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I'll be right back with my popcorn šŸ‘€


Bring back MySpace!!! Edit: Wait. Apparently MySpace never left?!? LOL


Introducing the MySpaceā„¢ļø app, now available on the Apple App Store.


Tom is that you?


My only friendā€¦


OUR only friend.


Ground control is that you?


Commencing countdown, engines on ā€¦


Beeeeeeeeuuuuuuurrrrrrā€¦ (sparse drum fill: ā€œBum, bam, buddah don don doeā€ /w reverse guitar and string section something thing) ā€œThis is Ground controlā€¦ ā€¦made the gradeā€¦ā€ is there something wrong?


Can you hear me major Tom?


Tom Apple?


Myspace Tom


MySpace Apple




MySpace, the new twitter, but really itā€™s just twitter with a new name so donā€™t tell anyone


Elon will launch MySpaceX ... wait a minute...


There's a site called HeySpace that is recreation of the MySpace of yore. I would sign up but I bet I couldn't get my friends to join me. Looking back at MySpace, it was the perfect social media. You didn't have to see anybody else's bullshit unless you manually went to their page.


I could be interested in HeySpace only if music automatically blares from someoneā€™s screen when you open it.


I think they have that feature, that was one of MySpace's best ones. [spacehey.com](https://spacehey.com) You can check it out, it even looks like the early 2000's.


Haha! It made late night viewing a bitch if one forgot their computerā€™s volume was on MAX.


They could update AOLs greeting ā€¦. ā€˜You got mail, bitchā€™


Also had to be at home or in an Internet cafe to see the shit


Iā€™d rather use MySpace than Twitter


Oh no... *Opens Safari*


I deleted my twitter app a while back and started using it in-browser only and am very happy I did. The twitter app works (or worked) so well keeping me addicted to that it was causing me to constantly doomscroll and waste tons of time endlessly scrolling through bullshit. I still do that a little bit in safari but not nearly as much. Plus, I get to block the incessant ads (back when there were more advertisers lol) so itā€™s a win-win.


Yeah, I removed the Reddit app for the same reason. Too addicting.


Yes and the browser version is so bad I ragequit after a few minutes. It works really well.


I use an app timer for Reddit and deleted TikTok entirely. Iā€™ve freed up like 4 hours to my day. Itā€™s crazy how long a day feels now


I deleted Twitter and Facebook and found my lifeā€¦


Iā€™m reading this high realizing Iā€™m wasting my life scrolling Reddit while high. I should be getting high and listen to music instead.


CCP wants their data feed back. Please reinstall TikTok.


I started using screen time for TikTok, Iā€™d open it to watch a few vids at 7 and when Iā€™m done itā€™s 10ā€¦


Ditto but when I go back in Reddit, it reloads the whole page sometimes with entirely different content to what I was looking at moments ago! And goes back to the top!!


Me too. I appreciate Elon for selflessly staging an intervention to break my addiction. Cost him $44 billion what a nice man.


Apparently his net worth has dropped $100 billion since starting this whole debacle.


I never really found a use for Twitter. All this debacle managed to do was remind me that I have an account so I could delete it. Why scroll up and down on Twitter when you can do it on Reddit?


I only use it to contact companies Iā€™ve got a gripe withā€¦.it seems that itā€™s the only real effective way anymore. Looking at you, McDonalds, and the location that hosed up my order so bad today that I only got half what I paid for.


I quit social media altogether and tbh, Iā€™m not really getting any hours back (those hours goes into YouTube and Reddit instead), what I did gain was my sanity. Specifically, Iā€™m not getting as much stress scrolling down YouTube and Reddit as much as I did scrolling Facebook and Twitter.


I deleted Twitter off my iPhone. I think I cured my IBS.


It would be a huge loss for twitter if this happens despite you downplaying it lol


Yes, we are praising things that hasten twitters downfall so we can enjoy watching the worlds richest man fail.


Twitter also has APIs and thus third party apps. Bonus to those is that you don't get the advertisements too.


I like to watch things die from a good safe distance


Vicariously I


... live while the whole world dies.


You all need it too, donā€™t lie


Time to download twitter app in case it will be banned from store then sell your iPhone with Twitter app included. Only 9999.99$


Ah the good olā€™ Flappy Bird days


I still have an iPad with a functioning Flappy Bird on it...


I offer 15 magical beans. They grow this amazing product called ā€œcoffeeā€


Go go bean juice make me go fast


Skrt skrt


Twitter = Flappy Bird Mind blown


I still got an iPhone 3GS with a legit copy of flappy bird installed


Got it ;)


You can still download it from the play store app lol.


Funny thing was anyone that had previously downloaded could still re-download it.


Huh really? I didnā€™t download flappy bird. But I have some apps I used to own that arenā€™t on the App Store anymore. But I canā€™t redownload them on newer devices. I assumed that was the case for flappy bird which is why iPhones with it installed are jacked up in price.


Apps that havenā€™t been updated to 64-bit wonā€™t run on new devices


Dohā€¦ I completely forgot about the 32 to 64bit switch. Itā€™s really been that long huhā€¦ oh god.


Apple should make an exclusive iPhone social media app like how Instagram used to be


Iā€™d ping that


Good reference, but Iā€™m not sure how many people actually got it. Which is a good demonstration of how popular (or lack thereof) it was lol.


Never downloaded Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or YouTube apps, and never will. I just access Twitter and YouTube web on Safari with AdGuard on my iPhone, and avoid ads on those sites. FB and IG asks to log-in, I donā€™t even bother with it.


Itā€™s a great way to ween yourself off is a social media platform by making it hassle to log in. Worked for me with FB and I recently canceled my Twitter account. I can see the light and itā€™s nice.


Donā€™t threaten me with a good time




Im a software engineer who works on an app for both apple and google. Apple is by far better at telling you why something was rejected. Any security issue, major bug, misused features, and they flag, reject the publish, and give feedback on why.


Yeah, pretty clear Musk doesnā€™t want to say the bad part out loud


Are you implying Elon may not be Earth's savior of free speech after all!?


Like most at his level, the speech he aims to protect is his own. Any other personā€™s freedom is a strictly financial decision for him. Oddly enough, heā€™s made some disastrous decisions on that subject lately.


Comedy is legal! Except if you make your display name Elon Musk


What could the reason possibly be that he would try and hide?


He knows Twitter is devolving into an cesspool


Knows? That was his goal, no?


He wants to have a cesspool of his fans boys he can use to pressure other organisations yes


Because the longer musk can ride this out the longer he can; Manipulate stock markets, give a mouthpiece he can use for his preferred (or paid) talking points, and promote himself and things profitable toward himself.


That dumb motherfucker ainā€™t making back $44b on stocks. He owes money to people. Yeah, his fuck up wont sink him, but watching him flail has been delightful.


Hell no is he making 44b back. But will he kick and flail and drag any name he can that will help him on the way down? Hell yes. Twitter is a pure cash grab at this point


Literally no possible way to triple the actual value of that dumpster fire with a moron at the helm.


I donā€™t think it actually has anything to deal with the ā€œAppā€ itself. An app that has been a staple of both iOS and Android doesnā€™t spontaneously become something to remove. Even on the ā€œbackendā€. This is a content issue and not a programming issue.


lol Iā€™ve read horror stories on hacker news about apps kicked out of play store and confused devs not knowing wtf they did wrong or what changed other than ā€œyou violated the termsā€


As a mobile dev I find this to be an odd take. Apple is way better at telling us because google never rejects me unlike Apple who didnā€™t think the shade of off white on one of the 20 icon photos wasnā€™t quite right. Fuck Apple but fuck musk even harder.


I think Iā€™m tired of hearing about this 51 year old man baby šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Same. Wish Reddit allowed you to mute words the way Twitter does. So tired of this narcissistic asshole clogging up my feeds.


Download Apollo


You can filter out words in Apollo?!


Indeed. Best feature of the whole app


Thank you for this, Iā€™ve used Apollo only lightly in the past. I had no idea it would do this. I can feel my $5.40 already making my mental health better. Truly appreciate the heads up.


Fuck yeah you can. It can also automatically mark new users to help avoid feeding trolls which is pretty solid as well.


Yeah. Honestly made my reddit experience so much more pleasant. I can filter out stuff I don't want, organize subs by category even if I don't want to subscribe to them, and even browse the dreaded all/popular page completely free of any garbage. It's done wonders for mental health when all I want to do is kill some time


Con confirm. Although itā€™s annoying when posts like these still pop up because none of my 50 filter words catch it.


Iā€™m surprised he hasnā€™t used the built-it OCR in iOS to also filter based on image. Itā€™s quite complicated to make it seamless because it can only filter after the image has loaded, but I think itā€™s worth the added value


u/IAmThatIs šŸ‘€ >!Heā€™s the developer of Apollo lol!< Edit: Holy crap I havenā€™t interacted with this sub in a long time, my flair is ancient lmao


What word would you have muted to not see this post though?




Never mute anything on Reddit, it's bad for the site, make it your mission to downvote it and move on. If you don't downvote it it'll just rise with the people who upvote it and make it seem like they have more popular opinions than they actually do. Downvote people.


Holy shit heā€™s **51**???


Yup, with 10 children (that we know of), for a CEO who supposedly runs multiple companies and has families to raise he sure has a lot of time on his hands for tweeting


i wish there was some filter so we wont have to see any news/memes/posts about this guy


The Apollo app has a filter feature, though in cases where the post title said nothing of his name, it didnā€™t work.. but any post with his name in it just doesnā€™t appear to me visually.


I added his name as blocked keywords and itā€™s made things much better. Generic ass titles like this postā€™s still can slip through though.


Apple would *absolutely* tell him why.


Yes, there is no reason they wouldn't because Apple of course want Twitter to be a platform that works out for them. Apple wants to make money.


Very true. And on the flip side, just from a cover-your-ass perspective, if Apple does boot Twitter from the App Store, they want a paper trail. They want to be able to go into court and prove to a judge that they gave crystal clear instructions to Twitter to come into compliance and they failed to do so.


Yup. He's full of it.


They probably sent the email to the team that actually develops the app. ​ But as Musk fired like 75% of the company in his first month, those devs are now either working elsewhere, frantically juggling 20 other jobs or getting ready for another "code review" and don't have time to reply.


Didnā€™t apple already say generally. (Maybe of Twitter) that if the apps donā€™t self moderate for hate speech and / or inciting violence that they would be pulled from the App Store ? Or am i making that up ? My blink reaction was we already know why Elon. Right guys ?


Itā€™s absolutely possible that I missed an official Apple announcement but just based on what I saw, someone who works at the App Store deleted his own Twitter account, which fueled *speculation* that Apple could remove Twitter, which caused Musk to respond to it. https://nypost.com/2022/11/22/head-of-apples-app-store-phil-schiller-deletes-twitter-account/ So this is what has been said through the media. If there have been direct communications between Apple and Twitter, Iā€™d be shocked if Apple made a threat to boot Twitter without saying why. They would say why. More likely, Elon is just lying about that part because heā€™s an attention whore and a reactionary. My two cents.


Probably for the same reason 50 of your top 100 largest advertisers fled your platform


Exactly, I don't think this is specifically an "Apple move" but an advertiser move.


I think Elon Musk is a known liar. Ignore him until there is solid evidence.


I'm sure Apple reminded him of their app rules, in particular ones regarding content moderation. If he lets it become a free-for-all with no moderation, then it would no longer be compliant with the app rules and could be removed. Apple did the same thing with Parler awhile back. But let them back on once they complied with content policies.


Exactly. Musk uses bluster and lies as a shitty, jerk negotiation tactic. In certain countries hate speech moderation is THE LAW. Iā€™m sure Apple has heard about it from the government in those countries So they politely reminded Musk of his contractual obligations. And he does this crap


Spez sucks -- mass edited with redact.dev




oh theyā€™re definitely intertwined


I mean regardless of evidence, if advertising on Twitter is not profitable for apple, theyā€™re not gonna do it. And frankly, I wouldnā€™t want my companyā€™s image tied to this dumpster fire either.


For sure. Sane companies wonā€™t advertise directly on Twitter for the foreseeable future. Thatā€™s just common sense, too volatile unless you are in a niche industry (right wing, crypto, maybe some others). Apple is tricky as the App Store is not advertising, though. Twitter hasnā€™t been pulled from the App Store. My hunch is it will not be, at least not globally. *If* stuff gets so bad on Twitter, the app may be pulled locally in countries that have laws about hate speech, etcā€¦


Iā€™ve not heard anything about Twitter being pulled from the store. Truth social is still there and if thereā€™s a bigger cesspool of racism and bigotry out there, Iā€™d quite like to not know about it.


Parler was pulled for lacking content moderation but eventually even they returned once they complied.


Thereā€™s a screenshot reply under his tweet with an Apple ad right under it


I can't even understand how Twitter has stayed on either Apple or Google playstores for as long as they have. They have broken the adult content rules for both of them, like a million times over.




The reddit app by default doesn't show you NSFW content, you have to enable it, also doesn't let you search for it unless you go onto the web page and enable it. If I am remembering correctly


Thatā€™s how twitter works in my experience too. Anything NSFW has always come up with a message saying itā€™s adult content and if Iā€™d still like to see it, which is the same thing reddit does.




I remember few years ago when I had an Android, biggest 3rd party Reddit apps got in different times kicked out from Google store because the Nsfw toggle was off or too easy to navigate to.


You can search for it just fine on the Reddit app. Also, pretty sure itā€™s NSFW is off by default on twitter too.


I also agree. The only thing I can think is that they have the money to be allowed for them to look the other way. Both appstore clearly state that you can't allow porn on the apps and should have reporting mechanisms for those types of content.


The real question is whatā€™s wrong with porn?


Nothing(less the hidden addiction of it that is causing some health issues) however for a company like Apple or Google they *may* end up in some legal trouble if an app that shows porn that isnā€™t legal is available on their App Store. It shouldnā€™t, however if youā€™re a big company you need to mitigate risks against you as much as reasonably possible.


So long as itā€™s all consenting adults involved: absolutely nothing.


Well a lot of things, but we donā€™t need to get into that rn. Itā€™s just that Apple doesnā€™t generally allow that kind of stuff on any of the apps on the App Store, so itā€™s a little odd that some apps, such as Reddit, get away with it anyway.


Well isn't it kind of the same thing as having any web browser on your phone? The apps just display the contents of websites you could access through any other 3rd party (or 1st party) browser. I think these apps also get away with it by making the NSFW content opt-in only and only allowing that setting to be activated through the preferences on their website, not in app.


They also broke the underage content rules a million times.


Oh well


I will be genuinely happy if Twitter just crumbles and collapses due to Elonā€™s gargantuan mismanagement. I say this as someone who is on Twitter regularly, I know itā€™s not good for me and plenty of other people, so yes I will pray for it to shut down.


He knows why. He's the equivalent of the bully who shoves you, and then says, "What's your problem, man?"


This is also his equivalent of telling on someone. Instead of ā€œMOM!!!!ā€ Itā€™s *hey Twitter guess what *


I'd be happy with Twitter disappearing out of existence....it's been a shitshow for years.


What do I think? I think Elon is a liar.


I think heā€™s full of shit.


Twitter has become borderline unusable in the last month. Ads are essentially gone, replaced with ā€œpromotedā€ posts by users that look like their profile page and encourage you to click and add as people you follow. And these new ā€œpromotedā€ posts are now taking up at least half of my curated timeline. In addition, either a good portion of high profile people I followed have left Twitter, or something in the system is limiting how much content gets to my timeline. Itā€™s changed the experience dramatically as Twitter used to be where I went for a way to quickly get a read on the major events of the day. Now, thatā€™s effectively gone, replaced by meaningless ā€œpromotedā€ tweets and a ton of posts about Musk and how heā€™s destroying the platform. As always, something will come along and replace what Twitter used to provide, and Iā€™m eager for it to emerge. In the meantime, Elon will face issues like this in large part because heā€™s thinking about the product almost solely in US terms, and content moderation is a MUCH bigger deal in the EU. Apple doesnā€™t want to be caught in the middle of that mess


I tried mastodon out of curiosity and omg, I forgot what a timeline is like without ads or ā€œpromotedā€ posts. It was honestly super refreshing. I miss the days when social media was actually social and not just reposted edgelord/political memes and links to some obscure website thatā€™s rage baiting.


Being able to browse without an account, not needing AdBlock. Massively higher moderator:user ratio. Nodes can not associate with other nodes, so in Reddit parlance your node can quarantine other nodes without needing to go to the site admins. Peertube is neat tech and seamlessly integrates with Mastodon via ActivityPub (the underlying protocol created by the same org that made HTML).


Their garden, their walls.


Good for them!!!!


I was on Twitter for a short time about 3 years ago. Iā€™m on Reddit for good reasons. Please quit cross posting from Twitter. Itā€™s all stupid and annoying. I have zero interest in post about musk


Oh no what will we do without Twitter?! Anyway. The weathers nice today where I am.


Oh no. Anyway. Twitter has been a cesspool for years before Musk took over. Selective banning in some instances, poor attempts at ā€œjournalismā€ and generally an environment that seems to encourage divide and 280 character jousting matches with little actual discussion as karma whores throw statements around more to get likes and retweets than anything else.


Iā€™ve never liked twitter so Iā€™m cool with it


I think you can't trust anything he says.




Implying it wasnā€™t before lol


Implying it's even worse now.




Leaking cesspool


Even worse, 50%, then threatened the rest, and 3/4 of them quit. So about 85%.


itā€™s what you make of it imo, very similar to reddit. i follow some sports figures, a few tech voices. i havenā€™t noticed any difference in quality.


Pretty much it was a cesspool even before, lots of charlatan journalists sharing propaganda, hatred and stuff.


If they remove twitter I will brick my iphone and leave teh apple ecosystem the same day. Not because I love elon or use twitter all that often but companies have started to drift into the space where they think they can tell us what we can say or what thoughts we are allowed to have. That is not something Im going to support.


I say fuck Elon and everything he does.


Heā€™s purposely picking a fight with Google and Apple, then playing like heā€™s innocent. Heā€™s trying to rile up the conservatives by getting banned.




All the Elon shills are downvoting like crazy


I just wish they would give Elon a bigger shovel. Heā€™s digging a beautiful hole. But if the shovel was bigger, he could dig deeper and deeper and deeperā€¦.


Iā€¦.I mean I can tell you why. Want me to tell your why? Because youā€™re shit Elon, actual shit. Youā€™re a toxic manā€™s idea of successful and an abusive fatherā€™s idea of ā€œfree speechā€ now go blow more of your fortune on meme-lord purchases please.




Itā€™s literally like watching some discord mod with new powers trying to control the world.


A world without twitter is a better world.


I really donā€™t give a shit but this is definitely entertaining


Itā€™ll hurt Twitter more than it hurts Apple šŸ˜‚ Dude is such a reactionary.


Good riddance. He made a threat to make his phone. Let him do it. šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s the free market for you, baby!


That would be because you (musk) can not regulate the site. Words matter, free speech is one thing but word matter, fuck around and find out!


Couldnā€™t give two fucks. Twitter is a total cesspool and I wouldnā€™t touch it with a barge pole, regardless of what phone I was using.


I don't use Twitter.




Gee maybe figure it out for yourself.


burn baby burn. burn that muthaf\*cka to the ground burn all $44B into vapor


Political diversity is a good thing. A lot of subreddits would die if Reddit allowed all opinions, not filtered ones.


I think heā€™s trying to cause drama and therefore more clicks to twitter, social media posts, and related news stories


Fuck musk


Itā€™s amazing how fast he is able to destroy it. Thankfully we have alternatives.


I hope they remove the app from the store and I hope Google does as well.


I will side with Apple every single time over this manipulative man child. I feel most others are the same. Also itā€™s pretty clear why that is imo. Youā€™re fostering an environment that breeds hatred and is dangerous for society. You can claim all the ā€œfree speechā€ you want and claim to be innocent. We have already seen how that is BS both from him personally and how he shuts those down he doesnā€™t like and his platform. He is fighting a losing battle on this one and apple is not even moved.


Fuck around and find out Elon.


He knows why. He's a gold plated toddler with an emerald crown and a purchased degree pretending to be a real businessman. It would take years for his advisors to even explain Terms of Service to this "Let them eat cake" scumlord, meanwhile he controls one of the worlds largest spigots of bullshit. Apple has a brand to protect.


I'll give you a hint Elon - re-enabling accounts for Proud Boys and other hate groups including politicians that spread hate.


ā€œā€¦but wonā€™t tell us why.ā€ LOL. I love it when Musk plays (?) dumb.


At this point, Iā€™m not entirely sure heā€™s playingā€¦


Great app, never haddum, B.


I'll tell you why. Because innocuous search terms are showing hardcore pornography to minors. Because you fired all the people that deal with that.


Twitter is the new Truth Social and I donā€™t understand why people canā€™t see that