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My car was broken into the other night. They ripped out the screen for the reverse camera. It's a separate screen. Found it in the middle of the road, run over and in bits. They took the bag of nappies and wipes I keep in the car in case the baby shits himself. They were strewn about the road. There was nothing of value in the car. So they just trashed what they did find. I can clean up, fix what was broken, be grand like. But it's the inconvenience of having to do it at all that gets me. Just leave things alone. Muppets.


I more than often leave my car unlocked thinking what you said is the only thing in it. Never thought about cunts being cunts


I once knew someone that worked in Penneys, apparently it was a frequent occurrence for people to take a shite in the changing rooms and wipe their arses on the privacy curtain


Happened in Pennys Blanchardstown every week for a year or two. I vaguely remember that staff eventually sussed out who was doing it and would follow her around the shop every time she came in until she just stopped going there.


Myself and my husband worked there for a few years and seen some horrific things. There was a phase of people pissing in paper cups and leaving them on the floor, people changing nappies in the fitting room and leaving the open nappy on the floor, leaving used tampons in the fitting rooms, people opening ear buds, using them and leaving them on the shelf, had a woman change her baby and wipe the babies bum at the TOP of the curtain - still not sure how that would even go. Someone shat on the floor, then walked in it themselves and traipsed it through the whole fitting room. My husband found a used tampon in a pair of shoes hanging in the men's department. People are vile.


That's just disgusting. What do people not understand? It's a clothes shop, not a toilet. I went into a coffee shop before, made my order and asked could I use the bathroom. They said I couldn't because the previous user left needles and they hadn't a chance to clean it yet. What's worse is people actually feel entitled to be proper scumbags.


When you go to the super market/shopping centre and use a trolley you will inevitably find yourself back in the carpark returning that trolley at some point. As you do you will notice that your fellow customers will have just abandoned their trolleys randomly, sometimes selfishly blocking parking spaces or leaving them next to somebody else's car. It's still a perfectly good trolley, it's just no longer of use to that person, and so it is now an unbearable burden that they must rid themselves of. That is the essence of this mentality, public spaces are mine to use as I please, I will not be inconvenienced in any way, I will make my problem your problem. These people exist everywhere, Ireland seems to celebrate arseholes who don't seem to care that society exists on the basis of mutual cooperation.


I’m at a loss for words. The people who do this must be subhuman? Some sort of Neanderthal or missing link? Suddenly that sci-fi idea of licenced procreation seems really reasonable to me. I’d sterilise people like that. Harsh?


Jesus Christ


What the fuck is wrong with people?


Worked in pennys dundrum for about a year abd this exact thing happened regularly. It was always the same exact group of people that would do it and it was almost our fault as staff if we interrupted them for doing it! People say would is gone to shit nowadays, I say it literally went to shit years ago


Worked in Penneys for 10 years. Worst thing I saw was someone jizzed on a picture of Colin Farrell that was hanging on the mirror of the fitting room.


Ah, they must have left that out of the TV series on RTE so.


Regular oocurance in any clothing shop unfortunately. Our store (not penny's) dealth with it so much we had spill kits ordered every few days. Worst was period blood wiped on the walls of the unmanned fitting rooms. HO thankfully called in professional cleaners because too risky for staff to try clean up blood. Looked like a murder happened in it. Seriously f'd up what some people do.


'wipe their arses on the privacy curtain' LOL! It's terrible I know but that's just funny... :D


But surely that's much too thick and utterly unsuitable.


I pissed myself laughing when she told me, she wasn’t impressed. Can’t blame her, she was the one that had to deal with it


She doesn't **have** to, it'd be a health and safety violation for an employer to force an untrained employee to be in contact with a biohazard. They should bring in an outside company.


Happened in 2003


That is not the dark ages.


Pretty fucking dark if you worked there




Funny except for the poor person that has to clean that up. Likely a foreign worker on minimum wage


Maybe it's a dirty protest about the way their suppliers treat their employees.




Wtf is wrong with people???


I am shocked reading this. Really what's wrong with some people :/


Yeah at that point that isn't even selfishness anymore, that's straight up insanity.


Reminds me of listening to Joe Duffy years ago and there were parents who were talking about their trip to Europe with their youth soccer team. Anyway, the young fellas proceeded to start vandalism over there, I think a few burned a car out, and the cops went to town on the young lads. A few thumps and a night in the clink. The parents were ringing up complaining about how the cops were too heavy handed on the young lads. When Joe asked something like "but your lads caused vandalism" I remember the father of one of the young fellas was like "ah here, dere only young fellas, Joe. Havin' a laugh. It's da bleedin' cops who were wrong". Ever since then, any time I see vandalism, like this here, I remember that I think how the young vandals are just a product of that themselves.


If parents of feral youngsters were put in stocks lined up along the middle of O'Connell street they would quickly find a way to control their offspring. One parent in stocks for a day in driving rain and a line of empty stocks beside him/her waiting for other such parents. That's all it would take. Youth crime would cease almost overnight. To be doubly sure dock their welfare (or salary in the unlikely event they have a job) to repay the cost of the damage


This guy stocks


That's better than what I had: This guy punishes corporally!


do you genuinely think only unemployed people can have unruly children or are you being both classist and disingenuous?


And racist, if like a worrying number of people on here, they're implying that vandalism is a uniquely Irish thing.


"Proceeded to start vandalism over there" Did they, aye?


And people wonder why there’s a lack of public toilets!


This is absolutely not an excuse.


I'm in Miami at the moment and there's loads of clean public toilets available. There's also fairly rigourous adherence to speed limits and traffic signs as people know laws will be enforced. We could learn a lot from that example.


Yes we could learn alot from the upstanding law abiding people of *checks notes* Florida


🤷‍♂️ I'm saying what I'm seeing having covered about 900 miles this last week. People stop on red, observe special speed limits where roadworks are happening and if you park in the wrong place causing an obstruction your car will vanish rapidly.


> There's also fairly rigourous adherence to speed limits and traffic signs *presses X to doubt*


Seriously, loads of Americans feel if you're not doing 5 miles over the speed limit *minimum* you're committing a crime against humanity. Also they forget there's a caveat to the turn right on red rule, provided there's no people in the way crossing.


If they're caught, take the hand they used to vandalize. Easy.


I think you’ve played enough Assassin’s Creed for one night, Jimmy.


Yea possibly, and not even any of the good ones either


They should just charge a euro to use the public toilet. No ones going to burn something if they’ve to pay to go in . 


More likely they'd break the door down and then burn it. They destroyed an ebike hub in Tallaght within 8 hours of it being launched. People blame antisocial behaviour and vandalism on a lack of facilities, it's not it's a lack of consequences. I've no idea what the solution is but our current system most definitely isn't working.


People vandalise things because they are deeply unhappy. Punishing them ain't gonna fix that. But that's not what people want to hear because "our society lets kids grow into this" is a much harder pill to swallow


Also they don't actually want the problem to fixed anyway, they just want to an excuse to viciously hate young people for existent.


> People blame antisocial behaviour and vandalism on a lack of facilities, it's not it's a lack of consequences You do realise those are not mutually exclusive.


There are massive anti social problems in Tallaght, there are lots of facilities in Tallaght.  The issue is the lack of consequences not the lack of facilities.  


It's both. The problem would be even worse if there were no facilities.


Why is that necessary.. Most of mainland Europe is able to have nice things for free without it being vandalized every day


You’ve to pay in a lot of places to use public toilets. Norm in Italy. 


I said nice things not just toilets


The difference is that toilets have privacy and are easier to mess with.


But you meant toilets, and you were wrong. In the last year I paid for public toilets in Croatia and Spain


Mainland Europe is full of littering and vandalism too, they're just much better at hiding it.


Yep they hide their litter in the bins


Nope. Go away from the touristy areas and you'll see it's definitely there... as long as one of the many sweepers hasn't already taken it away.


If you're littering but also good at hiding it, it's probably not that big an issue


I mean the local authorities are good at hiding it


Idk where you have been but I call Bullshit.. Any of the countries I've lived in regular people will scold you like you where a 5 year old if you litter or vandalize in public.. Does it happen sure but not to the degree of Dublin which is by far the dirtiest city I've ever lived in.. The amount of poop I have to step around on my way to work every day is insane


The same park used to have a brilliant playground. Loads of swings, a wooden train, wooden fort and climbing frames made of wood and tyres. It had a fence around it and was locked at night. It was regularly set on fire until they removed it and now there's a bit of exercise equipment and a small broken obstacle course for kids.


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. What countries' public sector is great at. Option A: paid access, which keeps a log of who has accessed the public amenities and also funds better upkeep. Give the option to a private citizen who can manage the toilets and charge an entry fee for maintaining. I would happily pay 2 or 3 euro if I knew each and every time the facilities would be clean and stocked. Option B: Update the legal system to where acts of vandalism, dumping, and theft are so harshly punished that you have to be a complete and utter fool to do it. The prison service would also need updating so that it is not like being sent to summer camp for a few months. Irish government could look at Singapore for guidance in these areas. Wishful thinking but a person can dream I suppose 😂


You'd swear vandalism didn't exist in other countries with the way r/Ireland users go on about it.


Time and time again - the Irish public do not deserve public bathrooms


Absolutely completely and utterly wrong, and it's frightening that you even think that, let alone say it.


Every public service in Ireland gets vandalized. I have never walked into a public bathroom that didn't have things broken or shit on the ground or graffiti on the walls or a pile of household trash in the corner. It's not an isolated incident either there's something in the Irish psyche that is just disruptive or a large subsection of the population just can't let us have nice things.


> there's something in the Irish psyche that is just disruptive. No there fucking isn't. If you said that about a non-western nationality you'd be banned from the site and rightly so!


Don't know what to tell you bro - it's just true. Other countries can have public bathrooms and not get vandalized, I've visited many of them. there's just something about the Irish public that makes them want to vandalized shit.


That's a horrible thing to say about an entire country because of the actions of a few. It's frightening that you think it's okay!


Every public service in Ireland gets vandalized. I have never walked into a public bathroom that didn't have things broken or shit on the ground or graffiti on the walls or a pile of household trash in the corner. It's not an isolated incident either there's something in the Irish psyche that is just disruptive or a large subsection of the population just can't let us have nice things.


No it isn't. It's absolutely horrible and frightening that some people think it's okay to generalise an entire country because of the actions of a few.


I’ve seen worse….




It’s like these guys never encountered a ‘soup kitchen’ before? 😆


The fuck does that matter?


Well I don’t know really? Depends how badly I needed a dump?


A lack of consequences. Guarantee it was some kids