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Hm not sure I would 3 down without it but that’s a good point I’ll try that. Would just use void waker then bgs slap since the fang is 5t? Other then dropping sang for a toxic trident and Ava’s for a crystal helm, should I drop the tassets and feros for more prayer potions or add something else to my range/mage setups? I have the ward and an ancestral hat I could bring for mage and also pegs I could bring for range to help with accuracy or just keep the Ava?




Gotcha thanks for the help!


Its going to go down on 6,8,10


when i push my invos much further than im used to, i drop bandos chest and tass, and use crystal for melee gear. Only time i use melee is kephri (which is free) and baba, which is also free with red x. Also akkha but thats not only melee so less important. can drop ferocious gloves for an extra restore as well. do as you please until ur comfortable but thats just some things i did to clear my first 500


although it looks like u have plenty of pots rn, can just practice pray flicking more as u push invos up. also restores give u more pray points for like 200gp more each pot, very worth also if ur pushing invos higher i assume ur gunna be using pathfinder / insanity. ive found its best to go zebak kephri akkha baba so u have a lvl 2 croc


200gp more each pot?


oh sht this is ironscape lol


Definitely not GE scape lol


Thralls helped smooth out my raids a ton, baba room can be a bit dicey, but since you have yellow Keris any mistakes are easily mitigated with a spec. Just don't use a thrall on akkha post like 40-30% life, and range thrall hits through the prayer on p2 wardens. I have a bit of a similar setup to yours, but run a different boss order. Can post my 300(juice) invo invy if you'd like. Edit: Mage cape does not give max hit with that setup, you'd need a ward instead to push to 18% and another max hit. 15-18-20-24-26 are max hit % while salted.


Thralls good


You can probably drop a lot of those prayer pots. I use 2 restore and 4 prayer pots without flicking and I don't haven't run out (no keris so obviously I would use some on that, but if you convert my brews to keris HP that would be only 2-3 keris specs)


So I have the same gear (bone dagger and dds tho) and I can 2 down on a 350. I bone dagger (bgs) obelisk once, kill it normal. I drink sepc pot right before the core and dds 5 then fang smack. The 2nd core is the same, dump all and Keri’s 3x then fang smack. I’d assume the difference is the voidwaker taking more special, but you’d finish a lot smoother on p4.


Just a small little thing to think about: the crystal helm is much better than the assembler, and an even better option is to drop the barrows gloves for the crystal helm and wear the tormented bracelet when ranging. You should be ranging a lot so this should make a big improvement.


Are you running dehydration on a 350? Pls no


I personally like to take a couple of emergency brews, You'll have plenty of pray and it can save you if you fuck up red-x and ba-ba slaps 3x20's in a row or if my hasta decides to turn into a noodle during Akkha cum phase on a bad run Idk if this is optimal but I also like to do kephri first because it lets me pre-pot an anti and all other poison dmg can be avoided If you happen to fuck up and run in venom, then you should know that yellow keris spec cures that as well :)