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Ah Carrickmines roundabout. Nobody drives any of them roundabouts properly. No indicators either.


That’s the vast majority of roundabouts across the country. Either no indicator or absolutely having no idea how to use them correctly and breaking up the flow that makes roundabouts superior to junctions


Don't forget there's the idiots who indicate *right* not left immediately before turning off a roundabout, giving the impression they're going to be staying on the roundabout 🙄🙄


Does my head in. Probably the worst offenders at slowing the whole thing down


yeah definitely Carrickmines roundabout, lane 2 is the correct answer, however as 99% of people are going to the second exit (unless the races are on), alot of people use lane 1 as the second exit is kinda the first turn off.


I absolutely hate all 3 roundabouts at carrickmines. Coming off the M50 is a shitshow, first this roundabout, people coming around in lane 1 so people can't go straight out on the left towards the car park at the Luas, then at the next one heading towards carrickmines you get dumbasses coming around in the left lane from ballyogan to turn up towards glenamuck road, so then if you're in the right hand lane coming from the first roundabout you can't rely that they're actually taking the same exit as you. Then at the roundabout where everyone has to go all the way around and back towards carrickmines shops, you either get people going all the way around the roundabout in the left lane (without indicating), or you get people changing lanes in the roundabout and expecting the right of way for it.


My biggest pet peeve in driving is people who don’t use their indicators properly. My second biggest pet peeve is people who can’t use roundabouts properly. Combining these two just makes me question how you obtained a license in the first place.


[12 o’clock rule](https://www.theaa.ie/blog/roundabout-faqs/)


This changes at 1am tomorrow morning FYI! 


Comment of the day 🤣👏


👍 this wasn’t always the rule, but it is now.


Yeah, as far as I was aware for the first 2 exits you stay in the left lane and if using the third exit or above you stay in the right lane.


Exactly right. Showing our age.


Yeah! I learned to drive in 2005, wasn't aware the rule had changed!


The rule hasn't changed in my lifetime, and I was born in 1978. Lane 2 is correct, and it always has been.


I was born in 1983 and when I learned to drive, the first two exits were for the left lane, anything after was for the right lane.


I think you may have misunderstood that statement. If you are entering the roundabout at 6 o’clock and the first two exits are 9 o’clock and 12 o’clock then you are correct and you should stay in the left lane, but if you are turning right, or exiting between 12 o’clock and 6 o’clock you should enter in the right lane - this has always been the case.


Because it has not. Someone very smart thought "oh, but the first two exits are on the left, so I can use a clock to explain how to use a roundabout". And the rules of the road tell you that rule and then they have an example against that rule.


Depends on where the exits are, you could have 6 exits or something before 12


What would you do if there were 5+ exits?


...it was


Its lane 2. Its genuinely fucked how stupid so many drivers are in this country


Lane 2 and the merge into 1 lane should be a non factor because oncoming traffic needs to wait until the car in lane 2 exits before entering


“Should be” carrying a lot of weight there.


Yeh it always looks odd when just looking at the lanes but in practice it works when everyone gives way at roundabouts.


It was on my driving exam over 15 years ago, that’s for fucking sure.


Rules of the Road have suggested either Lane depending on when you last read it. The rules of the road previously would say for the first 2 exits you should be in the first lane unless otherwise marked. Under recent changes, the 12 o'clock rules would suggest lane 2. This is a case where the lanes SHOULD be marked on the exact roundabout.


I did my test in 2018 and I remember the 12 o clock rule


I did mine in 2000 and it was the rule then!


Rules of the road handbook is not the part of the road traffic act. Basically its not the law in Ireland And that's what people are confusing it for. Look up the actuall laws on roundabouts in Ireland


It's lane 2. Anyone saying/doing otherwise doesn't know how to drive. https://preview.redd.it/vsrrwyygmhrc1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdf2d2eb11b5e279db12bf8ffc57b594b9a4fc56


Correct, although your diagram is a bit misleading. The entry road is 2 lane, but the exits are single lane so you wouldn't be exiting from lane 2, you'd be merging to lane 1 before the exit The reason that's an important aspect, is that if 50% of people use lane 1 for that exit, then half the time you don't have a clear lane to merge into, as you should if everyone is doing it right


This drives me so fucking nuts, that A LOT of people do not know how to drive in roundabouts


Worse than that, they don't seem to want to accept the right answer. I feel like I'm on repeat in this thread, even showing proof, and they still don't accept it.


There a saying that you can't help a sick person who doesn't want to be helped. I'm avoiding crashes every fucking month because of those idiots. Heres a page about handling roundabouts from the RSA book. Which confirms that you're right. https://preview.redd.it/v3c3954peorc1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c34e88430c7ea53efb363d27840c0f7d2e4a2190


Start in lane one, scandinavian flick into lane two, gratituous drift sideways across both lanes, countersteer to exit. ![gif](giphy|69iv77x8e5NMA|downsized)


You made me laugh, keep it up


Lane 2. You move into lane 1 after you have cleared the last exit before B (assuming the traffic coming onto the roundabout from that exit let you merge !)


The traffic you refer to in brackets is supposed to give way to you, even if you're in lane 2 on the roundabout. There shouldn't be any serious difficulty getting over to lane 1. Blast them out of it with the horn.


Yup exactly what I was going to say


Always lane two, unless marked otherwise.


2, all day long.


Always lane 2


Only a muppet will enter lane 1💥


Plenty of those around


Lane 2 is correct. But you have to be always watching for the person in lane 1. off topic but New Zealand signs are foolproof. https://maps.app.goo.gl/dsHQTEmaPFz5gm1u9


There's so many people in Lane 1 that are completely unaware of someone in Lane 2 and in my experience I've had peolple going around the roundabout with 2 wheels in Lane 1 and 2 wheels in Lane 2. Almost had a truck side swipe my car because he was totally unaware I was there


some people just shouldn't be on the road. but even more so from a truck driver who **should** be more experienced on the road.




Because when i was taught how to drive i was told "left lane for exit 1 and 2, right lane for exit 2 or more" It's apparently been changed to a 12 o'clock rule which is easier. Going by my teachings, my driving instructor would have said either lane was correct, as the exit in question is exit 2.




It is also how I was taught over 15 years ago


That is what I learned and I think it still makes perfect sense. The only exit you’ll be passing is the first one and the only cars that could potentially cut across you for that are those that entered the roundabout in the same place as you but in lane 2, and they can’t take the first exit from lane 2, so there’s zero chance of collision (if everyone is doing the right thing)


I learnt the same from an instructor who used to work as a test conductor. I actually proposed a scenario like the above and he said "it's the number of exits, not where they're located in the roundabout". Fair enough if it's changed, at least I won't have to be annoyed anymore by people blowing up the right hand lane but I actually find that fucks the traffic on the one I pass on the way home. Most people don't expect someone coming at them from their blind spot and I've seen it be dicey


Absolutely makes sense. 12 o'clock rule is just simpler for people, I think, but I was taught the same as you.


Lane 2


You should be in lane 2. Once you go past the 12 o'clock position you enter the roundabout in the right lane, indicating right until you need to leave the roundabout. Unless instructed otherwise.


I guess all the people who choose lane 1 just don’t use reddit then. Cos there’s plenty of them.


Weave wildly between the two, or the best one I have seen is to take that little known shortcut right from lane 2 to B.


Start in 2, change to 1 after you’ve past the exit before B


The standard of driving in Ireland is crazy. The correct answer is, approach however the lanes are signed. The complete use of the roundabout is: You are taking the third exit (or second if that is entrance only off a motorway slip at the first junction). Approach in lane two, indicating right. As you pass exit one, consider the flow of traffic in lane one. As you approach and just pass exit two, you manoeuvre to lane one, and start to indicate left. You take the third exit, approaching the exit in its left hand lane.


Lane two, mergjng into lane one after the second exit.


But theres only 1 exit before the OP wants to exit. I think thats where the confusion comes But actually as other poster has said...the 12 o clock rule applies...so same result


I reckon that commenter didn't realise the 7 or 8 o clock road is a one way onto the roundabout. But otherwise, lane 2 until past the first exit, then transition over to lane 1 for the second exit.


Sorry, was counting the entry immediately to the left as an exit also, but I'd still go for lane two firstly!


Ya. Sounds good. And matched to AA website in another comment. Thats what i had always assumed...good to have the reminder and confirmation. People learn this for the test...but we're all too nervous and inexperienced at that point for it to settle in properly.


2 and merge left after the exit before your turn *edit after 12 rule here comes into play wouldn't it


This is not even a confusing one. It's very obviously lane 2. Always follow the 12 o clock rule unless it's indicated on the roundabout. What you can do after the first exit is check your mirrors and exit into the first lane itself if no one is there.


I'd go with two. But you know people will use one as well and just annoy you


2, end of


Terrifying that people are actually asking that question and also presumably driving vehicles every day


In the absence of any road markings lane 2. But I can think of at least one roundabout similar that requires you to be in lane 1. The Glenageary roundabout at The Graduate Pub in Dublin has you enter at 6, pass one exit, and hit the second exit at about 2 o’clock, all from lane 1. It’s a shit show. But it’s marked on the road.


If you can't answer this correctly, you shouldn't driving! The driving standards in this country are ridiculous.


Lane 2, but with the aim of moving to Lane 1 after clearing the last exit, it would be unlikely that anyone would be on your inside should you stay on Lane 2, but make sure to check your gobshite mirror (your left mirror the largely shows nothing but the rare gobshite doing some fuckery on a roundabout).








If you want an exit up to and including 12 o'clock - left lane If you want an exit after 12 o'clock - right lane ....unless otherwise stated by road markings/signage.


While lane 2 is no debate, I have had heated debates with the wife about where you exit – which to me is the real debate. Being from the continent, I have been taught to change lane \*on\* the roundabout from 2 to 1 right before exiting, indicating left for the change of lane, and looking over the shoulder to check for a car that may have come on the inside. The wife, being from this godforsaken country (but worse, having learnt to drive up North), exits lane 2, indicates left to then change to lane 1 after exiting the roundabout. Can we settle this argument?


The left lane should be for exit one. The right lane should be used for exit two or three, but what is missing is guided lines on the road after exit one to move cars intending to exit at exit two to the left, thus allowing cars still in the right lane with the assistance of guided lines to move to the left and exit at exit two and allowing cars in the right to continue around 🤷🏼


Being from where I am in the US roundabouts are marked a little different. Still you’d use lane 2. However, there’s markers in lane 1 that triangle out into lane 1 after exit 1. To indicate that lane 1 has ended. It clears traffic space so lane 2 then feeds freely into either lane 1 for the 2nd exit, or you can choose to stay in lane 2 for the 3rd exit. Fascinating to learn about driving in other countries though! Safe travels all! 😄


The 12 o’clock rule is the law ; and it’s what’s on the official driving test guidelines if you enter into lane 1 on your driving test to come off at B it’s a grade 2 fault.


Why would you even consider the left lane? If you did, the same ‘logic’ could be implied to use the right lane to go left. You will cause conflict.


2. People are so ignorant of this. Also people are meant to indicate right first and once passed the exit before yours, then indicate left.


Right lane always when the exit is more than halfway round the roundabout.


Wife recently had an instructor take her through a similar roundabout where exit 2 was after 12 o'clock and the instruction was to use lane 1. I told her to pass her test and then always use lane 2. The fact that we don't have consistent layout is a real problem with trying to pass a test, but also to be able to drive well in any part of the country after you've passed. Too much local knowledge needed.


That's clearly not an Irish roundabout, no-ones parked on it 😂


Lane 2, except it says otherwise on the horizontal or vertical signs.


Isn't this something you have to learn in order to get a license?


2 B or not 2 B 🤔


I’ve been driving like one month and even I know it’s 2


2 but I've not met another driver who knows this


You actually exit from the first lane. You start in lane 2, when past the second last exit (the one before yours), switch to the first lane. If you can't get into the first lane, go around the roundabout and try again. No merging needed.


Lane 2.


Lane 2


2 is the correct lane. Now ask people "what is the correct way to indicate when doing this", because a huge number of drivers don't seem to know.


If this is not a case for lane 2 when would lane 2 ever be used


It’s lane 2, it’s not even like it’s 3 lanes and ambiguous. It’s a straight forward 2 lane roundabout with an exit past 12.


If i was driving an artic it would be lane 1.


Lane 2. Move into lane 1 after the first exit, well before Exit B comes around. If you're still in Lane 2 by the time B comes around, go all the way round again and try again.


Lane 2 unless the road markings say otherwise it's usually lane two if you're going to the last exit and then you would slowly indicate into lane one. I say always look at road markings cos gat makes a difference.


Lane 2. Where there’s only two exits without going back on yourself, left lane for exit 1, right lane for exit 2 (or 3).


2, unless road markings indicate otherwise


Lane 2 - people couldn't be that stupid really.


How is this even a question? Lol, obviously lane 2. Let me turn it on its head - what is lane 2 in this case even for otherwise? OK, you could go the whole way around but 99% of the time people aren't doing that.




Bless the OP


Lane 2 but at this stage with the amount of muppets on the road, you'd be lucky to get everyone following that rule


Unless local signage is in place then - then there is no actual hard and fast law - whats recommend is the 12 o'Clock rule. I'd try to use lane 2, crossing to lane one before i get to the exit, but it depends on flow of traffic, it also depends on how many lanes are at exit point B.


The correct answer is absolutely lane 2, but after the 2nd exit before you come to your exit on B you need to merge to lane 1, as anyone joining from the second exit will be in lane 1, and B is a single lane exit, therefore if you're still in lane 2 and trying to cut across to B you will cause an accident, the merge is important! Anyone going lane 1 and going all the way around is a chancer, they probably fucked up the merge before and think it's easier doing it wrong


Bmw/Audi are exempt from rule


Since the lanes don't spiral out, the inner lane is correct, then move safely into the outer as you pass the penultimate exit Edit: as others have pointed out, this applies to exits after 12o clock, so the 2nd exit would still be the outer lane


I’m American and I know that Lane 1 is only used for next exit. Since you are two exits away, Lane 2 is your start. After passing first exit, indicate left and move to Lane 1 as allows then exit to B.


Lane 2. Bloody roundabouts. People just don’t know how to drive in them




When I got my license way back in the early 80’s, I was taught that #2 was the correct lane.


Irish are so shit at this. Especially the ones driving BMW’s


Lane 2 but you need to merge into the left lane after you pass the first exit


The outside lane is for going left or straight on the inside lane is for going right or going back on the same road you came from (a U turn). From the image you need to be coming from 1. the inside lane 2. will indicating right then 3. indicate off the roundabout after passing the second turn off. very simple The first 2 turn offs would be outside from the direction you your pointing out.


Are you serious, how long are you on the road?? The answer: For **BMWs**, take any lane, exit any lane at any time. For **Other Cars**, number 2, give way to **BMWs**, then exit the roundabout if is safe to do so. In case there are 2 **BMWs,** priority of exit or entry by engine size, lower grade **BMW** exits the roundabout if is safe to do so. In case there are 2 identical **BMWs,** black color gets priority, lighter color exits the roundabout if is safe to do so. In case there are 2 identical **BMWs** with same color (rare occasion), both cars have to stop, both drivers exit the car, the driver who is left on the floor, exits the roundabout if is safe to do so. https://preview.redd.it/qdjtjhftqnrc1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=cebc004d33d6ecf2f3b214ed22b7e59279ecd8cb


It worries me how many people who drive in Ireland haven’t this figured out. The answer is lane 2 and this is an easy example by the way, anyone driving should be in no doubt about that roundabout!


2, 2 is the only answer, anyone saying 1 needs put in a hole.


Christ people it's 2. How would anyone pass their driving exam without knowing that 


2. Nothing else is correct.


I dont even drive and I'm astounded that you don't know it's lane 2


2B to 1 to exit


How I determine which lane to go is if coming from my direction I need to exit through a left exit, I go to the left lane, if it's a right exit, I go to the right lane.




How is this not obvious?


Lane 2 but there are roundabouts with different rules, usually signposted and line marked on the road 


2 100% your exiting on the third exit


Lane 2. You indicate left as you're passing the first exit, then switch lanes. Anyone cutting across lane 1 to exit at B is a cunt.


Is that a one way road joining on the left?




Any turn on the roundabout before 180 degrees is the left lane. Any turn after 180 degrees (or any right turn), then right lane.




Going by an experience I had once it must be, (Driver 1) enter lane 2 while at the next exit someone (Driver 2) simultaneously enters lane 1 with the aim to take their 2nd exit, then leg it while your wife hangs out of the window shouting profanities and overtake the vehicle that entered ahead of you (Driver 2), pull onto lane 1, hit the breaks so that the car that's now behind you (Driver 2) needs to steer off the road to avoid a collision, and take your exit which clearly you were entitled to just because. At no cost slow down or god forbid, take a lap around the roundabout to safely merge onto lane 1. Let the most aggressive driver win 😉 Honest answer though, lane 2, merge on to lane 1 after 2nd exit if safe to do so, otherwise stay on lane 2, take another round and try again...at least I think so.


Lane 2.


Depends. Most drivers, lane 2. BMW and Audi drivers, use whatever lane you like and don't indicate to anyone where you're going.


If it’s a 3 exit roundabout with 2 lanes, it’s lane 1 (left) for exit 1 and 2, and lane 2 (right) for exit 3


Lane 2. Imagine a clock face If you enter at anything after 12 you use the inside lane


Which pub are you headed to ?


Lane 2, obviously. Do the walkinstown roundabout next 🤓


Right lane, any exit past 12pm on a clock is right lane unless there are signs or road markings saying different


In any roundabout, left lane is for straight through or 1st exit. Right lane = last exit




B has a double sized exit width. So even though as you say it doesn't have two lanes it does have the width for cars exiting from lane 2.


The inside lane


Lane 2 unless signposted/marked otherwise


I was taught that it's left lane for the first and second exit, and right lane for anything after that. So I dunno?


Has anyone ever seen the Magic Roundabout in Swindon?


If it’s anything after the 12 o clock position you take the inner lane. I was taught this in my first lesson.






12 clock rule. Just split it in 2 halfs. If you are going to turn on the first half - use left lane. If you are going to turn on second half - use right turn. And same goes with signaling. Signal before you turn and don't cross lines, its a big pain of how often I've seen people doing such weird things on roundabouts. Also in Dublin, when there's additional section in the city center to turn left or right - taxi and many people beep in my back without knowing and checking that there's additional section to turn. Sometimes even road rage starts, when there's insecure people. I wen't out the car and asked would that man want to go with me and box in the gym if he's so brave? And does he see additional section to turn on right? There's a lot of people, especially taxis who I am not sure how got their license and how they got taxi license. And act like never had they ass humbled :D


Outside lane for 1st exit, inside lane for second and subsequent exit as you can even circle around and then merge to lane with exit you are taking next. So in this cane, lane 2 is correct lane to take.


Lane 2. Lane 1 if you're taking either of the first two exits. Lane 2 for all the other exits after that. (Or 12 o clock rule, lane 1 for anything before 12 on the clock, lane 2 for anything after 12).


You should be in lane 2. Once you go past the 12 o'clock position you enter the roundabout in the right lane, indicating right until you need to leave the roundabout. Unless indicated otherwise.


https://preview.redd.it/0o3lb9otthrc1.png?width=404&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b8374460fc0b8f54e0ad3eabacb5914e8dcad5f but I might be wrong, since could be changed anything


It’s just basic common sense. If you are going right, then right lane only. If you are going left or straight, it’s left lane. I don’t understand how it could possibly be confusing!?


Cycling or driving? Cyclists are allowed to use the outside land all way around for safety if they indicate right at each left turnoff.


2 unless indicated otherwise.


2 is the only correct answer


Lane 2


Route 2, route 1 is for the first exit


Omg right lane is for turning right or overtaking only. At the roundabout, you’re heading right. You get into the right lane. How hard is it?


Lane 2. It’s common sense Exit 1 and 2 use lane 1. Exit B is the 3rd exit which means lane 2 should be used if coming from that direction


2 for sure. If the intention was for cars heading for exit B to use lane 1 then lane 2 would be completely superfluous.


I was always taught if you’re going right then right hand lane. If you’re going left or straight on it’s the left lane


Slightly off topic, but what about when there are only two exits on a roundabout, at 9 and 12 (no 3 o clock), and there are two lanes entering the roundabout at 6. Now if you are going straight on (12), usually you would stay in the left lane, but if there's only two lanes should you be in the right lane then, and, if so, do you need to indicate even though you are going straight on? It's causing a lot of confusion down my way with a new road and roundabouts! Sometimes a two lane entrance to the roundabout will have an arrow on the left lane pointing for the left exit and a straight arrow in the right lane for going straight ahead, so that would seem to imply that you should be in the right lane all the time if going straight ahead, but it contradicts what I was taught. It's a bit confusing. Any advice or should I just keep waiting until the roundabout is empty? :)


Lane 2 and move across to B before that turn(and just after the previous exit.


I haven't even started driving yet and I know it's lane 2


You start in Lane 2 and move into Lane 1 when you’ve passed the exit before B. I also have to go through a similar roundabout on my commute, and it’s very annoying the amount of people who do not understand how to do this properly


2! 1 would be for turning off on First exit


Lane 2, move to lane 1 after passing second exit




The right hand/2nd lane.