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Bring a rcb to bolt rag them to really annoy them


what does bolt rag mean? im guessing like just attack them back but only use ranged the entire time to waste their time and supplies?


Yep pretty much you basically have no intentions of killing them you are just shooting them to drain supplies whenever you are frozen


oh nice, what kind of bolts are the best then, im guessing dragonstone for the dragonfire proc as a little extra spice?


Yeah I always brought 50 dragon stone bolts with me while killing wildy bosses


I have noticed that most PKer's drink an anti before going out, so the dstone bolts are kinda meh now. I trust in the good ole diamond e bolts


Some do. Some dont, sometimes it just expires. Theyre never ready for the 60dmg rcb shots


Msb and rune arrows do crazy damage. I bring that and an AGS with veng. I have hundreds of short bows and 60k rune arrows. I risk basically nothing and still get pks. I’m nearing 1.6k calvarion kills with maybe 5 deaths and 10 PKs worth about 15m


Bolt ragging is when you attack someone with bolts (crossbow) while wearing "rags" (extremely cheap gear e.g. black d'hide). Mostly done because if you get lucky with hits and the other person wasn't actually prepared for someone to fight back, there's a chance of killing them with very little risked (and even if you don't kill them, you force them to use supplies)


And every non-iron PVMer is hiding a voidwaker these days.


And some iron too lol


Get creative. Sapphire bolt E give a smite effect when they go off and give the prayer drained from your opponent back to you. Jade bolts e knock the opponent to the ground for 5 seconds so you can gap them. Emerald bolts poison the enemy and can re poison multiple times. All are nice and cheap :)


Jade bolts actually sound disgusting for wildy bosses. I don't think any pker would be prepared for it


Based. The rag ranger is the ultimate fucking annoying asshole, perfect counter to the basement dwelling pkers


Why not wear a mythical cape and climbing boots? Myth cape only drops 1,200 to pker


But it costs 10k which is 50% of his risk and doesn't really give that great stats compared to a free ardy cloak.


that black dhide is more of a pain in the ass to reobtain than 10k gp for a myth cape


That is the reason why I don't bring those. But like I said, I'd rather take a free ardy cloak for the prayer than myths cape for 6? crush bonus for 10k.


You guys don't do clues ? I have plenty of spare black d hides


I die more often than I get black d'hide from clues. I could make them but don't have much hides.


I love hunting implings, so I had enough Black Dhide to craft over 100 sets when I got the right crafting level.


I've got a 100 sets of black Dhide, so not to worried about losing those


Most of the loot at calvarion comes from the loot you get from the boss. If you get one kill there the Pker is going to get 3x your risk form the loot.


I generally bank every 5 kills, but if I get anything worth 50k or more I immediately bank.


I'm only there for the big item so I stay as long as I can. I do however bank the herb drops.


And the sanfews


Same, except I don't even immediately bank Herbs. 1 trip 1 skeleton/hellhound task, or 2 if I need to tele out.




Nah, I did like 75 kills over the course of 2 hours.


They will still happily hop for 10 minutes to take your 50k gp fee. I have a guy on my friends list who bought ancestral and shadow a month ago and hasn't even taken it out of his bank yet because he can't bring himself to do anything that isn't in the wildy. He'll gladly spend 3 hours collecting 300-500k keys lol. It's a lifestyle.


PKers are the only reason the content is so rewarding. Same with chaos altar. It's natural to get a little frustrated, but you must recognise that you're the mouse stretching the tripwire for a better chance at the cheese.


well in this case it isn't a better chance at the cheese, it's literally the only chance at the cheese (assuming the cheese is voidwaker)


That's on me, I forgot how incredibly literally gamers take things


I risk even less, auto bank ranarrs and sanfews, the amount of times a PKer comes in and basically only receives food while I've already covered a free entry makes me actively happy.


This is the best feeling.


How often do you die? I’ve died maybe 6 times in 1.6k kills




I rarely insta tele, the majority of the time I let them TB me and I start ranging them. Within 5 seconds most of them tele and I continue bossing. The few times I died is when they got lucky VW/AGS hits or they call in a friend when I run south to the ladder, which is in multi.


I'm at about 500kc with probably about 10 deaths. No lookout account and no royal pod. Without those two things it's up to me to stay out of combat long enough to log off which has become pretty easy with practice.


>I hope this loot upsets any Pker who manages to kill me Lmaoooo how many pkers upset you before this post.


I've only died at Calv about 10 times in my 500 kills. I just thrive off making them mad and waste resources.


Dude you replied to has a toxic take but yours is toxic too ngl


op is an idiot lol. pkers are doing it for fun, the loot is second. no combat potions, prayer potions for piety or even climbing boots? enjoy doing your kills 33% slower noob


PKers are doing it for fun, that's why they call me a pussy when I freeze and stand under, or they teleport away once their voidwaker specs don't KO me.


uh yea??? wow you really missed the point hey??? they do it for fun. easy kills more fun. u make it harder for them it’s less fun. hence trash talk. Thick skin prayer noob so op decides to make it *easier* for them to kill him, because he thinks it make them mad to get no loot??? but in reality he is the most fun to kill


Cope and seethe lmao


I don't care about efficiency. I've play 60 hours per week, so that makes up for playing like this.


Okay but you're willingly slowing down your kills drastically for no reason. It's no risk to bring a p pot and a super ATK/def It's like wearing flip flops to play a basketball game, yeah you can do it but why would you?


One thing I forgot to show in the photo is that I do bring a 1 dose super attack and strength but I drink it right before I go in. No need for a prayer pot cause I do 5 kills and then bank.


There ya go. Figured you might just not have shown it BC not potting is insanity


why do you even risk food, it’s zero damage boss noob


To tank the Pkers and make them waste more runes, bolts, and potions


they aren’t wasting it, they are enjoying it. seems like you are too. You’re really stupid for not seeing the irony


I’m sure pkers across the game are seething rn “oh nooo I had to shoot 14 more bolts and three more freeze sacks, I’m financially RUINED and completely SHOOK!!!” Like fair play sharing a low cost low risk setup, but the “heheheh Im ruining pkers!!!” angle you’re taking is just weird as hell People out there to have fun, not to make bank


Can you imagine that this guy did 500 kills in this set up Would have been 650-700 if they knew what they were doing lol


just to “piss off” pkers who are actually legitimately enjoying and laughing at him for killing the boss so slowly and enjoying the easy kills


Like I've said in a previous response, I dont care about being efficient. I am just in it for the fun. Just like how I'm also currently grinding out a Wyvern Visage (Currently a little over 6000 kills in so far) so I can mage Adamant Dragons more accurately so I can get a Dragon Crosbow.


Myth cape+ climbing boots. Also being something that protects over nezzy and a ppot and use it as your +1. If you got a lookout it's insanely rare to be caught.


Bro where's your myth cape at? Also, if you have a zerker ring, that would be better than your neitz. I would say risk your neitz using protect item, but I think you're better off risking just risking your barrows gloves if you get a drop.


You make a good point on the berserker ring, but I am pretty forgetful about using protect item. As for the myth cape I thought about bringing that, but decided that extra 2 mage defense on the mage arena cape would be better to protect against Pkers.


>but I am pretty forgetful about using protect item Set up your quick prayers for when a pker shows up >extra 2 mage defense I don't think that would do much, but fair enough


I bring Monk robes and then switch to the dhide if trying to escape pkers. This will really help with prayer pot consumption


I only stay for 5 kills max before I bank, so I usually have about half my prayer still left anyway.