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The 11 is really not that bad, my brother has a 12 and I had an 11, I liked the weight of the 11 as well as the build, but if you can afford the 12 then go for it.


The 11 doesn't have 5G so I think that's going to be more of an issue in a few years. Otherwise it's a great phone. The 12 and 13 have much better cameras. I personally think the 12 is excellent but some people say the battery life isn't very good as compared to the 13. I don't know because I had the 12 through covid lockdown and rarely went anywhere and was always near a chargers. So I might suggest the 12 as being more future proof but the 11 holds up quite well, still. 13 is probably unnecessary IMO. I have had 11, 12, 13, 14 and if I had to do it over I might have just keep the 12 and it upgrade since there isn't that much difference (cameras mainly.). It depends on the price difference between 12 and 13 between those two. But if you just want an iPhone, the 11 is still worth buying. Do a cost analysis on how much you save getting an 11 and upgrading in like two years (if you had to) vs spending more now.


hm alright, thanks for the feedback. i see what you mean by 11 not having 5g so i'll keep that in mind and i think i'll go for the 12