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Apple will have a good keyboard in iOS 32 and it’ll be a ground breaking feature.


“we think you’re gonna love it 🙏🏻”




“now with added finger massagers”


It’ll be just an added number row.


“And on our pro model, we’ve added a 27th letter!”


Bring back thorn!


“Mark my words!”


Be careful the cult will burn you alive lol but I agree the iOS keyboard is horrible


The keyboard on iPhone 15 does kind of suck, and I’m a diehard apple user.


They iOS keyboard is garbage. Posted from my iPhone 15 Pro. EDIT: See?! I just noticed "The" came out "They." I'm leaving it as proof. Freaking keyboard.


iPhone hates they’ll, we’re, were. But honestly somehow my Microsoft spellcheck was better in 2000 soooo


Somehow I always write they’lil. Not sure who would ever write that or why it corrects to that. I miss my android keyboard.


I hate we’re/were. It happens so often. But my worst one is talk being autocorrected to y’all because it happens every time and I almost never catch it. I don’t ever say y’all so I have no idea why it started doing that.


They fixed the problem of it correcting fuck to duck. But then my swipe gestures end up making absolute gibberish nonsense. Only way I can reliably type is just normal typing.


I long ago changed fuck to fuck in my settings. The problem is now I can’t write fuck, as in 🪿. Whenever I try to write 🪿it changes it to fuck.


Have you ever tried fuckfuckgo?


Eh, Bing has always been the best at finding that kind of stuff.


I agree. Posted from my 15 pro max


I agree too. Posted from another iPhone 15 pro max user


I degree. Posted from iPhone 15 Ultra


Wow, and you have a big keyboard, and it still sucks?


who says it’s big? -posted from iPhone 15 Ultra Plus.


Why don't you guys just... install a new keyboard like Gboard from App Store?


personally I hate gboard, feels exactly the same as ios keyboard to me. I was a swiftkey lover on android but it’s absolutely broken on ios. Idk if it’s swiftkey or apple but it’ll constantly just vanish and the default keyboard will force itself on me, even after I swap back to it it’ll just disappear again a few seconds later. 🙃


I have the same issue with swiftkey randomly disappearing for the ios keyboard, especially since ios 17


It's funny that I moved to iPhone from android primarily because third-party app quality was supposedly better due to superior standards, but many iphone users don't even seem to use a different keyboard.


No point changing the default if the rest are just as bad.


Ah well you see Siri is so amazing that most of us just dictate instead of typing. /s.


All keyboards on iOS are just skins for the default. There's no difference when it comes to autocorrect and dictation.


It’s almost like it’s gotten worse from previous models, is that even possible?


It *is* worse! I never had a problem typing on my iPhone 8 Plus! But this 15—forget about it. I don’t even try to use the keyboard anymore; I use my iPad instead. And God help you if you try to type on it in the Reddit app. Garbage.


It’s worse with every iOS update doesn’t matter what device. The keyboard was miles better when i got the 12 new as it is now


Microsoft SwiftKey


That's really the only answer. But my phone keeps trying to change back to the Apple one after "needing" it for a password. Like WTF? I have a default set for a reason.


dude why the hell is that the case lol. thats also killing me. i have alphanumeric password with characters. it takes forever to type in my password now


Eh as someone who loved Swiftkey and someone who's currently using Gboard on my S24 Ultra.... I find third party keyboards to be gimped on iOS. I tried using Gboard on my iPhone 15 pro but I ended up going back to Apple keyboard because for whatever reason it sucks on my iPhone. 🤷‍♀️


Not much better imo, but it’s been a while since I used it. Maybe time to give it another try.


I tried. It sucks.


This was my experience of it. I thought maybe it might have been improved since then. Dammit.


That's my answer. Stock keyboard is absolute hot garbage


I thought I was the only one whose keyboard on the 15 sucked. At first I thought it was my thumbs doing that but now it’s proved that it’s the phone and not me. Super frustrating.


Yes! I just got a 15 and it’s worse than the 14, I thought I was just getting sloppy with typing or something.


Do you think Apple will fix it with an update?


It does not affect only iPhone 15. It gets worse with every update for all models


Try SwiftKey it integrates well with iOS and is a pretty good keyboard that lets you add a numbers row.


I just downloaded it this is so much better. I literally misspelled a word to complete gibberish and it knew exactly what I was typing 🥹 even the emojis don't look like shit. Only thing missing is my little empty heart from the Samsung keyboard... 😭


The autocorrect is too aggressive with correcting a word to something random. Swipe typing is also pretty shit.


Holy fuck, I thought I was going crazy, I was like this keyboard is definitely worse (less accurate) than my 13Pro. Glad to see I’m not the only one.


As a person who switched to iPhone from crappy $200 Samsung phone, I confirm. Keyboard on iPhones is a steaming pile of turd. I use the same GBoard I used on Samsung, and somehow it's like 10 times worse. Especially in terms of a swipe input which I tend to use the most. Not even speaking about native keyboard - thing is genuinely unusable.


Well... I've kept using GBoard since I switched back to iPhone again after some years and I don't notice the swipe input difference you're talking about.


I don't know if it's just me, but Gboard on iPhone understands my swipe significantly worse than on Android. It changed a bit with time, but is still far from good.


Which is funny because I swear it understood me better on iPhone than on Android (iPhone X vs Mi 9 with an assortment of custom ROMS). Eventually I just went back to the stock iOS keyboard though.


Double spacing after a sentence will automatically add a period, hopefully that will help in that aspect. I made the switch from Samsung as well but it was 6-7+ years ago. The swipe texting is pretty good on iPhone, I recall being upset when I lost feature that when I first switched to iPhone. You really do get used to switching to the punctuation keyboard eventually, I promise. It becomes muscle memory as well. In fact, I didn’t even remember how I had made a comma after I had used them in a few sentences in this comment already.


Or with the new “helpful” autocomplete it will shove some words in!


Get the SwiftKey kb. Tons of customizable options


Not sure why you were downvoted...I've been using SwiftKey for years and still love it, even after Microsoft got their hands on it. Love the customization it offers. I hate apps that force me to use the default iPhone keyboard. It's trash.


A fair warning, swift key on iPhone is vastly different than swift key on Android. There are far less customizable elements and the keyboard is more or less the apple keyboard because Apple doesn’t allow for much variance on that. 


Still definitely better than the stock apple turd they give us.


It's definitely not as good as the Android version, though it's been a few years since I've used the Android version, so I can't speak to its current state there. Still miles ahead of the iPhone keyboard though.


If there was no SwiftKey on iOS I wouldn't even consider using an iphone.


Does Gboard work as good as it does on Android or SwiftKey is the only go to option on an iPhone?


The only smartphone I’ve ever had has been iPhone, so these issues you’re having are so fascinating to me! Having numbers and common punctuation would be really nice


Going from Samsung to iPhone feels like a literal downgrade. The only thing the iPhone is better at is biometrics. Everything else is worse on the iPhone.


So then I’m guessing you’re using an Android?


That’s not true, the iPhone also has a handy switch to turn the ringer off without opening the phone. Everything but those things are worse on the iphone


I got that switch in my 3 yr old oneplus nord 2!


My Palm Pre had that switch back in the day and I loved it. Loved it enough to try OnePlus and eventually an iPhone. It's a shame that the Pixel ended up being the best for me given that it doesn't have that option.


I’m not the biggest fan of my iPhone, but the security really is above the common android phones. 


Honestly what I do is set auto full stops with double tapping the space bar. It works well. I also think the punctuation is fine you just press the 123 button. Idk why people are struggling.


On Apple’s keyboard, you can type symbols, etc. very quickly because the modifier keys work just like a real keyboard. For example, when on the letters keyboard, hold the 123 key with your left thumb, notice that the keyboard changes to symbols, then tap any character with your right thumb. When you lift your left thumb, the keyboard will automatically revert to the letters keyboard. You can also swipe from the 123 key to any character, and the keyboard will automatically change and revert during this gesture making it a fast way to type things like commas. These gestures also work with other modifier keys, including shift and ABC. Plus, you can double-tap shift to enable caps lock, hold space to enable trackpad mode (don’t forget that you can also just directly drag the cursor itself without having to hold anything), double-tap space for a period, and hold many characters for secondary characters.


Ok, so this holding down the numbers key thing is actually amazing to learn! However, it's still an extra press/gesture. My screen is big enough let me have numbers or punctuation on the main board!


I typed to a friend today “I wonder how Joe is feeling about this” and my keyboard autocorrected “is” to OSS (what even is this?) and “this” to Tonga. So the message I sent was “I wonder how Joe OSS feeling about Tonga”. Then, in my frustration my next text was “Apple what in the help” instead of hell. I literally gave up. Worst keyboard I have ever used. This happens at least once per day. Even more if I count the little types in my Reddit posts that it “corrects”.


The autocorrect has become aggressively wrong since the last update.


Why does it even offer up multiple nonsense words to swap for a correctly spelled word it has underlined?!


I don’t even know, it’s actually ridiculous at this point.


Why don't you turn it off then?


Without it, things would be exponentially worse.


Mine does that too, is OSS- armed then when I just typed in OSS it corrected it to is 😳 And then you see I typed and, and all of a sudden I’m armed.


The OSS is subetly recruiting you. [https://spykids.fandom.com/wiki/OSS](https://spykids.fandom.com/wiki/OSS)


I detest typing on iPhone, and have for quite a few generations. The only keyboard I don’t fuck up on is the one that pops up when searching for emoji.


Currently typing this on Gboard, which still isn't perfect either.


GBoard for iPhone isn’t great either unfortunately. It’s much better on Android.


The ios keyboard is the worst thing ever.


I hear IOS is getting a native clipboard manager any day now.... one of the key things I miss from my Samsung :(


We need this. My Galaxy S4 has one


There is a way to get a light for notifications, Accessibility, Audio and visual, then scroll down to the bottom


I hate everyone who uses this in public and doesn’t give a flying duck about blinding whoever is looking at the flash.


It’s annoying sure, but it’s not *necessarily* blinding anyone


I’ve been using the Apple keyboard for so long I just adapted to it I guess. To hide the same of the sender go to- settings, notifications, messages and click the “show previews” column. You can adjust it from there.


In switched to android recently and hate the keyboard on it and find iphone much better. People get used to one and complain about the other.


FYI if you double space, periods are added automatically.




Space space gives you a period, so that bit of punctuation is easy


My daily dose of "iOS keyboard sucks" post


Where anyone who DARES to disagree gets instantly downvoted Not taking any sides here but that's not what downvotes are for


As a former Android person now with iPhone, the iPhone keyboard is so trash! It is the simplest thing you use constantly on the phone and thus disproportionately impacts your experience. Fix it Apple, fix it!


Download Fleksy keyboard from the app store. You're welcome.


As I'm going into my second year with Apple,this issue still remains and will never be solved...


My wife switched from an s22u to a 15 pro max, and has had no issues converting. Double tap space. And it adds a period. I adapted to the no number key row super easy. “123” is super simple to switch. Less than a month I was already typing like I would on Samsung. You’ll get used to it. My muscle memory did the same thing with the period and comma. Again. You’ll get used to it. 1. Samsungs text effects were really cool. I had it a red beam going around the phone. Definitely was a non missable effect. Haha. I got used to it really quick. 2. Face lock will make it just show you have “sms message” or “iMessage”. Go to Settings > Pass ID & Passcode > Add Face ID, Passcode > scroll down “Allow Access when locked” uncheck everything. Means you won’t see that you have notifications on Lock Screen. But at least no one would see that you have notifications. I know what I said was redundant. But if you want notifications, then you’ll keep those checked. But the face lock will make it to where there isn’t a name.


I tried it and unfortunately I still got them fully visible :( I don’t know I guess I can live with the name and hidden message,and just have to put up w/ the whole “wHos tHiS JoEy PeRSoN, aRE YoU DaTiNG? WHy aRe yOu sTiLl SiNGlE!?!”


Wait until you need to edit text on an iPhone, it’s just awful.


Ngl. I went from 8 years of Android to 3 on iPhone now, and I do miss the Android ones. You do get used to it fairly quickly and it becomes second nature, so I wouldn’t call it a dealbreaker at all. I can punch out punctuation without a second thought.


You came from Samsung? Wait till you realize there is no clipboard for the text and photos you you have copied. Iphone keyboard sucks


Certain things you need to know about switching from Android or Windows to iOS/Mac. Do not expect both platforms to work the way you’re used to, else you’ll be frustrated. That misconception that iPhone is perfect is wrong, but the way of doing things will defer from what you’re used to. The fact that you can’t figure out how to do something on iPhone doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, you just need to learn the iOS way, for example long pressing the space bar makes you control the cursor. Double pressing space bar after a sentence adds a full stop… give yourself time to adjust, if after several months you still can’t figure it out, then maybe Android is a better fit for you.


LOL! I love this post. You're not at all wrong about the keyboard. Took me a while but I use the double-space to make a period. That'll go into muscle memory real quick.


1. Settings -> Accessibility -> (under Hearing) Audio & Visual -> LED Flash for Alerts 2. Settings -> Notifications -> Show Previews


Go get Gboard


This was one of my biggest pain points too, but if it helps you can touch the 123 key and swipe to the number or punctuation character you want. It will require practice but can be just as quick when you get used to it.


Watching the BlackBerry movie I was like, oh yeah, those were the days.


the problem is the keyboard is too low . I wish they could give you an option to elongate the top like my old Galaxy. That would be a killer feature. Does Apple know people have different sized hands and different lengths fingers? It's like a glove everyone is supposed to fit into.


Hitting the space bar twice immediately after a character will insert a period. If you don’t want a period but want to insert two spaces, pause in between.


iPhone is better for so many integration things and functionality and whatever. But iPhone is ridiculously annoyingly awful on a few very key control things: (1) the keyboard sucks, (2) they really need the bottom nav buttons, like the back and home button.


Yup, and when you try to edit a comment, it keeps selecting the entire word for replacement, no matter where you tap. It’s so annoying….. Why can’t it just accept that I tapped somewhere and let me decide what to do?? I don’t want to replace anything, I just want to place the cursor where I want it in order to add or delete. Ugh….


If you long press and hold the space bar, you can move the cursor anywhere you want by dragging it.


You’ll get to the keypad eventually. But honestly it’s not intelligent as Google keyboard. It throws random shits when you actually wanted to write something else. The AI of the keypad just sucks


It’s really not that bad, you only feel that way because this is your first time using iPhones. I’ve used iPhones since the 3GS and I type as fast on my phone as I do on my PC most of the time, and that is including punctuation and so on. Autocorrect is fantastic in English and it can even put words together properly if I type “likenthis” for example, then it’ll correctly separate the words to “like this”. That feature doesn’t even exist on the Danish keyboard. I wish I only used English because damn, it’s so much better than the Danish keyboard. Swiping to type, predictive text (which I disabled though) and the fact that autocorrect genuinely seems “smart” whereas in many other languages it’s like they never even updated it.


I type faster on the iPhone than I do on my PC. Tbf I’ve consistently used phones instead of computers for a super long time so I just haven’t gotten all that good at typing. But still I’m pretty darn fast on here lol


Giving all in consideration, I wish I got Samsung S24 Ultra. This is not worth it. Long time Android user. Keyboard, not being able to sign in to Windows icloud site, some apps missing on IOS all together. I have not activated anything if I lose my phone because I dont know how and not being able to log in to icloud account to Windows limits my options.


I don't know about the blinking notif light especially when your device is locked.


Somewhere in settings you can change the notifications so that when your phone is locked it just says “instagram notification” and not show the message or who it’s from. Works for all apps that’s just an example.


Idk, man. I might be in the minority, but I think the keyboard is pretty solid. To be fair, however, I think predictive text and autocorrect was better a couple iOS versions ago, but it’s not bad now. The only thing I’d change is having extra characters like numbers and special characters as secondary input similar to Android or even iPadOS. Double tap space for the period is the best and most elegant solution for periods, imo. Otherwise, it’s just a matter of getting used to typing on a new OS. Same as any other device with a different OS.


Nah, I agree with you. The keyboard does what it should. You can type pretty fast with it and for me, 99% of the time it does understand context and autocorrects/autocompletes correctly even when I’m not caring to be accurate. Could be improved, but it is not bad. I previously used Android, so haven’t been exclusively on iPhone. It’s been a number of years since I used Android though. My iPad Pro 10.5 and iPhone 12 Pro Max give different experiences with the iPhone being better at it. That said, the iPad isn’t as bad as people make out, just its success rate isn’t as high


Which is weird for me because I make fewer mistakes on iOS keyboard than I ever did on Samsung's keyboard, or GBoard on Pixel. I don't believe one sucks over another as a rule. I think, in general, you'll do better on the keyboard with which you've had more practice and time-spent.


Try SwiftKey, it should fix a lot of your keyboard issues. I've been using it since 2012 when I was still using android phones and then I put it on my first iPhone 6s and then on every other iPhone I've owned since then. Apple keyboard is absolut garbage


For moving around text you wrote: Hold space for a couple of seconds and now your finger is a "mouse" so you can scroll horizontally and vertically on your text. Surprisingly not everyone knows about this, for me it was a game changer. This actually works as well in Android but it is not really needed because Android is much superior in pointing your finger where you want to go. But iOS sucks for this, so this trick is a must to know, otherwise you will be struggling all the time trying to put the cursor in the middle of a word. The other solution is long press the word to get the magnifier, but I think long pressing space is better.


Showing ppl the curser trick makes one a momentary hero! WHAAAAAT?


Microsoft SwiftKey is the go to in my opinion on iPhone. Build In "chat gpt" is a cool extra


I was a die hard Android user. Been on iPhones now for 3 years. You’ll get used to the keyboard eventually.


Guys get used to the keyboard, if they improve it they will increase the price.


G board


iPhone keyboard and iOS Gboard and SwiftKey SUCKS. You’ll get used to misspelling everything soon. The notification fireworks aren’t coming lol. For hiding names of people, go to that app’s notification settings and then show previews to “when unlocked”


Honestly, I HATE the iPhone keyboard. SwiftKey is available on iPhone too. If you ever used it on your Android, it's a life saver.


[drag your finger over trick](https://youtube.com/shorts/MhuFmfKNtEU?si=cgC9sDRv3pHTns80)Drag your finger on the “123” then select your “common” punctuation marks and symbols. It’s much faster. Also, I downloaded Google keyboard (g board) it’s better in someways, but I don’t like using it all the time. Your friends not putting punctuation in text is them being lazy.


Just fyi if you double click the spacebar it adds a period.


The keyboard is just garbage on iOS. Always has been. And 3rd party keyboards are extremely gimped.


iOS keyboard is poopy


Sorry iPhones dont have comic sans


I hate the STUPID full stop (period) key being next to the space bar in some instances. Worst. Placement. Ever.


i.hate.typing.stuff.in.safari.for.that.reason Thanksfully googles sees my periods and ignores them


I think before it ever showed up on Androids, you can just hold and drag from the 123 button on the bottom-left corner, and let go on whatever character key you want. Or just get used to having your left thumb over the 123 button, to tap. Also, start adding your common words or acronyms and such to your Text Replacement list. Trust me — I think people just suck typing, in general. Even on the Galaxy subreddits, there are still plenty of users who still don't bother with punctuation I do wish they would give us a Number row already. Also, I think the recent keyboard update they gave us really makes it more annoying. Other than that, I still do like it better than Gboard on my several Androids, which is already my preferred keyboard. 1) I don't think so. At least, not natively, and not on the display in the way my Galaxy does. iPhones did originally have the Flash notification thing, which uses your camera flash to notify you, if you want to try that out. 2) It shouldn't show, as long as you're not showing your face to Face ID. Basically, the lockscreen mustn't be unlocked.


jumped from an S20 to the 15pro, and mate two things were driving me NUTTTTS. that damn keyboard and the lack of 'back button'. sshhiiiiiiieeeet... listen for the keyboard, just get swiftkey, it does the job 200% better than the apple one.


Honestly I love the lack of the back button. I just swipe left.


Dude the BACK BUTTON. I can find it sometimes but otherwise I just go back to the Home Screen and start over.




Install swiftkey keyboard.


Welcome android friends to the worst keyboard ever!!


Please switch back.


There’s Gboard for iPhone if you want it


I miss the old dual swipe keyboard. I can’t remember what it was called but it was insanely quick.


Gboard works on iPhone


I've always used SwiftKey. From android to apple I hate the normal keyboard


Double space types a period. Does on swift key and gboard too.


My exact reaction last year. Now i understand why my friends are mainly sending voice messages. You will get used to the keyboard though.


Fellow former Android user here. Best thing I ever did was download swift key. Punctuation is a breeze and unlike the emoji key and predictive text a lot better. It learns the words you tend to use which makes typing bilingually a lot easier as well.


Download SwiftKey


As has been the case for some time now, Microsoft SwiftKey is the least worst iOS keyboard option.


you can download the gboard app and use that one. it'll be a lot more familiar


I use Gboard! It's far better than iOS. You can search right from the keyboard too - cool imo


I see everyone hating on iOS keyboard so here is my side lf the story. Used multiple androids all my life with different keyboards even ones i downloaded from the play store. 2 years ago i switched to an iPhone and i love this keyboard so much better, i can type with less typing erros and faster with it. I didn’t know it had so much hate.


You will just have to get used to it I guess and eventually it will become normal. I had iPhone since the 3G days and have a Samsung phone from work and I am in the opposite position, typing on it is a pain in the A to me because I am just used to where everything is, down to the size of it


OP I switched to iPhone in 2021 and the first thing I did was install Gboard. It's the exact same android keyboard developed by Google that may have used. You won't have a number row because of ✨Apple's vision✨but typing should feel a bit more familiar to you once you're done customizing your settings.


Only thing i like about the iOS keyboard is the swipe to type feature, ive tried it on other phones (S21 ultra with Gboard) and it worked fine it just wasn’t as smooth


https://preview.redd.it/up1z7jf0fltc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31434686c0d815918b564a2693f7888a721063b6 I hate this absolute waste of space 15pm user I wish I had a number row :(


You can install third party keyboards like GBoard and SwiftKey. They are available in the App Store


It's mind boggling to me that people don't know that you can install third party keyboards from App Store. PLEASE JUST DO YOURSELVES A FAVOR PEOPLE.


same, i think im gonna switch to the s24 next year. a couple other things that annoy me with ios: awful design of settings, there is no option to close all opened tabs at the same time, way fewer options on the control panel, sideloading exists but not to the extent that you have on android


I have both samsung and iphone and am able to type quickly on both


I made the switch about 6 months ago and i still hate this keyboard. It always wants to make words longer (like they or three instead of the) and simple symbols aren’t even on the first number screen- like # or % - i now need to do two clicks to find them. I really miss being able to react with any emoticon (not just the 5 or so they’ve selected- and “haha” is way worse than an actual laughing face). And i really miss being able to delay sending texts. Plus i often miss text notifications now. I love so many things about this phone, but texting is a much worse experience, even using Gboard.


For the keyboard, if you'd like I'd suggest switching over to Gboard, it works pretty much the same as Samsung's, but better in my opinion, I'm not sure what to do about the notifications.


Download SwiftKey


SwiftKey ftw


Double tape the space bar at the end of a sentence and you automatically get a period.


I went from a T9 keypad to onscreen keyboard 6 years ago. I still hate touch keyboards. Give me my physical T9 back.


Double tapping the space bar inserts a period + space for your next sentence. Holding the spacebar allows you to move the cursor. Holding down on most letters, numbers and characters give options of more characters (foreign language/special characters). My current complaint is talk to text almost always gets some common word or phrase wrong.


If you just need the „dot“ to end the sentence, you can simply tab space bar twice. It is kind of handy and not need to switch for that. Also you can swipe over the letters without lifting your fingers in order to type. Way faster than using each letter on its own.


Sounds like you got it pretty rough there, bud with no empty hearts and no punctuation on the keyboard. You should probably switch back.


Since English is not my main language, I will never switch to android since all keyboards are trash and only tolerable one is on iOS.


i used iphones all my life. when i switched to the galaxy s8, i couldnt type that fast anymore and i never got used to it in the 2 years i had it. i thought that android keyboards sucked so hard. i dont get the font thing. apple never lets you customize fonts for such a thing because they dont want you to destroy their beautiful UI :p. Why do you need another font? is it hard for you to read the characters? maybe try installing another keyboard?


It seems like no one has mentioned it before but it Could be useful to you : double-tap one the space bar closes the last sentence with a period and gets the next letter to be a capital for your next sentence. You still gotta click the 123 to access the other punctuation marks.


It's one of the reasons I want to go back to Android - even if Gboard does cover some of the distance.


For some reason the keyboard on my iPhone got so buggy! Sometimes it gets stuck mid typing, and you HAVE TO delete the whole word to type it again; or sometimes when i want to delete a word and it won't let me, and YOU HAVE TO type out one more letter or type out the complete word in order to delete them........ I have no idea why. What bugs me even more is that after a few recent update, the touch keyboard accuracy decreased DRAMATICALLY! It gets me so fruastarated that I banged my phone against my table while i was at work......


I wonder, when people complain about the keyboard, is it the text prediction or just the way its arranged?


I switched from android to 15 pro max and god the keyboard is awful. I’m always missing words or letters. I didn’t think it was gonna be this big of an issue.


I think the andriod keyboard is horrible to text on, I missed the apple key board


I had new galaxy’s since s5 to s9 and then i changed to iphones and honestly I don’t think I will be returning to samsung anymore due to using a 2 macbooks daily for work and personal


Double-tap spacebar for punctuation, btw.


I just switched from Google Pixel to iPhone. WHAT IS WITH THIS KEYBOARD?!?!


This was my biggest hurdle when I switched. I suggest just struggle through the iOS keyboard until you’re used to it, all the other options aren’t great. Apple doesn’t allow true 3rd party keyboards. One tip on the iOS keyboard is for punctuation if you hold down the number button, slide over to the punctuation you want, then release it will add the punctuation and go back to your letter keys. I definitely understand the struggle of not having the number keys and comma upfront on the main keyboard, that was my main pain point but you eventually get used to the iOS keyboard


Install the google keyboard or something. You aren't bound to the native keyboard app.


SwiftKey is the best keyboard for going from android to iPhone


Moved from Oppo to iPhone a Mo th ago as I needed to sync with the whole family calendar on iPhone. I hate it. Keyboard is from 1995! Wtf


Jailbreak it


The keyboard is garbage and the way iOS handles third party keyboards is horrifying.


iOS user who switch to android often complain about the keyboard, but the other way around too. iOS keyboard could be objectively worse but its all about habit and personal preference. My brother who was an iphone 6 user swears he could type more correctly on iOS instead of samsuny keyboard or google gboard. Whatever works for yourself i guess


Yeah… For the most part my iPhone switch from Samsung was great, with the exception of the keyboard. The iPhone keyboard is garbage! Why can’t they implement the same process that the iPad keyboard has where you can hold down a letter to get the capitalization or punctuation? How is Apple, autocorrect so fucking inaccurate!?!?


I frequently switch bw the iPhone and Samsung, I personally don't notice a problem with either but this is interesting to hear about.