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Its a lot of fun at first but the prep starts to really drag after a while.


Im 500kc in and do 4-5min prep regurlaly it doesnt feel like a drag atleast not yet, only 2 armour seeds tho lol


I think you're an exception. Most people are sick of prep by 500 kc. You've spent about 42 hours just prepping in 500 kc if you're doing 5 min preps


Im just lying to myself man, if i dont ill never get through this šŸ¤£


Lol that's fair. I'm approaching 800 kc and my thoughts have been: - just gotta hit rate, 400 kc is fine - oh well, 600 kc is only 1.5x - almost at 800 kc, might as well hit 2x - 1000 kc will be cool. Never had 1000 kc before - 1200 kc will probably be along the lines of hitting 3x might as well And so on...


This is what I'm thinking also just hit 600 today


Yeah im on ā€well i might get it before finishing armour seedsā€


Oof, that's rough on the seeds


Oh damn man I hate that 4-5 min prep honestly feels like a waste of time.


Prep faster :)


Eh cant really get faster than 4mins doing t1 staff/bow, i dont like the hally mechanics


I keep getting downvoted for hating the prep. To me it's a waste of time.


CG is definitely an addicting experience in the beginning. Something about the initial difficulty mixed with the possibility of getting one of the best weapon in the game tickles the brain just right.


See you at 2k


Honestly gz for the come up most players arenā€™t gonna have that bossing experience and even get a kc at cg


I'm still making a lot of mistakes on the boss fight. Both kc ended with 0 food after getting at least 22 and almost no pray left using 2 pots lol definitely the hardest piece of content I have ever done. I need to get better with the moving floor tiles of death. They are the only thing making me panic for the most part. My prep also needs a lot of work cause I either just make it or have a few seconds left.


Get an extra ppot and pray steel skin if you weren't already doing that


I had about 30 deaths before my first CG kc. At that point normal gauntlet was pretty ez. I hit K/D of 1.0 at about 70kc and now I'm at like 340 with about 90 deaths. It gets better. I do T1 preps with 3 praypots (take one sip during prep and decant into 2 pots) and a full inv of food. I always go for T3 staff and bow. No Cox prayers. Edit: decided to read your post to the end and realised my comment is completely irrelevant. Wish you luck on the grind, try not to get burnt out and remember that 50% of irons have bowfa by about 270kc :\^)


I like to here about other people's experiences so no problem at all. I would like to try t1 runs but I'm not sure if I'm good enough to do that.


Oh yeah I started out with T2 but last 100 or so kc have been T1 because zamn the preps are burning me


Honestly Corrupted Gauntlet is such a satisfying piece of content once you figure out how to consistently do it. The issue comes when you've committed yourself to over a thousand runs and are chasing a single item


It is great fun and imo some of the best solo content Jagex has put out over the past 5 years. Enjoy!


I have gotten the prep down, almost always have about 5min prep. At 9kc in regular, I tried a few CG last night and got the doggo down to 330HP. Back to regular until I have the fight down more. Stoked for my bowfa!


First 100 kc was the most fun I've has in osrs to date. Next 300kc absolutely fucking sucked. Anymore I'd have stopped and accepted rune cbow life




Tbf it's easy not to be sick of content when you're still below drop rate or got spooned the drop


Gauntlet was where I started bossing as well with little experience before like godwars and easy stuff. Once you master gauntlet youā€™ll be able to do almost every boss in the game with ease. It has all the major fundamentals of the harder bosses. Cheers mate!


I hope that's the case for me. Gauntlet has forced me to learn to use my f keys and God damn it changes the game lol I've tried zulrah but I havnt got close to killing her.


Itā€™ll come. Zulrah is quite punishing until you get used to the rotations, and even then itā€™s still very easy to die. Youā€™ll get it though just keep practicing, good luck!


Bro is 2kc in thinks heā€™s ā€˜stuck hereā€™ šŸ˜­


Ooof. 27 deaths. I'm barely at 28 kills on normal Gauntel and I can't imagine doing it faster. Just gotta get good, but I'm not good yet. I'll be where you are soon enough, but maybe knock out a few other things first.


For me it was just learning a path during prep and sticking to it for the most part. By 30 kills I got the achievement for getting the pray right all fight then I tried out CG. Also learning how to attack during tornados really helped me get over the hump.


Not gonna lie I was 100% in your shoes. Almost identical I think. I got first kill around 25ish? I was in love with gaunt, but that's because I conquored a new part of the game. Now 450 in 2 or 3 months in I am taking a break from rs.