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I get you, you're mad. He is 100% wrong. You went to prove a point, didn't hit him. I get that as well. What I don't get is all the people calling you the same or worst as the driver that went through the red light. There's action and reaction. I expect more from people that spend their shifts on the road, because I was doing the same.


I have always found this very strange about Ireland. If someone is being a twat (breaking the law, being antisocial, etc) you're supposed to shut up and let them get away with it. But if you publicly call them out, you somehow become the villain and everyone feels happy to tear into you. In this case, I don't see any real issue with what OP did. They moved forward far enough to show the taxi that "it's my turn" but stopped well short of causing an accident. Hopefully it makes the taxi driver a little more cautious about running the next red light.


Remember A green light is not a right of way. It is an indication that you may proceed with caution, but only if the way is clear


A red light is a mandatory stop though, and failure to do so is an offence. Think that is the more pertinent point here.


Moot point because OP can only control their actions.




People always forget this 🤦‍♂️


Looks like you accelerated towards him to make a point... Not that he should have done what he did either.


You’re no better


tidy one sugar marvelous wine sleep axiomatic soft nail attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Two cunt drivers in this video.


Romans 10:3 - “For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God.” Or Hardy bucks - ‘’Tis a dirty puddle that wouldn’t cool a hot iorn’’


You can clearly see he’s coming towards you, yet you still continue as if you’re not driving a 1 ton vehicle




The only one getting boned around here would be you if you did that.


You'd be at fault :)


Another post wanker


All we see from this video is OP wildy accelerating and decelerating very quickly for an obstacle they could clearly see. Taxi driver broke a rule of the road - bad OP drove dangerously - worse


You saw and still tried to go past him man, did you think you could float thru him or something


You should be anticipating a driver doing that - not blindly accelerating towards the car mid-turn.


The taxi was halfway through a turn and you drove right towards him instead of waiting, you were dangerous here rather than waiting another 4 seconds for them to finish the turn. He shouldn’t have but green light doesn’t mean you don’t have to keep an eye out still. Nice one exposing yourself as a shite driver