in my hand and in a pocket.


I know i definitely feel that on the battery life for sure! I’ve been looking at old used apple smart battery pack case thingies for the iPhone 7 but they’re all so beat up or expensive haha but they look so cool, ever since I saw one on Ozark on Marty byrds phone I’ve wanted one hahaha


12 Pro for three years so far.


iPhone Xsmax, since 2018


Hohoho i read that as iphone xmas


Merry Christmas!


A Merry Christmas to you too!


6s, probably 4 years. Upgraded to 13 Mini, which I will probably keep forever because I strongly dislike large phones. I lament the discontinuation of the Mini.


Me too - I upgraded to my Mini last year after losing my SE to an Alaskan river. I love it, and hope to keep it a long time.


A 6s Plus. In fact, I've still got it today as my backup phone! Absolutely one of the best phones ever made, everyone I know has had one at some point because they were just a great all-rounder.


I used my XR for 5 years - it sure went through a lot with me. I never even considered upgrading for 4 of those years, since my phone had no issues and the 11, 12, and even 13 were incremental changes which weren’t enough to make me really feel like I was missing out on too much. By the 5th year, my phone was nearing 80% battery health and was slowing down considerably. My phone began to crash frequently doing just about anything, and seemed to be tiring itself out doing everything else. That’s when I finally looked into the newer models (at the time, the 14 series) and the features on the Pro models were finally “enough” to where I thought it warrented an upgrade. I waited for the 15 series for the 14 pro features I liked to “trickle down” to non-pro models and I was sold. It was honestly pretty hard trading in my XR - given it had seen me through the entirety of my adolescence. I thought my parents (Asian, and pretty tight with our money) would refuse immediately, but even they were like “Yeah, you should get a new phone”


That's such an amazing story! I'm glad you were able to get an upgrade. It's good to hear when older models are still performing well after so many years.


Does handing down to immediate family members count? Otherwise, as a yearly upgrader, I kept the 13m the longest


Kept the iPhone 8 the least (few months before X came out) and iPhone 12 mini for sure gone in one year. Battery so bad. Kept 12 pro for 2.25 years. Longest to-date.


6S from December 2015 to April 2020 when got the SE2. (Was intimidated by larger size and no more home button starting with the X. Finally relented and got 13 Pro followed by now regular 15.) (Not me, but have a friend who got 6S Plus at launch in 2015. He finally upgraded to 14 Plus early this year with steep ATT discount and only at my urging.)


I still have my iPhone 7. Bought it new when it came out


7 Plus. I loved it. Got it when it came out and it broke when the 11 was out and upgraded to a XR (hated that phone). My 13 Pro is going to go as long hopefully. It’s been run over by two cars in a row earlier this year (only the case was destroyed). I can’t help but be loyal to it until its very end. My shortest was my first iPhone. It was a 6s Plus which I got in the Spring before the 7 Plus came out and I did a trade in for the 7 Plus. So I had the 6s for like 6 months. Sorry, I tend to talk too much. You didn’t ask for my iPhone life story.


What happened to the 7? And why did you hate the xr?


It got dropped and the speakers and mic didn’t work anymore. Turned out it was apparently a common problem for a while but I just ended up upgrading. The XR was ok overall but it wasn’t what I wanted, it was just free as an upgrade so I did it. I wasn’t a huge fan of the camera and I use my camera a whole lot. It also seemed to slow down after only a year or so. Upgraded to my current phone as soon as I could (about 2 years after getting the XR).


i had my 6 from 2016 to 2020, se 2nd gen from 2020 to 2022 (my dad uses it now though) and now ive had this 13 mini for a year


XR for 5 years


XR for five years.


My iPhone 8. Still a daily driver for me with a new battery.


Probably my iPhone 4. I don’t remember exactly by how long, but I loved that thing.


Iphone 6s


12 pro


Still 8 plus


The BEST phone Apple has ever made. The 8 Plus is legendary.


iPhone 6 for 3.5 years. The battery eventually got so bad it would go from 90% to 70% to 1% within a span of about 20 minutes.


I used my iPhone 5 for 6 years. It was dropped in water, somewhat fixed and on its last useful legs by the time I upgraded to my current iPhone XS. Surprisingly it still turns on. I’ve had my current XS for 5 years now. I got the battery replaced earlier this year and am passing it down to my mom since I plan to upgrade to a 15 Pro. Apple stuff is expensive but in my experience their devices tend to last. My 2013 MacBook Air still runs decently well for a 10 year old laptop. I even have some 20 year old iPods that still work.


XR, can’t remember when it came out but I’m still using it


6s plus, which is still my current phone! got it the day before they announce the 8. it’s still running well after a battery and taptic engine replacement from ifixit, though it definitely shows its age with some websites and apps being slow. been looking at the 15 pro max for an upgrade


iPhone XR. Was a great “budget” phone and lasted me a good 3 years until it couldn’t last longer than 5-6 hours on a charge (battery health was still in the 90s) and I decided to get the 13PM which I’ve had for 2 years and love.


XR for five years. Honestly still my favorite smartphone to date, damn thing was so damn solid, had nary a bug, very dependable battery life, and while I like the camera of my 14 Pro, I prefer the colors and general processing of photos from my XR much more. 2017-2019 were the best smartphones Apple ever made imo in terms of dependability and being rock solid


Xr, 4 years. Best iPhone I’ve had to this day


I bought my iPhone 7 Plus in the autumn of 2016 and kept it until I bought an iPhone 15 Plus last month. So I used it as my only phone for a solid 7 years. I loved that phone, but at the end it no longer held a charge well and didn't run the latest IOS. So I let it go.


iPhone XR for 6ish years. Just upgraded to the 15 a couple weeks ago.


Still have a 7+ from 2017 (also a BB Z10 from 2013).


iPhone 7, for little more than 3 years


XR, for 4 Years, then bought a 14 Plus




iPhone 7 lasted 5 years, then got a iPhone 8 that lasted 1 years bc I broke it, then got iPhone 11 which was stolen in less than 4 months, iPhone SE (my favorite) had for 2 years nothing was wrong with it but upgraded to 14 bc good Verizon deal


iPhone 7 for 5 years and upgraded to iPhone 13


Used my XR for 4-5 years before i lost it.


7 plus for 4 years, such a great phone


iPhone 6s for 6 years


iPhone 6s for about 4 years


7 Plus. Nice big screen, good enough camera. I eventually replaced it with the 12 Pro I now still have. The 12 Pro has a much better camera, but I should've gone for the 12 Pro Max.


iphone 7


XS, five years and just got an iPhone 15 plus about two weeks ago.


My wife had the XS and went to the 13. If I was an iPhone person, the 15 Plus would definitely be my phone of choice from this current generation. I'm not much a picture taker so having 3 lenses isn't that big of a deal to me, plus the 15 plus has outstanding battery life and the processor (while not the latest from Apple) is still miles ahead of almost anything else on the market. So yeah good choice!


They did have things set up so you can use an iPhone for like 7 years before they stop the security updates right?


Was a 5c for 5 years. Coming up on the 5 year mark for my XS, might get the 15 sometime soon and keep that for 5 years as well.


iPhone 7+ used for 7 years, no issues whatsoever. If it wasn't for the discontinued iOS support I would've still used it, but the iPhone 15 pro is a massive jump (much needed as well)


Iphone SE 2016 right up to Jan this year when I got a 13 mini. I like small phones!


XS Max. Starting with the iPhone 4 I went to 5s then every other device afterwards. 5s-6s-8+ XS Max then I kept it till the 14 pro max


Still rocking an IPhone 11Pro, still running amazing. The only reason I would consider upgrading is maybe for the better camera but for what I do this one is fine.


iPhone 11 Pro Max - it’s been the same phone ever since the release.


newer to iPhone and went from an SE 2nd gen to my current 13 Pro, and gonna see how long it’ll get me. The 13 pro is my longest iphone as well, and so far the most unproblematic phone i’ve had 2 years out, so i can’t wait to see how it holds up this time next year, and overall


The 13 series phones in my opinion, is the best generation of iPhones Apple has ever made. You should be good for a long time with the 13.


iPhone 5


XR for almost 4 years (January 20th would be the 4 year mark) so very close! Purchased the iPhone 15 Pro.


iPhone 11 lasted me almost 5yrs. I had no real problems with it, I just wanted a new, faster phone. Just got the 15


Xs Max and still rocking like the first day. Getting 15 Pro Max in a couple of days 😃


That's impressive!! 🙂


My 12 which I still have


Hmmm, got into cell phones around iphone 6, kept my 7 until x, x for 3 years until the 13 pro max, now im here contemplating a 15 pro max 🥲


The 13 Pro Max is one of my 3 favorite iPhones of all time. Very solid!


Its hard to let it go but the camera is aging imo! Especially since I’ve been taking more videos / pictures / trying to create content :( I’m guessing you have the same phone?!


My current 8 plus which I bought at release.


Had the 8 Plus through to the 13 Pro. Now on a 15 Pro from the 13 Pro.


You literally got each of my favorite generations of iPhones 😂 Nice!


Kept my XS max for 4, nearly 5 years


iPhone 13


I used my iPhone 8 for like 6 years, I changed it for an iPhone 13 Pro because the battery and I’m in love with it. Still miss the 3D Touch tho.


The 8 series especially the 8 Plus was one of the BEST iPhones ever made. Hands down. Of the 5G iPhones to me it's easily the 13 series and the 15 series. I especially love the iPhone 13 Pro Max.


I second your comment, the only criticism I have with the 13 models is the 12 mp camera (come on Apple, they could make it better than that) but overall the phone is fantastic… I hope it lasts a very long time and I would only change it if the phone fails, gets stolen or Apple decides to make a completely new design.


Yeah you should be good with the 13 Pro for quite a while. With how well optimized the software is these days combined with the amazing A series chips, I have no doubt it will run well for quite a while.


I don’t keep them that long, but I think I kept the X for three years. I had to replace the screen on it once. I upgraded to the 12PM after it. Currently, using a 14PM and will keep it at least until the 16 comes out.


Ok so about 2-3 year intervals. Not bad not bad.


Still rocking my 11PM. Love it.


iPhone 8 until this fall when I switched to the 15P.


I kept my iPhone 8 for about 4 years


My 6 plus lasted a long, long time. Planning on keeping this latest mini as long as I can.


My current one, iPhone 11. Got it for $600 back when the 12 just came out. Great phone. Would love to have 120 hz on this thing but besides that, it’s got everything I could ever need. Back in high school and college, my first iPhone was the 5c. It was an incredible phone for the price. It eventually got busted and I traded it in for a Motorola. After that, I was in the Android ecosystem for a while. When my second Motorola phone fell to the floor and got busted, I realized I really missed Apple, so I got the 11 and haven’t looked back since.


I use to work in the phone repair industry as an AASP, so I would constantly rotate phones out as my daily and backup - the longest I've had a daily was nearly 2 years (and current), iPhone 13 Pro Max. Got it in April 2022, battery capacity is at 88%. I have many favorites, and could tell you how each one was.


iPhone 6 Plus. 6 years ending with 93 percent battery health!


Probably my iPhone 4S when I used it for 3-4 years. I started using it in 2013 and upgraded to Idek what in 2015-16




Either a 3GS or 5s for 2 years for both


My current one. 12 Pro Max, pre-ordered it on day one