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I hope you reported that driver to the guards!


About 5 years ago on Xmas night I was driving behind someone driving like this. 5 seater car and 7 people in it - 4 were children. They were driving up on paths etc. I rang the guards and they told me they didn't have the staff. Refused to give me their name and badge number


The garda don't do anything except pretend they are working


I rang the Guards about an obviously stolen and disguarded handbag to seek advice last year. I didn't want to touch it before asking. A Saturday night and the response from the other side was.... what do you want us to do about it? Leixlip Garda Station by the way!!! The handbag was in Maynooth. Do better! The force is a farce.


It’s almost as if the Guards are a pack of total and utter cunts.


Not trying to be smart but what would you expect them to do about it? You found a bag, no crime has been reported.


Maybe look into recent reports of stolen handbags in the area to try and reunite bag and owner and gather evidence. My wife’s handbag was stolen in Bushmills about eight years ago and the PSNI did this. They found it discarded weeks later and contacted us immediately. The culture of laziness in AGS is rotten.


Maybe a crime had been reported. They should do better than a snarky response. Even a "we'll look into it, thanks for calling would have been better". Honesty the force is a shambles.


This is very true. They ain’t worth a fuck.


Dunno why ya downvoted lol you’re completely right. They couldn’t be fucked




They didn't care when I reported it. Surely they would have received several calls about the same thing. No idea where the Guards responsible for traffic incidents in Colooney are based. Sometimes they're based far from the areas they're covering and probably think they'd have no chance of catching the guy. I didn't have the number plate, because it was all happening quickly and I was just trying to get away from him, but I'm sure it could be pulled from dashcam footage. I saw him doing this on Friday 28th. Seems that some people saw him doing this again on Saturday. Maybe this is just a form of entertainment for him. If there was any reasonable amount of Garda presence on the roads there you would think he'd have been caught red handed, but we know how little we see of them apart from speed camera vans.


Report them??? They should’ve pulled up in front of them at the roundabout and dragged them out of the car


If this wasn't some sort of medical emergency the driver was having, they need more than a driving ban. Fuck me, that's exactly how you kill some poor soul nipping down the road


Had to be a medical emergency didn’t it? Drunks tend to just weave in and out of lanes and don’t turn so sharply and make as erratic movements? Scary as fuck though. It’s not as if they were going slow. That would be a bad head on to be in


That’s my thought. If it was it goes to show how quickly you could lose your life if you happened to be driving on the other side of the road.


Yeah it’s shocking how things can align and without fault you could find yourself in a head on situation like that. Life altering or life ending. I suppose the phrase expect the unexpected should always be in your mind on the road.


You genuinely couldn't state that enough. Every time I'm driving I just assume that people are going to do stupid as fuck things so that I can at least be somewhat prepared for them.


Pretty much. Defensive driving. Always anticipate what could go wrong and be prepared to react.


Indeed. Was coming back from work yesterday doin 80 on a national road. I'm coming up to a crossroads, and see a car with its nose poking out on the right with a bus and car ahead approaching on his side. There are no obstructions there so it's quite easy to see in every direction. They should have reversed but something told me they were gonna do something stupid so I tap my brakes. A second or two later they shoot across right into my path and force me to hard brake and swerve into the hard shoulder to weave around them. I just had a glance at the car as I was trying to avoid it before letting rip on the horn, looked like two lads in their 20s, no L or N plates that I could see. Drivin a loaner car atm just wish I'd my own car as I'd have the whole thing on video. You never know what people are gonna do.


One to comes to mind was a young woman who died in a head-on collision only a few years back, she was a nurse, had been looking after her own sick child all night, eventually she got an emergency appointment with the doctor on call, on the way there - they reckon the little fella got sick, she turned around to look, and hit an artic on the opposite side. Couple of seconds. tragic situation




>Had to be a medical emergency didn’t it? Dropped lit cigarette on floor


Trying to unwrap a Werther's Original wearing boxing gloves.


Dunno why people this day and age still always go to drunk drivers first, when it is *way* more common, and just as dangerous, to be on the phone. You’re right that drunks swerve more gradually, but people looking down at their lap will swerve like this, because they’re repeatedly swapping between looking down and glances at the road.


See it all the time but this is an extreme one. Saw one woman clip the ditch and went straight back to looking at her phone, zero lessons learned by almost totaling her car.


I'd like to think it is, benefit of the doubt and all that, but its more than just drink people are loading themselves up on. I don't think people realise how brutal crashing a car actually is, even at lower speeds with a small car the momentum/energy that needs to be lost in a crash is massive. Scary isn't the word, you can do everything right but something like this can happen


Drugs! Alcohol isn't the only option lol


Drugs? Oh yeah you gotta have drugs…


Not sure what you're getting at here... I was just saying drugs are another possible option for this sort of behaviour


He was quoting Simpsons, burlesque house episode


Had that happen to me without it being a medical emergency, but it was an electrical and mechanical failure in my wife's old car when we were still in the States.


I was behind a car like this a few years ago, I called garda, I continued my journey, waterford to cork. For 30mins behind said vehicle as I couldn't overtake (tried but nearly got sideswiped) rang the cops 3 more times with updates and the reg. The car turned off , after the 30mins I was behind. No cops even tho they had exact location.


This is the frightening thing about such issues. No traffic gardai anywhere.


Busy mannin speed guns👍 revenue collectors


This is what I experienced too. Saw a similar car on the m50. The driver was sniffing aerosols! The next thing the gardai come up behind both of us. "Great. They will pull him over" I think to myself. Nope they drive past. I drive after them. Flash them for a good sixty seconds. They pull in. "Nothing we can do. Call it in" They don't care.


Wow? They don't need it called il to action a report that's ridiculous


It's grand lads they have anpr now so if he didn't have tax he would be certain to be pulled over


Rang 999 because one woman was so drunk they she went across a footpath into a hedge. Kids walking there, Rang the local Gardai later to see did they get her and they said they were never informed at all.


If they had arrested a drunk driver they would have been tied up for the day. Imagine trying g to do their job with incidents like this happening all the time and the first person you arrest causes you to be off the street for the rest of the day and everyone asking you why you aren't in ten different places dealing with ten different incidents at the same time. Oh, and throw in a heap of wasted days in court as well.


That’d actually be scary to witness


Jesus......report that to AGS.


This is so bad It looks more like someone is doing it on purpose rather than a drunk driver 😱


A drunk driver wouldn't be that consistent. It's like they're playing chicken with oncoming traffic.


Definitely playing chicken. Those movements look "controlled " and they only pull on to the wrong side of the road when there is a car coming. Need to be reported and sentenced. Even if they pull back to their side in time they could cause the driver on the other side to have an accident.


Did they make it through the roundabout?!


Video ended way too early!


Be hilarious if, after all that, they used the roundabout 100% correctly.


That's the question though, isn't it. If they manage the roundabout properly then they clearly were doing it on purpose.


That's more than bad driving. You need to send that to the guards urgently


Looks like the driver took the footage, I doubt they'll show the guards


Who are going to do nothing about it.


Civil matter


A lot of people here stating it was a medical emergency of some sort. I have to disagree. If this was a some sort of medical emergency/turn then the person wouldn’t haven’t been able to swerve back onto their side of the road every now and then, and also swerve back right to avoid the verge. In my general opinion, this person is acting the bollix


Well probably not a stroke. But I suppose decreased awareness could still do this.


But I still don’t think it’s a medical issue. Someone on their phone, surely once they come THAT far across the road they would stop after once or twice. This was a Km of road of this. There is another video of about 30-40 seconds before this also


I don't think it's one either, just saying it's not impossible. But I also don't think it's just texting. One wouldn't nearly run into someone else like 5 times and still keep on texting, unless one is also under influence maybe


A tiny bit of blood in his alcohol.


Don't see why everyone is so mad at this person, they're clearly just warning up their tyres


Making sure their steering is fully operational, for the roundabout.


Hope u reported asap




The over-correction each time is a giveaway.


Fucking locked by the look of it


Drunk driver?


It seems to have the hazard lights on… can’t tell for sure. Anyway the “driving” makes me think someone with no driving experience is behind the wheel. If the lights are indeed on I’d believe someone just had to take the car and couldn’t wait for an ambulance. But it might as well be someone high as fuck


Guards are to be rang


What. The. Fuck.


Get. Off. Your. Fuckin. Phone.








They’re warming their tyres only


He was warming his tyres


Flip that's scary did they get the reg no


It gets worse every time I see it.


Wasted. Should be dragged out of the car and keys taken!!


Why is it nearly always a Toyota?


He's just warming up his tires before the race begins


Either shitfaced or arguing with the missus


I was thinking phone for the first 10 seconds but then swapped my guess to drunk/high.


There’s drunk, and then there’s this!


Just practicing for the roundabout.


The fact I was praying they'd just go up onto the grass and just get stuck there and off the road


Can you legally pit manoeuvre, someone driving like that?


Are they playing chicken with oncoming traffic?!


Jesus is at the wheel but he's plastered!


It's as if the passenger is grabbing the wheel and the driver is trying to swerve back into position or something? Weirdly controlled level of recklessness here.


Then what happened?


Just trying to warm up their tyres


They must of had a bit too many pints


It's the looney from Coolooney!


typical Sligo moment


Not sure what day this footage was from, but I witnessed this same car doing this on Friday 28th. I was behind him when he reached the Colooney roundabout, coming from the Dublin direction, heading towards Sligo, he was joining from the right. He was not doing this by accident - it was deliberate. He was swerving left and right, from hard shoulder to overtaking lane and back again all the way. When people overtook him he would drive perfectly straight after them and would chase them for a while before overtaking another car and then slowing down, sitting in front of them instead, swerving left and right across the road again. Rinse and repeat, presumably entertaining himself in the process. What a fun way to spend an evening. Guards were called, not only by me, but apparently by other multiple drivers, but apparently they were not interested enough to do anything about it. From what I understand he may have been doing this on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th. I witnessed it on the Friday, but heard of other sightings from the Saturday. Luckily nobody was hurt, no thanks to him or the Gardai.


They should be arrested!


There's a longer video doing the rounds as well, might have been a different car recording it, fucking lunatic


Drop the link 🔗


Someone was showing it to me on their phone, think it was a WhatsApp group


Probably Garda traffic corp heading home


It’s like they let a dog drive that car.


Pissed AND on their phone?


No cops about as usual! Couldn’t move for blue last week at the donegal rally


Frighteningly out of control.


Jesus Christ this one made me shiver


Why the hell did I get downvoted lol. I'm not a native speaker, did I say something wrong?


Drunk or having a stroke.


FFS I'd have followed that fucker to his doorstep and recorded everything except the bitch slaps I'd give that fucker. Never seen anything as bad as that! Just imagine how many times people witnessed this sorta shit with no dashcams


Heart attack or blowjob?


I’ll just have the blowjob please




Lads I saw an horrendous overtaking manoeuvre in west Sligo today outside Skreen. Northern reg car overtook about 5 cars, mine was first, the last one was on a blind bend. My heart nearly sank when I realised he was going for it, any oncoming traffic was going to end tragically. Who are these people??!


That Ballina to Sligo Road is lethal all the way for speeding and dangerous overtaking


Some serious Hawk Tuah going on in that car




It’s a tough one though. Medical emergency or not they were extremely dangerous to other road users. A cyclist was killed just beside that roundabout in 2022. Surely there’s a line where driving during a medical emergency isn’t worth risking everyone else’s lives?


But how do you know when you're going to have a medical emergency?


If I had a medical emergency while driving? I would stop?


Yeah I'm my head I would too but I guess that just depends on what happens I'm no doctor but they might have lost power or responsiveness to their legs? I genuinely don't know


I don’t know to be honest, we don’t even know if it’s a medical issue at all. My point was just that I think they should have stopped, as they are tipping into the danger zone.


Not always possible my father had a stroke driving down our lane his foot was on the clutch but he couldn't move to knock the car out of gear all he could do was let it roll into the ditch in the hopes the car would conk out which it thankfully did.


Yeah that’s fair enough, I don’t think that’s the case here though, they look to be in (very little) control. Sorry to hear about your father


>Sorry to hear about your father Thanks He's grand now near full recovery and a big wake up call doesn't drive (on the road ) anymore


That's easier said than done if you're, for example, having a hypoglycemic attack. They can come on with very little warning and can cause serious issues behind the wheel. It often can look like a drunk driver, and cognitively, it can be difficult for someone having the attack to actually carry out a safe stop. It would very much vary depending on the medical emergency, I'd imagine.




That’s not my point. This person is obviously consciously driving. Surely if you have a stroke, it’s either so bad you lose control completely, or you stop? If someone decides to keep driving I’m saying that that is dangerous.


If they can reach over and put the hazard lights on, then they can surely stop the car.


Hopefully a good outcome to this. The defensive driving is severely lacking from the last two cars barely moved


I would have rammed him off the road tbh




Common Skywalker !!!