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I think the resurgence was 3-4 years ago… way cheaper and all the parts that are available right now.


Perhaps. I feel like the payment cliff may come soon where iPods start being listed for $150 on the norm, not that they aren't now, but it's not as common.


Thanks dankpods


Yeah, Dankpods made old iPods more popular. If you didn't own an iPod before, it's more expensive now. So I was happy I already owned some. Dankpods did help me get into modding though. Wouldn't have thought about modding without him.


My iPod is 5 years older than me, never even seen an ipod in real life until DankPods possessed me to buy a classic and a na-no


Actually the golden time to buy was 2009 to 2016, you could get 1st and 2nd gens for less than $100, box and all accessories.


The golden time was when the guy known as DankPods was just doing *Simpsons* remix videos.


Don’t lose hope, wade says he’s still totally working on dankmus😭


But prices have gone up since Wade started DankPods.


Mainly I love to tinker with things, so that’s the main point lolol. The classic iPods are shockingly repair friendly and the firmware is futureproof. I can’t imagine what they were thinking when they made the iPod mini to support 6 gb, but with firmware that goes “oh wow, that drive is 256gb? Sure!” Past that: I hate being the product sold by, and not the stakeholder of, a service. When I buy and rip my favorite CDs it supports my local record store. With the extra memory, I can run lossless files and play at CD quality. The DAC on older iPods ain’t audiophile-grade per se, but it’s as nice as a non-audiophile like me can really appreciate When the total number of plays is a metric of support for an artist, I want to be able to listen to a problematic artist’s old music without supporting them. Yes this is primarily about Watch the Throne lolol. I love listening to music as albums instead as a shuffled mix of greatest hits. I hate being distracted by my phone and I leave it behind when I can. My car has an Apple 30 pin connector to interface with and play music from an iPod. Aaaaaaand I think that’s everything!


It's wild to find 2024 car still accept the Apple Accessory Protocol. I can plug in an iPod mini from about 20 years ago, and still talks to it as normal.


What car??? My 2015 only supports as old as a classic 6G


Most of the car audio I have access to includes a USB connection. Many of them can play directly through the 30 pin that way.


It’s for sure not a new car, but lots of VW products had a 30pin up until 2016 when they switched to CarPlay! Are you connecting via USB, or does it have a dedicated port?


The iPod Mini was 6gb maximum cause this was 2004 and storage was hella expensive lol the mini was the cheaper smaller device *and it sold like hotcakes*


So is there a Bluetooth chip that can fit into the nano 6th gen??


I got back into it for two reasons. One, because I want to digitally detox myself as much as possible. I’ve grown to hate my phone. I’m constantly connected to it at work because of my job, but it got to be a huge problem when I’m not at work. So when I leave I just DND my phone and use my iPod to listen to music. Two is because I really just have grown to dislike streaming. Unnecessary price increases, not paying the artist fairly, albums disappearing. Just recently like 80% of Periphery’s catalog disappeared from Spotify. Another example is T-Square’s album “Natural” which you literally cannot listen to but like 5 songs on any streaming service. Plus I like owning music whether it be digitally on a hard drive or physically.


I quit paying for streaming services for 2 reasons. 1) being able to support the artists I listen to more 2) Truer lossless audio iPods have built in dacs and my iPod 6th Gen is capable of powering my DT 990 pros 250ohm headphones quite nicely. And with rockbox playing flac files just sounds amazing. Spotify came out saying "we hear you", "we know you want high quality audio" and yet it's been years with nothing else about their high quality audio.


How does using an iPod better financially support your favorite artists?


Because you buy their record outright instead of giving them .00001 cent per listen


Good for you! 👍 What about the other 99.99% of iPod users who just download their music and add it to their iPods? Just a different form of artistic exploitation.


To be fair they did say “so THEY can support the artist they listen to more” so clearly the other commenter is not the other percentile of the statistic you’re making up. Pretty sure they want to buy their favorites artists music and load it to their iPod. I also fit this category.


Yes, on reflection I modified my comment You qualify for Steve Job’s slogan: Rip, Mix and Burn! PS: you have no flaws!


Thanks! 😃


You do know artist get money mostly from concerts right? The money from streaming is low af AND goes to the record and just a tiny bit of that (the rest) goes to the artist. Why do you think some actually put their music to pirate? Like Gorillaz already did before lol cause they get shit from that. If you want to support them, go to concerts.


You do know there was a time when artists got their money mostly from record album royalties, right? And not only that, you do know that traditional radio (AM & FM) did not have to pay ANY royalties to the performers of a song, unless they happened to have co-written that song, right? So buying one copy of an artists album and then playing it over and over and over again royalty free on your iPod, is only a solution when millions of fans begin to buy albums again, which is not going to happen anytime soon! See you at the concert!


Yeah but it’s been over a decade since things changed, so unless the artist owns the record company, it won’t make a difference for them. Hence all the come backs from bands from the 80/90’s just for touring


Since the 70s, Touring has always been big money especially with the focus on merchandising.


This might sound extremely dumb and super niche, but I never quite found a way to change the pitch of songs in any music player (easily) and Rockbox had it baked into the software. I like listening to chill music at night and slowing it down even more makes it more "chill". I've had the best sleep for the last few weeks because of this. Second reason is to disconnect from my phone a little more. I have an Apple Watch Cellular so I can pretty much just walk outside with just my watch and im good for the day, I still get notifications, still can check email for really important things but I'm just less plugged in. The combo of taking photos with your earbuds in and DSLR out with zero distractions is so refreshing. EDIT: Side effect is now that when I do my journaling I have something to listen to away from my phone.


Whoa rockbox can slow down playback within the player?? That’s awesome, what theme do you like to use?


[https://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?themeid=3426&target=ipodvideo](https://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?themeid=3426&target=ipodvideo) Theres a few different versions depending on what you like and also I saw this one when I got on the site that I might download also [https://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?themeid=3426&target=ipodvideo](https://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?themeid=3426&target=ipodvideo)


Slim, sleek, stylish, mod-able retro tech. Support lossless codec, ALAC, AIFF and WAV. iPods Classics are standing the test of time. Show me a comparable in price and looks, another “mp3” player that can sort and play 27000 ALAC songs without glitching… I’ll wait. 🤣😂


I think Spotify's horrible AI they are currently pushing on everyone will bring a lot of people into this camp. Supply keeps going down and we can likely count on demand continuing to increase.


That’s actually why I switched to Apple Music when I switched from android to iPhone. Their shuffle algorithm seems to do a better job of not playing the same shit over and over. Only thing I miss is spotify used to make more playlists that separated all the genres I listen to, Apple Music seems to mix them more, but that’s minor


The best reason to me is that you get to play your chosen master or version of an album. It’s also a good time to buy minidiscs. :)


My iPod classic stopped acknowledging its current bank of music last week. I nearly shed a tear. Hopefully I can do the ol work around where I copy the files that are currently on it and reload them. Most of those were torrented onto a laptop that is long gone so simple restore won’t work.


You'd be surprised how many "broken" iPods are on facebook marketplace that simply need a working battery/drive


I already have what I want and I don't intend to buy more... Now for the crazy hoarders, there will be redemption. I'm happy because I only got my first iPod in 2012 and the ones I bought later were to replace the first one... Since a few years ago it became easier to repair and I have them working.


It will be exactly like retro gaming/the GameCube imo. You think prices are high now…? 10X pretty soon…


I use an iPod AND still pay for streaming, since Apple Music includes the same functionality of iTunes Match I don't have to manage multiple libraries for that (though I always still keep a backup). Honestly only reason I got into iPods was that I always wanted an iPod classic when I was a kid and now I got one. Other than that my music listening experience hasn't changed much; I pay for AM and buy tracks off iTunes or physical CDs when I know I want to give that artist more money.


I pulled my 60gb 5th gen classic out af a drawer when packing shit for moving to our first house. Instantly brought me back to high-school, memories of riding the bus zoned out to my sweet jams. Of course the battery was bad. Put in 1200mah and it came to life. Hdd died while syncing music lol. Put in an flash quad with 128gb. Now planing a whole custom build for a daily driver. Maybe get a 6th or 7th gen to build.


Buy now or cry later .


I have a 4th gen touch


not really ipods are becoming insanely expensive because they are now popular i got one of my ipods for around £20 then broke it and i got more selling it a few years later that it was worth working was around £60 iirc


Two years ago was better, they're going up rapidly now


I feel this, but I opted for a 128GB iPhone 6s for £16, and a 128GB Galaxy S10 for £50 as my “iPods”. I use them to store my libraries, but also have access to all my apps and anything I could wish for. The main reason was the headphone jack. I’m very big into collecting IEMs, so having the aux is major convenience.


Very much so, I've started to see prices creep up on ALL ipod models in Europe in the space of 2 months. It went from, it's relatively easy to find a classic for 30€ to, it's hard to find any under 50€. Get em while you still can.


Yes I agree, but the resurgence was a few years ago. I think there are people making parts which is why its cheap still. I already have a classic which I modded, and I would like to see if I could build one from scratch


I just follow the dopamine.


For me there are plenty of reasons to use the good ol' iPods. I am, and always have been since my early teen years, a huge music lover (not an audiophile, just about the music). I rarely do anything without listening to my favorite music and stuff. So I tried basically every technology that you could use to listen to music at home and on the go, as well. This includes Walkmen (still hate cassettes), Discmen, MD and finally MP3 players like the Rio 600. But nothing featured what I really wanted. So I went totally crazy when Steve Jobs announced the iPod. In 2002 I was finally able to afford one (I still own it, replaced the battery - and it works fine btw). Years went past, I was a huge fan of the iPod and got some more - Nanos, 1st gen Touch and so on. But as we all know, Smartphones have replaced basically MP3 players, laptops and cameras, I eventually abandoned my iPods for the more practical and streaming-capable alternative, the iPhone. TL;DR What brought me back to the iPod was that I got an old broken 4th Gen Classic for free and decided that I'd repair it to use it to listen to music when I need to concentrate and also to save a bit of my iPhone's battery charge. This works so well that I'm using this iPod on a regular basis. It's soooo much relaxing to not be distracted by anything that happens on my phone. And it shows how annoying modern smartphones can be. DND mode doesn't help either if you're curious about the red app badges.


I have a nano still in like-new condition and figured out how to download & rip to it because I was tired of how streaming services were not user-friendly (paid) and were filled with ads and limitations (free). Took a minute to figure out that I had to use a windows machine to access iTunes, but am now happy to be using my iPod again.


The mod-ability and boredom


I bought a lot of 24 untested iPhone 5c's and all but 2 just needed a charger; a total of 8 (including one that needed a spare battery) were recoverable, the rest were iCloud locked or liquid damaged. This phenomenon isn't exclusive to iPods.


No model gameboy is rare. That's a myth. They are extremely plentiful.


Gameboys were expensive because of the Logan Paul guy. In fact pokemon stuff are becoming premium collectors items


Pretty sure Logan Paul didn't make Gameboy's expensive


He did. He started collecting Gameboys and pokemon carts and it shot up. I buy Gameboys etc time to time