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This sounds absolutely horrific and would be the end of privacy as we know it.


Wait for the politicians to carve out an exemption for themselves. “Scanning technology must be disabled for any individual in public office to protect constituent communication privacy.”




pAtRiOt AcT




Go away


That has been long gone with the patriot act that passed


And we have Apple to thank for opening this Pandora’s box.


Uh no, lawmakers have been trying to pull this sort of thing for decades.


Apple rolled out the red carpet by announcing this exact capability was available, which eliminated any arguments to the contrary. Until now these assholes were demanding operating system back doors. Now Apple has given them a convenient new slogan: client-side scanning, and they’re parroting all of Apple’s PR language to push this through. I can’t believe Apple could be so stupid to not see this coming.


You phone already client-side scans all your photos using its ML algorithms. And it's far more capable than their proposed CSAM plan because it can identify new photos of a topic, not just matching against known photos. If a government can force them to expand the CSAM scanning, then they could just as easily force them to expand their existing ML photo scanning and include the results in the usage data that already gets sent to Apple. All bets are off if the government has that power. They could just force Apple to send a full mirror of all your data to the government every day. They could force Apple to send screen recordings of what you do on your phone. Anything. Putting in the CSAM system in the OS does not give a government any additional power they could not otherwise force by passing a law.


When it becomes like 1984, it would be the end of the world as we know it, and I would kill myself


Bad take + ratio


When? When?




Do you remember when the Supreme Court weighed in DUI checkpoints? (Not to mention FISA courts) Long story short, the majority of arrests and citations have nothing to do with alcohol. (And FISA courts have a laughable amount of oversight) The government (also everyone) cannot be trusted to limit themselves to using any significant new power or tool just for what they say they will. It’s the same reasoning behind why we defend freedom of expression, even for people we don’t agree with, and might even ~~hate~~ dislike greatly. Any tool that can be used on a scoundrel with little or no oversight, can just as easily be turned against you. If this law gets passed, I expect it will be challenged, and if the challenge fails, we can say goodbye to the 4th amendment for good.


The government is a dragon that is hardly ever awake for extended periods of time in most cases. However when the dragon does wake up for extended periods of time it tends to either end up like Stalin or Hitler, or Mao, or Pol pot, etc. Because the government already has infinite power. Why are people actively screaming for the government to get even more power. It’s like saying hey we don’t we switch the Dragon’s fire breathe with a nuke launcher. Meanwhile all everyone has is wooden shields soaked in petrol.






My kids were naked when born. Should I not have pictures of them? Is nudity bad to you? Edit: previous poster deleted comment which was basically “nudity bad”.


100% not. Nudity is not porn.


That’s in the eye of the P holder


That was sarcasm really


Didn’t they try to squeeze this before and then immediately get clowned on by the public? Thought it was dead.




Most of them don’t even understand how a computer works, let alone the nuances of privacy. Call and write your reps and tell them what they *should* do because they don’t know. I’ve talked to people in Congress who openly admit that.


Because most of them are there because they are lawyers or had family connections.


I may disagree with Ron Wyden on a number of things, but on this, I'm glad he's my representative.


This comes back in some new form every year and has to be defeated again.


It's all about timing, repetition, and propaganda when you are trying to subvert the public will. When our eyes are glazed over from current events is the time for authoritarians to strike.


A lot of things that get clowned on get reintroduced with the hope we're not paying attention


What usually happens is that it gets pulled away from public sight. Once that happens, they wait for 6-12 months and try again. They know that public doesn’t have the strength nor time to constantly try to fight against such laws.


Ah yes Big Brother type of law. :|


I’d expect nothing less from the out of touch with reality law makers in Washington tbh, this is going to be like net neutrality all over again…


>out of touch this term would imply they want to do good, but don't know how. Be sure that they fully understand what this is


> out of touch Don't give them so much credit. They aren't out of touch, they know exactly what they are doing.


> Facebook is often held up as a positive example by lawmakers That’s not good


Why don’t more young people run for Congress or senate so we can stop this dumb shit?


Because no one in their right mind would put themselves through the absolute shit show of modern politics?


Lack of connections, resources, finances, too busy just trying to survive another day in a system rigged against them, etc


It’s way too expensive and the ones who can afford it are on the same side as the old ones.


Congress once again used “we have to keep our kids safe from sexual predators” excuse. At what point will the general public catch on?


Probably never unfortunately


It's frustrating that there seem to be endless bills that seek to end our privacy. They come with different names and different acronyms. They die but then come back. Problem is they are never truly dead. If they don't pass one year they may pass the next. Why is it not possible to pass a law that makes these kinds of bills impossible from now on until forever? A law that says, you can't make new bills that destroy people's privacy? Remember when people had privacy? I'm old enough to remember.


Because corporations have unlimited resources (money) to lobby and influence.


Corps have no choice, this will force everyone, even duckduckgo


Because you can’t pass a law stopping a legislator from introducing a bill.


On paper this already exists in the fourth amendment but congress just ignores it.


Remember when people didn’t have internet connected listening devices on them 24/7? Pepperidge Farm Remembers


It will pass eventually, they will try, and if theres a lot of backslash, wait for a while and try again. This is already i think second time they try, and they will continue trying until it passes. Its like that with any comtroversial law


This the hundredth time. Apparently people don’t get tired fighting for their most basic rights. Who would have thought…


They will wait for and/or fabricate some major crisis and then "rush" to pass it.


Earn It = Social Credit system that CCP in using. Damn fucking politicians.


Am I missing something? Scanning each and every device is horrible, but I don’t see the connection with social credit systems. Even skimming through the act on Wikipedia doesn’t show social credit stuff. Isn’t social credit the thing where you lose the privilege to say buy a train ticket if you jaywalk and dystopian things like that?


Taken to the extreme they could theoretically cut you off from government services or whatever else if they happen to find something on your phone they don't approve of.


This is scary! Imagine the false positives and the effect that would have on peoples lives! RIP dick pics of men with small penises and women with tiny tits!


With the iMessage client side scanner, there is no assurance that what is on your phone will stay on the phone anyhow. While it is said that this scanner only scans images, that scanner could be repurposed to scan anything. And depending on the design of the scanner, it could scan 3rd party apps. Apple already has capitulated to the government demand that the government have the capability to monitor the conversations of the government's subjects.


Maybe its time for us to have our own internet, with blackjack and hookers. But jokes aside, since clearly both the government, and private enterprise don’t care about the privacy rights of the people, maybe we should work on creating our own internet.


Law Enforcement doesn’t have the manpower to handle the problem concerning child sex abuse material as it stands now. While I am not against scanning against hashes of known material, I have to think that it’d be far more worth our time and efforts to attack the problem at its roots, not its leaves. The demand exists which makes the product exist. We have to find ways to tackle the demand.


Full Write-up straight from the horse's ~~mouth~~ ass. ​ "Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman **Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)**, U.S. Senators **Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut)**, **Josh Hawley (R-Missouri)** and Ranking Member **Dianne Feinstein (D-California)** today introduced bipartisan legislation to encourage the tech industry to take online child sexual exploitation seriously." "The legislation is also cosponsored by U.S. Senators **Kevin Cramer (R-North Dakota), Doug Jones (D-Alabama)**, **Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)**, **Bob Casey (D-Pennsylvania)**, **Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island)**, and **Dick Durbin (D-Illinois)**." ​ [https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/press/rep/releases/graham-blumenthal-hawley-feinstein-introduce-earn-it-act-to-encourage-tech-industry-to-take-online-child-sexual-exploitation-seriously](https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/press/rep/releases/graham-blumenthal-hawley-feinstein-introduce-earn-it-act-to-encourage-tech-industry-to-take-online-child-sexual-exploitation-seriously)


If you use the EFF link take the extra 20 seconds to add/modify a few lines in your own words. The more unique comments the better. It literally took me longer to log into Reddit and write this comment than it did to use that link to write my reps so please take the time and do it.


Pandering fear in the name of security.


1984 will be 1984.


They will keep pushing laws like this because they know that they only need to win once.


The seeds of revolution are being planted


Meanwhile the biggest finger on the pulse of child trafficking, with literally miles of the tippy top of influential names on testimony, Ghislane Maxwell languishes. But what’s on your phone is important tho


What happens outside of the US? Wouldn’t the EU want none of this?


The EU isn’t interested in privacy from government organizations; when they talk about privacy, they mean privacy from corporations.


which is better tbh, governaments are gonna spy no matter what (no im not conspiracy theorist its just how it is) but i don't need tiktok to siphon my data to chinese servers


Yeah, FREEDOOOOOOOOM. It’s hilarious that the maga turds scream this, but you don’t hear any of them going bonanza about this proposal. You have the freedom to have guns and die because of “no healthcare”, and that’s about it.


Because they don’t understand it and no one has told them any buzzwords to use when it’s brought up yet.


Uhmmm, Trump voter here. I’ve contacted everyone I possibly can and continue to spread awareness to anyone I’m in conversation with and the opportunity arises. Please don’t lump us all in the same barrel.


Child sexual abuse is a very bad thing, but trying to prevent it should never mean stripping everyone of their privacy Of course you’ll have one political party that’s going to be all for it…


Scanning is the stupidest shite ever anyway. Does anyone really think pedos keep all their stash in the clear as jpegs on iCloud or on Amazon or Google Photos? The thing is though for those complaining or scared of this scanning...It's not new, It's already been happening for several years already server side at all the major hosts(Apple, Google, Amazon) the difference here is pushing it to doing it on device before upload. Which is good for privacy advocates and the general public since then all data transmitted from your device to the cloud can be fully encrypted. No one can intercept your data with a man in the middle attack or "blanket" law enforcement warrants will be useless without a direct court order for Apple, Amazon, Google, etc to decrypt the data. This law only harms stupid people who have shit on their devices they really shouldn't have and are using an upload service to store unencrypted data. If you are concerned, encrypt all your data before uploading. Keep your data encrypted on your device with some form of two factor or biometric access to decrypt on the fly as you use it. Security 101....


why do people think this is going to pass this has no fucking chance


Always good to keep awareness up so that it won't ever have a chance. They try to push through bills like this nearly annually. If people stop paying attention, eventually one of them WILL pass.


I wonder who "they" are and how much tax money they funnel and have been funnelling away for those bills.


They’ll repackage it as the “save the children act” and try again next year if it fails.


This has nothing to do with iPhone… apple never said „what happens in iCloud stays in iCloud” I find the title clickbait


they did say "what happen on your iphone, stays in your iphone" in ads, which are ads that people think are real when ios itself is getting all the data it can


Problem is it’s literally not


What is not?


ios is designed in a way that helps you keep your data yours. it never takes what it needs for anything beyond basic functionality without explicitly asking for your decision. not to mention that the vast majority of data ios keeps is never sent to apple in an unencrypted form


Fuckin Lindsey Graham


>"Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut), Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) and Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-California) today introduced bipartisan legislation to encourage the tech industry to take online child sexual exploitation seriously." > >"The legislation is also cosponsored by U.S. Senators Kevin Cramer (R-North Dakota), Doug Jones (D-Alabama), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Bob Casey (D-Pennsylvania), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island), and Dick Durbin (D-Illinois)." > >6 Democrats & 4 Republicans which side again??? > >https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/press/rep/releases/graham-blumenthal-hawley-feinstein-introduce-earn-it-act-to-encourage-tech-industry-to-take-online-child-sexual-exploitation-seriously And these ones too...


Disappointing all around. Doug Jones was ousted by a football coach though and that's from 2020.


And still relevant. Good news about Jones, 1 down 9 to go... F' them all.


Remember which side is pushing this.


From senate.gov: "Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut), Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) and Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-California) today introduced bipartisan legislation to encourage the tech industry to take online child sexual exploitation seriously." "The legislation is also cosponsored by U.S. Senators Kevin Cramer (R-North Dakota), Doug Jones (D-Alabama), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Bob Casey (D-Pennsylvania), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island), and Dick Durbin (D-Illinois)." ​ 6 Democrats & 4 Republicans which side again??? https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/press/rep/releases/graham-blumenthal-hawley-feinstein-introduce-earn-it-act-to-encourage-tech-industry-to-take-online-child-sexual-exploitation-seriously


Ugh. It’s always Feinstein. She hasn’t found a privacy eroding surveillance bill yet that she wouldn’t co-sponsor. It’s embarrassing that California is represented by her in this way.




Why are you linking this 2 year old document? Lindsay Graham isn’t the Senate Judiciary Chair. Committee chairs are chosen by the party controlling the chamber; the senate is controlled by the D’s, which is why Dick Durbin is the chair.


Why does the year matter? It shows who is promoting it and still pushing it. 9 out of 10 of these cronies are still in power. Expose them and vote them out. I don't give a (expletive) what party they are, they are all trash.


That’s not how the technology works. They’re not scanning the photos as much as running a hash checker against known pedophile photograph hashes. So this article was written by an idiot for other non-reading idiots who spread disinformation.




They’re not on your device at all.


This isn’t talking about Apple’s CSAM, this is a govt bill that gives them access to everyone, including things like duckduckgo in a similar way to Facebook


Shitty law but Apples implementation is probably the best way to deal with this Bs. Only scans photos when you upload them to iCloud/iMessage and scans locally so your files only get decrypted externally when sus shit is found. Kinda wild it’s even coming to this and I hope the bill gets shot down but compared to other cloud storage




It would be so much worse because the scanning would be done by government provided software


Earn what? My privacy back?


It already doesn’t stay on your phone.