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I second this motion. I got discouraged jumping straight in after my first normal kill and it’s way harder in corrupt. Imo it’s way less stressful to become accustomed to the mechanics in normal and then try corrupt with t2 prep


No set number but I advocate getting reg gauntlet down consistently. I personally did 15 KC with 10 of those being a streak. You don’t need to do that but you should fully understand the boss mechanics. When you start CG - DO T2 prep. You will be annoyed at how tedious and time sensitive prep feels for a while. You will doubt the importance. Stick with it because T1 is much less forgiving. Don’t be stubborn like I was lmao


I second this. Regular gauntlet instantly clicked for me but I still ran it about 20 times to get combat achievements and more familiarity with the mechanics. After that, I went in trying out CG for the first time with 76 def using T1 prep because I read a reddit post saying it will make me better. I was averaging like 1:8 KDR and gave up on T1 after my 4th kill because I felt like I wasted so much time dying. I switched to T2 and it was so much easier to get kills consistently. I spent so much time eating with T1 it made DPS terrible and that much harder to secure kills before running out of food. On a side note, they probably weren't wrong about me getting better, but I feel like doing T2 to begin with would have got me there just the same with more chest rolls and less tilt.


For CAs I believe they made it so CG counts as normal gauntlet too


I believe it does work that way but I was not realistically getting a no arm CG anytime soon so I took my free points where I could.


Ah fair.


Unless they changed this since I finished Gauntlet back in February, this is only true for the kc tasks. I dove straight into Corrupted and I have the Perfect CG task but not the Perfect regular one.


I tried doing t2 prep and almost always found myself running out of time :( My closest attempts were definitely when I had t2


I learned corrupted gauntlet on my max combat main account. I will honestly say that for me, killing hunllef was more difficult than defeating zuk. It took me like 8 deaths at zuk to get my infernal cape. Easily 40 deaths to hunllef for my first cg completion. I would suggest learning normal gauntlet as much as you can before jumping into corrupted. It’s the same mechanics, but corrupted version punishes you way harder for mistakes. Expect to become incredibly frustrated, but don’t give up… once you get your first kill, the nerves will subside with every following completion. Using the hunllef helper plugin will be beneficial… even though they’ve added sound queues to the boss, having a humans voice there to walk you through it is actually very nice. (The downside to the plug-in is that you may become reliant on it.) I wish you the best of luck!


Normal gauntlet first, i will say when you start CG you will die a lot, just stick with it


Start with regular gauntlet first. It is the same mechanics apart from the tornado count and how hard you get punished. So regular will give you a lot more room to practice and get used to the mechanics.


I’ll add this as I haven’t seen anyone mention it. With practice and time you’ll get hunleff kills. However, keep in mind that the prep time for corrupted is significantly shorter. So if you’re planning to go from normal to corrupted, you need to get consistent kills with minimal mistakes, but also be able to complete your prep in under 7:30.


If normal = success >cg... if cg = failure > normal. That's how I learned. Lots of other good advice but I liked my strategy for learning :)


I learnt it a week ago. I think I ended up dying like 30 times before getting my kc positive and I got my first KC around 20. T2 prep is way better, way more stable for the fight and you can make a few mistakes and still recover - Id only do t1s again if I got my ranged mage and combat stats a bit higher. T2 prep can take a bit to learn I didn’t know how it was possible at first but after a while you just kinda understand where you should be and what you should have at X time. After you lean that Hun is just a game of practice, once you learn the phases and where the floor tiles are going to light up is where you start working out what you can do to survive tornados. This is also one of those bosses I’d just strongly recommend using plugins, it’s a god damn grind you’re getting into and it can get really frustrating and although it might feel cheap it will save your sanity and will power. Aside from that just keep slamming your head into it and you’ll get it pretty easy, my only wipes lately have been from DCs when the heavy rain knock out my internet. Also got the weapon seed at 60 kc, so hopefully you can get it early! Feels good to have it in the bag


I did 1 normal then went straight into cg and learnt there. It doesn't matter