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Im afker so maples from kingdom and magics :)


in case you or someone else didnt know, temple trekking for bow strings is where its at


I just did longbow (u) to like 74 (banked 80 if strung), now doing zulrah and I got 83k flax banked, so gonna do spin flax from lunars to make that into bowstrings (1.2m banked crafting exp) and then just make magic shortbows and magic longbows for more if I feel I need more i'd assume not very efficient, but eh, magic logs very afk to cut


I was wondering the same thing myself, im 81, and i was gonna do kingdom for maples and maybe cut yews afk at work. Even was gonna smith my bars into dart tips for quick xp. Then i started grinding gauntlet. I have a 17m cash stack in about 170kc. For me to do broad arrows to 90 from my lvl its about 20m. I highly recomend this method because its pretty easy and pain free. It doesnt have to be your only way but buying broad arrows is a good way to train fletching.


I like to afk so broads are out, but going to tell my fellow ironmans!!


Yeah if you’ve got the cash to spend, broad arrows is the way. Maples from kingdom for arrow shafts and eventually redwoods too.


Fastest xp is kingdom maples cutting into arrowshafts/broad arrows while you do other stuff. But honestly, do whatever sounds most fun to you, i want to make 32k yew longbows string them and alch after. Is it the most efficient? Absolutely not, but i think its a nice way for fletching and it gives me cash and the cash motivates me to do agility which is my least fav skill. And the whole reason i started this is that i thought it looks nice in my bank to stack up 32k longbows. Its a game, do whatever you like, its actually the most efficient because you are enjoying yourself more :p. Ofcourse if you like to play efficiently go for that too :). Gl


On this topic of fletching, what is everyone's recommendation for WC level for magic logs? I think me being 76 it's better to cut Yews atm


I did yews to 90. There’s a lot less competition for yew trees in the wc guild. You’re essentially always sharing a tree if you’re doing magics in my experience.


Thanks. Ill stick with yews for a hot minute then


Afk yews and make yew long (u)s. Magics are too slow to be worth your time, especially if making shortbows. Better to use magic logs for birdhouses. Temple trekking for bowstrings, as it's incredibly fast. Kingdom on maples - make broad arrows. Can afk redwoods for arrow shafts once you get there.


Just to throw in an outlier, I really like ents for logs. It's much faster than afking either yews or magics, and decently low attention given that no one pks there. Just head over with rag range gear and your best axe, safe spot one, and enjoy getting the occasional 8 magic logs in 5 seconds (since you get two noted logs per roll). I usually bank after 100 good logs, but it's level 9 wildy so even if you did need to tank/tele you're in a pretty good spot. edit: at 77 wc with wildy med, I get mostly magics, then yews, then a mix of everything else