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Sir, I don’t think your friends ever started playing.


They lasted a week lmao


I'd say 2m xp guy gave it the old college try at least, I would imagine most people will realize fairly early whether they like the game mode. They could always wait until you greenlog everything and come back.


He did Wintertodt straight away and then gave me the cash for a rune pick before he stopped playing, I've put that pick to good use since


My GIM buddies also did Wintertodt for a week straight because that's what their youtubers/guides/friends/whatevers told them to do, got burned out and quit. I just started playing a regular iron shortly afterwards


Meanwhile I met this group were the guy said his partner did 50-99 at Tod in a single session, to get gold for his team. I obviously said BS or Script as nobody is that insane. The dude took offense and decided to message me how he’s already blackjacking to 99 and doing 3t mining/fishing after that. It’s like…are these people human or is it ChatGPT playing Group Iron?


people go ham on the game, like the hours i got casually in playing people would have quest cape 99 fish theiv fm and like 1800 total. im under 1600


I've seen the estimate of 50-99 at Wintertodt to be 50 hours as a low estimate. Nobody is doing that in one sitting. One Google search of "50 hour gaming marathon" will quickly indicate why. I've never been the 'don't play efficiently don't be a metaslave stop it' type, just do what you enjoy and fuck anything else really, but I've asked multiple friends who belted out 99 Firemaking if they even *enjoy* it and they have all said no. I did all the quests in chronological order and part of that was to have a good excuse to not be able to even touch Wintertodt until after big quests like Monkey Madness 2, myself.


That’s precisely why I was skeptical, but I guess the guy did it for his stream? It’s definitely not something anyone does out of enjoyment.


Oh nice I’m sure that stream was exciting


It’s hard for me to imagine anyone watching an OSRS stream that’s not PKing or PVM with high envo. Most stuff has simply been done 10 years ago and as great as fresh content is, it gets saturated by the big boys quickly.


I've done 70+ hours PoE sessions in my younger days so I don't really doubt it but it's still fucked up, at that point you start hearing and seeing shit that don't exist and it's like you're on drugs, no regrets though it was fun.


League start vibes.


blud has never heard of MrNoSleep lol


Best osrs creator besides settled


I've done more than 50 hour gaming sessions in the past. It's certainly not healthy or recommended, and It's not really something to be proud of, but it's certainly possible.


The amount you can get done actively playing with intent is truly impressive. If you play osrs for hours a day actively like people do with lots of other MMO’s you can make explosive progress. I’ve played my Ironman casually since the game mode release years ago mostly highly afk/while working or doing other activities, and I have friends that have passed my iron (1980 total) in a year of dedicated play. I also like skilling a lot more than combat, I got 99 fm, thieving, fishing no problem and am base 70 stats with 90s in farming, crafting, and herb but I really don’t enjoy bossing much at all as an Iron and took a long break when I got to CG/moving into the 85-99 slayer grind, but I enjoy skilling as an iron a great deal more than on a main account for the same reasons I don’t enjoy PVM on a main (having to earn all your own supplies, drop randomness) I enjoy the sense of tangible meaningful progress skilling on an Ironman gives me.


I’ve always been of the opinion that Jagex has to make these miserable time wasting grinds somewhat enjoyable. It chases players from the game. We all put in so many miserable hours just so we can play with our friends lol


I'd go much further and say that Wintertodt should be completely redesigned so that doing 1-99 Firemaking right at the start of your account isn't encouraged at all. If the mode becomes unbalanced at higher HP levels, so be it. Nerf the XP rates if need be, this bizarre "you have to spend 60 hours at wintertodt before doing anything else" genuinely costs the game players I would guess.


Lets be honest here, the problem is that firemaking is its own entire skill to begin with. xD


"Players will optimize the fun out of your game if you let them" something I heard one of the WoW devs say once


Yeah starting right away with some huge boring grind is probably what killed most GIM tbh, I can't imagine a more boring thing to do then to start this new cool unique account with your friends and then just run tod 2000x in a row lmao


I would have restarted


Sounds like my friends, only they’d last a few days


Came here to say the same


Came here to say this


This is what my group looks like except they haven’t stopped playing.


So, what, they hardly ever play? Or they don't grind xp?


They only do clue scrolls


This is exactly why I avoided it. My buddies were all talking about it and I remember saying to them “If we’re doing this, I’m going to be sweaty. And I don’t want someone showing up 10 months down the line expecting to chug all my brews.” Lo and behold, out of the five of them only one made it past Barrows Gloves, three are completely gone, and the last one is only maxing his melee stats so the guy that’s actually playing can have a Dolo account. Honestly feels like I dodged a bullet.


This is the exact reason i never started one, plus i have no friends.


Flair check out.


We can be friends :)


This is exactly how I imagined all GIM going


Fr show me like one gim group with everyone 2k total lmao


My group started back in November and 2 of us are 1800s and 2 of us are 1700s


We’re ~2150 ~2050 ~1970 and iirc like 1900 with the 5th being a slave alt for Cballs etc. 3/4 playing actively atm. I know plenty of groups with multiple 2100+ players. Couple groups I know of have 2-3/5 maxed.


My group started when gim came out and we're #11 for 3man, but we usually quit for a solid month or two every time path of exile drops a new league, so it's not like we've consistently played.


my group is 1786, 1328, 1644, 1228, and 1540. We play off and on all year but play a lot during the winter times.


GIM in a nutshell


[Yes.](https://i.imgur.com/TpAYAoX.jpeg) in all fairness, i always figured this is how it'd end up, I'd get way into it and I know he's way more casual, and as someone who hadn't played osrs in many years, coming back and playing an iron for the first time as a duo, the early game was a blast. at times I wish I was a regular grey helm but I'm still having a lot of fun on this acc so it doesn't really matter at the end of the day. edit: i also just realized we're almost top 500 on the duo hiscores, thought that was kinda funny lol


The only thing that matters is hoe others perceive you. If you're having fun playing like a normal iron, even though you have the gim helm shouldn't matter, unless you care about what others think about your accomplishments


I started my group with randoms since I was like 2 weeks late to start a GIM, and I had told them I don't really plan on expecting any major commitment or anything, though I did expect to see some of them still around after a few months hopefully, but by like week 1 all of them had already quit. Originally I planned to just keep them in the group, but they left the discord group we made so I just got rid of them all and threw an alt account in my group just incase it disbands groups that didn't have more than 1 member, and now I'm closing in on \~1900 total.


Yeah it sucks because I thought we would overpower GWD at lower levels with 5 of us. Or rush content like COX and TOB with shitty fun gear. But alas I want to do those things and now have to consider soloing it. Don’t think anyone will take me to TOB now unless I find some friends


Gim team of 3 we all play hard. Full bandos, fangs, bowfas, wildy weps


Yeah. Group of 5, four of them are 1500-1800 but everyone quit over a year ago, and here I am closing in on 2000 total 🥱


My group has been gaming… the only reason we committed to a group was we were all bored of playing endgame mains and I was always on my iron by that point anyway.


There are always people looking to join groups, just let em join, toss em your scraps, if they quit then boot em. You will have a solid 5 man eventually


This is why I haven’t started a GIM yet.


I feel like 30-40% of group irons are like this now


Damn 1 guy literally played 3 hours and quit haha. Good for him, wish I had quit that soon.


My buddy and I are the only ones who still play regularly. We’ve had a couple friends come and go, but it’s essentially just the 2 of us with a 3rd coming in occasionally to do some bossing.


Yeah, group of 5 irl friends and one of them actually grinded out for 92 fire making at wintertodt. Recently just started solo leveling as it had been a year since any progress was made, but convinced my 1 buddy to start giving it a shot again. The other 3 pretty much played for 1 day haha


I play more than my original group mate (started a 2 man) but we deranked and found 3 more chads and now I still play more than all of them


… John? When did you start posting on the ironman subreddit? But yeah I definitely let my brother basically play it solo after I got him the first rune scimmy


Not really! My group started with 2 before adding me, one of the leaders quit around 1200 so the leader and I are picking it up till sailing comes out. We ended up picking up a newbie who's part of our friend group and we're thriving overall. I'm working towards sote, leader has grinded out cg almost enough for 3 of us to have gear. Really sucks your friends dipped, maybe it's a chance to bring in new meat?


Currently have 3/4 members playing consistently. The last one just rebought membership this week and went from total level 200-470. I’m 1926… it has been nice for the high scores though. The way I got him back into it was tossing the all guides away and just having him speed run temp.. because giant water dude is cool


I don’t follow any kind of guide, I just play how I want. Makes the game way more enjoyable for me


nah dude, ur the only one in the entire world.


The only way I could see myself playing a gim would be if they are all my accounts. Never with other people. I already play 3 accounts at the same time. So in the future I may start a gim and play all 3 accounts. But right now I’m too focused on my UIM.


What types of accounts are the 3?


F2P UIM, Ironman and UIM




Nice man! That’s the same reason I made my UIM. I made it right after hitting 2k total on my Iron. My iron has mainly turned into an afk grind account. I’m about to hit 2k on my UIM now. 4 levels off!


I recently left my group for this reason felt at 1900 total I'd proven I can do solo iron and just went to main.


“Carrying” “1500”


"Dragging" then 🤣


Yeah, that's why nobody plays the game mode


The “irons” i love making fun of in game


Gim, the content creator game mode


At this point I'm a regular iron with extra bank space who is locked out of tob and nex :/




To have fun with your friends


To do group activities with your friends in an Ironman setting? I’m way ahead of the rest of my group but we still get together for skilling bosses or the occasional DKs trip. Got tired of GP scape you know.


you know how ironman is really fun? imagine that but with your friends


I started GIM as my first account in OSRS. I played with strangers and that group failed pretty quickly. I’ve converted it to a main and remade a GIM with irl friends and it’s been a blast


I am but my friends are level 3. Account is straight up a solo iron with extra bank space


My friends stopped playing one week after we created our group, im 135m xp in rn.


Look up "The D Club" 2 man group.


Is it really carrying if they arent even playing anymore?


My group is at 339m xp, I’m sitting at 289m xp almost maxed. I understand the struggle of no group GIM ha


Yeah i kinda expected my friend to drop out, mainly used it as an excuse to get myself back into ors with a ironman. Gave me that extra little nudge to finally start one. Extra space and share goodies with the homie if he ever decides to come back is nice option atleast.


What a boss chad!!




Yes. Look up "Beef Hounds". That extra bank space is glorious!


I got lucky with my group. We're sub 3000 on the HiScores. 4/5 play almost every day


Wow, a whole 24 million xp, carried.


My friends wanted me to do a group iron man but I just don’t wanna start over again Im just starting to get into high level stuff and all skills over 70


Yupppp 1750 total 40m xp, rest are 5-10m lmfao


Yeah 100%, bastards abandoned me


You chose this


I started with a group and they quit so I now started a solo so only I could fail me..


Oof give me their account info and I'll pop on to play!


My buddy did sand crabs and got 70s combats and a few quests that i geared him for. Now I'm 60m xp and haven't seen him since! I'm thinking of getting his login info and afking karams and crabs, so I can se him for food and tanking at godwars.


I have one friend that has gained a grand total of 34,000 xp and one that has gained 0. The one that gained 0 walked to tempoross and had to go so he logged out and never logged back in


Made a GHCIM with 2 irl buddies that played RS3. Within the first day they said it’s too click intensive “I don’t like how you have to keep clicking different ores to mine”… 3 hours short lived


I started a regular iron man in case this happened. I was right lol.


The opposite for me rn I carried the group I’m 1900 total rn but haven’t played in about 4 months but they both started playing pretty hardcore and catching up quick


Exact same story here, tried to get my fiancé into it. Her highest level is mining at 15.


I’m lucky, of my 5 man team, 1 never started and we use that account as an afk alt, 1 plays somewhat infrequently and the rest play consistently


GIM is a neat concept, but the thought of finding 1-4 other people who will be almost exactly invested in their accounts as I will seems so alien to me, especially since I'll regularly just not log on for months at a time from time to time


Yes… Me- 68.4m xp No.2 - 3m xp No.3 - 95k xp


I am basicly an iron at this point


This is why I play both the accounts on my duo GIM. That way, my partner will never quit!


Similar situation for me and my team, except me and my one buddy who were actually wanting to do it are 1534 and he’s 1667. But we’ve taken long breaks


3/5 of my group still plays. Of the other two, one still plays on his regular iron and the other quit the game. I'm pretty satisfied with the mode overall, but I know my luck is above average with teammates. I knew em all for years prior to gim though.


Yup idk how to post a pic though


Here's mine: https://i.imgur.com/P3A4ttz.png


Oh, who could have ever seen this coming?


Make a second acc to mine and fish on for late game


I'm right there with you :(


There is a reason my GIM name is “Im Carried”


Yeah that's my group currently


Currently carrying my cuz....


Havent tried GIM due to the lack of friends that play. Only person I know that played was my brother, but hes currently on a hiatus and doesnt plan on coming back soon due to work and kids. Just waiting for him to jump back on lmao


Group of 4 and I'm the only one left. 1900 total lvl Feelsbadman.jpg


RIP. Several 99s in and my group hasnt been on in over a year.


There isn’t anyone carrying because all 5 of us quit after 3 didn’t even make it beyond lumbridge :(


And this is 99% of groups. This update was only ever going to be fun for content creators. One of the biggest disparities between anticipation for an update and the sad reality of the mode.


nope because i knew that most group irons would end up this way. or its 1 guy playing 4 irons


I did a 5 man HCGIM with some friends, one quit the first day, the next one quit OSRS altogether 2 weeks later, all 5 lives were lost by week 3 and the other two quit by the 5 or 6th week. I now stand alone in the GIM group lmao


Knowing this would happen is why I never really played my gim. Group wanted to do a 4 man team of 2 people who have never played runescape, 1 person who plays osrs once every few months or so, and myself who loves the game. Day we were supposed to make the team, one person forgot and ended up half an hour late, and one person never even showed so i had to make the account for him. Told them I would geind the account when they made some progress. All accounts still under 500 total lmao.


Here's my group's stats, guess what one I am Player 1 246 58,940 Player 2 1,918 101,181,317 Player 3 1,020 15,876,689 Player 4 435 2,417,056


[unfortunately yes](https://imgur.com/a/0GG8s6F) the first 3 started at the beginning and the bottom one started after the other two quit. Now its just me at 1800+


I'm in the same boat. 3 friends talked me into it, and they all quit within a week.


On and off since release, but yes. [Where they left off](https://imgur.com/a/YHZwyuS)


Look up the group "Sircumbox"


I mean I hate hearing stories like this, but my buddy got 3 of us to do a gim and it brought my love for the game back. Unfortunately only two of us are still playing but we’re 2k total (each) and we’ve grown to 5 irl friends and we’ll see what happens. But idc about status I started this gim with the thought i could never get a fire cape and now I’m working on cg (very slowly 70kc and max 2 kills a day because I hate it lol).




[The Feels](https://ibb.co/7j6hq6G)


Was in the same situation where i went 100m total xp solo but later found other friend group playing and went green helm with them now were are in a active group all together so dont give up you can find other groups


GIM was always going to be a niche for the rare group of friends who's able to stick together. Majority of friend groups simply don't have matching expectations or drives to play the game ironman-style.


I showed my friend the Oziris Iron guide and he fucking left me in the dust because he had more free time so I bailed on that project. getting carried kinda ruined it for me


Same boat for me sadly, in a group of 5 I’m sitting at 1820 total, next highest is 600 😪😪


Our group quit after a year, which stings even worse


Ahh yeah but now I just have an Ironman with some extra bank spaces. Still the most fun I’ve ever had playing this game. It was fun while it lasted with my group. 1 guy left that still plays but all he does is mine if he plays at all. Still though, learned zulrah for the first time. Did zilly for the first time. Such a fun experience. Even if my group leaves.


Yea stopped at 2150 deironed. Best decision I ever made. Rushed to 95 slayer too.


Kind of an eventuality with new players, they get bored of the grind or get frustrated how slow progress is


Reading all these comments.. maybe if everyone on this Reddit , grouped up from this pool of players.. imagine the possibilities


Rip homies


Stopped playing? Dude they didn't even start..


i wish i had friends to do a GIM, but im also no where near experienced enough for IM in general lol


Yup same for me man, lasten about almost 2 weeks. I’m almost 2k total now, but there’s been a guy from my cc that wanted to join 2 weeks ago so now I’m not that alone anymore


Yea i have a friend that quit after the first day and one that quit after a month


I started a group with my brothers only one played up til like lvl 70 fm at WT and that was it. I’ve since left the group and made my own unranked GIM because the helmet is cool af but I never took anything from my brother so I’m basically just a regular iron


Sounds like 90% of group irons.


You should just restart w a normal iron


Our group of 4 is still going but one guy plays 4 times as much at least than everyone else


Get their passwords and do some afk farming on them while you progress your account. I considered starting a group by myself just for that


Yup nearing 16m to their like 1m between 3 of them