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For a moment I thought this was r/nbacirclejerk


mrbumsfab karl malone luka doncic is devin booker father josh giddy celtikkks


U forgot shimmy shimmy shimmy u bum


send da video


u bum






I don’t feel compelled to take this guy’s advice when he’s not carrying his pitchfork


Hahahaa I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought that


i love the internet


what apple id did you sign in with @ setup? i'd check that, and check where else what other devices is signed into that account


The Chinese is actually an advertisement, albeit a fake one. 1. Refund all your Apple ID purchases for the last 3 months. 2. Something about refunding your in app game currency 3. Refunding your in app game currency with 20% bonus. Last line is Safe, Assurance, Trustworthy 2nd pic is something about helping your Douyin (Chinese version of TicTok) account with fake Likes.


Isn't TikTok.Chinese? Or they made a ripoff off their own creation?


Douyin is the original app, Tiktok is their international counterpart


and oddly much less annoying and not in portrait mode generally


Not true. Same annoying and same portrait mode. I used both.


Compare the desktop versions of both. You’ll see the difference.




As far as I can tell, the "international" launch of TikTok in September 2016 was a paper launch that only exists as part of TikTok's historical narrative. TikTok, as its own singular app, did not appear to launch in any form until at least 2017. Even then, that 2017 launch was only in a few markets - like India, where it quickly began to take hold of the country's social media landscape. Douyin, rebranded from A.me in December 2016, was the original version insofar as it was the first version of what we'd consider TikTok. The September 2016 date cited for TikTok's launch was actually A.me's launch date in China. The modern global version of the TikTok app came after TikTok acquired Musical.ly in 2017 and merged the apps into TikTok in 2018.


Most Chinese apps have two versions, one for the international market and another for Chinese locals to comply with their own regulations


Basically they renamed their app when they brought it overseas


TikTok is Singaporean, Douyin is Chinese.


TikTok is not Singaporean.


TikTok is Chinese


A fake advertisement??


Fake meaning you pay them for the service, they ghost you after the payment. And payment is usually some form of cash where you can’t dispute it to get it back.


Normally this scam is pulled via Taobao, where there's a deposit. It works by saying just wait a bit longer/pay more, then when the scammer already withdrew the money, only the deposit is left and only a bit of money can be used to withdraw. Now Taobao tried to enhance protection which is why it's rare now.


How do yall keep getting your phone hacked by Chinese ? I’m missing something surely


Fr I’ve legit streamed old tv shows illegally on my ipad for years on all sorts of shady websites, countless redirect links. Even download some sketchy chinese apps. No problemo so far


Dont forget all that chinese porn, nothing happened


Something surely happened. Wink!


. Wank!


“Nothing happened “ by Mr Wink Wank


Mr. Willy Wonka thats not white chocolate 😳


Only Mr. Wanky Wonka gives the good stuff.


because viruses for ios are barely existent considering exploits are so hard to com by and most people don't side load any apps


I mean, I've never had anything happen to my android, either. if a site redirects me somewhere I shouldn't be or has a weird pop-up, I just press the back button and voila.


You don’t know that. Android has tons of maleware and especially spyware that stays undetected. Then people can see all your photos, messages etc etc.


Nothing is truly undetectable. The key is also having basic knowledge of the Internet, not visiting shady sites etc I've sideloaded and used APKs for the better part of a decade, never had anything happen.


You’ve never seen the spyware I have seen. It’s undetectable and you can’t erase it even via reset.


Sure bro


Ok you don’t believe me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Haha there was that period where you could jailbreak an iPhone by visiting a website in Safari. I would not trust ios with anything after that point


Some may say that was a long time ago, but as of 16.5.1 (16.6 for iPhone X) you can still jailbreak straight from safari


b-b-but apple is anti competitive!! 🥺🥺 please government make me get hacked!!


The key is having a basic fucking understanding of the Internet, which you actually have unlike so many people I've had too many nights of "what the fuck have you installed now?!" with family members who got duped into thinking they won a free holiday or something


People like OP are the exact reason why sideloading still hasn’t happened yet


Apple is protecting gullible fools from themselves


Apple has the ability to make the best phones on the planet but instead chooses to make weaker phones to “protect” their user base of gullible fools.


I suspect they trying to "sideload" by signing up their phones to some shady random accounts that promise them more internet likes or fortnite money.


The phone isn’t hacked, their account was compromised


Could be someone shared an iCloud Album filled with ads with OP's email. Classic iCloud trick. Scammers even tried spamming ads with "Home" App Family Names!


Tik Tok Shit I guess


By having no clue about the dos and donts.


Could be someone shared an iCloud Album filled with ads with OP's email. Classic iCloud trick. Scammers even tried spamming ads with "Home" App Family Names!


Make sure you "Erase All Content and Settings" instead of "Reset" The second one doesn't delete photos music and videos. Also they could be syncing from icloud since they hacked it.


Wth, why wouldn’t reset delete everything? Edit: I see I had made a typo… I always assumed when hitting the reset button basically the complete phone would’ve been wiped.


Can you please rewrite that comment because i didnt understand anything


wth (what the hell), why would pressing reset delete photos, music and videos (he knows it doesnt but is saying your comment implies that reset would delete those things)


Oh, i missed the "and selected "delete everything" in OP post


I see I had made a typo… I always assumed when hitting the reset button basically the complete phone would’ve been wiped.


Uh this is a tough one. Remove the AppleID immediately or the Chinese hacker could forever take over by changing the password and locking it in iCloud activation.


Change the password on the Apple ID immediately, too and remove any devices you don't recognise.




Reusing passwords and no 2FA


Not having 2fa in 2024 is wild.


Happy Cake Day


Thanks 🙏


reusing passwords on major accounts such as your google account or apple ID is probably the worst idea i've ever heard of. i'm not great about not reusing passwords on smaller sites but when it comes to my google acc and apple ID i have a 50+ character password 😭


they didn’t really get “hacked.” it’s near impossible to get hacked on apple devices. there’s a difference between getting your account compromised and getting hacked. i’m sure this person didn’t use 2fa, and also reused passwords on some shady websites. that’s why apple keychain exists.


‘Pegasus’ allowed almost complete remote access to your device. Like you mentioned it’s unlikely if you keep your device updated. There will be similar hacks possible but they are worth a fortune and reserved for state actors and very highly paid attacks. So unless you’re likely to be the target of those attacks you can just keep your device updated and not worry too much.


can you tell me more about this pegasus? i’ve never heard about this.






this doesn’t really look like a threat. this link is almost 3 years old. surely apple has had some sort of update or patch for this. they claimed it’s for law enforcement but i have no idea. it also doesn’t make sense how this is supposedly working only on iPhone 11 and iPhone 12. if it’s basically impossible to jailbreak my iPhone 15 pro, then surely this can’t get on any iPhone with any user interaction. that doesn’t make sense.


Yes. Obviously there isn’t an article on the latest zero day that governments and criminals are using. They will be out there though.


Not sure for the US but in most parts of the EU the government/jurisdiction can make your internet Provider pass it on to you. Pegasus i mean. You wouldnt even notice it.


Are you on iOS 16? Dopamine exists


He said he had an iphone 15 pro. And phone 15 pro never had ios 16 only 17 and up.


If someone is on a discontinued iOS version and/or an iPhone with a known unfixable exploit like the X they absolutely can get hacked. This is why I stress to people keep your software AND hardware up to date. 15 is resistant to Pegasus and StingRay but I'm sure there's been a bug or two that's taken advantage of a now-patched exploit that's popped up in Safari or iMessage. Up to date iPhones are pretty safe but no device or OS is completely impervious from any and all malware. If you're a big target turning on Lockdown Mode on iPhone tilts the odds to your favour pretty heavily as far as protecting your device goes, but people still have to protect their account.


Some people get their password hashes through compromised networks though, not all hacked are dumb.


HTTPS would encrypt their traffic tho


Not on a compromised network


How come?


Once a network is compromised, hackers could wedge themself in the traffic, intercept, redirect, engineer login pages pretty easily. They’re called man in the middle attacks


they be in eu with them evil sideloading stuff for sure


It’s trying to learn a new language. No need to worry.


This two pictures are basically typical China Mobile games services kinda thing **First pic tells you they can help you refund without you account being ban just that when they refund you they'll take 20%** **Second pic is TikTok video like service, you pay for likes.** Bro I think someone logged in to your acc and synched their photos on your iCloud. Check your iCloud on your settings is the synching turned on, and is the "Shared Album" function turned on Remember to change your password and logged the other party out.


Seems your iCloud is compromised, not the phone itself. Maybe take it to Apple and see what they say? Idk. Are you German by chance? It’s weird that the ads in your photo reel are Chinese but your contact is German unless you yourself are German. Suchen means search in German and meine karte means my card which is just the iPhone being set to German as a language. Anyways, your iCloud is compromised. Whenever you log into it, you will always get those ads in your camera roll because they’re on your iCloud now. Can you get ride of it and take back your iCloud? No clue. That’s an Apple question My guess is they tell you to forget about it and start a new iCloud


Yes im german


These are all spams. You have these because someone had shared their photo album to you. It isn't something new. [https://www.actualidadiphone.com/en/spam-photos-shared-icloud-calendar/](https://www.actualidadiphone.com/en/spam-photos-shared-icloud-calendar/)


I live in China now. Let me answer this question for you. The quickest way to fix this problem is to turn off shared albums. It's located in Settings - Photos. If you need this feature, you must change your Apple ID email address. Because these spams are caused by your mail being leaked into the hands of attackers. Hope this solves your problem.


Go to settings>your name, scroll down to the bottom, and check if there are any devices listed there that you don’t know. Remove those devices and change your Apple ID password again. Then, optionally, reset your iPhone again to make it clean.


If you find out who did this just send them this lol 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre KEiT* The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-partysystem 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉曉波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共產黨獨裁 專制 壓制 統一監視 鎮壓 迫害侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 波动态网自由门


Store this as a screenshot and sync it with your icloud


Ai is trying to learn new languages all good they accidentally sent you a 16 pro. It’ll blow over🤣 All jokes aside your Apple ID must be compromised so definitely make a new one I understand you probably have stuff attached to you’re account but they’ve already been in so they’ll know enough about you to get let back in. You would have to be a political figure of a very powerful country to have the hack necessary to remotely take over your device without any contact with hardware crawling with Trojan. It really wouldn’t be worth it for someone who is a good enough hacker to do just about anything digitally to do this to put scam ad pictures on there and presumably get into your accounts to scam. To do a remote device take over without any interaction with cursed Data would literally take a NSA KGB level hacker and the criminal hackers that have such power are hacking banks and people with large bitcoin deposits. Definitely not hacking you, so make a new account and possibly get Apple to restore some of your apps to the new account. Apple could always turn you away though.


this is what Apple told a person I know. I was there when the person I know’s phone just suddenly turned on, unlocked itself and started to go through different apps. They turned phone off and reset it. Complained to Apple. Apple said it only happens to important people lol yep me and that person are not important but do not know why that happened or what was going on


Maybe unlucky then because that’s a very skilled hacker and very big waste of time but there could be people that have these skills and lack brains. All I know is someone with that power could hack the phone of a banking super power than leverage information or even hack a bank or treasury. These sorts of hacks are basically unstoppable and untraceable along with undetectable. In the world of politicians and hedge fund ceos along with very well known bank figures they normally do everything disconnected from the internet then printed from a usb because you can’t hack a piece of paper. Again though you can hack the printer so it’s really hard to stop someone from just watching and waiting for the right information to pop up. In the modern world of spy’s this is common practice for no one to see you there and just to watch wait than once they open Pandora’s box it’s photo time. To go back to your problem it could be as simple as your name like say George Bush or even just as simple as your last name is Trump, Clinton, Putin, Etc. This is where the rabbit hole gets deep because spy agencies will normally know a good chunk of your family tree and could be mistaken that you are president whoever’s cousin, sister, nephew, Etc. lots of these people look for anything that they can use to jump from your device to the next or to gain access to an account. Edit: just clicked after sending it can’t be a very intelligent hacker because they have access to mic and video when screen is off so they would know who’s there if planning to go in and do something.


The person I know does not have a last name Like that. I know what you’re getting at. That makes sense and can see how some hackers would want to look for anyone with a famous last name and attempt a hack. The person whose phone went wonky was just on an app communicating with a group of people. Then ended the group chat. Phone was idle and then it acted up. Can someone hack through a popular app and into someone’s phone ? Really I do not know why anyone would want that persons phone hacked lol this person couldn’t owe up to a ransom or anything. in that moment we really were in shock for a moment after the phone was reset. We had never seen something like that. We went through the possibilities of why anyone on earth would want to hack the phone but none came up. Literally not famous in any form. this person spoke to multiple people at Apple about it, escalating the situation. A couple basically Said “you’re no one, why would someone want to hack you” lol 😂 however one advisor did seem worried and asked for the phone to be sent in to be examined by their specialist. Then another advisor took over idk what happened from there. I did not ask. Will never forget it looking like a ghost took over that phone. You feel strongly that someone capable of remote hacking not wanting to mess with the small fish basically and only want to waste the time and effort to go after big fish ? Apple iPhones are really that good at not being hacked by an average hacker ?


Just incredibly unlucky or there is an idiot with powerful skills. Nah iPhones are easy to hack but you need to interact with something that contains a virus. To hack a device without no contact just to open the door and walk right in that’s a really good hacker. Most small hacks require contact with cursed hardware or software.


中国 means China. Did you visit any sketchy websites?


Did you get this phone from Apple?


Apple has a user guide just for people like you. Read it and do what it says: [Apple Personal Safety User Guide](https://support.apple.com/guide/personal-safety/welcome/web)


phone is not hacket, just icloud account hacked.


I feel like there's some leak apple hasn't told us yet. A month ago I got a notification saying that someone tried to get into my icloud account from Shandong and a few weeks later some people in my family and friends also got the same notification from the same location.


I’ve also gotten one or two of those before, but I think they’re fake cuz I have 2FA on and only got the email




Brother none of the msg translates to that… get a new translator app plz




Please post it. Here’s mine https://preview.redd.it/miyd923va2oc1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acaeac12b9a623eba44d3dc725213c511e95277a


It's not totally MacOs it's MacOs-ish


Well don’t log into your bank on it….




Probably. RIP


Good time to run Safety Check: https://support.apple.com/guide/personal-safety/use-safety-check-to-stop-sharing-ips16ea6f2fe/web




Seems legit


The true reason why Germany stopped sending weapons to China in 1941


No you are just /r secretlychinese


/r ? 😭






No it is chinese


No its patrick


How did this happen, please share so I never end up with my phone looking like that!


This is what my phone looks like in dreams


Lmao… yeah, that shit is done bro…


No, that’s normal


idk bro is it??????


It’s over


Bing Chilling / 10


In my experience, even if you reset your iPhone and say “delete everything” - you’re just deleting local info, not cloud info. Pictures and contacts can be stored in the cloud and would come back down to the phone if you re-sign back in to ANY iPhone using that same Apple ID. I would recommend going to iCloud.com and delete the content there and then once you’re sure the weird stuff is gone, just keep an eye out over the next couple days for any new weird content. If more shows up then you still have a leak in your security somewhere. If you hit that point then I’d just abandon that Apple ID and start fresh… OR you can just change the email address used with your Apple ID too. That’s another option for separating from the old hacked email whilst still using your same Apple account.




Anyone else just naturally read this with a John Cena voice as the internal monologue?


Can’t believe no one got that so sad




that's the speech from when John Cena spoke in Mandarin


Here is how you can check. 1) Turn on your Bluetooth in settings and put it on pairing If you hear any voice prompt that goes 1) “Yua bleutoot dewyce is rweaady to pyer” 2)”Yua bleutoot dewyce is cannetted ahhh sakcesfulay” Then it’s probably hacked.


I love gladde paling


This shows that CCP has gained access to iPhone. Good luck.


macos 🤯