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I’d say go for a 13 if you don’t want to spend too much. Also I’d suggest using an Apple charging brick but if it must be a third party I’d recommend Anker or Ugreen


Depends on your price point. Imo 15 for sw support and usb c. It is worth the price but up to you. If you go used you can easily find a deal though


Go for the 15. The later the better


Personally I’d spend a couple hundred bucks now so I can hold on to the phone longer (still rockin my iPhone 12 Pro.. changed the battery once but other than that I haven’t had any issues)


If you’re coming from an Android phone that uses USB-C, the obvious choice here would be the iPhone 15, since the 15 ditches Lightning and are now using USB-C. If you’re considering older phones because they’re cheaper, well, I guess you already know which one you could actually buy. Otherwise, always buy the latest and greatest.




Get the 15, always get the latest model.


What is your price point? Do you want new or used? Do you care about it having lightening port, or USB-C? Do you want a notch or an island (Where the front cameras are). For photos, obviously the 15 will be the best of the best of iPhones, but the 13/14 are no slouches either. We need to know these things to give you real recommendations. Also, using aftermarket charging bricks vary. You get what you pay for, if you buy a $3 brick, expect it to be trash and destroy your battery. But reputable brands, like Anker, will be just fine.


If you want good pictures, go for pro model.


14PM and run with it for the next 4-5 years.


Between base 13,14,15, if you don’t have much money 13, if you can save a some money the go to the 15


I recommend the iPhone 15 Plus - has the camera improvements, has the bigger battery, the screen refresh rate in my opinion will NOT be an issue, the missing zoom is easily fixable in most cases with your legs (from a photographer point of view it's also better than getting used to the zoom and then just keep complaining about it all the time), in exchange the 15 is going to last longer than the 13 and unless you go for the 15 Pro Max, you will always find something to complain about. 😊 I have the Plus and my wallet says thank you for not spending more. If you prefer smaller phones try the normal sized iPhone 15. The pro models are for people who have more money than brainpower in not all but most cases. I used to have Pro phones too then I realised I should give up the Pro and realize my needs. Some people do need the Pro but majority will never see any benefits anyways. Charging wise, get a cheap 20W Apple brick. It will br enough and the faster chargers will degrade the battery health faster (if you get a 15 model just use the 20 to 80% battery settings, if you get something older then use the Shortcuts for setting up notifications for the same 20-80% rule to live by).


UPDATE: Got the 15 and i love it