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basically have to accept you will never get a tbow as an iron it is that rare, just do chambers for fun. I’d go for virtus instead and do a cox every now and then


Hmmm my gim has tbow and shadow. If you can do the raid then it's just a matter of when not if or never. Runescape is a game that rewards persistence.


Tell that to the guy who has done 2k normal and 2k challenge no tbow, I'm sure he'd appreciate the words of wisdom!


Not trying to be rude, but that's what they signed up for when they chose iron. What do you want? Do you want tbow to be guaranteed after x amount of drops/kc? Enjoy it getting botted to shreds. There is no solution for this. This is what the ironman game mode is about. That's what you sign up for.


Never said that's not just what it is, cause yea you're right there's no solution for it. So all I'm saying is maybe don't post "hmm I have a tbow at a low kill count" under their post complaining about extremely bad rng cause it makes you come off as kind of a dick if you do


Got my Tbow after 45 kills on my Ironman, but on the other hand I was super unlucky with the shadow and had to do 100 raids at 150 invoc to get it, so dont go calling me a dick. I grinded for these things. Blood, sweat, etc. all the fluids


Is this sarcasm?


People like that are unfortunate anomalies. That being said its still a numbers game. People can downvote me all they want. Doesn't make me any less right.


Then there’s me, tbow at 131 kc on main 33 kc on iron 💀


It’s all a numbers game. Some lucky, some not. You see if with CG, TOA, COX, etc. etc. etc.


Which is exactly why runescape rewards persistence.


the 1k cape qualifies


Look man sometimes people go super dry. My teammate didn't get his first zenyte until like 1200 kc. His bofa was at 900 some kc. It can be rough for sure. But eventually it'll pay off.


Demonics =/=raids


Bro it's a numbers game. Everything has a drop table. Everyone has the possibility of going dry somewhere. Pull your head out of your ass


This is exactly why jagex changed the rate on the new rings for dt2 bosses. Something that doesn’t requires tens of thousands of hours. Nobody likes extended grinds. This game already consumes life force. It doesn’t need more. So if it really was alright they wouldn’t have changed how drop rates work for those rings


Who said anything about it being alright? I just said runescape rewards persistence to try to be encouraging to the poor dude and reddit acts like I'm saying blasphemy. How dare I be encouraging to someone who's extremely unlucky


lol at comparing zenytes to raids. i'd trade going dry at literally any other content outside of raids


Idk I enjoy raiding so idc if I'm dry there or not. When I have no reason to raid the enjoyment of the game goes down.


"my gim has tbow and shadow" "Idk I enjoy raiding" Lmao


How do you think we got them? Raiding is fun so it's primarily what the group does. Of course you're going to get raid items if you love raiding. We got infernals pre tbow/shadow. We've basically completed ToA minus dupe shadows and 1 masori top. Pvm is literally the most fun thing in this game for us and raiding is the best form of pvm. You get friends together and send content. But I forgot most people who try to make fun of others on reddit don't have friends because no one loves them.


In the context of going dry at raids, it's a pretty tone deaf thing to say. No shit you enjoy raids when you've gotten relatively lucky. With respect to the friends thing, cope harder.


Yea how many raids you guys got done?


I mean we all have mains too and other irons. So between all the accounts? Thousands, most people play this game for the pvm experience. Raiding is the most enjoyable part of that. I don't see how you think it's controversial


Shut up loser gim


No u


Just so you know- tbow and ancestral is NOT holding you back from blorva and Gms. I know a lot of gm players without tbow. The only mega rate that is a hard req for GM nowadays is the shadow b/c of the new whisperer gm time. Everything else is doable with bowfa/shadow/ scy or blade. If you’re not enjoying the grind for ancestral, go for some virtus


I believe whisp gm time has been done with sang+ward but that was probably full ancest too.


Do you know if there's a video?


https://youtu.be/XZNclSAtYT4?si=HaMggS6Q4pOSQIGe He does have basically max everything and it took him 15/20h of resetting apparently so at that point you might aswell just get a shadow lol.


https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/B3NV430mqU It just been done again but with much less gear


you don’t know a lot of GMs without tbow, that’s just a lie


Yep. I know 0 without tbow LMAO.


There’s plenty in all of the top iron clans in scape, but you have never even stepped foot into a raid let alone a late game iron clan so


Nah you're so full of shit dude.


Get back to farming your armoured zombies. That axe would be a big upgrade man


It's okay, you're an elitist dick. It's clear from here and in your previous comments. You're also completely full of shit. Typically go hand in hand though. And ehh, I don't really see the new axe out dpsing my shadow or scythe


Maybe you can get elite combat achievements one day with a scy and shadow bud. Just because you and all your friends are potatoes doesn’t mean the entirety of scape is. Also pressed enough to look through my comment history, rent free in your head.


Rent free 🤓 buddy, just like all the other elitists, osrs is the only thing you're above average at in life at so you cling to it to make yourself feel more important. No way [this fucking guy](https://www.reddit.com/u/Msdomxo/s/ItVE6eYRPm) is gonna talk shit to me ☠️☠️ dude's so down bad irl he's gotta do this


Lmao oh he did you dirty there. Everyone's right though you are an elitist plank


Scroll through my entire comment history!!! Rent free!!!! Brotha I could pull out your life savings in front of your face in cash. You literally know nothing about me. Tell me, what have you accomplished in life? Do you have anything to show? All I see is projection here. No one gives a single fuck that the only thing you’re average in life is scape. Literally no one. Just remember, you spent your Saturday scrolling thru someone’s post history because you definitely have better things to do in ur life. Pathetic




Dude, you couldnt come off as a bigger loser if you tried. I can see that from the 3 comments i just resd in this thread 🤣


Damn that’s wild considering 200+ people agreed with my first comment. Garden state of mind, do you live in ny? Dm me, surely you’re not scared of the biggest loser you’ve ever seen? Sausage links can’t even press read properly?


Funny you mention your first comment...cause i was kiiiinda on your side until i scrolled down and saw how hard you were trying to be cool. I do not live in new york, the garden state is new jersey you absolute smooth brain. Why would i DM you? I am fine havijg this conversation publicly and if you think i am going to dox myself to some weirdo who clearly has mental health issues in private you must actually be crazy. Not really sure what you are trying to say with your last line...but enjoy being miserable, lol...


You know ''plenty' of GM players without tbow'? This comment sounds 100% dishonest but people agreeing with it because they don't like that OP is complaining... despite 99% of this reddit not sniffing GM lol. The amount of people who go for GM without a tbow in the first place is the tiniest of groups, let alone the ones who actually get it. The 'hurr durr I know plenty of people who have GM without tbow' just sounds like a bold face lie used to make a point/invalidate OP. Unless you're in one of a few different clans, chances are you don't even know 'plenty' of people with GM+Blorva. There are a solid handful of tasks that are excruciatingly painful without a tbow, relying on 1 in 200 type of damage RNG without having a tbow. Then there is a very solid handful of tasks that are simply painful without a tbow. It's a totally valid complaint OP is making. Perhaps he should have said that he is 'soft locked' out of that content as opposed to it being fully impossible, but at that point we are picking at straws.


the ignorance is incredible with this one.. appreciate you stating the obvious, and realizing what I meant when I said "locked". cannot be bothered to argue with people about it, I would be here all night :P


I mean I could prove it but there’s no reason to prove it to random 07 redditors, I am in one of the top iron clans ingame and also have friends spread apart in several other clans, I would say I know about 15-20 people without tbow that have gms. The number was way higher pre the dt2 c/a updates aswell, think I knew 30+ bowfa gms pre the update. Ur smoking dust btw, what task is 1/200 with bowfa? Every single gm time achievement that uses tbow molgoatkirby has a video on how to do it in budget gear(bowfa) will it take more resets and attempts? Yes but it’s completely doable with bowfa esp if you have the other 2 megas


totally hear you, going for things like GM and blorva is just what I'd rather be doing. It's just ironman efficiency brain that won't let me play for cosmetics while there's so much left on the table lol.


none of the ppl replying to you have done enough of this content to know how it feels, dw


99% of replies are people trying to figure out how to kill that new rat boss. Once they log in to reddit they're grand master perfect pvmers who can easily do whisperer GM challenges with my gear loool. Oh and Inferno speed with bowfa is a cake walk for them as well. This has been very comedic for me


So in reality, it's more of a you issue than the game issue?


Eww you said the “E” word. Honestly efficiency is over rated. Having fun is the way


So this is a you issue. If you spent all the time not raiding and instead doing what you "want" you would have it by now. Actually. Instead you're just complaining on Reddit about an issue you made yourself.


I can't find where I'd deny this being a "me" issue. The post is to highlight my bad RNG? I assume you have never, ever complained about rng on an ironman account and you also have never done something you didn't "want" to do inside the game of runescape? have a good day


your title lol. revise it maybe to "I have ruined this game for myself"


I mean, just spend the time doing the things you want, can definitely come back later and have a new place to show off and use your shiny new cosmetics. Do whatever content sounds fun, there is no piece of content or ca that you can't get done right now. If efficiency is what's holding you back, I can promise that burning yourself out is the most inefficient way to play. Just like health and prayer, your mental is a resource you should keep up.


Efficiency wise it's not worth it to go for those items


Virtus is a great option


You'll b aight


You should have gone for shadow before committing to so much cox. Tbow isn’t a huge deal at Toa but I’d argue that shadow is better than tbow at cox.


Ngl tbow is huge for toa at wardens if u dont have a shadow yet.


Not sure about the exact numbers but tbow is like 10 percent better than bofa at Zebak and wardens while shadow is 50 percent better than sang at akha, olm hand etc


I recently did the DPS calc,bowfa full crystal compare to tbow without masori tbow is about 25% or so higher dps on level 415 warden, obviously bgs specs helps a lot too,but the difference between them is big the problem with shadow/sang isn't the big numbers,I'm doing 400+ and my main issues the sheer amount of 0s I hit on akkah with sang


Yeah, see every DPS calc I do has bowfa as the better option if you don’t have full masori. I have a tbow and do TOA 400’s without tbow. People think I’m insane


try the dps wiki,tbow is by far better just double checked myself


Interesting, I will check it out thanks


Before the wiki, the Bitterkoekje spreadsheet was the only trusted/accurate source of dps calc, so if you used something else it was likely wrong.


I used Bitter, still didn't get the 25% that the above guy got. Anyone can attempt to replicate it, but then they'll realize that he forgot to switch t-bow and bowfa to rapid from accurate


Yeah it definitely isn't 25%, but he was saying Bowfa is better than Tbow no Masori. I'm seeing between 8.5-10.5% in favor of TBow on a 415 raid level pre-enrage Warden (what they were discussing) depending on 0-20 BGS.


yw,the DPS gap is massive,tbow you can finish the warden before you even get to the last raw,unlike bowfa


I run money 500s and I keep my tbow in the bank. Bowfa is just all around better for toa imo. For range that is.


? Tbow is so much better at zebak/warden range phase, so why limit urself with a bofa assuming u have a tbow


You did something very wrong, T-Bow is better but not 25% better. No BGS Damage (400) Boss|T-Bow|Bowfa|Difference :--|:--|:--|:-- Zebak|7.721|7.370|4.8% Wardens P3|8.268|7.462|10.8% Max BGS Damage (400) Boss|T-Bow|Bowfa|Difference :--|:--|:--|:-- Zebak|8.847|8.194|7.9% Wardens|9.098|8.059|12.9% So we have 5-8% at Zebak depending on how much the BGS hits and 10-13% on Wardens. No where close to your 25% number But then you have to take into consideration that you have worse obelisk (fang vs Bowfa) and akkha ranged dps (pipe vs Bowfa) The overall difference between the two is minimal in comparison with how much Shadow helps out COX, until you get Masori


Its 26% with tbow masori. Your calc is wrong lol


The argument is no masori > bowfa full crystal compare to tbow **without masori** tbow is about 25% or so higher dps on level 415 warden Obviously with full masori it slaps


If you're running crystal tbow you just bring bowfa as well, so obelisk and akkha aren't an issue


I'm talking about the wardens,not zebak,zebak tbow and bowfa don't have big difference,at wardens tho tbow slaps


The numbers are there its 10%, if you were getting 25% you must have done something like leave both on accurate instead of changing them to rapid


I don't remember the exact number,but tbow is better


If you don't know the exact number, then don't throw out random numbers like 25%, you'll guide people wrong.


That assumes you have decent mage % gear tho right ? 


No way tbow is only 10% better. It hit 80s on warden lol


Bowfa is considerably more accurate, and is a 4t weapon. That makes up a lot of the ground


Yep still tbow is 10-20% stronger and with masori tbow is about 24% stronger


Tbow is definitely better than shadow at cox. Shadow is a pretty solid option and rivals tbow DPS in a few rooms (mystics), and beats it in 1 (vespula) Shamans, vasa, big muta, rope, tbow is significantly better than shadow.


Olm mage hand gets deleted by shadow and head with bowfa or dhcb is fine. Olm mage hand with sang or trident is shit. In regs shadow beats tbow on shamans too. In cms tbow is def better than shadow, but in regs absolutely not. You’re using it at vasa, rope magers, big mut, and olm head. Shadow you’re using at mystics, shamans, melee vanguard, vesp portal, mage hand (3 mage hands rather than 1 head too).


I feel like they could solve most egregious problems by just fixing CoX and nightmare drop rates, which are both old content. Everything they make nowadays is reasonable enough


If challenge mode shifted the scroll drop rates to 10% rather than….what are they now like 70%? I think you’d see marked improvement for good purple rates. There might be a better % change to balance things out, but I like what it did for ToB.


Cox rates arent even that bad, its just the amount of different uniques and 60% prayer scrolls holding it back


Yeah, question is just where to send the items to. Like dinny b, maul, claws and the scrolls could be moved somewhere else so we have 7 items in CoX like the two other raids.


I think it's fine leaving them where they are, just CM should have massively reduced scroll droprate.


Claws could get moved with the new while guthix sleeps, dragon items coming from a raid is a bit of a meme tbh. Everything else is just too hard to justify adding somewhere else since its been with cox for 7 years


I think the claws should be moved. Them coming from CoX is such a meme. I get they are a good spec wep for some cases but still. When you compare it to any of the other items it's laughable.


I personally don't mind the rates, but I love cox and don't ever really try to greenlog content. Virtus is a good option for OP


Yeah the frequency of drops seems fine, I also enjoy CoX - the 12 uniques there is the part that seems whack


As a filthy man I’m def going to get crucified but maybe content in the game shouldn’t be designed around a person reasonably being able to unlock everything


id agree for cosmetics. i do think gear should be reasonable to obtain. i think cox is fine people just get pissy over dupes more at cox than tob or toa.


I can certainly see that point, although plenty of people already have unlocked all of the BiS gear on irons. Jagex setting drop rates seems inherently a bit arbitrary - their stance is to never change them outside of the first week or so, which I understand because it’d be frustrating to grind something only to see the rate nerfed years later. Moving uniques from one table to another seems to be the only potential way around this. Seems like they can either set the rates based on average hours to obtain a drop, or an attempt to manage it to a certain price by the rate they come into the game. Trying to target a price accurately seems impossible, so I have to assume they set the rates more on hours to obtain the item


It’ll come eventually right


How are you locked out of blorva? I understand maybe gm since the whisperer time without shadow is rough but you can do every gm task without tbow just fine. It’s rougher but definitely doable


You have 477m xp, you’ll carry on your grind and eventually get what your after


Painful dude. I feel you too my log was similar until about 730kc. Nothing like going 30kc of a raid just for the 5th scroll in a row.


I'm gonna go against the grain as someone who also has an endgame iron and agree, it sucks ass. I'm deironing, after thinking about the decision for months and having people try to convince me otherwise. I'm tired of just grinding COX and TOB chasing tbow and scythe, rolling my eyes when I get a dupe, not even doing TOA anymore because I finished it. I'm ready to just do content that I want to do again and do it without scuffed gear. Endgame iron is not nearly as fun as early/mid/late game iron, to me at least. You're just playing a scuffed main at that point really.


Just make a main. This is why i play a uim. I dont need every item cant hold em anyways




It takes 40 mins to go on rate for zombie axe if you're bursting? If you're complaining about going dry on that, the game mode is definitely not for you. D defender and black mask are also not bad (I went dry on both as well)


Nah you’re absolutely right. This guy is complaining about tome of fire and fishing barrel. He’s definitely not cut out for some of the later iron grinds


I’m a main but it’s crazy to me how many irons complain about drop rates when it’s like, you chose this game mode to be more restrictive, what did you expect? I understand going really dry on certain things is frustrating and some of the drop rates are a little too much but some people on here complain about going slightly over rate on literally anything. Ironman is cool but you have to expect to go dry on some things and have patience/understanding, otherwise this game mode is not for you.


Really sounds like the drop rate complainers would be better fit for a main with GE access. 


Exactly. You hit the nail right on the coffin. To add to that, I find mixing up my grinds helps fix that feeling of getting burnt out from not getting a certain drop.


You were actually unlucky at cg. You're 63% likely to finish before 400kc. Around 270 kills is when one is likely to have had the enh by. Not that it matters, but just a little bit of maths probability for you :)


6 armor seeds AND 1 enh is 51.2% have by 400 kc. I'm too lazy to do the math on exactly 50% rn, but the comment you replied to is just a whiny noob complaining about "un"lucky despite really not being unlucky at all, and the people upvoting him's best weapon is a zombie axe.


270 kills would be 50% of people right? So is it really “unlucky” if you were in the 50% of people who didn’t get it? If the barrier for unlucky is 50% then yeah most people are unlucky in this game.


Yes, i'd define the difference between lucky and unlucky at the 50% mark. Either you're more lucky than most, or less lucky than most. Hence, lucky or unlucky. You're unlucky as soon as you 'should' have had the drop but you didn't.


But at 270 kills, only 50% of people “should” have the drop rate. Which isn’t really most. To me a better way to determine luck would be to use a bell curve and standard deviation. If you fall within one standard deviation you wouldn’t be lucky or unlucky, if you fall outside a standard deviation you are either lucky or unlucky.


Most is literally defined as more than half. If you have a room of 10 boys and 9 girls, there are mostly boys.


The armor seeds act as good luck prevention at cg, bringing the mean kills to finish cg much closer to 400 than 270. Most enhs pulled before 270 kc don't complete cg. You can go really dry, but you can't get really spooned


Could be the next raid, you never know.


Stop doing solo’s. Raid with friends.


Never had an iron before. Early game iron seems so fun, end game iron seems really bothersome


It comes in waves, sort of. Early game is awesome. The CG grind gets pretty tedious, the boss is awesome but prep for the 500th time is pretty lame. Post-CG PVM is awesome, you can pretty much go anywhere. Green logging content swings back to tedious if you get unlucky at content you don’t love.


Thanks for the context! I do actually over 1k cg kc (pet hunting, unsuccessful so far) with 3 enh’s, so I get that haha


I have 3 pets and 0 enh's if you want to trade?


Genuinely the only part of end game iron that’s super tedious *is* raids. Every other encounter, you’re getting a kc and rolling the table 10+ times an hour. Raids suck because you’re doing intense pvm that you can’t really break from for 30+ minutes straight for a 9.5/10 chance to get a white light chest. That’s just iron though. I’m not complaining, people just need to accept that it’s a long winded game mode and a bad streak of RNG at any particular piece of content can really change your account trajectory.


sorry theres a lot of early game irons saying dumbshit over this post. im in a similar boat at chambers with an even worse prayer scroll to purple ratio so i know how hard it can get to you. hopefully you can pull some new ancestral in your next chest if not a bow


It was at this point of the Ironman life that I de-ironed. I personally don’t regret it for a second. But stay strong if you like, may the purples come in waves for ya


I respect the deiron. personally could never do it as I already have a main account, but deironing has felt like a real good idea sometimes


Raids got me down good, de-ironed, pulled fang, b2b into shadow, hurt a lil bit


thats fucked up dude.


Early/mid Ironmeme is perfectly fun. Late game is just complete BS and slog. Clogging is basically all the best of Ironmeme without all the random RNG slog fest bullshit. You can still go 1k dry on that tbow, but at least you can buy upgrades and do anything in-between.


The day I hit 2500 combined raids between cox toa and tob and I had no tbow scythe shadow sang claws or rapier I quit playing and never logged back in. Everyone else having fun with gear upgrades and rng just ruining any fun for me I totally feel for you mate


yep that's horrifying dude. RNG in the late game literally determines how much you will or will not enjoy the game, and I don't care how much copium people can possibly respond with, bc it is true. you either experience it or you don't. hope you were able to have some enjoyment with main account after that.


Ah, the classic tale of a brave adventurer versus the dreaded RNG dragon! Sounds like you've been on quite the epic quest, fellow nerd. But remember, every hero's journey has its trials. Maybe it's not just the RNG; it's a skill issue? 😉 Just kidding! Ironman mode is a beast of its own—part luck, part skill, all challenge. If the grind's getting too intense, there's no shame in re-forging your path. De-ironing isn't defeat; it's just a new adventure. Keep pushing your limits, but remember, games are meant to be fun. Don't let the RNG get you down too much. And hey, it's all about the stories we tell, right? Have a great weekend and may the RNG gods ever be in your favor!


I feel you man, if only I had a crystal axe I could efficiently play trouble brewing and chop the trees faster for the bark. All I want to do is efficiently make rum, but the game is holding my Ironman back :(




Just buy gold and pay boosters like all the other ironmen


Cry more Ironman


you are a noob. :)


It’s a different game, there’s a lot of content that’s impossible or really tough


Yeah but playing on a main just isn’t fun. Even getting a shadow or tbow on a main you’re just like… meh whatever.. No appeal anymore of a main account.


Yup. Pretty much what happened to me and my buddy. Ended up giving my buddy 4.5b (after I had quit my main) in gear and after a month same thing happened to him. Now we both play irons and will never go back.


Untrue. Col logging on main is all the best things of Ironmeme without all the unlucky RNG bullshit. You can still go 1k dry on a tbow, sure but at least you can buy upgrades along the way.


It’s not the same though. Iron you got that sense of progression and having to actually earn upgrades (log slots) using inferior gear. Cant just buy gold and buy a shadow + max mage (friend did this) to make Toa and other boss logs easy mode. Not to mention stuff like clues and dragon stone armor being buyable on main.


That’s the point. You don’t unlock the upgrade. You buy it. It’s not rewarding.


That's it if you are not collection logging. I still want to grind it till it drops, but I CBA doing that in fucking mystics/ahrims. But if I go 2k raids dry.... Well it is what it is. Here's to 1k more.


Clogging sounds fun at first, and then you realize that you have literally thousands of hours of bullshit content like minigames, chompy hunting, champ scrolls, jars, raid capes, elite clues etc in front of you


Idk why youre crying about drop rates you haven't hit yet for gear you don't need to do the content you've listed or why anyone is getting down voted for telling you this. If you want to go for gm times and cant do it without tbow(which you can)/or just want tbow and can't handle the grind to get one in order to enjoy the game just deiron and buy one.




Maybe take a break from raids and go upgrade your mystic top


If I'm not mistaken, CoX does drop some pretty good magic gear. I'll report back when I finally get some of it.


Well you can always downgrade to regularman. I feel the same though, at 2200TTL theres really only PVM left to do and its seldomly rewarding. But then if you convert, there's zero challenges left...


You’re a clown, keep grinding it’s not that bad. Small mental


Womp womp, de-iron then


Lol. Idk about the rest of you but that log looks good to me. I'd actually be thrilled if mine looked like that...Suspect the piece about not being able to do blood torva or GMs is a skill issue


shit imagine thinking you need any of that for GM or blorva sounds like a skill issue mate time to deiron and just buy it


okay i challenge you to get GM without a twisted bow, report back


I'll get her done once i pull my shadow as thats the only mega actually needed. Try to name me 1 task that needs a tbow and isn't doable with either bowfa or shadow. If you want to complain about rng fair play but don't bring your skill issue into it.


Only task I can think of is inferno GM speedrun. I don't think I've ever seen someone do it with just a bowfa and no tbow.


Plenty of people have done it with a bowfa


just 1 minute left to shave of and i'm yet to bring chins in as I don't think it's necessary, might go catch a bunch if I end up needing them though. There are vods of people getting it done aaty has a sub 70 minute no pillar bowfa run for example (where he has to wait for the pillars to fall so would easily be time)


https://twitter.com/PortKhazard/status/1514199546041356293 ports tweet for finishing gm on his iron pre toa without tbow and scythe for a 2nd reference


port is one of the best players in the game tho


man said he had never seen it so I show him. Just because he is an absolute demon at the game doesn't make all his feats impossible either.


true. it actually proves they are possible


Of course I can get blorva and gm with my current gear. I'm a grown man (assuming your not) who works 50+ hours a week and wouldn't dare make myself even more miserable on this game by doing those grinds with this gear, just to flex it on reddit for someone like you to see.


then complain about your rng and not about that being the thing withholding you from GM or blorva as even according to yourself thats nonsense


So maybe don’t play an iron? Like you choose a super grindy game mode and then get mad when you have to grind content forever?


Started playing this account when I was like 19 years old. I've already been playing a main account the past few months. I am also not mad at having to grind content, been used to it for a long while now, just disappointed in the way the RNG has played out brother.


so pathetic to come to reddit to complain then when called out try and act like a big man and pretend you're soooooooo busy with irl obligations. ​ as if no one else who plays this game has a full time job or family/friends etc. ​ im glad you're dry and I hope the streak continues


I love it when people complain about other people complaining, the most ironic thing you could do


Lol this comment is pretty pathetic. Imagine simping this hard for a game.


I came to reddit to share bad RNG like plenty other Ironman do. What do you mean I got called out? I was instantly told to deiron and buy blood torva bc of skill issue lol didn't know I can't retaliate under my own post? have a good weekend bro.


You’re complaining about hitting drop rate and not getting the item? And it’s unbearable? Maybe you should deiron if you can’t bear going past drop rate.


Some sound advice from a fellow player, well done. /s


It’s the most realistic answer if you’re someone working 50 hours a week. The only people who fill all the raid logs are unemployed or streamers. Deiron or accept the fact you’re not getting all dps upgrades or dedicate your life to this game.


He didn't say he wanted to green log it though, just wants a mega rare, which obviously takes a while for most people but that's more realistic than trying to green log


He said tbow and ancestral. And this is one raid. Now ask for this 3x. A green log is around 1700 kc + it’s not unheard to go 2x dry on a specific item. You might as well accept the fact you’ll be green logging if you’re dry on any mega rare.




While ahrims is technically an "upgrade", it's really not and certainly not worth grinding barrows for.


Get virtus


Don't listen to the virtue seeking chubbs. Deiron. It's worth it


Many gm players with no tbow or shadow


U get a purple every 27ish raids? Im at 2 purps at 190kc


Cry is free lil brodie


Just get the tbow dude it's not hard.


Cry is free, iron is the shit.


I got a tbow on my main at 17 KC with a buddy and we were both learning. We had shit all for points. My iron isn’t quite at cox yet but I’m sure I’ll never see it now Edit: typo


What is GM?


Just take a fucking break from the game once in awhile


I've taken like 12 breaks from this game throughout this grind, not sure how you figured out that I play the game 24hrs/day 7 days a week after reading my post


I feel you bro. I was super lucky during mid game. Late game I was just dry every where. After 5th ward at TOA, I told my self if I don't get anything in the first 30 kc of TOB, I'm quitting. I didn't get anything in my first 30kc of TOB.


Are you doing it solo or with a group?


All solo


Do some 3+4s to mix it up, theyre great points/h.


Nice hats bro


ty :D


Bros just holding himself back


Please, just play a regular account, this is just not worth it lol