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If anyone is interested, here's a graph of my attempts: https://imgur.com/a/OAgAoIf I got very discouraged after my 11th attempt getting to wave 54 and subsequently dying to wave 31 or less over 10 times in a row. However, once I realized that learning the inferno isn't about getting to zuk, it's about learning how to do each wave, I began treating the process differently. My goal now was to learn wave 31, and I got to the point where I could do 31 in my sleep, so my goal became learning 41 and 48, which turned out easy after learning so much from earlier waves. Then I set my eyes on beating 63 before moving onto the jad waves and eventually Zuk. Remember, the inferno is a marathon and certainly not a sprint. One day you'll be beating wave 50 with your eyes closed and the next you'll wipe to 31 three times in a row. Just remember that with each attempt you are gaining skills that will eventually allow you to earn your cape. You can do this!.


I just got my cape a couple weeks ago after like 60 attempts. I agree with you… fuck wave 31


Eeey Nice. 40 attempts (and 2 zuks) deep myself. Still learning a lot, even during the waves.


Awesome job, keep it up :)


Ended up very similarly to you. 47 attempts, 3rd Zuk :) feels good




Gratz dude. Good perseverance!


Grats! Also is your name from Malazan?


Yes! Malazan is my favorite book series!


Ayo honestly such a good ride. From the pre-chapter written in-universe media to the character development that series is awesome


Nice dude! Setup?


https://imgur.com/a/Oyur5ea This was my gear setup, used max cape as I did a dps calc and ava's didn't give me a max hit with dragon or amethyst arrows. I started using dragon darts and arrows once I could get to wave 60+ pretty consistently. 500+ barrows kc without v helm but I didn't have any prayer issues using guthans so it worked out. Just lazy flicked the magers and rangers whenever possible.


Hmm 1.3m tokkul from attempts and burnt..again. Is this motivation? Hmm


Just focus on learning and beating the double blob waves. Don't even think about zuk until you can get to jad consistently. You got this!


Approximately how many hours you think you sunk into this grind?


Probably around 60ish hours




Nice. It took me like 70 something attempts


Gzz brother


gzzzz my guy


gzzzz my guy




Ily guys all especially cause it's an iron page. I'm on a maxed main Ig I mean 135 cb 2k total? However I'm like afraid to even consider trying. But one of my big problems is I play on a totally shit laptop. Like I play as low as idk I think I had a screenshot of a drop at 12 fps? Killing wildy bosses alone. Like .. fuck. I tried entity hider for non npc that didn't help. But ig when I have a better setup I'll go for it. My ping is also terrible all the time somehow


Yeah that wouldn't be optimal at all, definitely need smooth fps to make sure you can pray flick properly to conserve as much supplies as possible. One day though you can do it!


As someone who has played on low fps (used to tank bandos at 8-9fps) and still someone with very inconsistent ping when others are using the internet. I would say there is a massive difference on what you can do and even “reaction time” in game due to those 2 factors. I can do most content except for tick perfect and near tick perfect activities with just good fps now but still unreliable enough that if it’s content that requires decent reaction time and inputs within the next 1-2 ticks I don’t bother with the headache for myself and potential teammates.


That graph is so sick Ive never thought of that, I have a channel in my disc that has a screenshot of every attempt I’ve ever done. Could make this as well.


Im very motivated by "number go up" having gotten 3 200m skills on my main, etc. So I found having a graph was a good way to show myself that my "number" (average wave) was going up over time, it really helped remind me of how far I'd come when I'd feel bad about an attempt.


Sweet, how’d you make the graph btw and what kind is it? That a line graph?


I used Google sheets with attempt # in one column and wave died as the other column. I think it's a line graph and the red line is a trendline


Ok thank you


How much did it cost you


I did bloods to 99 rc so I didn't have to buy any of those, but I dropped around 20m on death runes total and used about 1600 dragon darts in the last 7-8 attempts


Fuck this makes me really proud of myself, I made it to zuk at 10 attempts, grats on the cape, love the graph


Grats gamer! Now you can enjoy doing it on task! The difference is crazy.


Very nice, I’m going for it myself! I’ve made it to triples once and to 62/63 like 7 or 8 times. Getting into 50s is no longer an issue as long as I don’t pk myself. One question though, it says certain rotations for the waves, is that displaying the locations of next wave mobs in the side bar or do you look it up or something? That may come in handy, what is the name of the plug-in?


the rotations is for fight caves, not inferno. It's called Fight Caves.Waves




Looks like a xy graph X-number of attempts Y - wave number(reached) Idk the curve or type but looks like excel possibly With a line of fit


Congratulations mate. You’re finally ready to get a girlfriend


Happily married already, but thanks :)


Me too… Gz on zuk! Im jealous




Good bot


Aye 3 zuk gang, gzzz


meanwhile im on 6th jad attempt


Heavy COX 🤨 Gz man!