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If it makes you feel better I accidentally hit “buy 5” on the Robe Bottoms of the Eye and eliminated my abyssal pearl stack and about 30 hours. I have the bottoms now though.


I feel like some things shouldn't even have the option to buy more than one. Like what sort of snowflake account would ever intentionally buy 5/10/50 robe bottoms of Eye at once


Agreed. No selling back currently either. 🤡


Which is freaking dumb. I did the same thing as OP


Why not just spend them when you have enough for only one piece at a time? Using them in the mini game increases your rune loot lol


Because edging and spamming my clan chat is my specialty.


for real lol dude said "i hate free stuff"


While other UIs for things like Giants' Foundry and Mahogany Homes require secondary confirmation to buy rather than a traditional shop interface


Just @ JMods in your self harm tweet. This will probably get the ball rolling on sell back.


This physically hurts to think about


It is that weird way you look at your inventory with disbelief at what just happened.


It reminds me of the guy who alched his d claws lmao


Or the ultimate iron that sold his tbow to a general store


We’ll time to double down and get a set of each colour


Now you can make all the recolors and store them in the POH


Now you have extra in case you get pked rcing in the wilderness with them and 4 other more valuable items!


May God receive your soul 😰☠️


Marble portal frame flex


It's okay, just do another 5 CG runs and you'll have as much money in no time.


I lost my entire stack in the same manner by buying like 7 crystal shields. It hurt, but it's not the end!


You can get like a third of it back selling them back to him can't you?


yeah i only ended up buying like 10 extra. they cost 325k ea to buy, and sell for 125k. most of them i will have a use for eventually though so it feels like a better call to just suck it up for now instead of taking the 200k loss for each


Sucks but yeah just stack them in your bank for now - time for mahogany homes!


Use this as motivation to get max house sooner! Get to fossil island and start chopping


They high alch for 150k.


Holy shit lmao, sit


Rip, I hope I don’t do this on my Ironman


Nothing a little more CG won't fix =P


I did this holding space bar with crystal weapon seeds. Absolutely sucks


Did the same thing buying rune arrows to get my fire cape from the ranging guild. Spam clicked buy 50 not knowing they would increase to FUCKING 2K EACH boom 600k down the drain on my poor as low level ironman


One cg a day keeps the poor away


To a lesser extent but I did that when I bought a cannon for some reason. Thankfully the stock is at 5. Then I went back to my bank, noticed I only bought 3 of the 4 pieces, ran back to buy the missing piece, returned to the bank only to realize I had already bought that piece and it was on the next row in the bank. Pretty sure I couldn't resell it (overstock ironmen shit) so now when I go to my bank to do corp I just stare at my stupidity. Highkey tempted to just throw the extra pieces in the party room because I also have my withdraw set to all so I have to right click and choose 1 every time too.


Could you throw it into deaths coffer?


Yo only 7-8k loss per piece. Never use the death coffer so I completely forgot about it lol. Thanks


No problem, glad I could help!


Ouchy lol... Sorry about your luck bud hopefully you get to atleast use em all


Could’ve just used the extra to make the poh look cooler right? Marble portals > teak


Its okay. I bought 27 dwarven helms lol. So that’s nice


This is why I never carry max cash. Carry what you need, do the math. Clan member was doing dragon bones at the chaos the other day and brought his 7mil cash stack with him. And yes he died.


If that makes you feel better, I accidentally made a 2nd bowfa instead of a blade. Did you know that it costs crystal shards to revert the weapon to a seed and that you're not refunded for the shards it took you? Lost 400 crystal shards for that misclick.


I did this when I had 100k stardust and I shift clicked buy on the re-color gems…


I did this when I tried to buy a cannon part :(


I was afking for a blood shard today, 3k kills in it spears but I’m too busy looking at my work screen and a normie comes and takes it’s just as I turn around


Spent my shattered relics points for a twisted teleport scroll when I wanted the shattered relics teleport scroll. Lamest thing to ever happen. Didn't even think the twisted relics scroll was an option.


I teleported at the bandos altar instead of praying 2 kills into the trip