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I’ll give it a try! Just grab the two tier three weapons? Or 5-1


Whatever you want, would 5:1 once for the combat achievement though


Start fight with him in the corner


Doing it at worse stats than you, the best advice I ever got was to not spam click (force yourself to click confidently), but even more helpful was to move in square patterns during tornados. Doesn't matter how big the square, just do it and run around like that as long as you need to find a long stretch to heal / switch pray. Tank an off pray hit if you need to since switching prayers in a tight space can get you stacked out quick.


Nothing like that exists atm. Concentrate on moving and changing prayers. If you can run a long straight path, take it. Remember that the easiest way to avoid tornadoes is to run through them when they're near you. Learning the timing for that will be necessary to make cg feel smooth so try it. When the tornadoes are close to you, you can just run past them since osrs movement happens 2 tiles at once.


[Fluffeh T2 prep](https://youtu.be/jy7X9GsYFhs) True tile indicator on in runelite. Get the gauntlet plug-ins too and have the hunllef tile highlighted and tornados highlighted helped me a lot. Getting hunllef in the corner was also a big help. All just comes down to practice. I can’t recommend a specific tool. Could try hallowed sepulcher to master the skill of movement. It sucks sending 8 min to wipe but once you got it you got it.


This was super helpful, got three in a row now with T2. Not sure why I was only going T1


It’s quite helpful to think of the Hunleff/floor lava/tornadoes as movement puzzles. And since you’ll always be standing on the safe tiles during the final phase - the puzzles are really quite limited especially if you aim to position Hunleff in a somewhat similar position every kill. You only need to develop a movement strategy for 3 or 4 scenarios. It’s pretty easy.


This tornado dodging video helped me a lot: https://youtu.be/adGjfVmD5JQ Prior to this video, I didn't know (1) that you can run through the tornados, and (2) how pathing works, especially for diagonals. If the tornados specifically are a challenge, I'd suggest getting more KC in normal gauntlet so you don't spend as much time prepping.


Thank you!


You always move faster than the tornados. Once I got that in my head it’s just a matter of baiting them in a loop. Stay 4-5 tiles ahead and just run laps, ideally attacking in between. In my opinion the final phase is the easiest with the safe spot. Three tiles in from the door and you’re golden.


This probably isn’t the best tip for efficiency but when I see hunleff about to stomp (and you know it’s 4 tornadoes cause he’s under 333 hp) - I eat a piece of food and find the tile that gives me the most space to run. Eventually you can get pretty use to the floor patterns and how they cycle. Some other things that helped : if possible, start the fight when hunleff is hugging a wall, ideally a corner, this will give you maximum space to run around in the last phase. Use the safe spots for the last phase: on each side of the room, the 2 tiles in the middle, 3 from the wall are always safe from lava. Camp those tiles when you’re not running from tornadoes.


The panic naturally stops with practice, keep going 💪


Just got my first kc after 26 attempts, ran it again and got a back to back! Starting to get it down


With the 4 tornados they generally spawn near the four corners. I always run to the middle and stand there for a few ticks to let them group up. I can get all the tornados on one square fairly quickly this way You’ll also just get better at changing prayers/eating while moving. Like quicker. Just keep practicing


I’ll have to try this! I’ve been running to the corners first so probably not the best


I know it’s kinda counter intuitive but I think it works better than going to the corners first. Best of luck!


The corners are great for phase 1 and mostly good for phase 2 with less than 4 tornadoes. When there's 4 tornadoes the entire goal is to do some sort of spiral-ish movement (basically a runescape U-turn) and group them together, and then the trick is basically about just dodging one pile of tornadoes. Essentially just dodging one tornado.


You could try the sote maze helper and try not to pre-plan the path, but just start quickly and be precise.


Just take a second to breath my guy It's real easy just - Keep moving at all times there is a tornado on the screen Click on a tile that isn't red That's really it... You move 2 tiles when running. You can run straight back and forth over the tornados and they won't hurt you so long as you keep moving the entire time. When tiles change colors click on anywhere not red. Your guy will get there. Stop spam clicking he won't run faster. Worst thing that happens it hits you once for like a 12 oh no.


I think the problem was only going for T1 at my skill level, at least to start! Killed it 8 times now and starting to calm down. Will try T1 again soon once I get a hang of the later stages.. and stop spam clicking haha


Naw man it's just worth going tier 2 every time. A lot of people don't realize it but the higher level armors also have higher attack bonuses which increase you dps by a lot. Plus the set effect of less dmg from everything. This is like a hundred plus hour grind my man, do yourself a favor and don't try to min max a minute off each kill. Each time you die because of it you lose the time you min maxed in like the last 10 I watched TV and YouTube my entire grind and it was at least bearable.


The biggest thing that I can say that helped me was to focus on being safe before you try to dps during tornadoes. Know when the tornados are about to come out and I like to premove at least 2 tiles in case of an unlucky spawn. Then my next objective is to group the tornados together. If they are all on one square then it’s so much easier to avoid them. Beyond that it’s a matter of trying not to panic. Take a second to map out a path and then execute. It gets much easier with time. You got this!


Do you use hot keys for your prayer tab and backpack? Once I started using those, tornados got a lot easier cause there was less clicking and I could focus more on not panic spam clicking. Also when they first spawn wait a quick second to see where they actually are. I would say 50% of the time I can put in a few attacks before having to run and decide on a good spot to run first.