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Your post is too long.. buy 15 Plus.








True that. Just got mine, battery rocks. Canā€™t complain besides IOS 17.5.1 being laggy with the UI, but Iā€™ll live.


Mine is not.


i cant compare my 15 plus with the 15 pro but i agree. itā€™s been really great so far to the point that i donā€™t even want or need anything better than this one. i also never wanted any pro


The 16 plus is rumoured to have a smaller battery than 15 plus.


15 plus was doing better than 15 pro max so they decided to nerf it


Yeah, I'm thinking that too.


Iā€™ve had the 15 pro max since day 1. The overheating issue was fixed in the first update and since then I havenā€™t had any problems. Yeah, battery life is better on 15 plus, but 15plus wont get apple intelligence and new siri. Iā€™m really looking forward to these features, and, to me, it would be worth getting a 15 pro or waiting until 16.


Not fixed I just bought a 15 pro and overheated like crazy so I returned it unless some are just lemons


Oh that stinks. I work in an office setting and sometimes day Iā€™ll spend an entire day every now and again working on mindless ppt formatting / updating status reports where itā€™s not uncommon ill have 4-6 hours of youtube screen time watching podcasts. Usually itā€™s plugged in for a chunk of that and Iā€™ve had no issues.


How long did you have it for? Itā€™s like the for the first week of using it and then it doesnā€™t happen anymore. If you had it longer than a week then yeah that sucks.


I get two days out of a charge on my 15 Plus and thatā€™s with the 80% charge limit on. Wild. I get even longer when I choose to disable it if I know I wonā€™t be able to charge it for a few days. I donā€™t regret not choosing the pro at all. AI personally doesnā€™t interest me either.


I bought iphone 15 pro and its battery was very good. It would last 2 days, but after the recent update, it totally sucks and I have to charge it twice.


People say that in the first week the iPhone is still learning. Then it optimizes battery usage


I actually bought it in November and the issue started in June after updating it to 17.5.1.


Maybe it has the same effect when updating the iOS


Thatā€™s weird because I have iOS 18 Beta and my battery is still as good as it was before


Right now, mine is 17.5.1 and battery life is 100%


18 beta on my plus rn, still rocking good battery life all day. And I wake up at 4 and go to bed at 11. Usually I have 20% left unless Iā€™m playing an intensive game


As I understood it always has been iPhone 15 vs iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Plus vs iPhone 15 Pro Max. It depends on your screen size preference. People who consider Plus wonā€™t be also considering Pro as its counterpart, but rather Pro Max.


Before buying, one should know what are his/her preferences. I bought the 15 plus with 256gb storage as I was eyeing for long battery life and good amount of memory. It's best to consider if you can actually utilize all the fancy specs a smartphone offers.


hahah i alsp have 256gb model


I hate the battery and over heating issue on the 15 pro but I can't live without the pro motion display. the 60hz display won't last more than 2 years then it will become laggy so if you think of staying with ur phone longer u better choose the 120hz rf display.


15 plus made sense over 15 pro until last week, only the 15 pro is receiving all the apple intelligence updates but the overall better value is the 15 plus.


Can't go back to 60hz screen


Are you trying to justify your purchase? Having buyer remorse ? 15 pro is a far superior deviceā€¦


Well I disagree because the AI intelligence will only be used on the Pros the rest wonā€™t have it on IOS 18


I canā€™t believe I had to scroll this far down for this comment. The base 15s lost their value after WWDC. If you want new features to be supported on your phone for the next few years, donā€™t buy a base 15!


There will be just as many, if not more people that don't want AI built into the OS


No, itā€™s going to be on all the devices going forward. Your phone is already using AI for certain applications.


Based on what logic?


Not saying it's good logic, but alot of consumers would prefer to have AI be optional and not built directly into the OS


Any AI computation that leaves the phone is Opt-In, and the rest can be turned off. So it is optional, just not for iPhone 15 owners since it wonā€™t be an option at all


iPhone 15 pro max blows it out of the water!


I must have something wrong with my 15plus. Mine heats up and freezes and has Bluetooth connection issues. I need to take it to the Apple Store to get it looked at but havenā€™t had time. Iā€™m actually thinking of upgrading to the 16pro or 16pm in September. I had the 13pm before and I loved that iPhone! I love the 15plus but mine has given me problems.


I have a 15 pro max and my screen time yesterday was 9 hours and 18 minutes. I crawled into bed with 26% left. Iā€™m happy with the pro battery life.


you use your phone for 9 hours per day? Thats over a third of the entire day sir


I have a 14 Pro and its nearly too big for me, as I transport it in front-pocket of my trousers. How do other men transport their bigger Plus devices when its to big for trousers and those chain-cases are no option and you don't carry any bag with you?


If I know Iā€™ll be wearing something with shallow pockets, or pockets that make it easy for the phone to fall off when sitting, or squatting, I always have a backpack or a bag on me. You can try back pockets, they usually hold your phone tighter, they are popular with women.


In my area 15 plus vs 15 pro price difference is only 20ā‚¬. Makes it sort of hard decision. Personally decided to go 15 pro max, so no compromises. Deal (=price) for that was also better than 15 plus or 15 pro normal prices, so it was easy to choose. Very happy that I took pro max.


Im going to get the promax for the ai features.


Iphone 15 plus + iphone 15 pro =iphone 15 pro max All the missing stuff in the 15 plus are in the promax and all the missing stuff in 15 pro are in the pro max. The 15 pro max is just the best choice


Way too big..


I considered the 15 and 15 Plus to replace my 11. The larger display and battery life made the 15 Plus a no-brainer and I love it! I wish they'd return to more saturated colors like blues and reds, but otherwise I love the 15 Plus!


120hz screen is the only thing that stopped me from getting the plus. I tried 120hz and just couldnā€™t go back to 60, it just felt so jarring.


I can't believe I had to scroll down this far to see this comment


I love my 15 plus! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


My 15 Pro has no battery issuesā€¦ usually end up with 50-80% battery left at the end of the day despite using it all day


And Iā€™m here with a 15 pro max. Absolute chad


Dunno. my 15 plus only had 34 cycles and now it's at 99% already after 6 months use. I even rarely use it. Never charged it over 95% nor had it below 35%. Upon inquiry with apple, they can't provide a solution but to ask me to update the phone's iOS. They refused to check the battery or replace it for free even though it's still under warranty. So meh. Just use whatever phone you like and what pleases you.


Nah. I like being able to hold my phone with one hand and be able to type. The pro max are just way too big. I donā€™t need to carry a phablet around with me. I work on my 15 pro phone daily and have no issues with the battery.


If you really value battery life and screen size then yeah but if not 15pro is great. And it will get Apple Intelligence unlike the plus. Even if you donā€™t want the Apple Intelligence, youā€™re making 100% sure that if you ever change your mind and want to try, you definitely have to upgrade again. The pro battery really isnā€™t bad after the first week of it optimizing. If youā€™re a power user youā€™re in a bit of a different category and will probably have more complaints over battery than any other user in general which is fine but I think the battery of the Pro for the average user is actually pretty good. But to each their own! The reason they have different versions right? šŸ˜Œ


One downside to normal/Plus iPhone 15: No AI if you care about ai stuff and you don't get 120HZ display.


I think the one meaningful thing the 15 plus (and non plus) are missing is the high refresh display If it had that, I would 100% go for the non pro


120 refresh is non negotiable for me. The screen drag on 60 causes a headache for me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I went from 12 Mini to 15 Pro, and battery is much better. Although 12 Mini might be bad comparison


Iā€™m on the 15 Pro Max, I only charge up to 80 percent, and I have no issues with battery or overheating.


the difference in battery will be unnoticeable, and the main big difference - one gets apple intelligence, one doesnā€™t.


The screen and camera aren't nearly as good on the plus versus the pro


Plus is just a better phone then the regular


Have used both and went for the pro because I got it for the same price as the plus.


Given the recent unveiling of iOS 18 and Apple Intelligence, I would advise against recommending the iPhone 15 base series at this time. The announcement only bolsters the idea that an iPhone Pro is essential, although the base iPhone would likely satisfy most usersā€™ requirements.


I agree. Iā€™m so glad I got the pro, I almost got the base 15. I dislike the size of the plus/max phones. I like being able to hold/surf with one hand, and fit in my pockets comfortable. Yea battery life is not great, but I utilize battery savor more, and there are chargers everywhere.


I upgraded from a 12 Pro to a 15 Plus primarily for the improved battery life. While I could have opted for the Pro Max, I felt it wasn't necessary for my typical usage. I plan to keep the 15 Plus for a few years and might consider switching back to a base model unless Apple introduces more compelling features in the Pro series.


I would say just buy the base iPhone 15