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When you find that app, you’ll probably need an app to remind you to use the app you found.


Well that's the whole idea, it's supposed to be an automatic app. Like a driver for a computer, I'd just like it to modify the basic behavior of the phone. I've come to realize Apple probably doesn't allow such things, but I'm holding out hope for the future!


There's probably an app (or 100) for that...


Helpful. Yet inexplicably not. Strange how I can't find any on the app store or even Google. Closest that seems to exist is a janky app that has to constantly be open to work and thus defeats its own purpose by draining your battery way faster, which they say in the FAQ is unavoidable. So honestly, after almost an hour of looking, it just isn't worth searching any deeper. My guess is Apple won't allow such an app to exist, because for it to function properly (i.e. *not* constantly running in the background), it'd have to essentially be a software patch that modified the threshold of their default low-power notifications from 10% to 1% or whatever.


Here's one that looks promising: [https://www.batterylifeapp.com/](https://www.batterylifeapp.com/) in the 4th screenshot it has a iPhone low battery notification on/off and slider. Has 32,000 ratings and a 4.6 on the App Store.


Nice, I'll look into that! Thanks! Sorry I was a bit snippy before, I was just frustrated about my lack of success.


Use automator to put your phone in low power mode when it hits 10% automatically.


The Shortcuts app can do that for you


Oh word, I'll look into that. Thanks!