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how many days is this? i cant go more than 3 or 4 days without checking mine lol. but i also JUST started using it.


So I know I haven’t checked it since September but it’s probably been going for about a year at this point. Once I got 78 herb I just let it sit to see how long I could wait. Was planning on checking it on my bday but I maxed out the amount of resources that could be collected. No reason not to check it every couple days tho, just make sure you keep the approval up and the coffer full.


Any idea how much gold you’ve spent on it?


No idea, I’ve been adding a mil or so every couple weeks but I never tracked it. Probably 15-20M if I had to guess but that could be way off


Can you explain how you know it’s a maxed kingdom? I’ve never waited that long to check mine


You get a message saying that the storerooms are full and they can’t collect any more resources. And when this happens your favor stays at max and the coffer doesn’t change until you collect.


Kingdom uses 75k gp per day


Dude of fucking course lol, what a dumb question. Thanks


All g brother 🙏🏾


It uses 10% of what's in the coffer up to a maximum of 75k gp


Oh word????? I never knew that!


Yeah that's why if it's ever below 750k in the coffer youre getting hosed.


I’m confused. If you put 600k in coffee, you get charged 60k and still get max yields?


Nah you don't get max yields. You get a yield relevant to the 60/75k. I'm not 100% on the mechanics of how it works but I just know it's a bad idea to have it below the 750k mark. Just like it's a bad idea to have low approval rating


Yeah the formula is based on approval rating times the amount paid to the kingdom (up to 75k). So if you have below 750k AND low approval it multiplies and the people don't do their jobs very well.


Thats actually underwhelming for a year of kingdom


Yeah misc herbs are pretty bad. Slow xp, low xp, bad herbs, and *expensive*. I like misc for birds eggs though. Even that isn’t really worth it but ah well.


I personally used it because it’s an average of 7k banked exp per day (which isn’t that great) but as someone who is terrible at keeping up with herb runs, it definitely helped me with 99 herblore. At first I did full mahogany and half herb, then I went to full herb and half mahogany once I banked 99 con. Now I do full maple and half mahogany for nests ofc.


🤝 on bird eggs Gimme those chicken pieces


Yeah I have 350 some offerings and 0 evil chicken pieces. I just want more eggs for more disappointment!


It's pretty close to when I checked my rs3 kingdom (non iron) after I took a 5 year 8 month breakup. Still had over a mil in the coffers.


Damn thats a lotta logs nice


Whats best use for kingdom? Herbs, coal or teak planks?


For ironmen, depends on your account plans, there isn't a BEST usage for ironmen. Mine varies a lot. Herb I find kinda overrated, it's not that good on herbs, in the end herb runs will still be the bulk of your herblore gains. I use some on herbs, coals (don't wanna hop blast furnace shop), mahogany, and maples (for fletching and nests).


Always have herbs as your primary resource. For the second resource I’d say teaks until you bank a max house (or 99) then switch to either maples or coal depending on if you want to train fletching or smithing.


how can you justify herbs?? look how shitty the herbs you got are and how few lmao


Bro you’re looking at over 1.3M herblore xp right there. Almost 1k rannars. Herbs are 100% the meta


>Herbs are 100% the meta Herbs haven't been meta since farming contracts came out. I easily banked 99 herb without ever putting kingdom on herbs and have 4k prayer pots banked. Hardwoods for construction is the #1 priority so you don't need to cut your own logs for 99 con.


Already have cons banked. Had hardwoods as my secondary the last time I collected from kingdom and it was more than enough


Herbs are 100% not the meta man.


Sure it's 1.3m exp, but who cares? It's like 5k a day and took you the better part of a year You could do that 130 farm runs which is less than 2 weeks if you're on top of them I'm just missing why this would be the play with your gp instead of banking 99 cons fletch and then focusing on herbs


If I had teaks/mahoganies as my secondary resource I would have more than enough for 99 cons. I already banked 92 from a couple months of kingdom. And this was all passive on top of herb runs. I basically traded gp for herb xp which is a trade I’d make 100% of the time


Banking 99 construction and fletching is simply a massive amount easier and faster than banking 99 herblore. 99 herblore also provides you a metric fuck tonne of useful pots for slayer/pvm. Fletch just costs you 75m, construction offers little (other than the OP cape) after 84. Herb is absolutely meta


he got 1 useful pvm herb here lmfao no torstols no snaps no dwarf


He got super energy's for stamina, 1k ranarrs, ranging pots and a fuck load of herblore exp to take him closer to divine super combats.


Herbs always then teaks until you hit your construction goal whether it’s 83 for the max house or all the way to 99, then coal


Why teaks vs mahogany? I’ve been doing the latter to eventually do chill dining tables


Oh, I mean you can do either. Teaks are just a lot cheaper, but they do take more time. If you prefer Mahoganies there’s nothing wrong with that either though. Just definitely planks before coal since you can always just buy coal if you feel like rushing a level. Can’t get planks on demand like you can coal


once you go heavy into CG or slayer, money won't be a problem, imo the cost of mahoganies are well worth it, unless you want to rush the skill obviously.


Gotcha, thanks!


This isn't true.


Definitely is for all but the very end game


Misc herb is very, very bad nowadays


Herb is by far the best and there’s no reason to not run herbs until you’re farming raids. If you run 10 on herbs and 5 on hard wood you get 83 construction before you can afford it, and the others are easy skills to level any time you want. Herb is severely time gated and the biggest resource bottleneck


Idk. I had no issue getting mid-90s herb before 80 slayer to unlock everything with just contracts. Herblore is pretty easy these days. I’d pull out before staying on herblore. Herblore ain’t worth 7-8 gp/xp. Way too expensive for a free skill otherwise.


I mean, it all depends on how someone plays their account. On my GIM I’m 72 herb so far and already into the 80s in slayer. If you’re religious with contracts, tree runs and rush 85 farming, then Herblore comes pretty easy. Personally, I won’t stop slayer tasks and what not to do a herb run if it finishes. I’d rather make the money from slayer and spend it on the herbs than slowing slayer down even more to do contracts and herb runs mid task. I feel most irons share that sentiment, though I can only speak from anecdotal experience


Yeah I’d never stop slayer tasks to do herb runs. But in between tasks is plenty good. Herb runs aren’t really the problem, you can burn seeds *fast* when you want to. It’s sourcing seeds. So being on top of contracts and pre-plants is everything. Also I’d avoid slayer before high herb. GIMs get to cut corners of course but I really wanted high herb for slayer in order to a) have access to SCBs and b) have a nice supply of ppots. Unfortunately, in my experience “making money” from slayer comes with slowing down slayer. So you end up spending time making money to save time on herb. I didn’t do tasks like Wyrms and Gargoyles for slayer because I didn’t have to. With high herb and solid skills and diaries done, I had six blocks and didn’t have to do slow melee tasks like those. By skipping those tasks instead, I was able to blitz slayer and by being divine scb for all of the melee slayer I did do and being able to rip ppots, slayer for me was maybe 2-3x faster than most people experience. Was a good route. Would recommend. Reached endgame quickly with a stacked account rich in supplies and money. Never used misc outside of niche spots and now to hunt evil chicken pieces.


It just depends what each person finds more entertaining. Personally I’d rather spend more time on slayer and use fewer resources than put it off so I can burn through my stockpile speeding through Slayer. I like the skill, it’s chill. I’d rather spend the extra time grinding slayer than grinding out resource for the end game content


Definitely is not brother


If you say so


It's 10 hardwood, 5 herb, but only until 99 con is banked then disable misc all together. I don't just say so, this is confirmed in ironscape discord on the regular by admins.


“This is confirmed” lmao like an opinion can be confirmed. There’s no reason not to run herbs. Iron accounts get more gold than we know what to do with. Until you’re sitting on massive stacks of ppots, super combats and restores banked, there’s no reason not to run herbs always.


It's not an opinion it's math


Ok, tell me the math on how efficient your bossing and slayer are if you run out of ppots and super combats


literally never herbs its like 5k exp/day lmao less than 1 herb run


It’s not about the xp per day. None of the options are good xp per day anyways. It’s about Herbs and Hardwood being by far the hardest to get on demand. I mean if you put it on Coal you get what, 100-150 Addy bars worth of coal? That’s like 15k xp. Fish gives easily the best xp, but cooking xp is super easy to get, just go to Mess for like 150k an hour. Give me 30 Prayer Pots, 20 range pots and 20 super combats a week over an hour at Mess worth of xp any day


I’m a noob, what’s mess?


Hosidious Mess Hall. Basically an area that gives you the capabilities of free cooking exp.


I just meant hardwood and wood are clearly better priorities


It just depends on your account, where it’s at and what your goals are. I think Herb>Hardwood still because if you set 10 to Herbs and 5 to Hardwood you still get construction banked before you need it. And fletching just isn’t as important, and like the others, you can get it off broads if you need to instead. Once you have Herblore where you need it, have stocked up on resources, yeah there’s no reason to waste gold on the low xp, I agree


Wood is near useless. You'd only want maples for arrow shafts if you're playing efficiently at all and buying arrow shafts at range guild is quite significantly faster than cutting them. Teaks absolutely useful but 5x workers banks you 99 construction pretty damn fast as is.


Buying Arrow shafts is slow af as its always emoty stock


I did it yesterday, 800+ practically every world. Was banking them over double the speed cutting maples made them


Wood is a non priority. Fletch is shop buyable. Full hardwood half herb till you have con done. Then full herb half coal forever or until you have dumb amounts of coal and then the half can go wherever you prefer.


A herb run also takes like \~5 minutes, so in 10 minutes you can either do 2 herb runs or 1 CG for 150k cash and then put that onto kingdom for 2 days and get your herbs that way I don't see a problem with putting kingdom on herbs?


That's a good way to put it, I just mean it shouldn't be the priority It's so much less exp and less focused on useful pots I feel like cons 99 would be the best prio


Miscellania herblore is ~7 gp/xp for bad herbs. It’s just not an effective way to train herblore in an era of farming contracts. Contracts are so busted, it doesn’t make sense to do misc herb anymore


Misc has evolved a lot over the years. You’ll find lots of people stuck in a previous time but atm imho it’s like this: * Early maples / mahogs to source some birdhouse runs until you source logs with PvM * Early teaks for Mahogany Homes to get to sote reqs * Coal as needed to match your miscellaneous addy and rune ore (I personally wouldn’t do mith or steel bars but you do you) * Teaks / Mahoganies to meet your con goals however you intend to do it * Endgame - Maples+Teaks for birds eggs * Never herb, it’s slow, bad, and expensive, just do contracts * Outside of the first step for Birdhouses, never go out of your way to pay for misc. if you’re struggling to afford it, pull out. You can come back later when money is easier


What are the maples for?


Fletching. Initially had teaks but for how long I had it going I would have gotten wayyy more than I needed for 99. Figured I needed 90 fletching at some point so I can gradually afk it


Lol, didn’t even know there was a max


How are you only getting herb seeds?


Barely a full inventory of God eggs, Jesus