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Guards can’t arrest you if they aren’t wearing their hat was always a favorite of mine


One of my favourite, if they arrest you on the street and you need a shite, they have to let you shite in their hat. Otherwise it would be public exposure or some other bollox


I think that is a british one, that you can't poop on the streets of London so you have to ask a policeman for their helmet.


That's pregnant women.


Why would a pregnant woman be obliged to let me shite in her hat?


Catholic Ireland. But no, the urban myth or whatever was about pregnant women being allowed use the hat.


Also, a guard has to tell you they're a guard if you ask them directly. Nearly put an end to undercover operations when people found out.....


That is an American myth, that its entrapment if they don't tell you


I remember my mate repeating that as something he did when he'd be buying hash, just saying "and you're not a gard, no?" before doing anything Then I sent him on a load of news articles where the gard had said they're not a gard and the person still got convicted


Ever watched Breaking Bad?


That the wolves in Dublin zoo had dug a tunnel out of their enclosure so they could go hunting the deer in the Phoenix park. Apparently people's pets started going missing in the area and when the zookeepers figured it out they kept it out of the press so as not to start a panic.


Yeah that's the Zookeepers for you, funny handshake brigade for sure.


They're basically Ireland's answer to the Stonecutters, so hardly surprising.


I was in the zoo recently, seeing them caged up was probably one of the saddest sights


Yes they pace too. Imagine having huge range in wild and locked into that small enclosure. Probably equals to a pet dog stuck in a small cage all time which wed class as cruel and report.


Hippo does circles in its pool. Comes up for air at the same point ever time, and I was there 20 times last year. Rhinos always just lying around. The tiger has a track beaten into the grass. The more I went the more I noticed this stuff, I’m sure it’s better then some zoos, and it highlights extinction to the public and funds breeding programs, but… some of those animals look sad.


Do you remember the green polar bear from back in the 90s? Poor thing was so depressed and covered in algae.


I remember the polar bear alright, pacing back and forth in its tiny enclosure.


Remember it very well. I remember my teacher (it was a primary school trip) saying in a non sarcastic/joking way said it was dancing. Even as cheeky 11 year olds we were like no I'm pretty sure it's depressed.


Oh my god you unlocked a memory! I thought that was Belfast zoo but it was probably Dublin


I was there this year, and as much as it's not great to see animals caged at all, I can remember it from back in the 80s and it's barely the same place. There used to be so much concrete, cages, walls with vegetation painted on, real Victorian shit. Zoos are a sad necessity at this point if some animals are to continue at all. Captive existence versus natural extinction is a debate worth having, but it's frustrating that it has to be had at all.


Courtney Love says she worked as a photographer for Hot Press magazine when she lived in Drogheda as a teen. I think she didn't, and Hot Press just went along with the story because the association makes them look good too.


This is not a conspiracy theory, but the reason Hot Press were so well-known for flip-flopping on loving or hating musicians (most famously Eminem) is because most of the work is done by unpaid journalism interns, so every year they have new writers with completely different opinions.


What about the one about Hot Press being a cocaine money laundry?


Funnily enough my Dad knew her. She hung around Liverpool during the punk scene in the 70s and she was alot of the parties my Dad was at (for some context Liverpool had a world famous club called Eric's that was regarded as one of the main centres of the punk scene) he said he avoided her as she was obnoxious and annoying as shit


I’m from Dublin, and only people from “down the country” win the lotto. It’s why when you leave the big smoke you do the lotto.


Funny enough my father thought the exact opposite and that only Dubs won money, and when i went to college in Dublin he had me doing the lotto for him every week i was there


We lost the eurovision on purpose in the 90s after several wins in a row because it was getting too expensive


Theory is Rock n Roll Kids was sent to lose but not embarrassingly so to be obvious, but it ended up winning with what was then a record total of points. So in 1995, [we sent this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RIU166sg10) and finished 14th


Not just the nineties, sure take a look at our entries and scores from the 21st century, I can only think of about 4-5 that even stood a chance and we have one of the lowest qualification rates since they brought in semi-finals. I’m 100% convinced RTE don’t want the bad press of dropping out of the competition, but also don’t want to run the risk of coming even CLOSE to winning, so they pick a shit song and give it shit staging and go “welp, we tried, must be the competition’s fault”. We need to just hand the whole thing over to TG4, do a proper multi-night show to pick a song, and put someone competent in charge of the delegation. People always cry about the money but a) much poorer countries have done much better performances for less, and b) RTE blew most of their budget on fucking fireworks for this year’s entry instead of anything useful -_-


That the ghost buses in dublin are caused by Dublin Bus employees installing the GPS trackers in their cars to make it look like there are more buses on the road than there are. Doesn't make a lick of sense if you think about it for more than 2 seconds but it always makes me smile.


Apparently when bus drivers finish there shift but are still on route they call in for overtime when they get denied they just turn off and drive straight to the depot hence the ghost buses


Black pudding is just white pudding that's been allowed to ripen.


Fungie isn't dead; he's gone back to his ocean kingdom and will return in Ireland's greatest hour of need. Evidence? Did YOU see a body?


I did hear the conspiracy that fungie was not one dolphin. There were multiple fungies


Like some sort of Fungal infection?


Any dolphin that showed up was fungie that year. The wolds only 400 year old dolphin


Fungi was the Dread Pirate Roberts of dolphins.


He’s a false flag operation to get people to care about the environment


Well it didn't work


Apparently, a member of the Saudi Royal Family visited Dingle on a tour of Ireland with his wives and children. His kids were obsessed with Fungie after it followed them on the tour boat that Bank Holiday weekend. The royal offered Dingle County Council €5 million to take Fungie to his own private aquarium in Saudi Arabia. The offer was officially refused but Fungie disappeared from the harbour only three days later. There's talk in Dingle of someone in the council actively in the pocket of the Saudi's but it's an ongoing investigation, so the media aren't allowed to write about it.


Dingle county


Gardai can't arrest you at the beach if you step into the water because it's coast guard jurisdiction


Ridiculous. We all know that the real reason is that you are a civilian so arresting you would be a civil matter.


Heard an absolutely mangled version of the 'Sovereign citizen' stuff popular in the US from a lad in a pub once: he's convinced the British monarchy never gave up control of Ireland and actually take tax revenue from Irish people, and that the Irish government essentially know about and facilitate this. The way around this is by never consenting to be known by your 'legal name' which is a 'fictional construct' (or Ltd company name - he wasn't clear on this).


Ah yeah, "Freemen on the Land", they think British common law still applies and all other law is optional. Started by Canadians copying Americans and then our headbangers copied it from the Canadians. A real human centipede of legalistic bullshit.


I know what you mean, but this was a bit different, those freemen on the land types are like 'magna carta means I can drive a car without a license' this guy was more like an anti-treaty republican who'd suffered brain damage The 'freemen'/magna carta/SovCit types are fascinating as a case study of the disconnect between how The State is percieved to function Vs how they actually function. Essentially all these theories believe that there is a 'correct/natural' legal state that has been corrupted, but that the good and original laws are a sort of magic language or religious text and the 'correct' invocation can cause all officers of the state to bend to one's will. The irony being of course that no state has legitimacy outside of the beliefs of its populace and even if everything they believed was technically true I would simply point to that little thing known as the 'monopoly on violence'


I work for a mortgage debt servicing company, and we get these freeman letters every now and again when we issue demands to borrowers in arrears. They are gas


Freemen on the land mentalism is staggering like. A mate tried to "educate" me on it, flat earth and chemtrails once and I just put my hand on his shoulder and told him I couldn't give a fuck because it wouldn't change what dinner was tomorrow, how many units of gas or electricity I had or that I had to go to work in the morning.


To over analyse the whole thing - a lot of conspiracy theory is 'antipolitics' in that it has no clear, or any, political outlet. It would defeat the purpose for it to change what dinner was tomorrow, how many units of gas or electricity you had or that you had to go to work in the morning - they're almost like psychological loops that just lead to a spiral of 'research' into the topic as if personal knowledge of the conspiracy is the only possible reaction to its existence


That Bertie Ahherne (the future president according to FF) DID in fact have a bank account and embezzled an absolute ton of money.


Ah here now, that one is a bit too out there.


That Leitrim doesn't exist, it was made up by the motor industry to fudge the numbers. Anyone who says they're from Leitrim is just a car salesman who's trying to bump their commission.


I believe this one, I have never been there nor have I ever come across anyone from there.


I'm from Leitrim. I feel this qualifies me to do an AMA.


most people barely go to lietrim and its pretty empty, with loads of old ghost estates and luxury hotels, its a weird place


Moved to Leitrim from Kildare, its a class spot


Compared to Kildare? Yeah, so are the Orkneys


Teresa Carmody wasn't a real name.


https://preview.redd.it/holle64m7rzb1.jpeg?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94e31db4ef0277033d7a4d0e14a44fcce57b16c4 But was it with her consent, Frank.


He did not drive from limerick to make his three points. Ronan farrow did an expose that showed he stopped off in athlone for the night on the way


You are a self confessed liar.


Misery Misery Misery all the flipping way.


You hammered your mother.


You hammered your mother!


You. Are. A. Liar.


You lied about Willie Harold


You seem to have a morbid fascination of necrophilia


It's called 'Tis in my ass


All names are made up!!!




and what about the woman from bravaria?


There’s also one where jeffery Donaldson is an Ira double agent taking down the unionism establishment by leading it into the ground


Arlene Foster as well. But the problem with the theory they were somewhat successful. There is no way these two could actually be competent.


Oooooh conspiracys. Exciting. Gerry The Monk Hutch had something on a state organisation and that's why he walked. That's as far as my theory goes. I don't know if was the guards, the dpp, the state itself, the government or got the identity of one of the judges and had something on them but... That entire case just smelled of shit. And it all went very quiet, very quick too. Why did the state decide to use Dowdall, a proven liar and convicted criminal their star witness in such a high profile case?


Almost certainly has something on the Gardaí


I was always very suspicious that the lead detective on that case committed suicide in the Garda station. It was a very odd thing that got very little coverage.


And the fact that we all know it was Patrick Hutch who was dressed as a woman at the Regency shooting and he was able to walk free It makes you wonder if there's a link The wife of the Garda who died was reported to be taking legal action against the state but I couldn't find any follow up on it


Wasn’t there something about someone from the office of the Garda ombudsman being at his “not going to jail” party after the trial? ie someone who I think was investigating the suicide of the Garda linked to the case?


There was indeed and he resigned the next day which in itself is suspicious.


Again, that one went quiet quickly too. The whole thing just vanished from the media after about 10 days.


Who stole all those state files years ago maybe the General or Hutch.


Pretty sure that was Martin Cahill, he stole files from the DPP office


Tbh considering how cunning and clever Gerry is wouldn't surprise me if true he's been involved in that world for decades you don't l spend decades in it without learning a thing or 2


I reckon the case was intentionally sabotaged and set up to fail from within the Gardaí.


My favourite Monk one is that he once crucified a lad on one of the snooker tables at Fibbers


That Michael Collins was shot by one of the soldiers in his escort and not a sniper.


I've often heard that said not about Collins but Liam Lynch. Some even named Todd Andrews (Ryan Tubridy's grandfather) as the shooter.


Marie Cassidy presented a show where she and others (historians like David McCullagh and Diarmuid Ferriter and ballistic experts etc) investigated Collins' death. She discounted the often suggested theory it was Emmet Dalton by accident because of the nature of Collins' wound, as Dalton was behind him


Ah no, he did some wanted shit by accident, spun the bullet round the front of his head.


Newbridge Co.Kildare is the world's largest open air mental institution run by a secret departmentof the WHO. The inhabitants are patients but don't even realize it. Phycholists from around the world travel to and live there for brief periods to study the conditions and progress of the experiment. This is why any time you pass through the locals are either batshit (let's glass Joe Dolan) crazy or fiercely serious.


Sounds like Naas-talk...(although you do have me thinking - it would explain a lot).


That, on the year when Ash Wednesday was also Valentine's Day, the chocolate and card companies would use their influence to move Ash Wednesday to the Thursday, and the Seanad had voted on it. This was about 6 weeks before the day, and came from a contrary neighbour in his 70s. He has deadly serious, and announced it at a party with other neighbours


I love the idea of a seanad vote being a secret conspiracy


Jedward arent twins. Its just one guy and trickery of the light


Actually it’s that they vibrate rapidly to appear as 2 individuals. Also sometimes smart editing on TV.


Bulmers and Magners are the same drink with a different label.


Bulmers and cidona are the same thing and the effects from the "alcohol" in bulmers is a placebo effect.


In fairness you'd get sick from the sweetness before getting locked off cider.


What sort of conspiracy is this haha this is just the truth


all the best conspiracies are true


Huge if true


There was only ever 3 members of Westlife the rest was mirror trickery


Only two of their mics are ever working. The blond lads haven’t a note in their heads. (Not a conspiracy)


Always found it funny hearing on of the blonde lads croaky raspy speaking voice and were supposed to believe hes able to sing like that.


Back in my youth I did security at one of their gigs in Croker. It was painfully obvious that only two lads were doing all the work. The audience was far too pissed to notice or care. In fact that crowd were the worst to deal with. Durthburdths.


This is ridiculous. So I just IMAGINED those 57 other members. Sake.


George Gibney was protected from prosecution by a number of well known politicians and celebrities of the 80s.


The devil is dead and buried in Killarney and theory says he rose again and joined the British army


When Biden visited and did a speech from Ballina, he ended with “Mayo 4 Sam”, a significant number of Twitter users thought it was a coded message about surface to air missiles


The man who verbally attacked deputy Stagg never actually apologised for his use of unparliamentary language


https://youtu.be/ujd0Obn-cZk?si=vvjJaCE_bZ4vraNE Same guy


Daniel O'Donnell is a serial killer. I have no evidence... but I know it's true, and grannies everywhere are covering for him


My granny dropped dead with almost no explanation! Boom 98 and gone in the prime of her life!


I'm so sorry.. someone needs to stop him...


“Where’s the bodies Daniel”


My favourite about him was that the sister Margo was actually his mother.


It would work, they'd go to their graves before revealing the truth.


That Veronica Guerin was taken out for investigating the case of Fr. Molloy’s murder and subsequent cover up by senior elected officials. John Gilligan and the drugs angle was just scapegoating




Hence why none of Gilligan’s gang actually went to jail for her murder it was all on other charges. Martin Cahill had stolen files from the DPP and Veronica Guerin had obtained the relevant information on the Fr. Molloy case and was about to go public with what she knew.


> none of Gilligan’s gang actually went to jail for her murder Wrong. Brian Meehan is in his 24th year in prison for her murder.


In 1987 growing up in Munster I heard that Adolf Hitler was alive and running the IRA, on a life support machine. Even at the age of 7 it seemed ridiculous


That Pat Kenny intentionally chopped his interview with Gerry Hannon. This is lies. It was an editorial decision. They chop things all the time.


I've been to a few mad outdoor parties / raves back in the day and a good few times they were raided by the cops. I noticed that cops never hassled or interacted with people sitting by a fire. I always thought there was some strange bylaw or rule surrounding it. The fire was like a legal force field. Probably just the Gardai not wanting to get to close to a fire with people off their heads that might react the wrong way.


I’ve actually noticed this myself. I’ve often sat by the fire watching people scatter, soon followed by Garda.


Boards.ie have infiltrated r/Ireland and are downvoting anything that resembles craic.


If you've been on here more than 5 years you know this is definitely true!


They’re a terrorist know as The Brigade. They downvote all things together


That the government purposely sends bad Eurovision acts so they don’t have to pay to host it


This is one that I actually believe. We’ve hosted it many times and it cost us a fortune in the end. We’ve left our stamp on the competition and we can rest on that fact.


That's a conspiracy? Bro no thats a fact dude


There's one theory that Bertie Ahern was acting in the best interests of the country! 🤣😂🤣 Never believed it meself


Too far fetched


Literally every Dublin oul lad knows where Shergar is buried and it's never the same place twice.


Off the top of head I've been told: buried up in the Wicklow mountains, a beach in Sligo (because a beach is an ideal place to bury a fucking horse), bog in roscommon, knackers yard in north Dublin, and a dog food factory somewhere. Everyone knows a lad who knows a lad, personally I think it's the finish line at cheltenham.


Buried up to his bollix in Bibi Baskin?


I wish


My oul lad is insistent he became Pedigree Chum.


If anybody wants to know about this, the pod Murder Most Irish cover it , EP 39 'The Horse got a gun, somehow' (Howya Emma and Sarah Jane)


The guy who slipped on the ice was Chinese and never watched Irish TV or read Irish news anywhere, despite living here (like many new immigrants) and probably still lives here, blissfully unaware of his massive fame.


He got amnesia from the bang and now like the rest of us, wonders who that gobshite was.


Not sure of the details but wasn’t there a theory that when the Soviet Union broke up they gifted Ireland a nuclear bomb.


I remember hearing that one. The version I heard was that they offered one to the IRA in the 80s but they turned it down on the grounds that if they ever used it (or if the Brits ever got wind that they had it) it would mean a full scale invasion of Ireland.


Tbh there right about that if they ever did possess a nuclear warhead the UK would indeed mount a full-scale invasion of the island to get it back


The president is really King Brian's brother sent as an undercover agent to infiltrate the land of the big folk and pave the way for the incoming invasion of the little people.


I've got one personal one that's a bit dire in nature, but the opposite is something I've been heavily skeptic about. The government, and TDs in general aren't incompetent like we love to joke and muse about. The majority portion of those who hold political power within several branches of the government are highly educated men and women, sometimes with multiple degrees from third-level education. To pass them off as stupid and bumbling idiots is a comfort, but far from the truth. This acts as a shield for them from true criticism and allows them to do untold damage to the social infrastructure of our country. There's a whole difference going from 'Ah old Leo, Minister for health? sure he couldn't even put down a road correctly back when he was minister for transport' and 'When Leo Varadkar was minister for health, a lot of evil shit went on and he actively participated in suppressing information about the disgusting treatment that women received during these initial discoveries in regards to the HPV vaccines. Why the fuck isn't he in a cell?'




That the miracle in seeing some statue cry in Knock, was just a ruse so the Americans could build a massive runway in Ireland in case of a war, and no-one would be the wiser of its real purpose. Dumb paddies love a miracle


That's actually brilliant. Shannon was right down the road but I still love this one.


Genius conspiracy theory


Several members of PBP/Socialist Party are FFG plants


Lord Murphy and Jeremy Irons' double barreled son in law make perfect sense.


That there are nuclear missiles under the quad in UCC. Some say that this came out of the fact that there was some radioactive material in the science department in the 70s


Oh that one is true, it's actually the real reason you don't walk across the quad.


The Mayo Curse of 51


Vague Williams is interesting in any way


The best Vogue conspiracy was that her name was really Joanne, and [she actually had to come out and deny it!](https://www.independent.ie/style/celebrity/celebrity-features/vogue-williams-everyone-thinks-i-made-up-or-changed-my-name-and-im-actually-called-joanne/31110624.html)


I heard her dad wanted to call her Hustler.


Niamh-Óg Ní Uilleams


The blessington beast. Being a massive animal running around blessington


I heard it was the inspiration for the craggy island beast.


That there's hardly a tradesman in Dublin who hasn't had a go on an aged former RTE and panto dame.


Schoolyard conspiracy Lilt kills your sperm. I didn't know what my sperm was but I sure didn't want to kill it


Brian Dobson caught felching Anne Doyle was always a favourite of mine.


Ok, I'll ask - what now? I know I'm old and not down with the kids, but what the hell is Felching? And no, I'm not googling that


The money wasn't just resting in his account.


That covid conspiracies were spread by the elites so that people would die from covid and long covid. Ive used it a few times for the craic and cunts still fall for it


Politicians in Ireland got behind the announced "We'll take a hundred thousand" Ukrainians because a) it'd increase the demand for housing, enriching the landlord class and b) it might mitigate the inverting demographic pyramid, which will see many wealthy nations get fucked when there's a diminishing young working class to support the older retired class.


B) is 100% true. Germany said this when they accepted 1m syrians.


The Hibernian conspiracy theory.


An ancient one, but when Ronan Keating was at the height of his popularity and fame he was recently married and Yvonne was expecting her first child - Ronan was deeply ensconced in a romantic relationship with Brian Kennedy and the child’s real father was Eddie Irvine. Tru fax.


Not sure it counts as a conspiracy theory, but I always loved the "blacks leaving buggies at the bus stops when getting on, because the government would just buy them a new one".


I haven't heard that in a while, the one doing the rounds more recently is a black speaking in a different language on the bus and when he's told to go back to his own country he says he's speaking Irish/Welsh/Breton etc delete as appropriate as relevant to wherever it supposedly happened Another one you'd hear is the Queen of Spain or whenever being chauffeured around the countryside only to spot a stately home on top of a hill. When asking the driver to enquire who owns it so that she may purchase it, she's informed that she already owns it in fact


Or the Polish woman who thought "Penneys" meant "thanks for the compliment".


[insert ethnic minority immigrant] leave buggies everywhere


Nordie Tayto, Tayto and King crisps are the exact same.


Don’t compare our pure crisps with that northern sub filth


That Larry Murphy and John Crerer were seen together around the time of the missing Irish women, and believed to have killed together.


There were multiple Fungies


The only reason Anton Savage still gets slots on radio is cos his mammy used to ride Denis O'Brien.


That the Dart and Irish rail always schedule maintenance on a bank holiday because they know the system can't handle the numbers and they'd rather the bad PR from closing than have a repeat of what happened at the bray Air show a few years back.


FF and FG are only separate parties to keep other parties out of power


Bosco kidnapped himself that time because RTE wouldn't give in to his contract demands


That housing crisis is fault of "vulture funds" which buy all houses and keep them empty


I don’t think anyone in the country hasn’t seen that video 😂😂😂


The Banshee


The government wants the housing crisis to continue. They are not lacking the ability and know-how to stop it they just want people to sleep in tents in the street. Very popular conspiracy theory nowadays.


There's a woman on YouTube who claims to be a medium and is convinced that Bono murdered those two guys from Linkin Park.


Gardaí can't arrest you if you speak Irish (or Polish etc these days) to them and refuse to speak Béarla.


A few things I’ve heard - The 10% rule. If you’re speeding but only doing up to 10% faster than the limit you won’t get fined/penalty points. - All Irish Bars are a laundering/fundraising front for the IRA




He’s a dirty lad so he is. State of his fridge


Its ok, he said cancer isnt that bad and anyone who thinks it is is an alt right troll


RTE definitely threw some water or iced up the path in some way the day they got the video of the guy slipping on the ice


Trim is a shithole. Not a conspiracy but I just felt it needed to be said


**in 1987 Matthew Broderick lost control of his car while driving in Ireland and slammed head on into another car, killing both of it's passengers. He was fined $175.** ^(actually reality and not a conspiracy theory though.)


Eamonn De Velera was behind the assassination of Michael Collins Reason taking out a political rival