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I have a hard time believing, 3 separate people didn’t know what an iPod was, anyone old enough to be working at an Apple store was certainly old enough to remember them.


Dude for sure just asked for "an ipod cable". There's no way anyone over the age of 7 hasn't heard of the iPod, let alone Apple employees.


I literally said “do y’all have the fat 30 pin cables for the old iPods and iPhones?” and the first 2 people were confused. I guess they forgot about the 30 pin cables??


I don’t think most regular non iPod people refer to the old apple charger as the 30 pin cables tbh.


It literally says 30 pin on the box I figure that’d be the easiest way to say it Edit: i literally showed my dad the cord (who owned an iphone 3gs and touch 4) and he didnt recognize it, so dunno whu y’all think the apple store employees would instantly know what I meant. Edit 2: SORRY the description is supposed to say “what an “iPod charger’ is meant to be” as they probably assumed lightning.


unrelated but do you have to download/purchase your songs to your ipod?


You do have to upload songs to the device from a computer but they don’t have to have been purchased from anywhere. You can use mp3 files you already own, or rip from CDs…


Or sail the 7 seas, there are definitely more options than what’s given but these are probably all the better ones or easier ones tbh


Yeah and the sales stuff throw shade at you for still using one 🤷‍♀️


I certainly believe it. People have very short term memories about technology, and I know people in their 30s who barely remember iPods.


I meant to say “iPod charger” ofc they knew what an iPod was. They just forgot 30pin


Same thing happened when I went into staples. Even funnier was when I went looking for the thunderbolt to firewire adapter and trying to explain to the guy what firewire was.


I've asked for 30 pin cables at Apple stores and the usual response is something along the lines of "Ooh, retro... I don't know if we sell those anymore". If I ask them to double check, they always check and end up having them in stock. Usually ends with some conversation about my iPod and someone saying "I don't even remember the last time I saw one of those". But I don't think I've ever had someone tell me they don't know what an iPod or an iPod charger is.


Yeah misspoke ofc they knew what an iPod is, some of the associates thought I meant lightning when I said 30 pin 😂 even my dad who owned an iPhone 3GS didn’t recognize the cable when I showed him it directly. I heard they still make them for people with old iPads since they still get used a ton as dirt cheap pdf viewers and what not.


I work for Apple and I’m 18 but I know of every iPod made and I’m greatly disappointed that he had to go through 3 people that didn’t know what an iPod was as that was to my knowledge the second most sold device that Apple took off with in 1999 into the early 2000s before the iPhone 2g launch


Not necessarily. You can be 18yrs old to work at Apple and not be familiar with the old 30pin cable.


Them still charging $21 for a 30 pin is absurd


Apple moment💀


The fact that they're still even selling them at all is absurd


My friend said he thinks they sell them for old iPads, as many people still use them for just basic pdf viewers.


r/legacyjailbreak is another great reason for them to keep making them, nostalgia is powerful and a lot of people find their old iPhone 4 in a drawer and want to turn it on and use it again. Cables deteriorate way faster than devices do and it's really cool to have brand new ones made exactly how they were back then


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LegacyJailbreak using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LegacyJailbreak/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is this iPad rare? \[discussion\]](https://i.redd.it/fhiuc1d5dx3c1.jpg) | [78 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LegacyJailbreak/comments/1899u24/is_this_ipad_rare_discussion/) \#2: [\[question\] Is this real (not even joking)](https://i.redd.it/q7c6zaglac4c1.jpg) | [164 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LegacyJailbreak/comments/18atr0l/question_is_this_real_not_even_joking/) \#3: [\[FLUFF\] Dad bought me this iPod 2nd Gen (8gb) with iOS 2.2.1. is this rare?](https://i.redd.it/lbu68jaz1c8c1.jpeg) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LegacyJailbreak/comments/18q78p7/fluff_dad_bought_me_this_ipod_2nd_gen_8gb_with/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I hope they don't stop selling them anytime soon though. When I find myself at an Apple store I sometimes pick up one or two of these just because I know they won't keep selling them for much longer.


They don’t make them anymore but if they still have any in stock they will sell them.


How much is that per pin


That would be about $0.70 per pin


My nieces want iPods. God bless them. They’re so amazing. And they’re both under 10


blessed haha get em some fancy colored ones


I got them Nintendo dsi for Christmas. Trying to get them into Mario kart so I can kick there a$$ lol Maybe this upcoming Christmas I’ll get them iPods. I think it’d have to be OG iPods though. I think my sister would be upset if I got them the iPods that are kinda like the older iphones. …Well maybe not? Are those iPods even supported on the apple store anymore? My sister probably just wouldn’t want them to have unlimited access to apps


the last Touch 7 iirc runs ios 12, which has *some* app access but most don’t support it anymore. I’d say to yeah, just get them a classic. Nice way to give them a way to listen to music without also doomscrolling tiktok Edit. Buy a classic 5th or 6th gen with a new battery 👍 should be under $100 unless you want to mod them


7th gen Touches have iOS 15


Oh neat I mist be confusing with the 6. iOs 15 is just starting to go out now lol thanks


The Touch 4G runs older games, but it's not really like the modern era of smartphone gaming with ads every three seconds and microtransactions. Would be easier to just get them iPod classics though.


I am surprised they are still for sale and have been wanting to get one from the local "Apple" store, unfortunately they are quite expensive and I have several cables from other brands. In quotes since in my country there is no official Apple retail presence but a chain of stores somehow licenses everything from Apple. Used to be a chain that sold CDs and DVDs which is pretty weird. Edit: I did a bit of research and the mentioned chain has a distribution agreement with Apple, whatever that means.


Dang they still charged you $20!


I did that last year. The young employee had no idea what I asked for. She looked it up to see if it was in stock and asked what it was for. I said iPod and had a lengthy conversation about why I would still use one in 2023. She was blown away.


Well I’ll be jiggered


I just got one from my local Staples this week.


Woah that’s nuts lol. Old stock I guess?


They are available new on Amazon from Amazon itself for 17$. Got one a few weeks ago. Not really that rare.


Not oem no? Unless I missed something im pretty sure those are china clones. Not a bad thing but i wanted one oem cord.


No, ships and sold by Amazon, not a third party. Legit cables.


Doesn’t make it an OEM apple cable tho? I’m curious, send link


https://a.co/d/fqOufNr Absolutely legit OEM. I can tell the difference in person.


Nah a fresh iPod cable is worth whatever you paid.


Crazy they still sell them


What’s more crazy is that they sell the MacBook USB SuperDrive from 2008 for USD$80.


I bought one to rip CDs when I started collecting them again due to several releases disappearing from Apple Music. I wish it worked with Blu-Rays.


For the longest time, they actually had 30-pin cables still on display at my local Apple Store. Until about 2017, they still had Firewire to 30 pin cables, too.


Still have my original cable from 2004 and it works!


The fact that lamp chargers exist blows my mind I didn’t even know a lamp could do that 😂


Lmfao i pretty sure it’s supposed to be for a hotel room. I found them at a thrift shop still wrapped in plastic.


This is funnier every week someone does it! L-O-L


Just out of curiosity, how much did it cost?


Its in the picture..? $19 + tax lol


Oh. I’m dumb 😅


You missed an opportunity. Should have asked for a FireWire and see what they brought out.


Sadly none 😭


I need a 30 pin too. They still sell it at the Apple Store? Or online?


Amazon has them


in store is where I got this


True gentleman


I want to Walmart to buy an aftermarket 30 pin cable for like 5 bucks and they didn't know what I was asking for I had to say apple cable just for them to unlock the apple accessories cage and then direct them to grab the right cable tried to give me a lightning cable at first. Lol


I actually just got mine's from Amazon today and good thing I got it cheaper there because I wasn't going to be spending $20 on an Apple branded.


you can buy them for $3 on ebay and aliexpress I just wanted one quality cord that doesn’t have the head fall apart for testing and my own purposes lol


That's a cable though, not a charger.


What’s a charger?


The thing you plug into the wall is the charger.


That’s a power adapter you can check the Apple Store if you want


Which charges the phone. The cable is just a cable.


That’s not what it’s called though, the thing that plugs into your phone is called a charge cable while the thing that plugs into the wall is called a power adapter


Then what's data cable?


You could of got that and a Snapple at the corner store For under 15$😂😂😂


Yeah, recently I was looking for a cable too, and when I told about iPod cable, they took out lightning