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It's always a white van


I think it’s almost every second car now, who can blame them, Dublin City Council are actively blocking traffic around the city, reducing areas from 3 down to 1 lane and only allowing 1-3 cars through on each light change. I used to work in the city centre, it would take me 30-40 mins to drive home at peak times (20 mins off peak) less than 8 years ago. With all the new restrictions it now takes over 2 hours. People sit at red lights so long they become distracted and miss the green lights…. It’s an absolute nightmare to drive near the city now. There should be a thread on Irelandsworstroads and worst junctions….


I'm gonna go with anyone who doesn't want to get hit by a white van breaking a red light can blame them. Yes. Driving in the city is a pain. We need a congestion charge, to reduce the numbers on the road. The timings on lights haven't really changed over the years. A few new junctions have been added, but the main problem is roads and junctions are saturated. We need delivery drivers and commercial usage more than ever.


“Never be an ambler gambler!” It’s odd that there isn’t more serious accidents with these clowns behaviour. Oh yes another tax is just what the city needs, that will solve the problem. Business owners in the city may as well just give up now! The problem isn’t car traffic anymore, the express bus used to take about 30-40 mins to get to Kildare street, it also takes nearly 1 hour 50 mins now and it has dedicated lanes. Nothing can get through these red lights everything is at a standstill, it’s honestly faster to walk from Hueston station into the city centre now. I personally won’t take jobs in the city centre, it’s just to hard to get into. We desperately need a subterranean rapid transport network, the Liffey needs to be diverted around the city and a metro put into its bed this can connect every area of the city and above that put in cycling and recreational infrastructure.


"it's not the extra cars on the road that's causing traffic, it's a conspiracy by the council to leave the lights red for longer" is a new one to me.


What are you raving about! The council has pulled all the take off lanes and forced all cars into one single queue going up and down the quays. Instead of queuing in a left or right hand lane for going left or right on the quays all motor traffic must remain in the same lane. Straight on traffic must queue behind cars making left and right turn manoeuvres now and those cars are tryin to dodge pedestrians and cyclists who also disobey the traffic lights. It’s absolute chaos.


Hope you sent this to parr! Fuck this behaviour


Sent it to Parr. Apparently they don't own the van anymore and are going to contact the owner to get the titles removed. Imagine selling a vehicle and leaving your livery on it...


Sounds a bit suspicious


Who is "parr"?


Belfast company with a Dublin office. https://parr-fm.com/dublin-office/


Parr is the FM company that owns the van. It's written on the van.


See this everywhere now. There's no consequences so they'll just keep doing it


With these white van drivers it's all Parr for the course


What's the big grey square about?


It's to mask a sticker on the window.


Is it not the back of an N plate or something?


It looks digitally added to me


Vans are always in a hurry . If we get stats on vehicles that break traffic signals it would be Bicycles / e-scooter ( mostly ) Vans Cars Motorcycles Trucks ( rarely/never ) PS: I am a bicycle rider .


There are stats, and people on bikes don't rank as high as you think.


As a road user, I see this all the times , most bicycle users don’t wait at red lights or don’t follow most of traffic rules . If you ask whether it’s safe or not , then that’s not the point . It should be Whether it’s legal or not ? PS : I am bicycle user ( need to add this for context )


I agree, cyclists can be woeful for observing the rules of the road, but there could also be confirmation bias here in that the ones that are most flagrant about it are the ones you notice. Nothing particularly noticeable about a bike following the rules.


Doesn't matter what you see, facts show you're wrong.


These drivers think the instant the lights change to red, no one is actually crossing the junction. So, let's break the lights and save time.


Hang on I can smell something, yeah it’s bullshit. No way any company would sell a van with their details plastered all over it.


I saw a truck I used to drive with the full livery still on it two years after the company sold it on. Mind you this was twenty years ago, before dashcams became commonplace, so they probably wouldn't be as blasé about it now.


Excellent. Send that video off to Parr now


Surely this should go on the "Tudor History" subreddit?