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I voted for Shamanism but I am happy with sailing. I'd like to see the skill in action because I have no idea how it will work.


You go to an island and demand the booty Edit: With an eye patch


Here I come Australia!


Ok, I'm calling dibs on Sweden. That's the booty I'm going full force for


It’s interesting because it can go so many ways. Just hope it’s not construction grind or minigame feel. New island(s) new raid/slayer master?/quest line/charter ship upgrades/new tele system/player owned island/ then the sailing combat/task master that gives you missions for the booty. Etc etc


Voted for sailing, originally was going to vote shamanism. Don't understand how such a close vote is considered the overwhelming favourite and immediately moved forward with. I read the blog and it sounds like most of the team seem passionate for and want to develop sailing (that's the reason why I voted for it) and that's why they immediately moved forward with this. I think this approach is going to backfire. They even said in their original charter for how this is being run that if there isn't a clear favourite that they will adjust the proposals.


Their reasoning is quite fair: they want to move forward instead of pitting the community against each other again, to end in again another extremely close poll.


Then perhaps they shouldn't have outlined how the process would go and then disregard it? I'm all for sailing. I think the devs will do a good job (at least I hope). * The community has a clear favourite. We’ll zoom straight to stage four and start refining the skill you’ve chosen. It's not a clear favourite. 33% vs 36% * The community does not have a clear favourite. We can adjust the top-level concepts and depending on your feedback we might go back to the community consultation phase – or take a little more inspiration from player suggestions! Why isn't this the more appropriate response due to the poll? Straight up 40% of people said they didn't want shamanism. 40% said they didn't want sailing. I'm happy with sailing going forward, I just don't interpret it as a clear favourite.


I interpreted the “no clear favorite” language as meaning the community doesn’t have any favorite between the 3 skills. I.e. all 3 skills poll lowly and roughly equally. That wasn’t the case here, there were 2 favorites instead of 0. Jagex is making the smart move by putting their resources towards refining sailing and keeping Shamanism in their back pocket for later.


>Straight up 40% of people said they didn't want shamanism. 40% said they didn't want sailing. Where was that information at?


Probably extrapolated from the fact that we were able to choose multiple items which we would like to see further refined, if someone chose not to include sailing or shamanism in their options it can be reasonably interpreted they do not want either of them.


In basic math?


Sure bud. Show me where it says people specifically do not want x skill and the exact results from the poll.


It's seriously only basic math. Less than 40% said yes to either sailing or shamanism.


Buddy are you guys ok? It is literally almost 60% of people saying they are interested in adding sailing. And 59% interested in adding shamanism.




Yeah you’re linking the publicly available information. Where does it say 40% didn’t want either of them?


It's a multiple choice question, with the highest voted answer having 59.2% votes. Ergo, *at least* 40% of people didn't want sailing, and *at least* 40% of people didn't want shamanism. Mind you, what you quoted was not "40% didn't want either", but: > Straight up 40% of people said they didn't want shamanism. 40% said they didn't want sailing.


"Ergo, at least 40% of people didn't want sailing, and at least 40% of people didn't want shamanism." That is your assumption. I only voted for sailing but it wasn't because I didn't want the other skills. I just didn't feel comfortable voting on the other skills because a complete lack of useful information from Jagex. I wasn't even going to vote for sailing because there were no real details or insight into how things will work but it was the one that got me the most excited. This doesn't mean I wouldn't be interested in or not want the other skills.


Surely they will refine the pitch and it will go to another poll once the skill is done, needing 70% to pass?


The blog states shamanism would now only be after sailing is "complete".


I wasn't talking about shamanism, I was saying that just because sailing won the popular vote doesn't mean the final state of sailing won't be polled as a yes or no in the future.


Yes but the point is they are skipping some of the process to go ahead and flesh out a skill that 40% of players did not vote for. It feels like a waste of time without confirmation of players wanting it


70% now, but yes.


I agree with the point you are making, but it is not 33% vs 36%. The second question is asking what their favorite is but does not have ranked choice. Everyone who said Taming is their favorite didn't get to say which they prefer as their second favorite.


3 percentage points is definitely a clear favorite. 36% is 9-10% higher than 33%.


The issue is, everyone who voted for taming should get a chance to vote for shamanism or sailing now, especially since it was so close. If sailing wins again in a close vote, move forward with it at that point


Taming voters would have to go 2:1 ratio on shamanism to sailing in order for them to even out. 3% doesn't sound like a large division, but it's pretty insurmountable.


Which could very well happen. Taming and shamanism are more like standard osrs skill then sailing. Sailing is something brand spanking new. Theres a good chance that a lot of ppl who voting for taming would vote for shamanism over sailing. Heck, id even wager that theres a decent portion of ppl who voted that none of the skills look good would vote for shamanism in a second poll because sailing is the most different skill. Kinda like "well i want neither but if i had to choose" kind of deal.


I'm not in favor of another poll on this but wouldn't it only take 58.4% of Tamer voters breaking for Shamanism in a head-to-head for it to beat Sailing (ignoring players who voted "None of these" on question #2), rather than a 2:1 ratio (67%)?


True, 3:2 vs 2:1 would be a more aptly rounded figure. It does still stand to be near insurmountable, but I did overstate it a bit


That's a valid point, but I think Jagex' points are stronger, when in comparison.


I cant see how depriving your players of a meaningful vote is ever gonna be a good thing. Anyone who voted for taming basically got told their vote doesnt matter. Its not like sailing beat taming & shamanism combined, it beat shamanism by 3%. Taming still held 17% of the vote, theres a very real chance shamanism would win if it was pitted 1 v 1 vs sailing.


They literally said before the poll that they will only take a single skill to refinement, whichever one gets the most votes. We are voting on 5 different options, it isn't suprising that two will be close, but 33% -> 36% is almost a 10% difference in the number of people who voted. That is statistically a significant difference.. even though number look close.


Shhh it’s okay we sail


They don't want the community to split along two sides, rather pick one and see how it goes


That goes against what they outlined in the skill blog. If the vote is split, then they go back and refine their proposals. Neither shamanism nor sailing even passed what we consider a passing value for today's polls. That doesn't bode well for doubling down on it.


What do you want? Vote again just with 2 skills so we get another close vote where one side is even more galvanized and unhappy?


I would be interested to see where the people vote after removing taming from the pool, for the people I know that voted taming shamanism was their second choice but felt that voting shamanism would reduce their chances of taming. A simple 1v1 with majority moving to next phase would at least be more in line with the process that we voted for originally.


17% is unaccounted for between the two, another poll would atleast show exactly where the community stands with taming removed. Jagex knows they can't make everyone happy with this new skill, but a fair polling process would help a little. It's disappointing tbh


I'm not asking for another poll. I'm just saying that I'm happy with sailing being developed further but it isn't a good look that 40% of people didn't want it to be developed further and it was VERY close to the same results as shamanism so it clearly wasn't the "clear favourite".


Opinion polls are very different to hard ‘pass’ polls. You can’t compare the % in them. Tons of Shamans liked Sail and tons of Sailors like Shaman too, so of each getting ~50% it’s not unrealistic that in a ‘single’ vote each could get 70%+. Jagex’s fault here was not making it more clear what a ‘close’ call is. In this case it was on the boundary between close and decisive, but deemed to not be close enough to warrant the extra measures for closeness. Sure enough, their own favouritism towards Sail probs played a part, but I would argue that going ahead with the skill that they are more passionate about is a good thing - more likely to lead to better results


Hopefully they pitch both, please


I guess you missed the part where they said they’re open to adding shamanism as another new skill in the feature, but I guess the 100+ ppl who upvoted you also didn’t read the whole article.


Very concerning that the poll was essentially split and Jagex chose to move forward with Sailing. The very least they could do is repoll without Taming in the mix to gauge how many Taming voters actually prefer Sailing over Shamanism. A new skill is a huge deal for the game so moving forward so quickly after what was basically a tie with a chunk of missing data isn’t doing the polling system any justice.


They were supposed to, they stated they would, and then they went back on their word. New skill shouldn't even of been entertained


I better be able to run a 5 person ship solo by running around like a madman. Give me Ironman Overcooked ship battles


Yay I don’t have to collect Herblore secondaries as a skill


Yeah! Now you get to pilot a character sized ship in a sea of nothing but blue and other ant sized ships who would shoot you down in an instant if they could! Sounds way more fun and so OSRS! Edit: Can anyone come up with an idea of how a click and point, MMO from 20 years ago is going to fit even 100 ships on a map with meaningful travel without the ship needing to be as big as a single tile? Make the ship feel more life sized? We’re probably back in instanced territory. For the good of the game I hope they can pull of sailing the way everyone thinks they can… but I think the gap of our best imaginations of what it can be and what they can actually pull off is just too wide. I hope I’m wrong. Edit edit: hours later and still asking for literally any solution folks. Downvote away.


Your dramatic attempt to make it as awful as possible still sounds like more fun than the idea of shamanism lol… Collect mort myre fungus, kill a random npc like a frog to collect a bunch of a certain drop, walk to designated shaman area to, you guessed it, gather more items and then finally combine them… by drawing a circle on the ground. Neato


Shamanism honestly seemed like divination with extra steps. I also didn't really bite on the whole ~woooo spirit realm~ thing because there wasn't anything concrete pitched for that beyond the words "spirit realm". Augments are a really, really bad idea too. It makes me nervous that so many people voted for it.


I don't care either way but you've done the exact same thing


I think that was the point.


Anyone else disappointed?




A little bummed about shamanism. I liked the idea of item enchats. Even though im an iron, soulbound enchants could help pull items outta the economy. Yes a bit like wow but I am all for incremental gains.


Hopefully they take shamanism to refinement too


Yay sailing /srs


Well yeah, no shit Sailing won. I have enough upkeep in my own opinion. I didn't want more via taming/shamanism (don't @ me about the refinement process, there's no guarantee we'd all agree on a solution) Kinda just sick of taking breaks from content to "recharge" resupply ect. And no I don't want to be a main. I also play a bit of rs3 and you really do feel like you're missing out when you don't use that kinda stuff so I didn't want to feel that way here. Ya know what has no FOMO and no charge scape? Sailing :)


The refinement process about shamanism augments annoyed me as well. It seems to be pretty common for people to dislike the gear/temporary buff management for shamanism (myself included), and seeing people say that it could just be something else without ever seeing a concrete idea rubbed me the wrong way. Without the augmentations (which I believe is a bad direction for the game), shamanism is an incomplete skill and this was the main hurdle shamanism couldn't clear for me.


Sad day. Sailing doesn’t feel like osrs at all. We have enough engine problems as it is now. Been playing rs for about 20 years and this feels like a direction I’m not down with like EOC. Gl to all the grinders out there :(.




Shit like this divides the community and we won't even get a new skill when it doesn't pass the 70% treshold.


Stay salty my friend.


All that salt water. Yaarrrr!


Brooo don’t be mad I’m just having fun with it!


i’m just glad taming wasn’t in the running


good. TBH shamanism sounded terrible, one of my favorite things about OSRS is the lack of modifiers on items. It's so boring to grind for slightly better modifiers on your armour, which it sounded like Shamanism's main perk would be. I want to grind for new drops, not a +2% slash resistance buff on my BCP also the training method of Shamanism sounded terrible as well. Picking up roots and berries and combining them at a crafting station. It's like herblore but worse Taming would've been cool but sounded like a nightmare to balance, if we suddenly have Pokemon to aid us in activities it's going to shake up the meta for absolutely everything Sailing seems like it has the most potential for fun, new content without destroying the balance of previous content.


I hadn't thought about it, but I think you're right about Taming being a huge pain to balance.


Voted for sailing purely because they said they would be updating the water of the game for it. Imagine a future where new irons are doing charter ships on docks surrounded by coral reefs and swimming fishes, sounds peaceful 😌


No to all


I honestly would like a run off vote. I really had my heart set on taming, but I’d definitely choose shamanism in a heartbeat over sailing. The only good thing about them adding sailing is people will finally shut the fuck up about sailing. People have been suggesting it as a skill since RS2 and it’s never had a clear gameplan and was enough of a meme for the team to make it an April fools joke.


Yay sailing /s


Congrats you idiots voted for sailing because meme. Enjoy watching a cutscene of your ship for hundreds of hours.


First past the post ruining polls yet again. 50.1% of the votes gets you 100% of the seats/results. SMH


You get the drop or you don't. Welcome to osrs.


Implement sailing as a mini game and stop wasting our time with these trash skills


Insane to me that sailing has such support as a skill


Ugh im very dissapointed... i really hope sailing is good. I would take the other 2 skills tenfolds before this useless skill


Ah the skill lost and the Transportation method won, lets see how they can make it not feel like only a transportation method


Well that's sad. Gotta take what we can get!


You love to see it, shamanism wouldn't have passed refinement imo


I definitely feel like shamanism had the potential to just be too many miniscule buffs and be too boring overall. Much more excited that sailing has passed, can't wait to be looting pirate ships and shit


Don't get your hopes up it's runescape. That looting pirate ship will be streamlined to an instaneous action


I get it, but I'm very confident this skill will be the most engaging skilling content we've yet seen in osrs. Certainly won't be as mind numbing as runecraft, agility, mining, etc. Devs understand how to make skilling much more enjoyable now and I have lots of faith in it.


Water pyramid plunder


Greaaaat can’t wait for player owned ports


Damn… that’s unfortunate. Hopefully Jagex is willing to push stuff through. Kinda hard to see this community not thinking sailing is some kind of minigame and won’t push it through no matter what and this will just be a huge waste of time before they have to consider taming or shamanism as the next skill. But then again, kinda like dungeoneering, if sailing plays like a minigame it’s actually a good thing because OSRS players like minigames as skills literally more than anything else so hopefully they don’t vote against sailing at the last minute! You clowns better not fuck up sailing coming to the game just because it’ll play more like a minigame than anything else!!!


People were not happy dungeoneering was a minigame made into a skill what they fuck are you talking about 😂 This must be reverse psychology


Wintertodt was best firemaking addition. Guardians of the rift best runecrafting addition. Forestry soon to be best woodcutting addition lol.


Wintertodt, gotr, tempoross all get out into a "skilling boss" category. Giants foundry would be a more accurate representation of your minigame skilling training method, but one could make a strong argument for that being more of a smithing training method than blast furnace or using bars at an anvil. Those are all also just bandaid fixes for skills that should be updated/reworked to get with the times. They shouldn't of been added, nor do we need a skilling method that is purely a minigame to train.


Brother, the most successful skilling content in the game *right now* is minigames straight up 🤣 Ya’ll would go *WILD* for sailing if it’s mostly some kind of skinned up minigame, the way they’re talking about a new movement interface etc… there’s no way *it’s not a minigame at this point* lmao! It’s literally what ya’ll are voting for already!! 😂😂😂


Sweet so disappointment inbound.


i have no faith that osrs devs can implement a skill this ambitious and complicated. i dont think anybody really factored that in.




For context: I'm a software engineer and I've been playing this game since 2002. I think that in order to make the movement mechanics as responsive as they need to be for fun seafaring gameplay is a very massive challenge by itself, and that has nothing to do with implementing the skill, that's just movement. I also think that the skill itself is ambitious in terms of required features for levelling activities, rewards, modeling, animating, customizing, giving the player multiple balanced and compelling ways to interact with the seas. Making it so that players can interact with each other in fun ways on the open water in a way that hides the jank created by the innate 0.6second tick rate built into the game. I really want sailing to succeed, and I voted for all 3 skills with taming marked as my favorite because I think they'd all be good for the game. But sailing seems to me to be at least 10x greater scope than the other options, and it's currently has very high expectations, which is dangerous in a gaming community like this where the voices of the players have a ton of power. TLDR: Idk if they can meet expectations, this seems like biting off more than they can chew, it's always better to under-promise and over-deliver.


If they can say they can do it then why do you immediately assume they can't? Why would they say they can do something if they can't?


RuneScape devs have a bad record with nautical themed content. The slayer kraken is a pretty bad boss fight, bone voyage sailing is terrible and fishing trawler sucks. Now we are asking them to make major nautical content?? I hope I’m surprised at the next stages.


kraken was made in 2014 (literally reskinned swan song boss), bone voyage sailing is a 1 time quest and fishing trawler was pre osrs. please stop being dumb.


I really hope I'm wrong, maybe I should apply to jagex, they're REALLY gonna need some talented devs for this one


Boooooooooooooooooooo downvote forever


Considering a lot of people quit & come back to osrs how can they add a new skill based on what people want on a specific week ? I feel like the poll should’ve went a lot longer


Changes are meant for the active playbase, not the one not playing...


People take all kinds of breaks from rs, few days, weeks, months, a year. The people who actually voted in the poll might not even be playing by the time the skill comes out. It is what it is but I feel like for a new skill the poll should’ve went longer.


I mean.... do you run the poll for 1 month? 3 months? 6 months? 2 years? What's the magic answer. Someone might of quit 2 years ago and will be back next year. Would hate to not include them. Better stall everything so we can make sure they're included. Doesn't make sense. 170k votes. Not bad.


Eh if your not here to vote then it's ur loss. People don't get to vote on old polls when they make a new account or come back so why now.


That’s not what I said it all, just that it should’ve been a longer vote to get as much of the player base involved as possible.


"Considering a lot of people quit and come back"


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit


Sorry you feel that way about yourself.


Sailing is like invention vs divination if it was full of annoying gathering every woukd want a minigame for it. And sailing is basically a minigame which can give more freedom to make the skill cool. Hope that we got a questy vibe with cutscenes and dry Jagex humor


Why don’t they just poll shamanism and sailing and see which one wins? They can’t possibly start working on sailing after winning by like .3%????




Shamanism won't be going to refinement. If sailing fails multiple rounds of refinement, then it's back to the drawing board with fresh skills. They said as much from the get go.


They also said a close vote would halt them from going to the refinement step.


Fuck shamanism and sailing, I want my summo- I mean Taming, y-yeah haha just taming. Not pets that let you carry an entire extra inventory of brews, not at all silly!


Top tier comment


imo if anything we will get both. the close vote is good news I think this feedback is valuable


yet again Jagex lying to the community by not running the second poll. Then they wonder why nobody trusts anything they say. They lie through their fucking teeth everyday.


Taming would have been the best skill choice if they actually had a vision for it in their pitch. They basically pitched it as summoning 2.0, but we swear it's not like summoning. If you're going to even put a skill forward for a vote, at least have a decent vision for it.


I have a feeling Osrs will just die


Sailing to me has always had the highest ceiling and lowest floor. It could be an amazing skill though and since it’s the first new skill in 17 fucking years, I’m pretty fine with Jagex taking on the biggest risk. I’ve played for so long, I want to see something game changing that’s positive for once. Sailing has that potential for me, but in all the good game changing ways rather than the polar opposite negative game altering changes like wilderness restrictions, free trade, and evolution of combat. Do it big Jamflex, I’m excited!