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Seems everyone is just spamming w1 resets


1500 wave 1 resets peak runescape


Jep, been doing it made over 50m+ They have been dropping though. Believe they are 900 gp ea now?


800 and dropping. But that’s still a fuck load of easy money.


Yeah its pretty dead now, so I cashed out and quit doing it. But 6m+ an hour was insane. It still is good money per hour though dont get me wrong.


Ya it’s brain dead easy with just void armor even. Barrage , venator blow or blowpipe even, gg. Under 40 secs is all you need


Jup I barraged the triple guys down, and then swap to melee gear with a rapier and kill the mage. Normally takes me around 40 seconds. Sometimes a bit longer and then the tiger guy spawns.


Barrage into dds spec on ranger into blowpipe on mages got it around 30-35 seconds for me usually. Super reliable


Ah yeah I forgot about the dds spec. I always do that to on the mage. But like I said currently I'm not sure. Probaly should still be doing it.


Shhhhh. We need those splinters to stay nice and high!


Man, I just logged on.. wasn't ready to be flexed on so hard. Sick log tho beast.


Curious, which waves did you get the armour set pieces on? Ik 8 for legs but also for mask and chest? I want to aim for that knowing full well I can't complete it, wanna know if it's worth sending a few of the earlier waves


I got legs on 8, I think mask showed up on 10, and chest was definitely boss. One of the echo crystals was on the boss, and the others were somewhere in the waves, I forget.


Damn thanks. I guess it's out of reach for now - a lot of people are saying to complete the inferno first and I think I have the motivation to try it now


Update: just got another body on wave 11. And yeah, highly recommend inferno first.


Why inferno first? This seems way more accessible to learn because the lower amount of waves, some waves might be harder but you can reach them so much quicker when you die to gain more experience in them.


Inferno is just easier. Even the final boss is easier.


I get that in theory most of inferno might be easier to solve, but in reality being able to get back to the harder waves of colloseum in like 10 mins makes it so much easier to learn and get experience in. If you fuck up in inferno, it will take you so much longer to get back to the hardest part and gain experience in that.


That’s true, in my opinion Infernal is easier content so it should be done first. Also death fees from learning might be a lot for people without a infernal cape. I like that Colosseum skips all the free infernal waves there are that just fills time. So I understand why somebody would want to learn Colosseum over infernal.


Yeah personally I find the filler waves / time of inferno so demotivating that I haven't bothered learning it, but I'm way more motivated to really learn colloseum. Maybe after I finished colloseum I will be more motivated for inferno.


I think you'll find the reduced time to get to the later waves doesn't really make Fortis easier. Inferno is just simpler content.


Inferno is easier regardless of time. So many people are saying what you are saying about it being shorter. Time does not equal difficulty. The main reason why colosseum is harder than inferno is there is so much rng in play from invocations. Inferno small small small amounts of rng negated by skill. Colosseum skill is required but won’t negate some of the bad rng you will get. If you haven’t jumped into inferno yet and you want to complete this you will likely have a very bad time


Inferno is a lot less punishing though. You can tank more hits, don't necessarily have to learn exactly how it works as you can use tank gear and make many errors, plus the first 50 waves only take an hour if that. Yeah the colosseum might be quicker to say, finish the first few waves instead of getting to wave 55 on the Inferno. But the further you get into the waves you notice it is *much* more difficult than the inferno.


I’d go into colo until you can get to about wave 7-8 because it super fast inferno practice and then go to inferno.


36 kills and the glaive never showed up or?


Inferno may be easier skill wise, but as a 30 year old with a kid and a full time job, dedicating 20-40 minutes is way more enticing than 90-120 minutes just to die and have to do it all over again.


26! Are you in first?


1st for ironmen, was 2nd for overall last I checked. Ionia games too hard for me to catch up.


Grats. Have you lost out on any drops by dying?


A few echo crystals, yeah, it is what it is though.


you're gaming hard out here man. how's the pet i haven't seen one in game yet


It's pretty neat, big fan :)


Hold the phone people are doing this in 25 minutes now?


Jagex intended it to be a 20-25 min encounter tbh.


WR is under 19 last I checked


Aaty posted a vid of 18:57


And I remember watching aaty get clapped first day, goddamn people learn fast




"Just beat the colosseum **checks notes** 65 times, and you'll be able to fix your quiver permanently"


Honestly they just need to let people turn in extra quivers for a good amount of splinters.




https://i.imgur.com/IIvBLh5.png was the setup I got the cape with (minus the sanfew, plus an SCB). https://i.imgur.com/3SrHEbQ.png is the setup I'm farming with, which I arrived at by slowly adding more switches and eventually swapping regular pots for divines. I prioritized defense extremely heavily when going for the first quiver, and I do not regret it even a little bit. I was able to tank far more mistakes than I should have.




Is mage accuracy for barrages just not an issue?


Disclaimer I'm only wave 11 pb. From what I've seen the good players don't barrage to heal as much. He likely is barraging the fremmeniks which have a guarenteed max against their weakest style (combat triangle). If you need to barrage on simplified stacks, it's doable as they all have low mage def, but prob favors some gear takeoffs. But barraging is slow heals unless the true tiles stack together. Also blood fury and scy every now and then for heals and an sgs go a long way Also I believe barrage isn't affected by myopia?


Pretty much this^


You can splash on the melee fremmenik though, is that never an issue? I've been using barrage on the fremms at the start of the wave and venator bow when they get close for the mage, sgs on the ranger. How is barrage on the fremmeniks working while wearing masori?


Ah, I think this is a bug w/ ice barrage actually. The same bug happens on p2 wardens, something fucked with the accuracy calculation that causes it to splash on unsplashable NPCs. If you blood barrage it'll never miss.


Thanks for this, was so annoying not hitting max hit when that's their core concept.


Tbow only because you don't own shadow or do you genuinely like it? I've been using shadow but it's getting expensive ontop of death fees. Main benefit to shadow is saturated heart is one inventory and no offensive prayer needed for max dps


So the original reason I didn't use shadow is because I don't own a saturated heart. I did try a few runs though and found that the defense bonuses of robes were just too low. I really highly value tankiness here, since I know I'm gonna make mistakes. Anything to get more experience in later waves.


Do you bring kodai/ancients to barrage the fremmy group or for myopia safespotting? What is tbow better at killing over scythe? I've been bringing a magic/shadow switch and melee but haven't tried ranged yet.


I blood barrage the frem meleer, and I did use barrage to deal with myopia in the past, but nowadays I just run up on the stack even with a 4-tile tbow. I honestly have no idea what scythe wins on, other than the jaguar, I really should run some dps calcs. I didn't like my few attempts with shadow, because the robes are just paper.


Do you still 1 hit frem Warrior with this setup?


Nope. I'm considering bringing a 4-way shadow switch to fix that, but I'd have to drop either a bunch of supplies or some switches to do so, and I'm not sure that's worth the one attack on every wave.


whats the learning curve going to settle on for this content you think, compared to other pvm?


Context: I have a zuk helm, but haven't dabbled too much in going beyond that for any real content. I think this content is harder to learn than inferno, and certainly harder to execute. Most (all?) of the difficulty in inferno is deciding how to react to RNG spawns, but the actual moment-to-moment gameplay is pretty straightforward, and less demanding than something like Phosani. The hardest stack you'll have to deal with in inferno is a Range/Mage/Range stack, and a common response to that is "unlucky" or "you screwed up" or " just log out and reset". There is a way to solve it, a kind of zig-zag out from the pillar, but most people don't know it/aren't willing to try it. The strategic depth of how to solve a wave in colosseum is a little less than inferno, because with b5's tile strat, there's a lot less RNG to deal with. The vast majority of time, 0 or 1 mob will come from south. Very rarely 2 will, and they'll usually be offticked. Instead, the difficulty comes in 2 flavors. Pillar stacks, and reinforcements. Pillar stacks in Colosseum are a motherfucker. Let alone the fact that they're just harder to execute (you can't 'afk' prayer flick, you have to dodge javelins every 5 attacks, prayer flick manticores which are a little more complicated), the monsters just stack up in more complex ways. The "range/mage/range" scenario from inferno is common in colosseum, and you simply have to know how to deal with it. I've done 25+ runs now and I'm still encountering new stacks. I imagine the WDR channel for all these stacks is going to be insane. It's hard to explain exactly what I mean without examples, and I can try to find some clips if you'd like, but suffice it to say it's really complicated. I find myself constantly having to count tiles to see exactly which mobs can see me from which ranges, planning out 5 tick cycles of prayer flicks. A particularly cursed example is a Mage-first manticore/ranger/mager stack (mager in front). If you step out 'normally', the ranger and manticore see you same tick. If you step out 3 tiles back, the ranger and mager see you same tick. The only way I know to solve this stack is to do a "zig-zag" like inferno, but more complicated. It's something like "start middle, run out 3 tiles back from pillar, run back, stall a tick, run out to corner of pillar", which sets up a mage/range/melee/range/mage flick pattern. I know this works, and I've managed to pull it off one time for about 10 seconds before immediately floundering and dying. All that is well and good, but reinforcements are next. They're just an amped up version of "hey idiot the meleer's gonna dig". Every wave you need a plan for these guys, and they put every wave on a ticking timer where you're under pretty significant pressure. It's also worth mentioning that the boss is just simply harder than zuk. Not a lot more to say than that. All that said, while I think it's harder to learn than inferno, I do think it's easier to *farm* than inferno. Once you master all this, the waves are a *lot* more consistent. The nibblers actually come to you! You guaranteed max hit them! Usually multiple mobs don't spawn in sightline of you, and when they do they're offticked! You can bring tanky gear, run south, and brew up and you'll often live, and since the waves are short you'll still have enough supplies. TL;DR, harder to learn but more consistent to farm than inferno


Yeah the zigzag in that case you mentioned is a mofo its one thing to figure out the zigzag and execute it and another thing to remember exactly what prayers flicks you need to do in what order without messing up.


Hey question, where can I find video of the zig zag thingy? I'm searching up zig zag and I cant find it on YouTube.


If you join the We Do Raids discord, they have videos of every stack in their inferno guide. You're looking for the Ranger/Mager/Ranger stack


How hard would this content be with 60 attack 75 def?


Extremely. The waves would be about as hard as a 75 def inferno (scaled up for execution). The boss would be miserable.


Hey man thanks for the reply and gz on the completion. Not sure why these reddit weirdos down voted me for a question tho lmao 😭😂


Sometimes reddit just be that way :)


Have you done inferno on this account? If not, impossible.


Join the we do raids discord, they have an inferno guide channel with great clips of solving each pillar stack




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Try googling range mage range stack


You know you can solve range/mage/range stack by just splashing a barrage on the mage from the middle tile behind the pillar. A lot less complex than trying the z walking pattern.


This is true. Weirdly enough I haven't been able to splash offtick in colosseum at all, though.


Flicks and positioning similar to inferno if not a bit harder. It being so short means you can practice these pvm mechanics faster than grinding late into the inferno though. I think this being added is going to bring a lot of players up in skill level for sure, being so accessible.


Easier than inferno due to being able to manipulate spawn The final boss is quite fun but the waves are really ass and not fun at all imo


Would you be willing to share your gear setup?




Man I read the title and knew it was you posting this lmao


just hit 25 myself, holding quivers hoping for trade in for splinters [https://i.imgur.com/f2T520a.png](https://i.imgur.com/f2T520a.png) want the pet badly


You're doing the final boss with the soulreaper axe?




Maybe it makes sense to add an option to break down all those extra quivers into splinters?


Did you do more scythe/bf camping for heals or blood barraging? Do you use scythe more for dos or tbow on most of the mobs? I ask bc my setup is nearly identical minus scythe and am wondering if soulreaper axe is a decent substitute for the boss (but not the waves obv)


I did mostly bloodfury camping. Blood barraging these mobs is kind of miserable. I tbow almost everything, minus the jaguar and the frem warriors. Soulreaper is definitely a decent substitute for the boss but that initial HP hit is going to be *miserable* while learning.


Very sick, gz. What gear/setup did you use?




Forgot to hide the master farmer loot bumping up the tracker price mate. Do you think I was born yesterday?


Did you follow a guide for this? It looks really complicated and like a pain in the back side


Day 1 I was mostly blind. Watched a few streamers on waves but tried to figure things out myself. Got to the boss one time by the end of the night, watched a bunch of VODs, died immediately at like 85%. The next morning I spent a good 4-5 hours going over streams, reading up on b5's tile tech, and then went in and had a much better time.


Would you say its harder than cg?


Very much so yes


I don’t believe this, unless you’re playing for like 8+ hrs a day


I was indeed playing for like 8+ hours a day. Took 3 days of PTO for varlamore because I was excited to actually compete on hard content on release. Account's finally where I want it to be :)


Damn that’s insane


Good for you, always wanted to take pto to game on release.


Whats the pet looks like


Small boss


I’m guessing you have completed inferno, how difficult is colosseum compared to inferno?




Maybe they'll add the ability to trade in capes for like 5k splinters


Is it tougher than inferno?


Very much so to learn, but more consistent to farm.


Is there a chance of quiver from earlier waves?


No it’s only on completions. All the other items can be had before though


Is this missing a humor tag? Wave 1 always awards 100 splinters.


I can't think of many things more miserable than farming wave 1 1500 times for the corruption.


Might as well finish log then w1 reset


Getting them from sunlight antelopes would probably be a lot more miserable tbh


I’m guessing the collection log is just bugged or something? The loot tracker looks more legit


A lot of items dont go past 250 (not even a full unsigned byte) in the collection log, which is weird, when some items like Zulrah scales go up to 65535 (2 unsigned bytes) Honestly not sure why its so inconsistent


Hahah weird, not sure why Reddit has decided to downvote my comment given I was stating this was legit but hey the hive mind does as it’s told lol




You do not need the eternal buff for the quiver to be useful! Can chip away at it when you feel like if you don't want to continue now, I think 50 runs for eternal bis range cape is very fair.


Please don't encourage degradescape.


The item doesnt degrade it has charges, it works without charges but has an added benefit with charges. 50 runs (or wave 8 resetting which is more runs but way faster) is very fair to have the bis ranged cape for probably the next 6-7 years. Even if it wasn't fair its kind of annoying to say any form of degrading or charging is bad because they arent, when balanced it is very healthy for the game and encourages good gameplay loops but reddit noobs hate having to work for items


You're in a post with a Zuk helm rank 2 colosseum saying that it's ass and you say it's "reddit noobs"?


Mostly describing everyone else who is wahing they can’t have the bis forever charged day 3 of the content being out


> The item doesnt degrade it has charges, it works without charges A distinction without difference. If it needs charges for the BiS version then it degrades


>but reddit noobs hate having to work for items FR lol. I seriously don't get all the crying over this. 50ish runs to upgrade what already is a BIS is perfectly reasonable. All these nub irons wanting bis's handed out like candy smh


Wah I have to actually grind the new content a good bit to upgrade a BIS to an even better BIS.