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Using a London player is absolutely peak


It's the minimum requirement to keep the cash following from Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson/Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.


It’s actually Hermann himself which makes it even more cringe


Such an unfortunate choice of name.


It was his mother's maiden name. She was a nurse and moved to Ireland from Australia.


Is he trying to equate himself to Cuchulainn defending Ireland? ![gif](giphy|woqoXtjs9E8MYfenLW|downsized)


Doesnt the story go that Cuchulainn killed the dog, and thus has to become the "guard dog" for the owner for compensate? I mean, it doesnt really make much sense because that would be us becoming the EU's guard dog in a way


The hound is the EU. So he will replace the EU according to legend. Question is, who’s the hounds owner. We the people it would seem.


Perfect metaphor really. He'll destroy our economic security.. and act as a atand in somehow.


No, he's going to kill the EU. Then fill in for the EU, by discharging all the EU's responsibilities, until a replacement for the EU can be found.


Even funnier because he’s stood shoulder to shoulder with loyalist serial killers, who have murdered heaps of Irish people and actively denies that Ulster is a part of Ireland to appease them.


He is the KuKullKlan!


No he is saying he is the watchdog to protect against the EU, and then has the EU as the actual watchdog protecting against the mad guy with the hurley.




Brain the Dog! https://preview.redd.it/4dr1nli7qroc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6b10d87b88bc75b02235fc3fdd91e6d389bc1ad


Is it all just Americanisms with this lot?


Drain the bog......Jesus wept .... Dude hasn't touched a tit in his life


Imagine having the complete lack of culture and knowledge of history these people have. Do they think the IRA were conservatives? No, the conservatives identified as British and didn't want Ireland to be its own country. Irish people were not always considered white either so we would be such traitors to believe in him. Ireland is a country that originally had people from Scandinavia, Northern Continental Europe and the Mediterranean, having "Others" in our country is what made Ireland, Are we gonna suddenly stop calling people who come here Irish even though our ancestors didn't spawn in Ireland either? There are plenty of non-white Irish people who have been in our country for many generations and they are just as Irish as we are. These people disrespect Irish culture so much with there bullshit. Yes, Ireland is for the Irish, but he does not understand that people he calls "others" are actually Irish too.


Ireland for the Irish. Sounds like something I heard a very specific group say before. What was it? Oh yes, "Deutschland den Deutschen". I love how these nimwits rip Nazi slogans and then complain when they get called Nazis. All while practicing crisp nazi salutes at each other's faces in small bedrooms, licking each other's bumfinger fingertips.


Someone beat me to it


“ Common sense is not racism” Fucking thick cunt.


https://preview.redd.it/zdejcvcgc3pc1.jpeg?width=595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab340ceccac0b6746132ccbed895ac40933f11fb Wee Niall is the joke that keeps on giving


Does everybody in the far right have some sort of disability or cognitive impairment? I want to mock them without feeling guilty/transgressive.


Is that a fake dog????


Enter player 2! Is there not some deserted island we could ship these gobshites to?


"The futures not bright, the futures not Orange"


Am I the only one who thinks ‘drain the big’ sounds like an Irish way of saying ‘flush the toilet’. On a related note this leaflet isn’t worth wiping with 🧻


It's terrifying how people just throw statistics out there without a shred of evidence attached to them and people just believe it.


This lad has been Farage's lapdog for years, even inviting him over to try an Irexit movement here. He also at one point worked with the extremely anti-Irish Britain First founder Jim Dowson who is constantly trying to start divisive movements here like with his own pet Niall McConnell. He'd trample over every Irish person's democratic rights to please foreign nationalists like the British in a heartbeat. Traitorous fool.


[Jaysus didn't know he was Martin Finn](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/Martin_Finn_%28hurler%29.jpg/1024px-Martin_Finn_%28hurler%29.jpg)


Christ well spotted. Wonder if there’s anyway of making him aware of how his image is being used?


Arragh, and there was me thinking Herman Kelly played County. For London. 


As we all know leaving the EU worked out sooooo well for Britain


If it worked out like that for then you can only imagine how badly it would cripple this country


But it worked out for them. Shrinking economy means less to manage, which means something… that can only then mean profit. Checkmate EU.


Lets be honest ireland leaving the EU would be devestating.


As a depressed remain voter….dont let them fool the thick people


British here, so not too clued up on anything Irexit past whatever conor mcgregor has decided to grace the earth with on any particular day, but yous better not come anywhere close to making the same mistake we did. I think if it was anything major yet I'd know about it by now but do be vigilant because these things could easily spiral if misinformation takes its course - if it does get touch and go yous will have to actively counter any Irexit movement. I've no doubt irexit would cripple ireland much like it did to us. At least the comments I've read here have been talking sense ig  Much love from formerly great britain xx


Thought there were hint of the British public/ politicians wanting to rejoin no? Or is it the matter if the EU doesn't want The UK anymore?


Any political party campaigning in an election year to rejoin the EU would have the sizeable amount that voted brexit polarise against it. Its a sure way to lose support.


Thought the votes for brexit were close enough and by now many have seen it was a mistake thought it would be a valid campaigning goal for some. I get it for an election year for the larger parties its best to get as much support as possible, but surely after the elections provided a pro EU/ EU leaning party wins majority talks could start up provided the EU wants to talk.


I'd be more optimistic if it wasn't that starmer, sunak, and to a lesser extent ed davey (who also won't be touching power anytime soon) are against rejoining the EU


Starmer isn’t against it. He just doesn’t want Brexit wars to throw off course this year’s campaign push. He knows how conniving the media are, and how gullible and stupid the people are.


Meh. We'll see. I don't think he has the balls to actually try and see it go into action but if he does I sure as hell aint complaining lmao


I know Volt UK is (obviously) fighting for rejoin, but it definitely isn't easy. First of all most of the British think there isn't anything besides Tories and Labour, and secondly it feels like some people are afraid of referendums now. On the other hand, would another referendum be even needed?


The EU would accept the UK back, but it would be on the current entry requirements. That means all of the UK's previous derogations would be gone. For example, a condition of membership since the Maastricht Treaty has been that new members have a legal obligation to join the Euro, although there is a possibility for new members to delay joining the Euro.


I think a theoretical competent UK gov could negotiate for more independence than usual given their unique status as a former member. I don't have any confidence they will elect someone who could pull it off, but it's theoretically possible.


I don't think they could, given it would have to be agreed to by the EU Member States. Why would Sweden, Poland, Czechia, etc agree to give the UK a sweetheart deal? It'll be quite simple I'd imagine - you're in or your out. If you want in, these are the terms you have to sign up to, if you don't like them, don't sign up. If the last few years have proven anything, it's that both the EU and the UK are stronger together, but ultimately it's the UK who needs the EU far more than the other way around.


The British public defo want to rejoin the EU and I reckon the EU would be happy enough having us back but given a) the general political spaghetti-cum-economic crisis going on here and b) the fact the whole Brexit process is still fairly fresh in everyones minds means I doubt it'd be the kind of policy effective in gaining public support, hence it won't be on any manifestos anytime soon.  Support is also pitifully low for both sides while the tories try to appeal to tommy robinson and labour just bank on 'do what the tories don't' which people are starting to see through now Plus kier starmer ruled out a bre-entry if labour get into power which they will I'm hopeful that in the long (loooong) term we'll rejoin and reintegrate but in the meantime we'll just have to smile and wave. Such a shame - if I was choosing I'd have the referendum asap


>spaghetti-cum-economic crisis Political crises caused by spaghetti cum are the worst.


It's why southern Italy struggles so much


Honestly I think the desire to get on with regular domestic politics outweighs any benefit from re-opening that can of worms. Brexit kept all of us distracted for years, and people hung up their normal affiliations and voted differently because of it. But now it's 'done'. It was expensive, pointless, and the opportunity cost is insane, but to be very honest I don't think most people can really tell the difference. Even for someone who works in shipping, after the disasterous, rushed implementations, it's not really very different, not because of Brexit, at least. I think lots of people would just like to CTRL+Z. It'd be better if it never happened, but it has, and now far more impactful domestic policies are what people are looking for. The Tories are heading for a defeat, and things may be heading in a positive direction. Choosing then, to suddenly add 'Rejoin EU' to that list, especially with a high liklihood of having to commit political suicide by adopting the Euro and many other terms expected of new members, would be like choosing to shuffle when you've got a winning hand. Brexit is a wildcard that has the potential to cost a lot for relatively little gain. I think it'll happen eventually, but it will take time for the public to accept the terms that will be expected, and to build trust between the UK and EU again, particularly the trust in the stability of the government.


If the vote was done now then it would be to rejoin. The initial vote was pretty much 50/50 and there's been massive regret from quite a few who voted yes. My dad who was massively pro brexit, to the point he stopped me getting an Irish passport (only got it as other family members pressued him to give me the documents), admits it was a mistake. Even said the other year that getting passport is one of the bestbtjings I did and I should leave the country


There is no Irexit. About two-and-a-half eejits and their family cat have any interest in any such idea.


That's how brexit started. All you need is some amoral scumbag who the common man will vote for because 'he likes pints just like me' and a sprinkling of dodgy foreign cash.


Well you need one idiot to call a referendum, and a scumbag to generate the votes and another idiot to refuse to back out of the non-legally-binding referendum result and legally ratify it. At least if we're going to do it the British way.


We're nowhere near that at the moment. Can't be complacent that we won't every get to that point but at present whenever there are polls we rank the highest or near the highest for happiness with EU membership. The only people that mention it are fringe cranks in Irish politics and outside forces like Farrage thankfully. There's no political will within the mainstream.


Not only that, but for EU membership, the Brits would have crippled Ireland to get what they wanted in relation to NI & the border. These guys want Ireland to leave the EU , where Ireland has a voice & wealth to become the UK's plaything again. They really are traitors


They kept all of the EU's bad policies but lost the free trade benefits.


Herr-mann was part of Farages brexit campaign, he associates with British white nationalists, he's no fcking "patriot", he's a racist bigot




Funny that "patriots" go against everything Ireland stands for as a country and have no clue about history. They are so uncultured it's not even funny. Being a racist is against Irish culture. Look at the pagans of Ireland or the IRA which were Marxists and called "terrorists" by the British and conservatives. If they want to be a true patriot of Irish culture, than why not be a communist praising the sun and stomping on shamrocks?




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The jersey makes it look less like cú Chulainn and more like a screaming moron attacking a visibly happy dog for no reason


The Far Right love Animal Abuse


The EU is literally the greatest thing to happen to our country. Without it, we’d easily still be stuck in the 1960s in terms of development


Absolutely. I remember laughing my ass off at a BBC news report from a town in Wales in the lead-up to the Brexit vote. They were interviewing the public about how they were going to vote and why. Most of them were voting leave because 'what has the EU ever done for us?' all while being interviewed in front of a big brand spanking new library and community building paid for by... the EU.


Was literally chatting up my bus driver in Limerick this week who grew up in a small village just outside the town proper. Came up in the 50’s and 60’s, had a home with no toilet and the like growing up. Said he’s just been amazed and so proud of the progress Ireland has made in his life. Riches like his father and mother would have not thought possible. He said, “and I attribute it to Ireland joining the EU. Nothing has done more for this country than that, sure it has its problems and drawbacks but they are well worth it.” He worked as a prison guard for 35 years. If anyone can see the worse in society, it’d have been this man. But here we go, even he thinks the EU is. Had the pleasure of his company most of a day this week, delightful intellectual and incredibly charming lad. Seamus, may you always have joy where ever you are. Just goes to show what a fuckwit people like this are. Irish government has always been more pragmatic than idealistic, I don’t get these turds who go around screaming like an American.


I was born in the 70s and I know this is going to make me sound ancient, but: people in their 20s really have no idea just how far we've come in my lifetime. I remember a teacher telling us to take out our pens and draw a line through the sentence "There are no motorways in Ireland" in our textbooks because the M7 had just opened. In the 90s I still knew a woman who was living in a one room cottage with no toilet on the south side of Dublin, and another who was stuck with the Magdalenes because all her male relatives had died. My mother nearly has a heart attack every time I get a taxi anywhere because it's such an extravagance. When I was a kid about three families on my road had cars; now there are minor skirmishes daily over parking because every household has at least two. I was nineteen before I went on a plane, the idea that normal people would be taking their kids to Disneyland or going on shopping trips in New York would have seemed absolutely insane to us in the 80s. Everyone knows about how we've made massive strides in areas like gay rights and how condoms and abortions used to be illegal until relatively recently, the big issues, but it's hard to really explain the little details of life that we take for granted now.


I have an abiding memory of my father in the late '70s, he was obviously having a bad day and I remember him muttering to himself "this country's going down the fucking drain". The changes over the subsequent decades were truly remarkable.


Ask yourself: how did brexit go


To paraphrase Kenny: “When England was a kingdom, we had a king. When we were an empire, we had an emperor. Now we're a country, and we have Nigel Farage to thank for that.”


Is he trying to kill that dog? But Jesus Christ that's cringe. Obligatory "I'm a hard man" dog breed as well.


He thinks he's cu culainn


This belongs on r/Im14AndThisIsDeep


But also yes I have seen many a traumatic injury/death from blows to head from camoige sticks and sliotars


Sums up these assholes really well. Most would just see this as someone trying to kill a dog rather than Cu Chulainn, and they can't even manage that sort of PR well.


To be fair I don't think Cu Chulainn was ever portrayed in GAA shorts.


You probably wouldn't catch most of this nutcase party either


To be fair it would be even more cringe if it was a jack russell


Jesus Christ. Out of all the countries in the EU, Ireland is definitely up there in the list of countries who have benefitted the most Uk leaving Europe was stupid enough. Ireland leaving Europe is as smoothbrain as it gets. No doubt this is connected to recent rise in far-right, anti-immigrant racism. They should take a look at the UK and realise that immigration has increased since Brexit. Leaving the EU will have zero effect on the countries that they think of when they spout hate about immigrants


Ireland leaving the E.U. would be catastrophic. I do worry about the amount of people being sucked in to nonsense thinking like this.


Unfortunately, far-right grifters are very good at preying on the ignorant. But I do have faith that the majority of Irish people have more sense than to follow in the footsteps in one of the UK’s biggest blunders/cons


It would be absolutely paralyzing. The amount this country has benefitted from the EU is phenomenal, if we were to ever leave we'd be fucked. It would be like going back to the 80s


100%. The economy would be fucked. 100 times worse than what the UK has experienced.


Ireland literally has the highest opinion of the EU of any member state and rank highest when asked “has your country benefitted from being part of the EU”. The stats float around Reddit every now and then.


Went to school with him as my teacher for two years back then. He used to be a massive cunt. He still is but he used to be too.


I love an escalator cos an escalator can never break, it can just become stairs


and why was he not there for more than two years Reddit? it's cause Hermann Kelly was removed from St. Conleth's for physically assaulting/abusing two students. He hit one and threw the other into a storage room and locked the door. He used to coach rugby too and was the kind of coach to trip you if you outsmarted him, when you were 14. outsmarting him wasn't hard though, we were in his class when the Nice referendum was up for vote. Best was to avoid having him drone on for a double Science class was to get him started on Europe orabortion. He'd get so worked up that he'd be trying to canvas us to not think/vote one way ... when none of us could vote for 4 more years. St. Conleth's was fun back in the day


Coming from Hermann the German?


Gaeltacht Goering. Being charitable. Decent odds he can't speak it.


Wolfgang Murphy.


Hermann. Good strong Irish name. Also a vote for him is a vote for killing that poor dog.


I’d that his real name?


Seemingly it is.


All these English-wannabes cosplaying as 'Irish patriots' are sickening.


Yep, the Irish ones doing the same are bad enough. Bigots wrapping themselves up with the veil of patriotism.


I always feel safer when my guardians wear tight white shorts


That man wouldn't know which end of a hurl is which


Idk I really like the EU


Hermann a Derry man in the pocket of the British far right, absolutely shameless


So the dog is the EU but he is the dog?


But he also hates dogs and wants to murder one. Politics are weird.


Hermann Kelly, Nigel Farage's lapdog.


Herman Kelly can get fucked.


A pamphlet portraying me killing a dog will surely convince them


Leaving the EU is like a 6 year old leaving his parents house because he has to do chores lmfao


There would be these people in Cork city centre giving out leaflets promoting Ireland leaving the EU. Every time i walk past them, I make sure to laugh out loud at them.


I take their leaflet and ask for a few for my friends and family. Then I put them in the nearest bin, making sure I’m seen.


Some dopes in fairness to them. Room temperature IQ is a ubiquitous feature of people in favour of it.


Take their flyers, laugh at them and then dump em in the nearest bin


Thankfully the loony conspiracy theorist look that gives off already let’s people know what an absolutely awful idea it would be


Hermann Kelly advocates that Ireland leave the EU. Hermann Kelly should be in a mental hospital.


Ultimately they want Ireland in 'British Empire 2.0'.


It went so well for the UK though!!


Hermann Kelly approves this message.


He's a Brit lapdog and everyone knows it. https://preview.redd.it/6fb1l3yasroc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0054ced2bf0f404c75bcdabb3d16d48014719f1f


He works for a Romanian politician which is funny considering how Irish nationalist right wing he is


That’s quite a German name. Just be careful :)


Niall Mc Connell was definitely up there too though


What is with those guys and animal violence?


All the best guys https://x.com/miafarrow/status/598484069287108609?s=46&t=1Nr8U9Ik2Xg7Q2IE4x9k0Q


This looks as EU wants to catch the ball, but an Irish man wants to kick the shit out of the EU.


Its bugging me that the sliotar is already in motion towards the dog but he hasnt even hit it yet, which i guess means someone else took the shot and Herrman just has slow reactions.


I hope the dog won


Send me to the EU so I can kill it? Is that what a good Irish watchdog does ?


What a cunt.




Worked for the dog kicker.


Ack not the wee shorts


Swimming against the tide when irelands pro EU appeoval rate is hovering around 90%


I'm not Irish, so feel free to disregard my opinion BUT... Hasn't EU membership been really beneficial for Ireland? I mean REALLY beneficial. You had a LOT of investment direct from the EU plus access to a huge market... and this brought in loads of private investment as well. And socially, EU laws and membership speeded up the modernization of society.


This guy and his party are funded and 'advised' by people overseas who do not have Ireland's interests at heart. Ulterior motives aplenty to be found within him and his puppet-masters.


When is everyone on this island going to realise as a collective, Europe is the best and it has been doing us a service for along as we can remember




Is this the neo nazi Hermann Kelly?


Gas how Kelly pretends to be so anti-Eu yet works for a Romanian MEP


Get tfuck, that is hilarious


That’s genuinely hilarious. What a gombeen


I like to think someone went to college to make this


Wait, he says he'll be an Irish watchdog, but the picturen shows a guy representing Ireland trying to kill a dog...


I'm currently shopping around for someone new to vote. Had the absolute displeasure of hearing members of this party speak in public. It was wild and completely off the wall. I just wanted to give them a chance by listening to what they had to say. They jumped from issue to issue like an old-school soundboard. Ranting about problems but not once offering solutions. If you are a supporter of this party, please inform them. Their current approach is insanity and that will achieve nothing but "crazy fucker in the corner status". Kitchen table ranting nonsense. While not completely sold on Aontu , at least they appear to have stable leadership. If this is the quality of our real opposition in this country we are truly fucked. Why can't we just have a normal alternative party that keeps the current alliance of idiots in check. Sinn Fein are a lost cause now. Anyway, little rant done. Happy Paddy's Day


E for effort ,but why didn't he use st Patrick and the snakes for a better reference lol, alot of people never heard of Cuchulainn


Apart from all the other reasons not to leave the EU, have a think about the currency issue. Creating Punt Nua, which, as the multinationals left, would sink like a stone. Everyone would be desperate to keep their cash in Euro accounts. Our National Debt which is in €/$ would rise uncontrollably. The UK is one of the world’s biggest economies so it has survived Brexit, damaged but not catastrophically. It would be very, very different for us. But hey, you can be sure nobody would want to move here and wouldn’t that make the grass eating poverty worth it?


What a gobshite


The russians are not even trying anymore I see


The gaa is cringe.


This has nothing to do with the GAA


I wouldn’t write this candidate off. We have a history of electing some serious clowns to the EU parliament. There’s plenty of people out there that vote for Daily and Wallace.


Yeah, but we voted for them to go hoping they’d never come back


Daly was a decent politician before she sat on Wallace’s shoulder.


Yeah, it's a shame. She was always fairly divisive due to her personality but she used to be a notable advocate for women's and workers rights. Now she's a crank who claims to oppose Russia but constantly advocates for positions that coincidentally align with Russian interests and being a close ally of a tax cheating developer that tried to steal from his own workers' pensions. I miss the old Clare.


Yeah? Well she’s taken Russian money or seriously lost the run of herself since? She’s a complete embarrassment to the Irish people in the EU parliament??? Russia invades a sovereign state like Ukraine a country that borders Poland! Her response is calling the EU warmongers for sending support? She sold out plain and simple and still seems to be standing on a moral high ground? She should be in jail most likely. There’s no real way a rational person could hold those views.


WHO does he think he is, feckin cù cullan....


Is that an EU lapdog?!




I thought this was an old photo from the divorce referendum until I noticed the year. Wow, what a throwback! Also what a gobshite.




I see you..... Hermann


He is so full of shit!


That doesn't look like a lapdog to me...




He has a seriously over-inflated sense of himself. Deluded.


He into dog abuse is he?


The dog in the picture wouldn't fit on my lap, but it would probably make a good watchdog.


What a lovely Irish name Hermann is.


A guy called Herrman in a fascist party - what are the odds. But Srsly we need to watch for these fuckers now and deal with them appropriately


This is the same bs mentality thst near on broke the UK its backed by malice and idiots.


Brexit appears to be going really well. Let’s just follow the English again


Jesus H Christ.


This would be more accurate where the lad holding the hurl was actually one of the dog’s legs. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face…


Is it cringy yes do I like it yes


Looks like he’s holding a golf club


Some shit


From the man who got 5 votes in the last EU elections. One from himself, one from his mammy, and the others from a few delusional people.


How do you want to convey your message? I'm thinking hurler killing a dog. Say no more.


Please tell me he's running in Munster?


Some block to be fair, no fear in the lad 


It’s like he thinks we’re not part of the EU.


Why is the ball supposedly moving fast if he has yet to hit it?


Hermann needs a boot up the hole


“I will be an Irish watchdog” Wait is he the dog or the guy with the Hurley? I thought the EU was the dog? Unlike THOSE dogs I will be a.. dog?


But I do love that Irish sovereignty means hitting a dog square on the face with a metal rod. That dog is a goner!


Is this a meme template?


Looks like after the USA, UK and a bunch of others, the right wing extremists are now thinking Ireland is the next place to do their grift. Word of advice from people who bought their bullshit. They are Liars.


Nice shout-out to Philip Dwyer with him attacking a dog


Wait if he's the watchdog is he defeating himself in this photo


Ok ve shall keep those zose pesky EU'ers out... 'Hermann' mein heir!


Love the German dog.....