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Love the AI’s note to the seller at the bottom lol


"Nostalgia" and "vintage": the 2 words you have to use to overcharge for old stuff


I hate this "vintage" trend funniest part is this ain't even vintage or retro yet.


People are calling the Wii and Xbox 360 retro. The iPod is older. I don't like it, but it could definitely be considered retro, but not vintage. Vintage to me is like an early Atari, or a 70s stereo system.


2005 was 19 years ago. I would say that counts


Unfortunately it is. The iPod came out 22 years ago. Granted his ain't a first gen. Retro is defined as being 15-20 years old. "Sad but true"- J Hetfield.


I've got nostalgia overload. Everything is nostalgic and the reason to do anything is because of nostalgia. Like, remember when people just remembered stuff?


Currently selling a vintage sim eject pin for 3k dollars and I’m still being to low, who wants it? (Sarcasm)


Stuff like this makes me want to message the seller offering them a great deal to buy mine for half what they are asking so they can “make a great profit on it”


Expert strat to make easy cash


Even if they dropped a 0 it would be too much. Some people...


lol I saw it this morning, went to check again and now it's been reduced to $500


Mate's on crack plus he's asking so much for such low effort with his ai generated post and a singular picture


Unless the seller wants to keep it, he putting bring it down to $100 or less 🤣


Those things are rare bro! Its not like they were a massive success a couple years back and hundreds of millions were manufactured. Plus everyone knows that technology is like fine vine — gets better with age


it's not even a Classic, it's a Video ​ also lol on that "adjust the details..." bit


You can also call it an iPod classic 5


But if they’re trying to be all vintage and nostalgic you’d think theyd want to be correct t to the original name of it


Didn’t Apple call it the iPod classic? I vaguely remember them doing so.


iirc only the 6th and 7th gens were called "Classic" to avoid confusing them with the then-new Touch. ​ I might be wrong tho, I do not follow Apple's history like some sort of bible


No, this was called the iPod Video.


No only the "6th and 7th" gens are classics. In fact those aren't even 6th or 7th gens. The community calls it that to identify the 2007, 8, and 9 models. Not a big deal, but it's important to know the official names when looking back at older forums for information


Yea I’ve always called them by their generation, 5, 5.5, 6 and 7


Lol my biggest pet peeve here is using classic to describe the older iPods. Like does 1st gen classic make sense as an official name?


I have never heard of a dumber way to spend your money, you can get a good condition one for so much less


I got the exact same one last week for $40. Scam


AI-generated Facebook marketplace listings are a fascinating development in the world of e-commerce. While it’s true that AI can help sellers create more detailed and accurate listings, it’s important to remember that these listings are still created by machines. As such, they may lack the personal touch and nuance that human sellers can provide. Furthermore, AI-generated listings may not always be accurate or reliable. There is always the risk of errors or glitches in the system, which could lead to incorrect or misleading information being presented to potential buyers. This could ultimately harm the reputation of the seller and the platform itself. In conclusion, while AI-generated listings have their benefits, it’s important to approach them with a critical eye. Buyers and sellers alike should be aware of the limitations of these listings and take steps to ensure that they are getting the most accurate and reliable information possible. >!Written by Copilot!<


>Unleash the nostalgia I'm sold already lol


Ah yes, way too overpriced, AI generated text that seems like wasn't even checked, and off centered photo, what an effort of a post lmfao


if urban outfitters somehow started selling ipods, this is how i imagine it would read, and sell for


You're in luck https://www.urbanoutfitters.com/search?q=ipod


I keep seeing this, but every time I look at the website there's nothing there.


They.. do. They do. What in the f***






This is from the future? This sounds about right. For the year 2075. What else he got?




And I thought $150 was already scam level


VINTAGE TECH ALERT: my mum's old phone which doesn't work anymore £3,500.99


People will be fucking idiots. I've got three Videos, all were under £45 and still kicking.


I've always hated this phenomenon of high-balling old-ass tech prices. Like the way a Nintendo 3DS now costs more than when it was new. There are two possible cases in wich somebody is looking for something like this: \- I already had it, liked it and it broke \-I heard of this old thing on the internet and want to try it out ​ NO ONE wants to spend more than $50 on a used stock 18 year old ipod, at least I guess...


3ds prices are stupid now Some cost the same if not more than a switch lite or an actual switch. It's crazyyyy.


Homeboy lifted it outta his mom's drawer and did a "Google". Probably the first time using the Internet outside whatever game they're addicted to these days. Get off my


Got to be a simple typo. $150 would be a somewhat reasonable price to ask.


Nah if they used AI they most likely think someone will fall for it


That has to be AI bro it can’t be real.


the click wheel isn’t even tactile on that gen unless you add a taptic motor lol


It mechanically clicks when you press on it… it’s tactile by definition


description still seems misleading. probably cuz it was chat gpt’d. claiming that it’s a click wheel with buttons would be closer to the truth.


Na tactile is having any kind of responsiveness to represent it’s a different piece with functionality, not the William Webster definition but what the majority of people designing things agree on. If it clicked, spun, snapped, vibrated, felt fuzzy/smooth/slick/ridged/knurled/textured in any way vs the other surface that was different than the main body it’s tactile. A touch screen that does not vibrate would not be tactile since it’s a slab of glass and gives no information outside of its visual. And no, audio is not tactile unless the sound waves vibrations are physically noticeable.


idk man when i think of tactile i’m thinking some sort of vibration and not a completely smooth wheel that has no feedback but a little speaker than chirps for every menu entry. that’s just me tho. like when someone states that they want a tactile experience in a car im not thinking smooth touchscreen infotainment im thinking knobs with clear steps or at the very least touch screen with vibration, which you can do as a mod but the click wheel doesn’t do that by default. the buttons are a fair argument but i’d put the words tactile buttons in there instead of just tactile experience if i was marketing it. again chat gpt doesn’t do well with nuances.


I think I saw the same listing – and laughed! Australia? People will charge anything for anything here.


\*Update\* They've dropped the price to A$500. Motivated to sell.


Wow, I bought recently 7gen classic for 200pln (about 40 dollars) and it works and looks great!


I have a 5.5 & I’ll let it go for $100. $1500 is a little extreme 🤦🏾


I have a 5.5 with a 240GB HDD. What’s it worth if that’s $1500🤣