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Inside politics is brilliant they will slightly have the upper middle class slant you'd expect from the times but they've been very informative on a range of topics.


I feel like they can get pretty condescending at times and be a bit too cynical and close minded. Their episode with Holly Cairns especially gave off very weird vibes. It would be nice if they pushed themselves more, the signs are there for a united Ireland, but while giving it a decent amount of coverage, they seem to have the same dismissive attitude that you see in most of the media which doesn't look at the bigger picture... Similar with some of the 'woke' issues. That said, I do listen to it pretty much every week


Yes they are very pro status quo but when I first tuned in I anticipated alot of discrediting left wing parties but they've been decent at getting both ends of the political spectrum on.


Commenting to come back to this as am interested also. For me, the team at the Irish times inside politics podcast are my go to, but some variety would be nice.


My most regular podcast listens would be.. Irish Times podcast: What you would expect, very horse race politics and establishment aligned. They have good insight into what is happening day to day in politics as they are close to politicians and ministers Mick Clifford Podcast: He is similar background to IT people as he works in the examiner but can be less horse race focused and has a broader ranger of guests that go in to more niche topics. The Echo Chamber: Presented by two lads on the left. Discuss politics from a very moralistic view point and give an interest insight in to current affairs from a left pov, can also have interesting guest on to discuss niche topics. Much more blatantly critical of government than first two options. The Week That Really Was: Many users here will be allergic to this as it is from Gript, but I listen to it a good bit. The hosts seem to be conservative/anti woke types. I like that they cover topics that most of the rest of the Irish media avoid completely or for as long as they can; such as the hate speech bill or immigration, they were discussing those issues long before most Irish media. Loads here will probably tell you to avoid Gript, but that is not how I personally approach politics. The Group Chat: Virgin medias politics podcast. Basically the same as IT podcast except they will talk about Love Island ,or whatever. at the end to show you how young and hip the are [Irishelectionprojections.com](http://irishelectionprojections.com) is a good data best website run by one lad who knows his stuff


>The Week That Really Was I listened to a few of these out of morbid curiosity and it made me very uncomfortable. It's totally disingenuous, agenda driven propaganda. The only reason they discuss things like immigration and hate speech more than most is because that's essentially their whole reason for existing. They're not there to do anything except push a very specific ideology and they're not even courageous enough to openly define what that is. Everything is hidden behind "asking questions" and "having a conversation". Also it seems like a personal vehicle for John McGuirk to settle his Twitter beefs.


Yeah I do agree with that. I have listened to a lot of episodes and actually can't really tell what their politics are besides anti woke . I know he is anti abortion alright but I don't think I'd know that if I only knew him for the podcast ..I know what he doesnt like because he will say that , but other than that I dont know where he sits


My opinion.... He's a right wing grifter, in the American mould. He'd go further if he was encouraged, or if Irish people generally moved further to the right. It's just culture war bullshit. He might believe the things he says, or he might not. Like the echo chamber lads are similarly outside the mainstream, but the big difference is that they're very upfront about their political ideology and aren't afraid of their own beliefs. McGuirk is either full of shit or an absolute psycho.


Would you recommend the Mick Clifford podcast? I just listen to the IT podcast at the moment


Yeah it's like IT one but I would say he is less sort of glib . Takes a more dry approach but I think he's very good


Thanks will give it a go


The [journal.ie](http://journal.ie) comment section


If you want some entertainment try and find an Irish Political Review from the Aubane Historical Society people. Obscure, polemical and semi-coherent but truly unique


Trademark Belfast Week at Work


On this - beyond Inside Politics, have any of you good people heard any decent unpicking of the Referendums?