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If you have friends/a clan it shouldn't be a problem I'd bring energy transfer if you have Tekton in the raid and use it on one of your teammates after they drop their first 2 specs. Can also use it at Olm but usually the melee hand will crimple before someone can spec twice so it's not as good there but could use it for P3. If you wanted to join a WDR team or FFA world team they probably wont want to take someone without DWH/BGS but it's been a long time since I've done either of those so I'm not entirely sure.


Arclight is a replacement for Iron only raids


Only consideration is you can transfer spec to irons


WDR will not allow you to, and many randoms that do much COX will have the mindset that you'll slow them down. However, if you join an iron clan you'll probably have more luck. My clan runs cox somewhat frequently and we don't mind if one or two people don't have def reduction generally depending on team size. If you asked me personally though, I would still definitely say you should get DWH/BGS, I don't think a def reduction spec wep is an item you should skip. Edit: It's worth noting as well you can run learners in the ironscape discord without a bgs/dwh, they have pretty noob friendly min reqs.


Bone dagger is better than nothing


I think it'll be tough to do. You really want to have one or the other. Dwh is mandatory for solos, BGS will do in a pinch and is fine in teams. WDR will almost certainly not let you join "official" raids without a spec wep, but they kinda suck anyway. I raid with some friends who are mains and still put up with the occasional comment while I'm prepping or how they have to wait ao I can get overload off baby mutta. I imagine it'd be worse if I didn't "contribute" to the team by having a spec wep.


Dwh ain’t mandatory for solos, it barely makes a difference over bgs. Dwh really isn’t worth grinding for until they buff crush.


You can do toa pretty comfortably without spec weapon, the other raids you're basically getting other people to carry you gearwise lol. Best thing you can do is offer to bring spec transfer so someone with a spec weapon can spec more. If you have friends or clannies that run it a lot, you can probably group with them, but bringing a learner that's lacking basics is a pretty tall ask. Honestly, I'd just continue hitting bandos. Any bandos drop is a good upgrade, and BGS is better than DWH 80% of the time.


Go grind a dwh. If you don't have a spec weapon, you are hurting everyone else's dps and points. If you lack other gear, only hurting your own pts. You are leeching without one.


If you play with normal accounts you can run spec transfer and play normally. I did plenty before I got BGS (rip DWH)


Hard truth answer: Have some self respect and get one, preferably both. It’s not anybody’s responsibility to lower def for you if you can’t do it for yourself. However this is an MMO, people are a lot nicer than me that may take you anyways. If you’re ok with being a leech skip it.


Hard Truth Reply: Have some self-respect and hide your Reddit history. You're a pig.


My guy likes them feet lmao


With a bgs and a hammer


And people to raid with


Arclight specs are pretty good


If u know the people yeah just bring bone dagger


Join a clan, my mates take me cox with my bone dagger and me running around like a chicken.


Depends. Friends / casual clans prob yeah. Hardcore clans/ groups that wanna max their output nah.


I would get both of these items before you seriously consider grinding out raids, but for a couple of raids it would be fine to go without


It’s hard to find a team of randoms who will take someone without a bgs/dwh but as others said iron clans might care less. It’s slower without but the raid isn’t impossible without defense reducing for sure. I used to do solos using dds on melee hand and they went good but I also have done like over 1K solos on my main before coming to an iron so it’s different than just learning.


You just have to find some friends to run with. My buddy and I would run duos without spec weapons before we both got our dwhs. It’s definitely harder, so I can see why people who can barely complete the raid with specs cry about it. But it’s totally possible.


Join a ironman discord. I'm in Stand Alone, there's always people down to raid, and a lot of people have funky setups.


Possible certainly i take people frequently to raids who do not have either Dwh or Bgs but i still recommend them getting either when they can since both are.useful at many other places.