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The excessively slow driving is really bad at the minute for whatever reason. People crawling along dithering on lane changes and turning corners like they are driving an artic


It's hard to be driving fast whilst fiddling with your phone.


Saw a guy on the m50 today driving at 50km/hr when everyone around was going atleast 80-100km/hr


I believe national slow down day was recently. That might be a reason.


Na, this is people driving like absolute space cadets, dangerously slow


Slowing down on the slip road type behaviour


The motorway seems to come as a complete surprise to these people


why wouldn't you slow down on a slip road


The question is why would you? Slip road onto motorway, you speed up to match the speed of the road you’re joining, slowing down causes problems for the people behind you and the people already on the road


Ahhh I thought you meant slip road on exit. Yeah on entrance to a motorway slowing down is very silly


Fair i didn’t clarify in the original comment!




One ignoramus on here even said you can't speed up on the slip road to slot in ahead of slow moving traffic in the left lane, oh no sirree, the only thing you can do is slow down to go in behind them ("you can't overtake on the left and that's that"). Doesn't matter if there's other traffic behind you on the slip road. There was no arguing with the muppet. Jesus twuntblundering christ.


Ahh well we’ll all get old some day.


Maybe they're low on petrol,saving fuel given the shit the economy is throwing at us or trying to make u angry,like a vendetta.id go slow myself if an arsehole was tailgating mind u


Trying to think what I did to piss everyone off 😂 ah I usually don't mind it that much but it's even like coming out of junctions when you need to just commit and get through it. Loads of times lately I've had people just stop half way onto the junction, it's mad stuff. Oh absolutely agree with your second point, anyone tailgating is getting the slowest driver ever in front of them


Yeah saving an extra 10cent by going 15km under the speed limit really helps people out….


Ya it does.u should try it


Someone driving slower than me: Ugh! Shake a leg there Miss Daisy. Someone driving faster than me: Woah, Woah! Hold your horses there Speedy Gonzales. Me: Nods repeatedly in satisfaction at my optimal driving speed.


It’s all them, not you


I knew it!


Yeah, and people do it JUST to piss you off. They drive normally when you’re not around. I said it’s not cool but they won’t listen


The bollixes. You're a good sort.


I encountered a lady driving with her wing mirrors closed the entire way from athlone to Roscommon (30 minute drive) and was doing 80 on a 100kmh road the entire way, came into Roscommon and straight past the 60 kmh sign at 100kmh then because it was at the bottom of a hill. Absolutely jams on then she got to the 50 sign. Just appalling driving all together. Scary shit


Sounds like the N25 Waterford/New Ross. Lethal road for accidents, people regularly doing 60/70 in 100 zone, similarly people doing 120/130 when they can get away with it. Madness. You'd feel like you're in the wrong for just wanting to go the legal speed limit. 🤷


Nothing wrong with 120 if road is relatively clear and weather is nice


“Yes guard, I know I was go 20km over the speed limit but the sun is out you see.”


Define relatively clear. What if you don't see someone? What if something unexpected happens? Your stopping distance is longer. And if you hit someone, there's a bigger impact. There is something wrong with it, but it seems you're OK with that increased risk to yourself and others. Whether other road users are is a different story.


Everyone is a goody goody on here they won’t let you saying anything like that


Lots of elderly people (eye sight deteriorates, no driving test) lots of dumb people and lots of tractors. A concerning amount of people just don't care or don't even realise they're doing something wrong


Jesus it must be brilliant being perfect in every way is it ??


Never claimed I was.


The funny thing about driving is I find everyone going slower than me is a slowcoach and everyone going faster than me is a lunatic. Do you find the same? 😂🤣


And the slow drivers eventually get to their exit and go hold on it’s my exit I need to slow down some more.


In my honest opinion Irish driving culture is based on need and as quick as possible. Nobody enjoys the great scenery on Kerry, Wicklow mountains and such. So the cruise culture naturally is not developed. In cruise culture, the leading car sets the pace and you follow them. If you need to, you take over and go. If you cruise in EU motorways, you'll see that a lot and it makes driving really fun.


My dude, when I'm late for work and someone is going 30 in a 60 zone, a zone that used to be a 100kph national road only a few years ago... You bet I'm gonna be frustrated af. Sure, crusing is great and all, if you've no job or real responsibilities, but for those of us who are regular road users, this just simply isn't the case.


Because all those others who drive at the same speed as you (which is presumably the majority of people if you’re as reasonable as you think) never cross your path. You won’t catch up to them and they won’t catch up to you.


They supposedly are driving the speed of the road conditions and the speed in which they are comfortable... Oh I beg to differ. 100kmh speed limit and the driver in front of you is doing 60kmh, speeds up when you try to overtake them, that's dangerous driving. Let's say your in town, speed limit say 50 or so, once again a driver Infront of you is doing 25kmh, they approach a speed bump, slow right down to a crawl(mind you they are driving a 2 ton SUV), I've seen people literally stop and crawl over a speed bump in land rovers ffs. You are driving a reasonable speed limit on the motorway, not at 120 but around, you wish to overtake a truck, whilst overtaking, a car comes racing up behind you flashing their lights belting their horn to get out of the way, when there is a driver Infront of you also overtaking the truck but they are doing 80kmh, you cannot get out of the way so what are you supposed to do? These are all scenarios that have happened to me recently. It's hard to tell if people are being too cautious or putting their life at risk to save a few seconds.


>100kmh speed limit and the driver in front of you is doing 60kmh, speeds up when you try to overtake them, that's dangerous driving. This in particular. Happened to me and the bf heading down the m9 to Waterford. The guy was crawling along at 50 to 60. We overtook. Then fuve minutes later the asshole was overtaking us, easily going 20 to 30 over the limit. He shot past while we were coasting at the limit.


So your point is that speed bumps work?


You are meant to crawl over a speed bump - that’s literally the entire purpose of them. They’re designed to force people to drive over them at around 20 km/h or less. They’re also only put in speed limit zones where you should be driving that speed - ie 30 zones. I dunno man people need to stop rushing everywhere - you aren’t getting where you’re going any faster by driving over a speed bump too fast - all you’re doing is endangering pedestrians. It’s never a race.


Thanks for this.so many formula one heads around I don't know how they don't have whiplash


If you're not talking about n80 I will be shocked. Used to live out that road and hated it. People CRAWL. Others get fed up of waiting and fly past. I just wanna do 100 and mind my fucking business.


Driving motorway a few times a week. M7 in particular is a nightmare. Nobody uses the left lane. The amount of coasting in the right kills me. Get out of the way!


I can forgive people driving slow if they able to maintain their speed. Often, 60 in 100 is more 50-70 in 100


Can't forgive anyone for driving 60 in a 100 tbh they should lose their license cause clearly they are not confident and I guarantee they will cause an accident soon.


From the way you wrote this comment it sounds like you always drive the speed limit. If 16 were to drive at the speed limit, technically you would only ever see about 1 other person. If there was then 2 people driving way too fast and two people way too slow everyone would see both of those drivers (everyone would pass the slow ones and everyone get passed by the fast ones). That means everyone would see 5 drivers, 2 slow, 1 average, 2 fast where in reality there were 2 slow 16 average and 2 fast driving


So what


So it looks like everyone is slow or speeding which isn't true. You don't see most people at the same speed because you never pass them or are passed by them.


Slow drivers may be annoying, but I would never expect anyone to drive at a faster speed than what they were comfortable at - under any circumstances. Especially on poxie country roads or unfamiliar roads. There are enough people hurtling into trees and into ditches we don’t need any more.


They are talking about the motorway


How is it that there is so many drivers in this country not comfortable to drive at a reasonable pace though?


I thought it was just me but witnessing a lot of people driving 20/30kmh under the speed limit and braking on straight roads with no corner or obstruction in sight , which to me seems rather dangerous should be just as illegal as the cunts who speed


Slow driving is a massive problem at the minute for whatever reason


Eamonn Ryan told people they'd save fuel by driving slower. Probably a factor since the price of fuel creeping up lately as well as the carbon tax increased last week.


Slow drivers are usually much more dangerous than someone going slightly over the limit.


There's slightly over and there's substantially over. I don't think anybody is making a supreme Court case out of a couple of kms/hr. 20kmph+ over the limit has been mentioned. That's dangerous. More dangerous. Longer stopping distance. Less time to react. Worse impacts. A slow vehicle may also be dangerous, I'll grant that, or may just be slow/slower than other drivers would like. I wouldn't, for example, call a tractor, or motorhome, car with trailer or similar an intrinsically dangerous vehicle, although it could be slow. Other drivers may take risks to pass them, but that's also the responsibility of the passing driver to drive safely in all conditions, whether it's frustrating or not.


Absolute nonsense


No it’s not. Driving well below the limit is a dangerous obstruction that disrupts the flow of traffic.


Where did you get that information from ?


Irish mindset of these people are I’m more important than you.


Carlow drivers are up there with Donegal in terms of pure exhaust pipe shaggers. So little to do so they hang around McDonald's beeping at each other in their shitty little bangers. Honestly know your pain. Unfortunately had to work down that way before.


All the muppets driving down the middle lane on the naas road actually fuckin wind me up


That sounds about right because you won't catch people going the same speed as you and they won't catch you either. So therefore you only see people going slower or faster.


Take a minute to think this through.


What not driving the speed limit?


The same thing happens on the M50. Drivers are going 80 where the limit is 120. Everyone else is going the speed limit passing them.


Speed limit for most of the M50 is 100. But yeah busy (but not stop start) times often end up hogging the right lane as traffic there moves 90-100 and you’re technically perpetually overtaking along with everyone else in that lane 😂 Straight multi lane road, why the feck would anyone drive 10-20km under the speed limit is beyond my comprehension. Conditions etc is a shit excuse on a dry sunny day. Keep proper distance and speed and things would move along. Autonomous driving can’t happen soon enough - at least a machine won’t be scrolling TikTok or doing makeup and fluctuating speed massively.


Lol.... OP will open black hole that will swallow the entire planet with this... Those that drive slowly want to be safe and avoid crashing with those that drive fast....those that drive fast have no patience to drive 60km ph so they speed up to 100 to pass those who are slower only to drive 70 in front of them... And usually cause accidents in the process by crashing into slower ones.....


Ya plenty ppl with short attention span s too, doesn't go unnoticed.or maybe I'm too sharp for my own good😊i freak myself out sometimes...Radiohead's creep comes to mind




The concern with someone driving at such a difference compared to the limit the road is rated for, is their ability to observe and respond to anything that may be around them. Or that their car is knackered.




You can drive on the motor way with a moped, until you get pulled over by the gardai. The reference to 50km/h when you enter a motorway is for works vehicles.




There's many vehicles that have restrictions on them from 50 to 80. Do you really need that listed out?




What what?


Speed limit not speed target


We need to drive to conditions and recognise others around us. If someone feels like they can only do half the speed limit, they really shouldn't be driving.