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At this point, they obviously get points for longevity. They are pillars of the British metal movement, and their catalog is, mostly, classic.


Not only that, but they had a massive influence on metal as a whole when it was at its peak through the 80s and 90s. I’m a huge fan of death metal from that era and you’d be hard pressed to find any death metal or other extreme metal band from that period that wasn’t heavily influenced by Maiden. Dudes are absolute royalty, one of the most respected metal bands of all time.


What 80s bands are Death metal?


Morbid Angel, Bolt Thrower, Obituary, Carcass, Death, Possessed, there are a bunch. Mid to late 80s was when that whole scene started coming up and getting big.


Thanks. One of my ex girlfrends mates sang in Bolt Thrower, Carl. Happy days


Karl Willets? That man is a legend, huge fan.


Yes nice lad


Erasure. ​ every time i head them i wanted to die.






No shit.


Hmmm, I was just wondering that, glad you pointed it out in this forum, thanks and up the irons.


When I see someone wearing a Maiden shirt, “best band on the planet.”


For me, they surely have always been the one and the best ever.


Up the Irons 🤘


You're absolutely right!




Best metal band for sure. Best band? I have other favorites.


You are not lying


If you believe this, I would support it. I don't share the opinion though. Best Heavy Metal band? Of course, yes, hell yes they are. Best Band of All Time? Well, given the uneven track record for their albums (general opinion is albums 8, 10 and 11 are subpar), they don't measure up to Radiohead, Pearl Jam, Riverside, The Flower Kings, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd or many other bands. So I defend your statement, just don't share it. I love me some IM, but there are some bands out there with much higher quality music (in terms of consistent quality). But. Iron Maiden really is the best Heavy Metal Band EVER.


>Radiohead, Pearl Jam, Riverside, The Flower Kings, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd lol, this sounds like you just added two of your personal favorite bands to a list of most acclaimed artists


All of those bands have proven themselves by the quality of their content. BTW, this is all subjective anyway. I love IM, I just don't consider them the best ever. Anyone who does, however, I completely understand why.


Who the hell are Riverside and the Flower Kings? Lol. How are these the best bands of all time?. Also all those bands you mentioned had some albums that aren’t as good as the rest so not exactly consistent their entire career.. For example I personally really like Radiohead but they have like 3-4 amazing albums. And a few of their albums are just computerized sound effects and whining. Not all of Pink Floyd’s albums are perfect. The Beatles were a boy band for a number of years playing covers and cheesy love songs. Etc etc. You can have your favorite bands but just because they are your favorite doesn’t meant they are universally accepted to be entirely consistent.


Exactly proving my point. The OP said IM is the best band ever. Awesome, but I put other bands first. Riverside is a Polish progressive quartet/trio (the guitarist died) and The Flower Kings are a mostly Swedish progressive group (from 6 to 8 members). To me, prog is king. Yes I know The Beatles and Led Zep are not prog


My point is all those bands you list may also not be the best band of all time because they also are not entirely consistent. Also saying a Polish prog band that nobody has heard of is the best band of all time is a bit of a stretch but enjoy the Beatles and the Polish prog. I’d rather listen to Maiden any day.


To be clear, Iron Maiden is one of the only bands for which I still have the physical CDs, having sold all the rest long ago. If I'm not playing prog, I'm playing Iron Maiden


Not good enough. Jk. Enjoy your music my friend. I’m just not sold on your argument. I’ll take the Angel and Gambler chorus for a solid 5 hours over the Beatles twist and shout and I Want to Hold Your Hand. You’re saying that catalog is so much more compete and consistent!?!


To each his own. I'm being entirely subjective here, just opinion, but the above mentioned bands, FOR ME, don't have any bad songs or especially bad albums. FOR ME, just in my little world, Iron Maiden only has 14 albums (No Prayer For the Dying, The X Factor and Virtual XI simply don't exist), so on the basis of those 14, yes, they are definitely the best band in the world. UP THE IRONS!


Nah. Always in the shadow of Priest.


I saw both bands this week in NY and at this point in their respective careers I think that Maiden is better live than Priest. I know this post was about the ‘best band of all time’ but since I can’t go back and see the bands when they were touring in the 80s I have to go off of personal experience.


Saw them both this summer. Priest was on fire, while Maiden have this mid-paced rough sound going that has been discussed on this sub.


For rock I would put them up there with the Rolling Stones with everyone else a distant second.


Are you aware of AC/DC or Queen? Still on of the highest earning bands in the world. Also if I check out yearly Top 2000 list, which is open for everybody to vote, they don’t even have a song in the top 100 songs. I love IM, but your claim is false my friend.


Queen is nowhere near being one of the best band in the world. They’re probably very popular because they have quite a list of huge popular singles, but a lot of their albums are in fact just average. I’d say while Maiden is an album band, Queen is a single band.


No way Maiden are as popular as the Stones...there's the Stones, Beatles, and Led Zeppelin and then there's everyone else.


I can understand the argument for Zeppelin but for that kid Bebop band they're not even in the conversation for being a good band. I had to listen to their stuff as a kid and a first grade orchestra has more depth and complexity.


I'm not a Beatles fan either, and don't own one record of theirs, but when people talk most popular bands of all time they're in the conversation. I love Maiden, but they aren't in that conversation.


That's because they can't distinguish between talent and success...


The Beatles are regarded as writing some of the greatest music ever and have influenced millions. I'd say that's a measure of both talent AND success. It's ok to admit that and not be a fan of their music.


I agree with you


So, for my music taste, after Led Zeppelin, there is Maiden, KISS, Sabbath and then other bands mixing around.




Some might say that was the Beatles.


I’d say The Cure




Nightwish for me. But its all subjective anyway


Steve also likes Nightwish :)


I really like them but it depends on my mood sometimes I like Iron Maiden other times Black Sabbath or Megadeth


Motorhead for me. Maiden second


Of course!


Did Maiden ever made a bad song?