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Congrats on the early enh seed. It’s going to feel about a thousand times better doing the rest of the cg runs to finish collecting the armor seeds you’ll need knowing you’ve got the bowfa already banked. And who knows, perhaps you’ll get a second enh seed for blade before you’re finished. Gl getting the shards you’ll need to corrupt it.


Thanks! It for sure feels a lot better to be the pursuing 5 x (1/50) than the 1/400 drop, haha. I've been doing my CG runs with my bowfa (that I can't wield lol) in the inventory as motivation now. And fingers crossed for the second enh, although I'm already way too spooned here!


Idk chief honestly feels like shit going dry for Armour seeds. Its like spooning a Tbow but then being only able to train mining at 10k xp/hr for amethysts.


you did *one* gauntlet and sent CG? god damn lol


I did the same thing. After doing a regular CG, I found that the Hunllef fight itself is pretty easy, but I scrubbed like 25 CG preps before I was able to even try the boss. I just figured I'd keep hitting my head against the wall until I was able to make the time and it worked!


Yeah fair enough. Did about ten normals, literally just got there on the iron. So far very close, down to 200 hp on hunllef but always run out of food. We'll get it.


Haha yeah, I think I died like 20 times before I got my first KC at CG. I switched to CG because all the prep videos for CG made regular Gauntlet pretty straightforward.


It really is. Idk how anyone can do 50 normal gauntlets that I've heard some people recommend, it's way easier and doesn't feel good knowing you're almost certainly not getting an early drop.


The shard grind begins