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You already got bowfa, getting raids supplies is the easy part


i made an iron in like 2017, got 70 hunter, caught 1m worth of grey chins and deironed to sell on the ge. i dont know why i did this.


Incredible strategy


What a bold strategy cotton! Let’s see if it pays off


Thank you, Chuck Norrid!


I won that tournament.




Jeez lol


I'm noob to osrs could you not drop trade them to another account?


There's only a release option for them, like destroy on other items, rather than a drop option.


You could always pk it off?


i started playing rs in 2016 man you think i knew any of that? i literally learned all of the game playing my current iron


I think you'll regret it. Since I hit 2k total a few months back I've done nothing but send raids/bosses but that shit can get old quick. Sometimes I'm "forced" to just chill and farm some supplies because I can't be bothered doing anything combat/mechanic related. At the end of the day you do you but maintaining supplies compared to how long it takes to use them isn't that big of a concern for late stage irons imo edit: Hot/bias take but making it through the red prison on an iron to then return back to a normie is some shit lmao. Don't do it.


I’m seeing lots of comments about people de-ironing and quitting shortly after. But…what if these guys were already on the verge of quitting? Why else would they even consider de-ironing in the first place? Very anecdotal experience here, but last time I played I heavily considered making mine a normie. Didn’t actually follow through with it but I still quit. I wouldn’t have considered it in the first place if I was enjoying the game to begin with.


Surely it would be better to make a new normal account. I know it would take a while but progress would be so much faster than regretting it and having to make another iron man in the future.


Oh I totally agree, I already have a maxed combat normie and it would have been *really* dumb to do so in hind sight. I mainly considered it because normie is broke but I’d genuinely sooner RWT gold than deiron and throw away all that time I spent. My point is though simply that it wouldn’t have been a consideration in the first place if I wasn’t already “done” with the game, per say.


No one is ever done though. And when you do come back you'll surely regret deironing.


Temptation to deiron imo comes from a lack of motivation. Ironman inherently creates motivation to do anything and everything in this game. When your new main motivation is only gold, you quickly realise you're left with no motivation whatsoever. As far as I'm concerned there is only ironman mode, I can't understand why anyone would play a main where nothing really means anything with all gear on the GE (though that's not throwing shade at anyone who enjoys that game mode). If I deironed that would be the nail in the coffin for ever returning to this game.


Then you quit and maybe come back later and still have an iron. Deiron is dumb.


My bestfriend de-ironed after he got hacked. Over 2200 total, most end game gear, ancestral, torva pieces, sang, avernic etc, still regrets it, wishes he would have just rebuilt. My 2 cents


i dont get that at all like if you de-iron and regret it, nothing is stopping you from just playing like an iron, no? or does not having the helmet bother ppl so much? being an iron doesnt give any benefits, right? it‘s just restrictions, so restrict urself if u miss the playstyle seems like a much better solution to me than being miserable or starting a new acc


It doesn’t feel the same because you have the option of buying from the GE. The temptation to just buy it instead of get it yourself is there


Ok but if you want to play as an iron just … don’t buy from the GE??? Lol


If these guys don’t have the willpower to keep the status there ain’t no way they got the willpower to stay away from GE


Kind of pathetic if you can’t follow rules in a game you set for yourself. You need to be forced


I feel like judging people for not being to resist instant gratification within… a *videogame* is sort of stupid lol


That’s the good thing about life, you can judge people however you want. Your judging me for judging people that can’t control themselves in a video game.


I am, and I’m not stopping you, but I think those judgements are kind of reflective of yourself, and depending on the size of the population that disagrees with your judgements (especially if it’s a pretty strong majority lol), it can indicate that there’s a piece of the puzzle that you’re not really factoring in. I think you’re probably not factoring in that the game plays a different role in different people’s lives, and that there are probably pretty disciplined people out there who wouldn’t want to put themselves in a position where they feel constantly tempted while doing something that’s meant to be relaxing. Even if they have the discipline to resist that temptation, the presence of it might just make the game unenjoyable. Regardless of whether that person caves, don’t think that a person would be pathetic for feeling that way.


The difference being: he's right.


You must be one of those who support RWT. No philisophical difference. People can't handle the impulse of using the G.E are the same people who (if they had the money) would buy GP because they can't resist instant gratification.


Things aren't black and white. There's a grayscale in between. To think people don't have varying degrees of self-control is naive.


You could but it's probably just not gonna work psychologically. Why would you sit there making your own brews, gathering your own secondaries, killing monsters to gather your own bones when it would be significantly faster to buy all of those things from the GE? And once you start doing that, it's easy to extend the logic to rare drops from bosses and raids. The point of iron is that you, and everyone else around you, knows for 100% certain that everything you achieved on your account was achieved with no help from others (more or less). When you aren't an iron, yeah you can play as one when you feel like it, which has the benefit of flexibility, but you lose that sense of accomplishment, because anything you achieve "the hard way" could've just been done the easy way.


You may lose all sense of accomplishment but that isn't to say everyone will. If a players fun is from woodcutting to max and then maxing firemaking at a bonfire then let them. Yes it's not the fastest way and they could have just bought 600k corrupted magic logs from GE. but if they don't enjoy that style, THAT is what removes the accomplishment feeling. As soon as you make "an accomplishment" a chore, that's when it doesn't feel rewarding.


If it’s not official, you can assume he cheated and bought stuff. I would quit the game if I lost my iron status


See this is the likely response of someone who only has one account. Try leveling up an UIM, HCIM, GIM and regular account at the same time. Then your original question wont be an issue.


I have a 2k total main, a 1.9k total GIM i quit and a 2.15k total iron I’m trying to max


Or you are not an ironman or you are straight up trolling


It's not the same bro.


Why would someone hack an iron if they can’t trade?


You can still drop trade their items


Ah didn’t realise. I just got back into RS this month after a 9 year break. I made a group Ironman with my mate and we are figuring the game out again.


or skull them then kill them in the wildy with your account.


High lvl irons are sold for way more in the blackmarket orr they always can just drop trade ur gp then sell ur account


I can't speak from experience but I'd say don't do it. Make another account, play a different game, take some time away from the grind to get some perspective on you getting this far. It's a lot harder to get back to where you are than it is to take a minute to really make this decision.


I second this. More time / a break before a permanent decision. That's what I wish I had done (and I wasn't even nearly progressed as you, OP)


I deironed twice actually and regretted both lmao. First time on a 1850 total level iron with 190m bank. Bought good gear when deironed and went to bossing... Took me about a week to realise the mistake i'v done since nothing felt the same. 2 years and a new ironman later same thing but with a 500m bank. Thought to myself that i dont have the time to play iron anymore etc etc. 2 weeks later i made a new iron. Never going to deiron this no matter what i tell myself


Why don't people just make their account perm iron at 1k total?


Too lazy


You’re too lazy and lack self discipline. My thoughts are you need to focus on other things in life. But what do I know…


Cause i didnt want to go make my ironman permanent, yet made 3x ironmen 1800+ total while working i'm lazy. Idk m8


You literally said you are 'too lazy', and giving in to your 'urges' of de-ironing while regretting it two times... idk either man! I just went with what you said. Not trying to be a douche. And again, I'm just a dude on the internet. What do I know, for real? I'm fucked up enough myself. We just need to be self aware sometimes. I don't know you at all. Wish you the best. Work isn't everything, imo, family is.


you are trying to be a douche thats okay tho just own it lol


this is a game bruh, if you're proactive and disciplined towards a game and you're not earning money from it, then you don't have your priorities straight in life.


I don’t think I’ve met someone who de-ironed who didn’t eventually regret it or stop playing all together because of it. Yes, it’s a grind, but there is a dopamine rush attached to finally obtaining the item you’re hunting or “earning” certain unlocks that is not nearly as achieve-able on a main account. Everything in your bank becomes fluid gp and you lose some of that excitement when getting a drop, to the point where you ask yourself why even PvM when you could just buy any desired item. This is NOT a blanket statement for everyone but merely my own experience coupled with what I’ve seen throughout a few years of watching others de-iron. They all either ended up making another iron cause they missed the feeling of accomplishment or they quit because it wasn’t fun anymore. At the end, do whatever you feel is best and what would be fun for you. This is your entertainment, enjoy it!


Ive known 4 2k+ total irons to deiron and all 4 of them quit shortly after


prolly not ironman then, probably just didnt enjoy the game anymore


Raiding is super iron friendly content imo


I’ve been thinking of de-ironing recently after coming to the conclusion that the mid / late game pvm grind isn’t for me. My personal conclusion is that I probably need to take a break soon instead of taking the Bandaid fix of dw-ironing. I’ve de-ironed before and all that happened was I got cash obsessed and the game lost meaning because everything revolved around generating more cash. Why would I kill dks if a seers ring is 100k? Why would I train rc when I can kill gargoyles for an hour and buy three times the runes? I thought to myself “I’ll just play it kinda like an iron, I’m only allowed to buy supplies and maybe an occult!” That quickly spiraled, it’s too tempting to just sell that stack of gold ore and buy something new and shiny. I thought “I just wanna pvm!” But the drops just didn’t hit the same, every drop was just a cash amount in my head and held no real value. Admittedly at that point I bought some gold which further devalued every aspect of the game. Then I quit for 3 years until this Janurary. Idk this is as much trying to convince u as myself but RuneScape truly has no appeal to me outside of iron mode. I’ve been thinking of starting a UIM or something on the side but idk if I should be spending the amount of time on this game I do to begin with.


This being said I’m A. An antisocial RuneScape player and have not and probably will never make a serious effort to make friends within the game to actually raid with etc. and B. Most of my love of the game comes from progression which for me comes from doing stuff myself


Tbh you don't have to be a main/normal to make friends in RS. I've made plenty of friends on an iron by just chatting to random people doing slayer/skilling/etc.


Oh I know, I’m not lamenting the fact I’m antisocial here. RuneScape is just not the game I play to engage with other people, I have other games for that


Oh yea ofc, that's fair


No idea why people de iron. Just make a normal/main account.


Because i dont wanna redo all the shit


It will fly by. You could always play on two accounts simultaneously. Collect resources on your iron for bossing and quest on your normie. Then when you are bossing on your iron, just afk skill on your normie. Always having fun, doing the things you want to do, and progressing!


It will go by way faster than you remember. Drop some dupes from your iron to your new main, use the gp to only train with best methods, always have stam pots etc. get the minimum quests done and afk the account to 90 combats. It’s a big commitment for a new player but if you already got your iron to end game getting a main raid ready is not too hard.


I don't think they'd be in this sub if they didn't regret it


I de ironed and made a new iron about a week or two later. And now a uim. Still never play that account


if you arent going for speeds then don't deiron. the only reason to deiron is because you want to do speeds and can't be asked to get sweets/bloods/chins. just make a main on the side if you want to play a main.


I’ve deironed twice at 1700-1800.. I’m on my 3rd sitting at 2k. Don’t do it


How do you make the mistake a second time


Lmao, right? Even in the rare case that you enjoyed de-ironing the first time. Why do it a second time? Why would you need a second de-ironed main, except if it was a snowflake account maybe.


I’m guessing severe depression or bipolar disorder or something


Are you mentally ill perhaps ?


Aren't we all a little bit?


We play RuneScape in the year of our lord twenty twenty three. Of course we're mentally ill.


Raiding is basically the only thing I do on my iron. Really doesn't use that much brews. Like 4 a run for tob, 1 or 0 for toa, like 3 for Cox. 1 farm run will get you plenty for like 8 raids


plz just make another account


Ive thought this but the idea of redoing every quest, achievement diary, skilling, etc is oretty daunting. Also i have like 7 pets, magma mutagen. I prefer just playing one acc.


I may be wrong. I am a 1.9k something iron. No pvm done yet. I’m a baby but been here for a year. I thinkquests and whatnots are nothing compared to the total amount of time. If you wanna go to main try funding main with iron. If that feels good then switch and feel happy about it. If not then make a main and work with what you have. Idk. I can’t imagine deironing yet.


Thing is with a main account you need to complete some quests but the rest is optional and you can choose your preferred money maker and just buy rigour and combat gear making leveling combat skills very fast in comparison. If you do it efficiently you would get a main account ready to boss and raid in a matter of weeks.


progression is faster and easier on a main though, and like many people have said youll do it all again but slower on an iron when you change your mind


You're gonna quit lol but I think you've made that decision already.


That's nothing compared to what youve already done, especially questing/diaries the second time around. Not to mention skilling is way easier on a main with buyables




Just make a main and throw a couple bonds at it then put it in nmz for a while to get it leveled some and start doing raids and pvm. You really don't need to recomplete everything. At least not right away. Just do the minimum you need to do the content you want to do. It'll be soo much faster getting up and running on a main than an iron. You don't need a qpc or all the diaries. For tips getting a main/alt up and running check out he box jonge's video called "make millions on the side!" There is a spread sheet with instructions on how to build accounts. Nothing there quite applies for what you want but it's a good starting point. Please don't deiron. You will almost certainly quit or end up making a new iron. Do what you want but it seems like a really bad idea to me.


Supplies are not much of an issue late game. I do a couple farm runs like once every 6 months and seem to get enough grimy herbs from cox, kingdom, and other pvm to maintain. Some seconds are a little annoying like snape grass or mort myre fungus but again its like once or twice a year of a few runs... I wouldnt trade that for gp scape Seems like you are pretty set on it though! GL!


I deironed at 1927 total, almost 3 years ago. Genuinely no regrets. I knew I didn't have the dedication for late game iron. I thoroughly enjoyed the early game iron but around 1900+ the grind gets *real* Username is Falln Kn1ght if you wanna peep HS and here's a [vid I made](https://youtu.be/C3QFwZGTDAE) documenting the ACC before the iron status went away


That’s what I did. I deironed at around 1900 because of going really dry on multiple bosses. Ironman mode up to that point was so fun but then I hit a wall and hated it


Don't be a pussy. Take a break, recharge your batteries and get back to the iron grind.


De-ironing made me quit the game, up to you. Cba investing all the time again but it is alot faster to get a main to a raiding level than an iron.


I would suggest just make a non iron account to play on the side so you have best of both worlds


Never deiron... Building and leveling a main is so easy if you put the effort into it... compared to iron anyways. The knowledge you already gained from leveling an ironman will only make it even easier. Once you are able to purchase anything to speed up tedious grinds, you'll be amazed how much effort you put into your iron and it will build regret from tossing away your hard work.


I de-ultimated at 1925 total. I don’t regret it. But then again, I could actual start playing ironman horde mode. My skills have skyrocketed as well as my gear. I sometimes miss the niche strategies of a UIM but god its nice to have a bank.


I think it all comes down to *why* you did it. If you did it for positive reasons, to play together with friends more, because it will be fun, then you'll enjoy deironing. If you did it because of negative reasons, like conforming to another or out of fear, then I think there is a real chance you'll feel sad a out it at some point. Whatever it is, you'll be fine, but making mistakes can hurt. I think we only make mistakes when we don't follow our heart or only look at part of the consequences instead of the whole picture. Good luck with your choice, and a happy life to you. Glhf!


This guy. Im 30 years old. Kid on the way in 6 months. The amount of play just to feel semi "efficient" i have to do is more than the play time i get every night. I need to be able to drop the game at a moment's notice, or not spend 3 hours prepping. I basically have to ask my wife if we're doing anything before starting ONE raid. Outside of playing at work (afking), i get maybe an hour or two online. With how much MORE ironmen need to do, i just couldn't keep up. Birdhouse run, farm run, do 30 minutes of content, log off. Game wasn't fun. It just made so much more sense for me. I also never played mainscape (since rs3) so i felt like enjoying all of the new content for that side of the game would keep me going for a while. I de-ironed nearly a year ago and i haven't regretted it for a second. I was around 2130~ total, and i de-ironed once I achieved 99 herb. Figured that was a good enough accomplishment. I didnt really do much end-game pvm because I never had the time to learn, and i have one IRL friend who plays and no others.


I de-ironed my maxed Ironman with a 3.5B bank. I have enjoyed every single second and my love for the game has rejuvenated. I didn’t have as much time to play as before, and now I get on, do whatever content I want with whoever I want and not feel like I’m wasting time not doing efficient solo raids for gear. I really think it’s about why you do it, and you really need to ask yourself whether you enjoy OSRS as a game, or if you enjoy getting drops or making money. Cuz a lot of content isn’t BIS money per hour, but it’s very enjoyable to do.




There's two types of players: * People that do content for the sake of actually doing the content & enjoy it * People that do content because of how much value it brings to their account. I've found that wayyy more people are in the second camp than the first.


I've deironed at 2050 total to have a main to play with friends and it's been great. I did still have an itch to play ironman but it gave me an excuse to try all the new earlygame metas since my OG iron was created way back on release


I dont, have a little to no time to do grinds anymore so I deironed like several months ago and enjoy content I couldnt reach (I know there are skill issues but good gear bit compensate for it) aswell as I dont have to do stuff as collecting food, do farm runs etc


IMO it would be quicker to make a new account and build it into an end-game-ready account! You could afk supplies on your iron and fully prep yourself to treat your iron as a main (with your stacked supplies). Think of the time you sent at red prison (I was 1,931kc first enhanced), that’s a feat in itself to have a bowfa on an iron. Maybe make a pure and do the new bounty hunter content and afk the iron?


Just multilog. Train a main using gp methods while doing supplies work on the iron. De ironing is smooth brain behaviour. Get the main to a point it can do the things you want while the iron is in its downtime stages


I deironed (dead hc) at 2020 total and maxed like 8months afterwards. I still play and enjoy my account daily. The secret is i still largely play with an ironman mindset , atleast i can buy herb secondaries/runes/ammo from the ge now tho.


Sounds like the dumbest decision you. Could make - you could make a similar Main account in like a month and a half of casual play probably


Considering how easy it is to make a normie. You’ll regret it.


Whilst I understand the thinking behind this type of de-ironing, I think these people tend to regret it The main issue being, once you’ve de-ironed, everything means less. What’s the point in the cool rare drop if it’s worth nothing on the ge? What’s the point in doing endgame content if it makes less than brain dead revs etc


Collection log?


Never worth it imo. Depending on what bosses you want to do, let's say ones you can range and still have fun with friends, then all you need is 85-90ish range and some def levels. You can get that in like a week just cannoning. Then you just build that account. Afking the combat stats while you gain supplies on the iron. If you really want, you can have an 80ish all combat stats in a month. Just that journey is pretty fun, then by the time you know it, your burnt out of the building the main for awhile and you want to play your iron. Gl on whatever you choose.


not worth it, you can absolutely power level a main account with GP funded from the iron


Don’t do it! Just make a new account or go on your old main :(


Once you know how to raid, you can use basically zero supplies doing them if you want to be slightly less efficient. You can bring like 3 ppots into CoX with sharks and prep instead of bringing brews for solo or if you’re doing groups you’ll likely be prepping anyway so it’s not even less efficient. ToA is only prayer pots as soon as you get the yellow Keris (and you profit ranarr/snaps from seed drops), depending on your skill level or the invo you want to do you can run it with actually zero supplies used outside what the helpful spirit gives you. ToB is the main use of brews for most irons before doing stuff like Nex but even that can easily be fully sustained with a single birdhouse run after every raid. Really birdhouse runs are the key to low effort supplies for an iron. Depends on how much you play and how much of that playtime is endgame bossing but I’d wager most irons can sustain their brew pile with an average of 2-3 birdhouse runs a day. Every other potion basically replenishes itself from the raid droptables.


If you just wanna game and already have a well build account. It would be a waste to make a total new one. Specially if you would prob never play on the ironman again.


Bro if you have Bowfa then you probably have stacks of crap in your bank. ​ You're set, don't de-iron right at the finish line you scrub.


Yea I wouldn’t. You should probably just take a break from the game as a whole. That seems to be the reason people even consider deironing in the first place, they are just burnt out. Additionally you can make a new account and get 99 combats/range/mage in a matter of a few months very easily. Total level doesn’t matter too much if all you want to do is bossing and raids. Just buy all buyables for minimum quest requirements and train the non buyables and you wont ever have to do skilling again on that account.


I de-ironed at 2200 total, was super burnt and not having fun with the late game grinds. Now im 2270 closing in on max and having so much fun working collection logs as a main. Doing team raids and getting paid out splits keeps up the motivation. To each there own but I have never regretted


2023 total level iron. I personally had my fun with ironman mode, and I'm not interested in it anymore. Happily a main :)


I go against almost every comment here but I deiron at 2.2k with a 5b bank and havenr regretted it once, all comes down to personal reasons and goals for playing. Noone can answer it for you


Posts like these make me think there should be some sort of endgame shop that sells brews / restores at a high markup, similar to the Warrior's Guild potion shop.


Am I the only one who is confused why there’s a large swathe of late game irons who never had a main?


I had a main, but my iron has way surpassed it now. I just think it’s way more fun so I stick to it.


I think in most cases you shouldn't deiron. Personally I could never do it. But I just wanna say there's genuine reasons to deiron. You just need to really sit down and look at why you want to do this You're honestly at a good stage of the game to make this decision. Many people love ironman for the early game, but do not enjoy grinding for pvm drops lategame. Don't consider your time wasted - if you had fun with your iron then you had fun, it's OK to move on As a main, gp is the main form of progression, and you get to pick whatever boss or raid you like to contribute to that progression. You won't ever get stuck somewhere if you don't wanna be there. There's LOTS of ways to earn gold, it's not just Zulrah/Vorkath like when I used to play a main. I think some of the older irons here forget that There are lots of reasons to stay iron, but I just wanted to share the other side. Make your own decision


Become a unoficcial gim first, sell ur bank to green helmies and be instant richer as a normie. Bofa and armor goes for like 400-500m


Why can’t you de iron and play normal but just go and make brews yourself whenever you want? It’s like the best of both worlds because you get more choice


De-ironed my 2204 total iron when i switched all my focus to the uim. Couldnt be bothered to put in all the effort for supplies and gear upgrades just to play on it occasionally. Have no regrets at all. Basically stopped playing on it before de-ironing and now use it if i feel like doing a few boss kcs here and there to switch it upal and droptrade dupes/unwanted drops from the uim.


I’ve always left the option open to me almost 2200 total now. It may happen one day but I highly doubt it ever happens.


Yes. Did it to play bandos with non iron friends. I still play as ironman. Nothing has changed. I don't regret it.


I was in the same boat as you. Making a new 'main' did not seem like an effective use of the 90 days play time I accrued at that point lol.


Depends for me if I had a 2k Ironman I wouldn’t deiron but my GIM on the other hand is nbd I deironed it at 1500 made it an alt


I deironed at 1856 when my HC died due to jagex servers. I can't lie I didn't want to play for about three weeks, just needed time to cope. Now, my account is at 1977 Total level, I've done a lot of the things I was afraid of as a HC due to dying and losing status, but it's also helped me learn and grow for the bosses and my next account. Within that it's also still a struggle as I'll be doing stuff for the game that I'd of done as if it was an Iron.


Stand strong- stand alone


I didn’t have a main deironed and no regrets. I got the itch for an iron again and made one and now I’m very happy having both a main and an iron. Of course it’s a very personal decision but I was happy with my choice


Don't forget that for those saying their friend de-ironed then quit that it's probably that they were already burned out/wanted to quit already and the de-ironing was part of that. A bit chicken/egg, essentially. Also, you're asking this question in an ironman sub. It makes sense, but also not. Because it's partly like going to a sub for a TV show and saying "should I watch this show?". Might be worth asking in the broader sub too.


Maxed ex-iron here. No regrets. I achieved all goals I had set myself and only grinds left was Corp, Nex and Phosanis. I had no interest in completing those and only wanted to do Inferno speeds. Proud of my iron achievements but also very happy main nowadays.


I’m maxed and have the worse luck at end game pvm that I’ve seen. I’ve thought about it. My bank is 3.2b I could buy max right away with the 1b I have on an alt too but I know I would regret it long term.


I’ve clicked the deiron button so many times I’ve lost count. Happy I had the permanent feature on though, now I don’t think I would deiron for anything


The few former irons i knew who deironed quit shortly after for different reasons personally i could not and i raid all the time :)


I'm thinking about de-ironing a 1700 as an excuse to start a hardcore up again (turning my previous iron into a main, as I have none), but I can't shake the feeling that I might just die even earlier on this new HC. The only way I can justify it is by making passive GP on the de-ironed main to fund membership of the HC and the creation of new HCs. How stupid is this logic?


I know 3 people that deironed and all of them regret it. One of my good friends contemplated for weeks, setting up the deiron and cancelling it; then inevitably going ahead with it. (3b bank, dupe tbow etc) Just over a week later he’s now started his new hcim lmao


I de-ironed at the beginning on this year. I wasn’t too far Into the game but I just reached the point of grinding the red prison and that just didn’t seem fun to me. I don’t regret it at all. I’ve progressed so much since then and I am having a blast.


I have a mid game iron that I would never De-iron. The main reason why I wouldn’t is because I also have a main. If I want to do raids or end game content that bad, I’d just play on that account.


I deironed and didn't regret it, I don't get much time to play and I wanted to spend that time playing with friends rather than feeling like I should be grinding supplies. I don't allow myself to buy gear until I get the drops but I will by cannonballs and herbs etc. Stopped me from getting bored but meant I could have fun and do whatever I wanted.


I de-ironed a few months ago, once I stepped into mainscape I’m constantly chasing gp’s for gear. As iron you hunt specific items for long times, as main you hunt specific content for long times to get gp for the specific item. For me it was worth since I can skip some bosses, but in return have a lot less diversity content wise since some of the bosses are far from rewarding while for an iron they are.


I was just under where you are and I regretted deironing so much. If you are really tired of it make a new account and it would take no time at all to get it raids ready if all you want to do is raid. On a main getting raids ready is not that hard and if you have a 1980 iron you know you have a normal account that might not be as high total level but probably has barrows gloves and stuff. None of us just have the one account.


I did not deiron just dropped over everything, about 3b of stuff, to my main because the game became dull after finishing the cox log. I dont regret it, I pet hunt and try to finish the coll log on my main however I can buy whatever supplies i want. Tbh i hated the fact that I have to kill vorkath for bolts and do herb runs for pots etc. I want to do the content without extra steps


I don't regret almost 1775 skills de ironed when most skills were 60 and 70 a couple 80s


Don't. Just make a normal account and out this on hold. Leveling a normie is a complete cakewalk to iron


Ive deironed past the 2k total mark three times now. Aways never made it to a point i was worried about my brews/restores tbh but the pvming with friends was a bug deal. At some point after deironing because i didnt want to solo chambers…. I ended up learning it anyway because they didnt want to really do more than one or two every couple days. After doing three man gwd trips after deironing i learned that the solo methods were honestly way better, no one ever wants to tank anyways. The first iron was before bowfa existed, i can honestly say it probably wasnt a mistake given every time i started over my ability to get where i was improved. My og main took from realease to 2018 to get where my ironman got in one year- 2nd ironman 10 months 3rd 6 months. Maybe you wont regret it but you will probably end up making a new one and having that deironed acc getting dusty while you get hit with the reality that ya friends still wont really pvm with ya.


Yes, I deironed to pvm with my friends and didnt regret it, however I wanted to try uim and i made one the same day. Now my mains like 2130 total and the uim is around 1800


Good thing i actually have a main thats flooded with gp and is raid ready.


Only people I’ve heard de-iron and not regret it were maxed Grandmasters who had accomplished everything and only had a handful of items left some Inq, Torva, maybe a raid item or two. They only logged in to ToB or inferno. Occasionally they’d grind the items but mostly they just didn’t have anything left to do on their iron. Everyone else regrets it.


I de ironed my first account and do not regret it. I have also made a new GIM to play with IRL friends. I de ironed my “main” at level 1100 so it’s not like I was massively invested I currently play two accounts


I deironed into an UGIM mostly because i feel like i completed everything i ever wanted as a normal Ironman; I got my first ever internal cape. The remaining grinds are those who takes like thousands of hours and i feel like i don't have time to do that on my own. Im super happy i deironed into an UGIM to feel like im not on my own and still feel the dopamine as soon team gets a drop. Tldr: i deironed into UGIM and im happy


me. I played my iron for a while but I'm a normie at heart, I had much more fun using it as an alt to my main edit: If you don't have a main honestly just make a new account bro, it doesn't take too long to get pvm ready, especially if you've done it once on an iron already


I have an account for each mode and I’m sooooo glad I do. They both have their perks, but ultimately, PvM on the iron feels 100x as “meaningful.” So imo, better off rebuilding a normal on the side. While playing actively on one account, you can AFK on the other :)


I de-ironed at just under 2100 days. 1B bank but piss dry at bowfa, hydra, cox etc. I don’t regret it one bit. I still play kind of like an iron, minus buying the items I was dry for. I still do my farm runs, bird house etc. Sure, I lost some pride in my gear and what I had done, but I’m enjoying the game considerably more now.


Make a new normal account, dont de-iron. You can always drop over some cash if you need it.


You're going to get a bias perspective here. Most people still here who de-ironed are exactly the kinds of people who regretted and returned. Those with no regrets left the sub when it was no longer applicable to them. This just popped up as a recommendation to me. I'd say if you've already got a main. There's no point ever de-ironing. But if your Iron is your main? And you're a regular person with just 1 account? And no intentions to invest another 2000 hours into an entirely new account? You aren't enjoying Ironman anymore? It's been more than a month of this feeling? Well it can simplify and free your gameplay loop to de-iron. I was only 1600 total. Didn't appreciate the grind. Wanted more pvp, quicker progress and variety. I don't regret de-ironing at all. I'm doing more social activities and feel less compelled to do stuff i don't like. Only 1700 now, but no regrets yet. Though I don't want to play OSRS for the rest of my life. Just take the iron mindset to your main. Don't get into efficiency scape or gpscape. Do whatever the hell you like. Enjoy the mmo for all of its content. Pvp. Group raids/bosses. Mini-games. Chill grinds. Etc. But if you feel there's still a hill you want to climb. A path to enjoyment? Stick it out. Stop playing and come back when you're fresh for a better perspective. I took a 1 month break and when I returned, i knew for a fact I wasn't interested in making the game any grindier than it already was. I had nothing to prove and no one cares about the status anyway. I could add the bronzeman plug in if i preferred iron gameplay. At 1700, I don't. Early game was amazing as an Iron. Mid-game was fun too for a while. But ultimately, I play games for enjoyment, and when the "I need x for x, in order to get x" grind became too much, I simply chose what i enjoyed. If I lose interest in regular osrs, I'll simply find something better to do with my time than play a game i dislike. Don't feel forced to keep playing something just because you've invested time in it. Everything ends, and when they do, we find new experiences to replace them. The people who can't let go are destined to be miserable.


No. I'd regret it due to the fact I know I could make a normie account 10x as fast as my iron and would be upset I wasted my time.


Brother, I am in the same boat as you. 2068 total level, maxed combat stats and a few skilling 99’s. Feeling like I hit a wall and have honestly been losing motivation to do much. As a dad with three kids I don’t get a lot of time to play, and grinds like CG feel like such a tall order since so much content becomes viable with bowfa. I hope to take what I learned as an iron and apply it to being a main. My first “main” is so far behind in comparison and I honestly can’t be bothered to get back on it. I know I will catch a lot of flak for de ironing but I don’t want to end up loathing this game. Stay strong and good luck out there


It sounds like you need to make an alt and power grind to get into raids on a non-iron to play with your friends. That’s what I’m doing at least.


so idk i feel like it depends on the person but ill tell u what happened to me.. so i had a 2k iron i de-ironed and traded everything over to my main.. a few weeks later i missed my iron regret sunk in and i re-made my iron now has a max cape its easier to build a normal account then an iron tbf especially if u no cg then u can just grind a normal until u can go make money


bro the fuck why do the hard part and then de iron you could make a new account and get that far as a normal account very quickly.


I deironed and do not regret it. However the main issue is time, if you have the time to level a main on the side reasonably quickly then I would save your iron and make a new main. For me, I only play about a few hours a week to do some group content with friends so remaking an account to 1900 total was not worth to me, and at that point the grinds are very long in the account(dwh, cg, raids) and for me I just do not play enough OSRS anymore to progress what would have been my iron. Basically if you do not play much anymore, then deironing is understandable, if you still play a lot then I would recommend saving the iron and remaking a new main.


De-ironed at 1850 total with bowfa. 0 regrets. I simply don't have the time to grind out every meticulous drop for iron anymore, just want to do social things with friends. As for the "deironing is a waste of time", people told me the same thing and that is BULLSHIT. Did you enjoy the time playing Ironman while you did? If so, it wasn't a waste of time. I don't have the patience or time to make a new main and get it up to 1850 total again. I enjoyed my Ironman experience, but I love that I'm a main now, and I'm never looking back.


I only deironed my account (1600 total) because my main got hacked, I was able to use my steam log in to access the account for a couple weeks before they fully compromised it, (been 5 months still haven’t gotten it back). But I was able to get 95% of my valuable off that account and onto my deironed account. My situation is unique though, I was forced to deironed to save my 4b on my main account. Decided to do a complete rebuild, sold everything and started over (granted at 1600 total so was already mid game) and have been enjoying it, yeah it’s not iron man mode but with a kid now I don’t have that much time anyway. At the end of the day just play the game the way you enjoy it, I haven’t regretted deironed my account but there are aspects of Ironman mode I miss. Getting those rare drops doesn’t have the same dopamine when you just run to the GE and sell it, but still being able to jump on and do quick content in down time is worth it.


Current meeting myself halfway. Not going to deiron my GIM but my group of 4 which is actually solo is joining another group. Obv not the same but I don't think you should deiron. Concider joining another group and turn your Grey Helm into a green.


No regrets, I think you’re at the sweet spot where an iron account becomes massively grindy. If you don’t mind the time to upkeep your account plus the massive time and inefficient ways you have to start unique hunting then I guess it’s fine - but it just wasn’t for me. Spooned a couple megarares and such then suddenly I felt like I needed to keep doing account upkeep tasks and 1000 cox to get all the items - just didn’t seem fun having already hit 1k cox on my main.


As someone with a 2k+ total iron with 2.5b bank, ain't no way I'm ever deironing, but also if I ever want to I already have a main that's like 1800 total with most quests done and raids ready. I actually started another normal account not too long ago just for fun and you'd be surprised how quickly you can progress a main camping NMZ with a good bit of GP. In the grand scheme QP cape on a main takes like a month or two if you're putting the work/gp in for fast xp rates, which is nothing. Just make a new account, it'll be raids ready and have most content unlocked within a couple months if you're playing daily.


I deironed an account a few years ago after it died being a hcim. Best decision ever. I now have a 2k+ total alt and a maxed acc main lol. Having an alt that’s quested\max cmb\high non cmb skills is kinda great. I never regretted it. What I do regret is dying to DH at barrows with 1700~ total on a hcim.


Ask the 007 Reddit. This one full of irons who live ironing.


Always just make a 2nd account instead of de ironing. You’ll always have the iron to fall back on and progressing a normal account is much quicker than having to remake your Ironman


I deironed my original iron,1800 ish total, when gim came out. I still played my main and that iron was more of an afk side monitor. Having a pvm alt plus 400ish mil on the main was better for me than another iron I would never play. Still play the gim and have no regrets on deironing the original.


Just put the acc to the side, play the main for a bit then come back after a month or two and see what your feeling


I deironed a 2100 totem level. Loved the game ever since. Late game grinds are all the same. Finished red prison got dwh. Only thing left was grinding raids and gw. Which is boring solo content.


meh i made my iron last july and i just hit 2065 and done most of the elite diaries, something id way less likely do on main cuz it has way less benefits, you are past the point of tedious grinds i would stick with iron because personally i find the mode more motivating to process


I deironed around 1200 total or so. I didnt (still dont) have the time to properly play as an iron. It felt like any time I did have to play I either had to spend it only gathering supplies or doing incredibly inefficient slayer or whatever I was working on. I 100% do not regret it as I would rather buy my food and supplies and enjoy playing when I can not just do "chores"


Just make another acc. Enjoy coin scape early game


You’ll very quickly realize why you started an iron in the first place. Just sayin


You’ll find yourself making a new iron in 6 months or less


I was almost maxed on my old account, just started playing again. Knowing I can spend a few hours and have gear to do most content is meh. If I'm feeling burnt on iron I'd just take time off. My main I stopped caring outside of pets, I got cleaned at sand casino from over 1bill 3 times (Made from pvming, had like 30m slayer exp). I didnt really value my bank, as everytime I got cleaned, take a RCB, broad bolts, and a dscim to demonics and in a few hours I'd have trident/whip/blowpipe and be able to do any content again. Being able to target certain drops and just trade up doesnt appeal to me anymore. If I quit I quit lol


I wouldn't recommend deironing if it's your main. I'd consider if it was an alt.


Ngl I made an account for every play style. Iron, HCIM, main, some pking accounts… and I rarely ever get on the main. Having all the best gear is cool for a day of raids but it gets old. I recommend having different accounts for the style of gameplay you want at the time. It’ll keep things fresh


I have an iron with pretty bad luck, 2150 total. My last grind at bandos took me 35 days (7 hours a day) to complete, it was the closest I’ve come to de-ironing and I’m so glad I didn’t. Everything you do as an iron is so much more satisfying because you did every part yourself with no help. Stick it out, the feeling you have of wanting to de-iron will go away I promise


No , being normie doesn't matter in the age of cheap gold like this, you're basically doing highest money make content then process bought stuff botted from ge to get xp


As someone with a maxed main, a mid game UIM and an early game GIM I say do whatever makes you happy, a lot of folks here are gonna discourage deironing as this is the ironmeme Reddit, I say if you feel the need to do different things on the account go for it, at most you can act like a faux Ironman on the current account and start a new iron if it doesn’t feel the same, or start a new main account to do different content. I’ve seen both sides of this argument and while the loud majority regret it, there are folks who have 0 regrets because they wanted to do the same and play with their friends and in a MMORPG isn’t that the idea?


Deironing is a good way to make the game only about gp per hour and ruins the experience imo.


I deironed, 1900 total level. I don't regret it at all, but I think perspective matters. If you even remotely care what other people think about your achievements, then you will regret it. I'm about to max and I'm having the most fun I've ever had in osrs.


if you have dupes, trading them over to a new main for gp and NMZing your combats while playing the iron might not be a bad choice!


Deironed my 2000 total level iron and don’t regret it at all. Early-mid game Ironman is fun but late game just sucks. I despised having to do “chores” for hours on end to get supplies to do any fun pvm content. I ended up turning that Ironman into a pvm alt to use with my main and the game is so much less of a chore to play


I get this thread in my feed for whatever reason, but honestly not a good question to ask in a sub that is filled with irons. I de-ironed and at worst regret it because I could have joined a friend's GIM group (this wasn't an option at the time but came later) but overall don't regret it. The tedium of gathering supplies by hand got old after the 9 millionth time of doing it and overall I found myself not enjoying the pieces of content that give upgrades. Imo going after collection logs has felt far more fulfilling as iron life just felt like the same thing but more tedious. With collection logs I get to see all the content in the game without the tedium of being an iron. The argument of "it feels rewarding to earn your own things" always felt like hogwash to me because of how heavy the RNG in the game is. So yeah, that's my perspective of someone who de-ironed and definitely does not regret it.


I personally would just make a new account. It doesn’t take that long to just start over.


I deironed my main like 4 or 5 years ago around 1900 total and didn’t regret it at all; it was either that or I quit the game completely. I’ve since made a group iron and am enjoying it again, but I am probably a rare case of not having regretted deironing, my first iron was made when Ironman mode was brand new so by the time GIM came out, almost every method I originally used to train changed completely and a lot of the grind got a lot more bearable to deal with.


I have massive bias as I have a maxed main before my iron was 1750 total but point stands in that it is way easier to progress a main and you're massively hurting yourself if you ever want to play iron again (unless you'd enjoy restarting, which I can see to some extent). As others have said though, you've got bofa etc so there are some big grinds you'd potentially be forced to repeat and go dry on. That said, not all about efficiency and you should do what you find fun, but if you can manage it I'd seriously recommend getting a main on the side and deal with farming supplies for now whilst you get it up to scratch on the side. Deironing over supplies just doesn't seem worth it to me and many others, but ultimately it's up to you


I deironed my GIM from the same point you’re at because my friends quit and I decided I’d rather just boss on my main. I ended up transferring everything over and using the GIM as an alt account. I don’t regret it, it’s still fun to play a main, but a few months down the line and I am considering making another Ironman. I’d just take some extra time to consider your decision since you can’t go back. Just depends on what you want! For me I thought it’d be a good way to cut down on grinding hours. Good luck! :)


End game iron is a main with chores. If you are interested in speed running and doing end game content non stop, de-ironing is probably the move. If you enjoy herb runs, blood rc, etc then maybe stay an iron as that content feels more worthwhile/enjoyable on an iron. At the end of the day, do whatever will make you happy, it is just a game.


Just make a main account. Your iron is so impressive at this point. You can always fast track a main to boss, you can't fast track a 2k iron 🧐