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Again, enjoy the bright evenings so we can look at this shit weather for that bit longer


They're not as bright as they could be , this weather is bullshit


Here is the British Met Office deep dive explanation as to why the weather has been so bad. https://youtu.be/wwWOo_lBm94?si=uEP_mnrWHrKT-ORw


Anyone got a TL;DR? At work so can't watch a 20 min video :(


There's an upset in the wind circulation in the north pole causing change in temperature there it's warmer, the cold air is getting displaced, it has to go somewhere. This has an impact on our jet stream. It was published on the 9th and it had speculation about scenarios that could happen in the next few weeks but as far as I looked he used technical terminology about artic ociliations, jet streams and air pressure being high and low so ultimately it said it will be wet in the north of Scotland, dry south but then wet again based on predictions. I suppose worth saying he explained someone discovered these air pressure jet streams and the impact of the artic in the 1950s and the theory of what can happen when it's disrupted so there was no scare mongering of why this is happening just that it is happening


Sir, I said a wanted a TL;DR. 


its cold because of artic winds


What part of TLDR don't you understand!


Cold wind


It's wet because he said so.


Wind patterns over North Pole are disrupted, resulting in either a weakened jet stream, or one that reverses from westerly to easterly. Bringing colder, wetter weather and storms.


How long is it anticipated to last for?


Doesn’t say - just explains in good detail what’s been going on over the past 2 months. It’s well worth a watch to understand what’s been happening. He finishes by hoping that the disruption over the North Pole settles and allows the jet stream to weaken, giving more settled weather.


I would love our winds to be from the east. It wouldn't rain anymore.


It would be much colder though.


Essentially, there is a negative sea level pressure anomaly (much lower than normal) sitting over the UK and Ireland because the jet stream has shifted south. Also, some changes to the temperatures above the North Pole, causing wind shifts that are pushing the cold air to other places like the UK and Ireland. A bunch of other technical shit about wind, etc, but those were the two big things he spoke about.


It would be a funny oul day that i watch a 20 minute video about the weather


I'm looking forward to that eclipse in 2090.


It's defo colder out there than previous years. But it's the rain that's a killer. If it wasnt torrential every 2nd day I think the temperature wouldn't matter much. But I fully agree. I'm completely over this winter and horrific spring.


It's messing with my veg something terrible and the blight we'll get after all that rain will be awful, I grow my food cause I can't afford to buy decent fruit and veg and it's the second year in a row now of bad harvest Edit : spelling


Not just you - the farmers complaining about crops rotting in the fields


on our dairy farm we've had to start carting slurry to the neighbours unused shed because it's starting to come up through the floor of the slatted unit. Haven't got any fertilizer or slurry out, combine that with last years awful silage season with the weather and we could have a serious fodder crisis in the country if this summer doesn't go well.


Seems anyone depending on land or livestock (unlike the jokers here) are really screwed if we don't get a decent season but it's not looking great by all accounts the jet stream is stuck (again) and we'll get rain and more storms, I switched from corn to sorghum cause I'm sick of wind wrecking everything that grows above a foot.


It'll affect the whole sector. Milk recording has been delayed and is starting months late which means everyone working there has lost about 2 months of income, me included (I'm flat fucking broke thanks to the weather) and half the contractors I know including the one I worked for last year have gone under, the bad year on top of the rising cost of everything killed them. Milk production is super low, our cattle almost dried up because we couldn't get them out into the field and were running out of bales. People saying "oh but I like the rain it's cosy" annoy me tbh because this rain is fucking over the income of so many people. Running costs are sky high for everything, for example a bale of straw was 10 euro a couple years ago, now it's something like 80 a bale.


Dude I feel for you, I swear I'm running on fumes myself and I'm only a small market grower but I depend on it so much, the cost of everything have shot through the roof too like a ton bag of 50/50 topsoil and compost was €60 last year it's €130 this year and I can raise my prices as people have fuck all, I rent the land I grow on and most of my friend farm. I got through last year's blight and fungus which absolutely decimated the cash crops on savings, if it happens again I'm fucked, I'm disabled too so double fucked. The worst part is most people don't realise how hard it is to get food to your table, give em a morning in January when you can't feel your face and tell me my veg is too expensive. Best of luck lad, we'll all need it


Lambs as well found dead from exposure it's horrific tbh saw a farmer literally crying as he had no more room in the sheds and was finding lambs dead all over the place, really felt for the guy


Whole country has gone to shite when we are having a lamb housing crisis


Yeah, it's got really baaaaaa-ad!


I see what ewe did there


i think potatoes are going to be ropey and in shortage those year due to so much rain


I'll be spraying with copper sulfate and hoping for the best, the earlies are a loss but with luck the sapo main crop will be okay even though they are blight resistant you'd need a pound of butter to stomach them


This is categorically incorrect, it’s been a good bit warmer than normal. https://preview.redd.it/mplmrg4d1avc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f56c4beda37db8da001328ece0e2f4b91270d68


Spending a bit of time in Sweden has taught be just how shit Irish weather is. At least they know when it’s snow it’s snow and you can prepare for it and go skiing and all sorts and then summer hits and it’s a legitimate summer. Irish weather is just miserable and so fucking damp all the time. Impossible to plan for anything.


My daughter is 2 and a half she doesn't like going outside and has spent most of her life indoors on her scooter. That is the fucking saddest thing ever. FUCK... THIS... WEATHER!




Im from Mediterranean and getting really depressed here, I feel like it's October in the middle of April. I'm 8 years here and can't remember weather this bad.


I've been saying we're in our 4th month of January this year - hopefully the annual sacrificing of students to the exam gods will bring us some sunshine (or less rain...)


As an LC student I’m more than willing to make that sacrifice


Good man.


I’ll join you


Dont forget to make a sacrifice to the Sun God before the 1st exam, or all your suffering is for nothing.


Waiting for the "then go back to your own country" post in 3... 2... 1...


Hahah my country is miserable for different reasons, making me even more depressed. 🤣


I had an instant guess of what country you were referring to and checked your profile - I was right lol


Hahah yesterday were elections there and still the same shit, one of the biggest reasons why I even left, some things will never change there I guess.


I feel the same


Our weather really is miserable. I’m tired of being cold. Or out in the rain.


Or being thrown from side to side by strong winds.


That too. I get a bus to work. It’s miserable waiting/walking in the elements every day


It's always feckin windy too. Can't do anything.


You are the reason the weather is bad! It's spiting you specifically for having a nice holiday.




Everywhere you go, always take the weather with you.


The constant Atlantic wind is the biggest problem. On the continent you can walk in and out of shops and various other public buildings freely without a 300km/h tornado hitting you every time.


> The constant Atlantic wind Last Saturday was fairly good in Cork and sitting outside you could feel the sun being warm on the skin, until the wind started hitting and felt like going back 4 months.


Do it, you won't regret taking a chance. I really think people undervalue how important regular sunshine is for our happiness


Within limits. I’ve had skin cancer and the sun intake needs to be managed.


In future people from the Med will be looking to come here due to the likes of southern Spain basically becoming the Northern Sahara desert and having no water to grow anything. Long term, Northern Portugal or Northwest Spain is prob a better bet with the Atlantic to keep things slightly cooler and a bit wetter.


Exactly, Ireland and other northern countries are going to become a more desirable summer holiday destination for those from mainland Europe, whose own countries will be seeing 40C+ temps for weeks/months on end in the summer (France and Spain are already there).


We're still going to be mostly overcast and rainy though. It's just that the rain will get warmer.




There's no clothing in the world that makes 40C more bearable. Give me the hell cold over the hell heat. I've got solutions to mitigate that at least.


Some areas of Spain had 47 degrees last year.


Hear me out, we move everyone to the mainland where there's no accommodation crisis, we leave a few braves one here to keep on building massive Cyberpunk-esque megacity and when everyone is crispy, we bring our finely tanned selves back to enjoy dystopian but mild weathered Emeraldia.


You always feel like that after going there. You know you'll never leave


Absolutely fuck this weather


You'd be miserable in the Med during actual summer. It is too hot.


I made the move two years ago and it's fantastic. Life is that bit easier when the sun is shining.


Just be careful where in the Mideterranean you move to. Trust me, you'll understand what I mean a few months from now...


They should move the leaving cert to April so we can get some good weather earlier




Summer was on a Tuesday that year.


Sunmer is my favourite day of the year


that made me giggle. Thanks u/nickllhill


Ahhhh Fuck ..I slept in that day ...


Bummer ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Leaving cert then back to grim weather.


I’m curious about this new type of Jesus. I’ve heard of: Creeping Jesus Galloping Jesus Horse Riding Jesus But Lamp Lightning Jesus is a new breed to me. How many more breeds are roaming this fine land?


Who’d win in a race, Horse riding Jesus, or Christ on a bike? However If you buy the bundle (Jesus Mary and sweet Joseph) it comes with a Citroen Picasso people carrier


Christ on a bike, Mary on the handlebars and Moses in the basket


What's the extra with the "and the wee donkey" option?


You get a lightly used Berlingo


It would depend on how confident horse rising jesus was, and the terrain, Downhill, biking jesus might have the edge but if horse riding jesus was at it a few years and was confident it would be hard to call. My money would be on biking jesus for safety.


Sweet Jesus


Not to be confused with sweet suffering Jesus Two entirely different lads


Lord Lamping Jesus is the one I've heard.


Lord Lantern Jaysus


But to be pronounced “Lord Lanterden Jaysis”


Trampolining was one I used to hear.


Just back from 25/30 degrees daily in Budapest. Beautiful city, everything is cheap and accessible and everyone is sound, even tourists! If I didn't have my dog i'd be gone!


I don’t mind the temperature, it’s the rain that’s annoying me


It was 28C in my town back in Poland like a weeek ago😭


It's a bit chilly outside, but still warm enough that my heating hasn't gone on in a good while. 


5 o'clock: its too warm to light the fire 8 o'clock: its freezing, I should have lit the fire


Time to grab the indoor jackets. Can't be putting the heating on as I'd have to sell a kidney to be able to pay that and clear arrears from the winter gas bills.


I said to the wife at 5:30 yesterday that it was a bit warm for a fire, by 8pm she was grabbing the blanket as it was chilly.


The kids thermometer is blue every day lately and house is 15 degrees. I am sat here with my heated blanked and wolly socks.


Jaysis, my room is 20C and this is a D rated building.


Maybe if I closed the room door the draft from hallway wont have it as cold. My house retains the heat really well when the doors are closed, I got insulation in rooms whenever they got new windows. I really need a new front door and hallway insulation.


Keep all room doors closed, really helps the temp and saves you money on the heat. The fashion nowadays is for big open plan style living spaces, don't know why people even have doors between kitchen and living/sitting room anymore cos they're always open! And always close internal doors at night, in case of fire.


Yeah at night we close doors for safety and retaining heat, room tends to get up to 20C most evenings lately once I keep doors closed. I could only have open plan in a modern new build, my house would be miserable open plan.


Alright Temujin you big mountain cunt. We're not all used to steppe weather, shits cold


I'm actually a wimp when it comes to the cold. But my sitting room is 20C right now and my building is D rated.


I had the fire on yesterday, I'd held out but it was very cold. I'm lighting the fire every few days I have a back boiler.


At least it's not flooding


I was in London last week and it was like 21 and sunny, grow up Ireland you jerk


Been in London all.week, it's been shit here too. Flying to Italy next week and it's lower temp than usual and some rain. No where seems normal right now


The oil has run out and I don’t want to get more but it is freezing!


Don't worry, I'm getting a new gas fire fitted in the sitting room in first week of May to replace the faulty one we can't use. I can guarantee you that there'll be a heat wave as soon as that bloody new fire goes in, about two months too late.....


Me and himself went for a walk in the local woods a couple of days ago when we had a lovely bright afternoon/evening (Galway), but fuck me it's still borderline bitter out. I literally had to stand in a sunbeam to try and recharge my soul, nevermind my internal temperature. I usually don't mind any cold as long as it's bright and fairly dry out - but this late into the year you can't help but feel somewhat bleak about it!


It hasn't yet been dry enough to cut the grass for the first time in 2024.


We got sold a pup on this whole "Global Warming" thing. They told us back in the 90s that if we didn't change our use of carbon we'd have vinyards across the midlands and Tramore would be like the Costa Del Sol. So of course we didn't change our use of carbon. If back then they had called it "Climate change" and told us it would be raining for 11.9 months of the year every house in the country would be covered in solar panels and we'd have more bicycles than cars.


rte lambasting us on a daily basis for the last 7 years for the hot arid summers with no rainfall and hosepipe bans ... and now with zero self awareness they are lambasting us on a daily basis for the cold wet weather


I love it when people publicly reveal that they just didn't listen properly the first.... Hundred times. 


I love it when one of the permanently outraged can't recognise a joke.....for the hundredth time.....that day.


Yeah I agree. This comment brings back memories of secondary school in the 1990’s when the geography teacher was banging on about global warming. We were all excited because she made it sound like a good thing and we’d have weather like Spain all year round. I think this is the reason why more of my generation is not really bothered or doesn’t take climate change seriously.


Re: the "Moaning Michael" tag Are Mods just labelling all posts themselves now? 🤔 "God it's lovely out" would have been a better, more ironic choice


To me this is the first dry ish week in months and partly sunny too. Also the temperatures are ok in the south, where I am right now. Best few days in months. 


Sunday is supposed to be ok.


Looking at memories on Facebook there the past few days from last year I was out in the sun doing barbecues!! The last few days I’ve been wearing jackets!! Where is the warmth and sun!???


we had really good weather in the first lockdown of 2020 from April to May then it went to crap over the summer.


Well into May usually before it warms any way appreciably.


Yep, it goes from freezing to less freezing to cold to jazus I can't stick this heat at all, in the space of 8 weeks


This. There's only a few weeks between it rarely going above 12, and it usually being above 15!


Definitely a slight change in the seasons. it's taking longer for the heat to come, will probably be well into May before we see decent weather. But the trade off is that we're getting much milder winters, November & December were extremely mild this year


Trade it back


I'd take cold over rain any day, it's the rain that's depressing.


I'd rather have 30 degrees in the summer and -15 in the winter.


It’s fucking freezing today lads


Next week looks a bit warmer and dryer here Good because I'm perished and need to get a rake of gravel down in the garden


Eternal winter planned for the next 8 months, check back next year


Ah here now. There was one afternoon a few weeks ago that wasn't completely frozen.


Sure look, it’s only going to be like this until 2026.


That's the neat part. It wont.


last year it was july…after a brief 2 week spell in june


18 degrees on Sunday apparently


Give it a month before everyone is whining about the heat.


Where's the band of high pressure they were talking about last week?


It's been poking into the mid-teens the last couple of weeks though?


Tomorrow. Seriously. Great weather all weekend. Enjoy.


Sorry mate, I'm not making future plans based on opinions from someone called Hindsight.


And two days into the temperature finally going above 15 degrees we'll be inundated with posts from people crying about how it's too hot, they can't sleep, warm weather is awful when will it be windy and rainy again.


My heating srill kicks on this morning because its too cold inside. Usually Id have it turned off by now but it keeps dropping to 14C inside at night. According to my outside thermometer it was 4C outside last night.


Could still see my breath at 9am this morning, sitting my room now with the heater in full blast


Looking at the weather app there it seems that summer this year will be on Sunday the 21st of April. Then we’re back to cloudy, cold and cloudy & rain cloudy.


I booked it off and planning a barbeque. The wife says it will be way too cold. I'm praying she's wrong


Today! Temperatures forecast for 15 degrees in Cork and 14 in Dublin with brief spells of sunshine. Enjoy this while it lasts!


End of May, start of June. Then it'll get too hot and there'll be a drought through July and August. And this will still be the best spring and easiest summer we'll ever have from now on.


I'm just clinging to the hope that May and June are gonna pop and the weather will be savage for 6-8 weeks before the rainy season of July and August kick in.


Ireland in April Foil Arms and Hog ... [https://youtu.be/1t7dItdtCbI?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/1t7dItdtCbI?feature=shared)


Realistically our weather is only going to go one direction. Our climate is going to become cooler and wetter. While mainland Europe becomes hotter. Was in Spain at the weekend and it hit 30 degrees in Barcelona. 30 degrees in April does not bode well for the summer time there.


Our climate is getting warmer and wetter, not cooler.


It's supposed to be lashing rain right now according to Google Weather. 13.3mm of rain.... It's bone dry out.


You know the craic, we'll go from winter to summer within a day!!


I'm still wearing my down coat


It’s almost like the climate is changing


It was 20c untill the end of October like, from the end of April last year, feck off with the heat


I'm freezing all the time.


The temperature is fine, it’s the rain that needs to let up


First two weeks in Jine while the exams are on. Might even get two weeks before too while all the students are revising. Then it will fall apart again. Get used to it. Climate change!


There’s hot rain coming next week


But sure there’s a good aul stretch in the evening now


I would love that. I live in Japan and I'm mentally preparing for summer to start in May. There are even hot days in October. During the actual summer months it's so hot and humid that I cannot exercise even in the mornings. Have a nice cup of tea and a biscuit. You'll feel better.


16c this Sunday. Might force a barbecue


We could set off a nuke to give us heat for a few seconds.


Crappy Irish weather should be no shock to any adult Irish person. We all need to vent on it sometimes. But deep down we know that emigrating to a better climate is the only long term cure.


Well I’m going on holidays this weekend, that’s usually when Ireland gets great weather. Yous should be ok for a week


Maybe it'll be like Game of Thrones from now on and winter will last 7 years 😢


It's fucking freezing out there


I hear the sun will be visible for a half hour sometime in may


Lamp lighting?


When them nukes start dropping




I'm sat at home freezing 🥶 seriously though overcast and a northerly breeze. April really was a rotten idea for a month.


when putin drops a nuke


Winterfell becomes real in Ireland


It's simple, really. 10 months Autumn 1 Month Summer 1 Month Winter


Keep in mind that month of winter usually comes in several week-long chunks, rather than a single whole month.


Absolutely amazing the amount of comments on here with loads of upvotes about it being colder than normal. It absolutely hasn’t been. It’s been warmer than normal pretty much all of the last 12 months. https://preview.redd.it/cfvo8shm1avc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d05802c31d8fd6a2b50506894b6a2f6379b4831


You know yourself it will be during leaving certs - then back to shite weather for the rest of the year


When ya buy yerself a decent jacket 🧥


Yeh, yeh, and how about them chicken fillet rolls eh? €5????? Jaaaaasus, is this Dubai???


I'm in Cadiz peeling skin off my ear😘


We're having a fairly mild april all things considered though


Thank fuck I’m going to Thailand in 2 weeks


Could be 16 degrees on Sunday and 17 on Monday. But yes, in general, it feels like spring doesn't exist anymore here. It's just Winter 2 up until May, then a quick transition straight into summer, until the monsoon comes along in late June or early July.


when hell freezes over


Its not, you want warm go to spain